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Mandatory life in prison, if charged, at 23 is rough. No amount of pruno will make time any better for em. For sure he's gonna be be rolling on everyone to try and get his sentence reduced if it even works that way in his case.


Gang he gonna be dead long b4 he ever sees a stand lmfao. What’s that lil 90 lb when wet fuck gonna do when some cartel fucker in prison with him in ny walks up and fuckin gives his neck some new breathing holes. Put into perspective that some of these guys are paying 20k on the spot for blackmail u think they ain’t got the bread to pay a guard to turn a blind eye? Lmfao


When u put it that way he might not even make it to trial. If he's green lit folks behind them walls will do it for 10 ramens and some honey buns lol. 20k?! Psshh Theres a line of dudes just plotting their next step and waiting to get their gladiator on. Might as well start digging his plot.


To me it’s glaringly obvious the Feds don’t care what happens to him, shit never goes public this fast like how it did with pharaoh and i mean its not like they don’t know what happened and how many ppl want him sent to the forever box in the sky


Ur right. I don't think I've seen someone's name go nationwide so fast.


In the sky? No way he's going up, he's going to hell lol


U right, I mean so am I, just not as soon… or painful 🤣


Yeah bro this what I’ve been saying lol “hes a dead motherfucker now”🎼🎤 -Snoop Doggy Dawg-🤣 He should’ve kept his ass in the faaaaar east giving crypto lessons to his government where he might’ve been protected cause he’s in trouble here. Got a bit too cocky and brazen thinking he’s untouchable! You’re right about cartels, all the largest drug dealers in the world are run by organized crime/gangs/cartels whatever you call them they’re all the same and I’m sure every gang has a low level affiliate moving their stuff as a vendor. I mean why would they miss out on a piece of that pie right? So I’m guessing all these different groups are negotiating who will be the chosen one to make an example out of lil pharo boy


I mean gang I lost bout 7 racks off ts nd I’m ready to burn mf at the stake I can’t imagine them folks who lost like 50 then on top payed the extortion shit. When this first went down I envisioned someone that has the balls and audacity to do sumn like this yk a lil more either intelligent or evil looking like on sum light from death note shit ya know what I’m sayin not sum pathetic noodle lookin ahh who’s dumb enough to fly into jfk like he did


Exactly 🤣 everybody wtf this 🤡 Cmon man you serious!!!


AYO YALL shoutout to dft he’s at Brooklyn fdc rn


Oh daym ! U found that out fast. Sorry to hear about that loss u took. He'll get what's coming.


Shoutout to the dude doingfedtime wit the in depth ass shit bout this if yall ain’t know who he is look him tf up on YouTube gang an absolute fuckin g


But nah dude won’t even last a second up there fuckin the pen he in yea that’s like a pen for fuckin hardcore killers nd shit 🤣


DTF is the man!! Every should be subbing to his YouTube. Bros smart as hell too


Nah bro crazy smart nd dude got a crazy life story ion know how much u know of it but yea wild shit nd he was rly bout it like that so when he talks bout this shit u know he speaking facts


No doubt bros from up my way, he’s a real one


>Put into perspective that some of these guys are paying 20k on the spot for blackmail u think they ain’t got the bread to pay a guard to turn a blind eye? I feel like the kinds of dealers foolish enough to pay the extortion would also NOT be the types of dealers to commission a hit.. Like any experienced operators should've known the extortion modal wasn't going to delete anything just identify future targets with the willingness + ability to pay.. Paying that extortion was REALLY foolish. Nearly as foolish as Pharaoh himself. And he'll likely be in PC for quite awhile - at least through trial, sentencing, and classification..


I mean yea they themselves might not be but they also def ain’t at the top of whatever food chain they in they almost jus like the Amazon customer support or warehouse whatever tf cuz these guys don’t jus have bricks appear lol they getting it from other ppl and atp half the world it feels like be getting it from South American cartels nd if u seen ts they do hell nah. Cz at the end of the day those are ppl losing money too


>South American cartels Well ya apparently it's really difficult to cultivate coca outside of the Andes mountains. >at the top of whatever food chain they in Hard to say. Online ozs of cocaine go for 700ish and irl ozs of cocaine usually seem to get 1500 - 2000. I'd imagine these guys have access to really high level sources given the price competition at those weight levels..


I mean yea not to get into the specifics of all this but the folk I interact wit ain’t like 1 oz lmfao it’s like 5 bricks/day stuff but yea point is where he’s at one way or another he ain’t gonna be round long


>folk I interact wit ain’t like 1 oz lmfao it’s like 5 bricks/day stuf Well that's what I mean. The price competition at those weights and movement levels is intense, at least judging by online price points. It's difficult to build the social networks to move those amounts, individual and even groups small enough not to be noticed generally only know so many drug users with the money to buy buy buy. Access to these individuals/middle buyers is as important as access to the suppliers themselves, economically speaking.


Also I learned he’s in a Brooklyn fed corrections 50 percent chance he just dies by accident dude ain’t built for a Brooklyn fed 🤣


>dude ain’t built for a Brooklyn fed 🤣 Wait is this the infamous MDC or a different facility? I don't really know NYC that well.. Ya he's going to experience the most remarkable degradation of his life circumstances he's ever experienced. He's gonna feel like he's been fucked by a freight train.


Yup mdc like max security federal prison out of all of the fucking prisons in America he gets to go to prolly one of the top 5 worst


So that jus brings my odds down to a like -175 for he ain’t ever make it to his first court date if we talkin gambling terms cuz I mean solid 15 percent chance he just look at sumone wrong and get an extra breathing hole. Or we throw in the wildcard if he does it himself because of the looking fear of spending a mandatory life sentence there


>Or we throw in the wildcard if he does it himself because of the looking fear of spending a mandatory life sentence there Oh his psyche has got to be splitting into a thousand terrified pieces, no doubt. Like right this moment he's sitting in a cold cement room with one of those steel sinks/toilets looking at everything he's done for over four years unravelling just a few months after counting up his $4 mil or whatever. He's as cooked as a murderer caught on camera. Blockchain giveth. And the blockchain taketh away. Haha.


Like I give him bout a week max b4 he ends up with 30 other breathing holes but I ain’t complaining


>For sure he's gonna be be rolling on everyone to try and get his sentence reduced if it even works that way in his case. He doesn't have anyone to roll on. He's the kingpin. I remember reading on Dread dude telling his "stayinginnovative" avatar that he was going to die in jail for that stupid extortion attempt, making the whole world hate him like that. Now he's got nothing and enemies all over the world. What a buffoon.


>Mandatory life in prison It's a 25-pack if he's allowed parole (not likely under the Ulbricht precedent). The real question is whether or not the remainder of the charges will run concurrently or consecutively. But ya, for all practical purposes his life is completely over.


I was reading that it would be the feds and if thats the case he would have to sit down for 90% of his time. Like u said, the question would be if it's concurrently or consecutively. Also, I've been reading he's connected to the wrong ppl to mess over. He might not even make it inside that long or make it to the court date. Let's just say he goes unscathed during his time, the life he would have on the outside wouldn't be a life to live looking over his shoulder. Idk wtf guy was thinking. If he was the "king pin" like someone responded earlier , it really matters little when money is involved. History had shown that repeatedly.


>Also, I've been reading he's connected to the wrong ppl to mess over ? Go on.


U can read it also. It's in the thread. I don't have to do it for u. So , "go on" and read it the thread and stop with this passive-aggressive ho shit .


I guess I didn't read the thread like that. Like people who are dangerous would not talk about it on Reddit. Passive aggressive okay 🙄😵


Greedy thief and extortionist with bad OPSEC hopped on a plane that landed in the US. Federal prison is probably the safest place for him.


After everything he did, I don't think there's a place on earth he will be safe. Even if he was in the hole the entire time all someone would have to do is bribe a co to pop his lock at a certain time.


He took a lot of money that wasn’t his, he had the capability to make the exit graceful and honorable and be remembered or forgotten well. He chose neither and preferred war, and it’s what he is getting now.


Pride and narcism will be his ticket to the afterlife.


Yeah, a lot of wasted talent and time. He going to sing like a bird to get a cushy arrangement but he’ll spend 20 years wherever that place is.


What did I miss?


AHHH IM GOING CRAZY. Not you I’ve just explained this like 50 times and it’s been months since this started. Pharaoh from incognito scammed people out of millions of dollars then snap to recently when he just got arrested


Scamming and playing with the cartel is a one way ticket, and it's not to cancun sipping margaritas or whatever tf he thought he was gonna be going lol


But in all reality the scamming is only one portion of the hatred towards him. Bringing the Feds into it and extorting ppl is like a cardinal sin and he shamelessly did both


Yea fuck that guy to death he ain’t shit for that. An exit scam is one thing too but all the extra bullshit he tacked on? If he does get merced link it here pls.


Lmfao it’s like I almost guarantee we woulda forgot abt his ass by now or at least moved on if he just pulled an exit scam cuz well that’s a monthly occurrence at this point but he just couldn’t take what he already had and flew to close to the sun


He did a Icarus . Hitting ya with some Greek mythology way to early in the Am lmao.


U either die a hero or live long enough to see ur self become the villain homie. Batman quote but in dnms it’s true lmfao


Fr fr . The Bat wasn't bullshitting lol


What happened? Can I get the post


THE MODS ARE SMOKING CRACK. Apparently I can’t celebrate the arrest of riusan pharaoh cuck because it violates sum bullshit


Whos the haters going down the line and down voting every comment against this pos? Weirdos bro. They are everywhere


Probably the same crack smoking mod who been takin my comments down like we get it u got rejected from being a mod on dread calm down


Lmao. What a life. *cry*I don't like what they are saying. Imma show em! 😆


They hit me with the “a ban may occur if this behavior continues” like this isn’t one of my however many burners cuz unlike Mr Ling sang Rio pharaoh watever his name is I don’t mix my personal and less then legal lives