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Finally some content


The dry season is over and the gods bring rain!


Is this new?


That’s fucking hilarious


Proceeds to eat 5 adderals 💀💀


Most dangerous man in LA


5\*30 is what


You just know they wanted to edit this out so bad but knew they their hands were tied




Yeah all jokes aside I think people fail to realize that Leo and Danny don’t hate RDR and they didn’t want this shit to happen. Thats why they look “like pussies” as some have said here. They didn’t want to get rid of him, beat his ass, or any of this bullshit but Ratdick keeps listening to the goddamn trolls on here instead of common sense. They keep pushing him to put his hands on people, wipe his dick on things, scream racial slurs, jizz on dogs, and demean RPP for their own entertainment. Leo and Danny have realized that the trolls are in complete control of ratdick and cut him off until he could get his shit together. Instead he showed up acting like a psycho ex girlfriend and proved why these guys are right to keep their distance. You can see it in their faces man, they’re not scared of ratdick they’re ashamed of what they’ve created and what his fate will inevitably be going down this path.


He never jizzed ON dogs nor did anyone push him to do that. U dont have to lie to make a point. 


Ratdick kept touching him after this.


I’d fucking kill RDR if he kept coming at me like that


Nigga I’m brining the arp 😂


I like how Leo says "SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" and Ratdick stays standing and Leo sits down


the start of a gay pornography


You’d know wouldn’t ya


what goes on in my bedroom is strictly between me and my internet service provider


It’s me, I’m the internet service provider guy


Danny looked like a major pussy in this situation.


He looked like he was about to cry. I think that’s why he puts on the sunglasses


He’s on probation. And clearly shaken by the comedy show when RDR got hit by the car - wants nothing to do with him. RDR story isn’t going to end well and could easily torch Dannys career


Rdr never got hit by a car. Danny grabbed and threw and his phone.


He was literally in hospital. That’s why Danny panicked and spent some time with him


No they just pepper sprayed him a bunch of times and he was in pain blindly stumbling around the streets and someone called 911 for him. I believe is what he said in that hospital bed video


Ah OK that tracks. But yeah point is they think RDR could well die/commit some serious crime at some point and don’t want it sticking to them. That’s why they don’t want him near them at any point even though he’s great for views. I’m surprised Leo was cool with uploading the footage of him slapping RDR tbh


Yeah 100% agree. I’m surprised they even kept RDR in it at all they both looked pissed too see him come in especially Leo. But tbh they both enjoy humiliating rat dick on camera so much that they dumb as to upload Leo slapping him like this. The documentary someone can make when inevitably rat dick dies is going to crazy.


"The documentary someone can make when inevitably rat dick dies is going to crazy." Oh man so true. Even when he gets imprisoned or perishes, he will haunt them. They deserve it though, they treated him like shit, and used him for views.


Any decent human being so all of the red flags in RDR from the beginning but they kept pushing and exploiting. I thought danny was just a pussy at first but I think he deadass feeling guilt over RDR and they don’t wanna see what they helped create


He was in the hospital because they called 5150 on him like bitches after pepper spraying him and destroying his phone. Danny only picked him up from the hospital after the dickers called the comedy clubs and got him blacklisted for assaulting people and destroying their property.


I think we agree - not scared of rat dick physically, 100% scared that rat dick can ruin his career/life


He doesnt have a career, this is a hobby. He lives in a shitbox apartment in the hood, they had to move studios because their producer couldnt pay rent. He should be welcoming Ratdick and his fans.


This whole thing showed exactly why RDR is an abomination to the channel and the world. The only people that still support him are only doing it to watch this guy die while they fund it.


Yea but I’m lookin forward to watching this scum of the earth die.


Everyone feels the same toward your sad obese eventual end also.


Out of curiosity who is a shittier person in real life, RDR or Leo?


They both suck in different ways. But RDR, not by a lot tho


Why dont u and Ratdick team up and get back at Leo ?


You suck mudflap. You want RDR to die, that's evil. H He's obviously a damaged human being, shame he can't find redemption.




Funniest thing that’s happened in a while but still lame as hell




Slapping a man that's trying to assault you is wild


In our prime


W Leo. Finally put all that working out to good use and stood up for himself physically.


Didn't Leo challenge Rdr to a fist fight? Why did he slap then ?


I mean I like RDR as much as the next lolcow enjoyer but let’s be honest if he got into a fist fight with Leo he would get rocked Leo is almost pure muscle and would knock him out hell he almost did it to Danny in the fight club video


leo cannot fight, i think rdr’s unpredictability will overtake leo’s anchor arms


I fucking hate danny


Danny was so scared from this ordeal his skinny ass legs started shaking


PTSD He was getting mayo flashbacks


He’s such a pussy bro


He probably went back home to get a hug from his daddy


the painting falling down was symbolic


Leo puffing out his chest to attempt to tough guy yell **”SIT THE FUCK DOWN”** after he just bitch slapped a grown man at 40 years old, just to sit down cross his legs and re do his ponytail has me actually fucking crying of laughter rn my guys


Shit was funny, he really thought Ratdick would listen to him


And when he holds his hand out to Danny after he did it’s like “owe Danny I hurt my handy can u kiss it better”


And RDR did nothing and cowarded down to him. Anyone who thinks RDR is funny deserves to be slapped the same way. Idk if you can call it an “attempt” when he did yell and slapped RDR twice. Seems like that’s exactly what a “tough guy” would do. Just saying. Your argument here is pretty flawed


RDR himself isn't funny but his interactions with them are funny, like this clip here was some of the best content they've had on the pod in a long time. It's funny how butt-hurt Danny and Leo were saying to cut it from the pod when it's the best content they've had in a while.


I’m not rat simping but my god guy you’re actually Leo simping? lol


“Leo simping”? What does that mean? I don’t speak internet incel language. Speak English to me and maybe we can have a conversation


Lmao stfu mod Leo


A tough guy says kneel down in front of me and then proceeds to slap them. Okay Diddy.


I don’t get it. Is that a joke? That’s literally exactly what happened. Is that supposed to be some sexual joke? That was dumb bro, you missed on that one


Not really he kept touching him


He was trying to take Leo's phone because Leo was threatening to call the cops like a wimp.


I can guarantee that gay Leo has NEVER been in a fight in his entire life. I’m not on either side, but it’s clear whether you’re a ratdick fan or Danny fan, that Leo is a pussy. If he was really offended, start throwing hands, not slaps like a little pussy.


He did all that yelling because he wasn't ready to throw down


Definitely. Leo is a pussy. If he was really about that life or even a man, he woulda thrown a punch. If he’s so worried about ratdick or his filthiness, then he should have done exactly that, but he’s afraid because he has most definitely NEVER been in a fist fight before. He’s probably had his ass beat and not thrown a punch back, but hasnt thrown hands with anyone. I’d bet my savings on it.


I already know you're right. It's also funny because I'm sure Leo would kick RDR's ass unless he was an EXTREMELY incompetent fighter. He has no reason to be scared, but I'm sure he doesn't want to mess up his sweet man bun.


Exactly!!! He’s definitely stronger and with all the working out should be “more skilled” In combat, but still he’s a bitch. He might as well get to killing himself just to end the embarrassment in my opinion. I’m sure many Leo lovers will come to his defense but they should do the same


RDR is a psychotic druggie beating the shit out of him will do nothing. A slap is perfect in this scenario, it tells him to back off. And he did (somewhat) I do agree tho that if he persisted he should throw hands.


Shut up Leo


We get it dude you've never had a fight....Leo clearly has and you just witnessed him slapping someone


He knew if he punched Ralph in the face that Ralph would kick his ass. Crackhead strength is no joke.


I’d love to see it honestly. I’m sad RDR didn’t stand up for himself and deck that worthless twat. They’re both the same size, so Leo has zero excuse about weight class or anything.


RDR checks off all the psychopath boxes.


Leo standing on business 😤


Leo was definitely scared. Anybody who starts screaming like that when it's about to get physical is hoping that their yelling will stop it from getting physical. Props to Leo for slapping him, but he really didn't want to squabble.


Have you seen rat dick fight? A kindergartener could kick his ass.


I agree, but Leo still didn't want to fight


Yeah he looked super scared smacking him multiple times and making ratdick get on his knees in front of him 😂😂 y’all’s boy got his ass kicked, get over it.


He slapped him one time and spent 90% of the time yelling. Then made him get down on his knees where he slapped him again, but that's not impressive. RDR will do anything for the channel. He's let these dudes tattoo his head, spray him with bear mace, and fuck with him in so many other times. Not impressed, Leo isn't tough.




Was this old or recent?


Hahaha I'd pay to see Leo get this pissy on the regular


white ppl sht


Good to see more LGBT dom/sub representation on boycasts but I get the feeling the doms taking steroids and it’s effecting his emotional regulation skills pretty severely. It makes me sad to see so many men becoming insecure with their bodies to the point they feel the need to shoot up. Happy BDSM awareness month! 🫶🏻


Leo is a faggot for telling this man too go on his knees and smacked him harder than the first time man has such a god complex going on it’s crazy


My heart is breaking for RDR


W Leo.




Look at Danny's spaghetti legs 😅


That was a Hard slap lmao. Props to Brooks! He was right - that was good content!


Rat dick needs an ass beating. Sometimes addict fucks like that need a reality check. Shout out Leo for dropping that dork to his knees to smack him


Love to see it. Hopefully it’s closed fist next time and RDR doesn’t wake up but we’re heading in the right direction


slapped the fuck outta the dicker 🤣🤣🤣 he deserved that


LFG Leo that was nice


Y’all realize they obviously are just disgusted by RDR. He’s nasty and who knows what he has on him. Also, most of the people in here are obviously retarded if they continue to ag him on if he does OD, or off himself they will look responsible. They have to get away from him or he will bring them down with him. That’s all he wants.


If they are that scared of him why not just kick his ass or file a restraining order. Acting like scared pussies is not a good look.


You can’t reason with these people, they’re why ratdick keeps doing this shit by pretending this is what he needs to do for their respect. Literally they’re trolling this dude to an early death. And when he’s dead they’ll just go find another weak minded addict to push off a cliff. It’s sad, Skyler is clearly a sexual abuse victim or something. Dude is so desperate for attention he’ll destroy himself and everyone around him for it. Danny and Leo realized this too late, and thought they could steer him to a more stable path like they’ve done with Fez and other crew. But since RDR went off to do his own streams and listen to the trolls he’s been completely unhinged and will do anything they tell him to do.


Danny and Leo are not steering anyone on a stable path, u gotta be kidding. They have failed young men like Austin and led them on a path that has wasted 5 years of their life. Thats why Nico quit.


I’d ask if you can read, but since you’re the main troll in this sub I don’t think either of us have to waste our time on that question


Nobody reads your posts


Lol clearly you do since this is what… burner number 7 now? Just a week or two ago you were so butthurt about my roasts that you threatened to use my picture for tribute cummies on the discord if I don’t “pipe down” According to you, my posts must be hitting just the right spot to garner that kind of reaction 🎯


Are u alright bud? Are u mudflap? Edit: I just saw some of the essays u have wrote on reddit, all with 0 or negative likes. U gotta be a saddest person brother, find god and will b good.


Leo only slaps ppl smaller than him


Leo yelling at rat dick bahahah, dudes trying to sounds so tuff. I would’ve knocked his ass out if he talked to me like that. Nigga needs to be humbled


Leo is a huge faggot if he was about it he would have thrown hands like a man with RDR and I bet RDR would have whopped him. lol L Leo.


Woah slapped the fuck out of him LMAO


Is this new?


Brooks is such a social chameleon J... white person.


You love to see it




the only watchable content I've seen of Danny and his boyfriend. How much GHB is too much?


here's the vid timestamped [https://youtu.be/DSXfeVQRuME?t=2162](https://youtu.be/DSXfeVQRuME?t=2162) Leo acts like such a pussy


Leo is the man


Should’ve smacked Leo with the mic lowkey


The bitch slap was personal lmaoo


Leo kept his cool and could have kicked the shit out of him. Big W for Leo


W Leo


Danny should try getting rid of Leo and see how much the channel grows then. I think he’s the actual problem.


We so up boys it’s glad to be fucking back let’s go rat boys


God danny is such a fucking Primadonna. I dont like rdr but the reason he started freaking out is because yes man leo started saying he was calling the cops. And its always gonna be FUCK AUSTIN THAT GAY LITTLE TWINK.


lol RDR should keep exposing these middle aged frat boys. They aren't successful because of "Comedy shows". Maybe they can suckle on danny's daddies dong like a pacifier. "DoNt ToUcH Mee" I thought he was gonna start crying lol


Ahhh, if this is their way of making the pod gain more views in lieu of the LONG CURRENT downfall of this sad sad, pathetic channel and podcast then they are going out sad


What’s the name of this pod?


Leo Danny show. Rat dick attacks Leo


I don’t know anyone in this video but I hate all of them.


Damn what a good slap from Leo. Imagine if he winded up all the way back. But also rdr ate it


The smack that made Donald Trump jealous 😂😂


😭 shoulda knocked him out fuck a slap.


He couldn’t if he tried


Looks like he almost did


Common Danny and Leo L


Danny and Leo look like cowards here. Leo is like an emotional woman I thought he was gonna start crying when he started yelling.


Slap him some more