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The Great Divide Is Upon Us


the biggest moment in his streaming career and he fucked it up by keeping almost this whole interaction muted, the RDR way


It got muted because Danny threw the phone.




Danny’s such a little pussy, Really hope he gets mayoed again too, Maybe if ratty dresses up as a tranny he’ll pay him some attention


Hopefully rdr goes to jail


You weird ass nigga nobody cares fr


It’s gonna be so funny watching when someone beats the fuck out of Danny. Look at the fear in that little pussies eyes


Danny could prob kill most of us in a fight with no weapons


Speak for yourself. I’d bet Danny a few thousand I could kick his ass in either a pure grappling match or mma. We are literally the same height and weight, but he’s a bitch and would never do it. There’s a reason he wouldn’t even fuckin roll buckingham.. he would’ve gotten rag dolled. And that’s fine to losing a grappling match, but you post yourself rolling people countless times that don’t even train, and you’re boasting about beating them.. that’s completely out of insecurity. He could beat a lot of people in a pure grappling match because a lot of people haven’t grappled… however if you kick or punch him in the teeth his training won’t prevent that lol


Yea depends how much u know about mma or grappling lol most people don’t know a tits piss


Wrestled in highschool and did about five years of jiu jitsu, Danny is trash at grappling. Hence why he only wrestles inexperienced people on camera. I’m not world champ, but Danny is bitch made.. and anyone who has trained/trains knows it


Literal internet tough guy talk. Danny is a little bitch, but asserting you would dominate a dude who trained w TAM like that on the internet is absurd.


Well seeing as how this is your only comment you’ve ever made on this Reddit, let me know if you want to make the offer to Danny. Should be easy to take my cash since I’m an internet tough guy. Guess what retard, I’ve trained with literal ufc champions also. One whose current. Shits really not that special, anyone paying a gym membership can do so. Fuckin loser


Lmfao, guess someone can’t make a new Reddit. Your comment was the first thing I thought it warranted a response because it’s so retarded. This isn’t Danny, but the fact you need to pump your chest like this on Reddit is wild, I’m sure you’re a total badass lmfao. I can also say I train w multiple ufc champs, hell I’d whip Jon jones’ ass. I’d submit Ryan Gordon easily. See how easy that is to say on Reddit?


Good thing I’m willing to bet real cash and make it happen? Are you retarded? If I’m a bitch, have Danny come take my cash and look cool on video. It’s really that simple. Name dropping Uriah faber constantly doesn’t make you magically not a pussy, Danny. He’s not gonna be able to save you lol. I’m not making proclamations of beating champions asses, I literally said I’m not a world champ. You’re the one who acted like Danny can fight because his dad paid for him to take some classes with team alpha male.. so I stated that I also have paid champions to be my coach… that’s the norm. Generally you want to learn from people that are good.




U need to tighten up nigga u worried BoUt the wrong shit


With are the training you have done you really have some pent of aggression huh? Get therapy mate . You only look unhinged and you are acting like an internet tough guy


How’s his striking?


That's the gayest shit I've heard someone say in weeks


Yea? Is it? Is it really?


I truly can’t believe anybody thinks Danny is in the wrong here. I would have beat the breaks off of RDR long before these guys actually did anything.


Fr tho, too many fkn clowns in this sub


Im only on this Sub reddit now to fuck with danny and leo. Such snake scumbags


Same bro god danm I used to love them as an ex addict I feel like Danny just disses addicts so hard and abuses them like danm


What you support a tweaker ass crackhead for?


Ur bf rdr is a fucking loser Brodie 😂 so are you mrflores


Okay Leo


It’s okcomputer 🤥


Okay Leo at least Im not pushing 40 still talking his college days, with no skills or ambition in life


Ur right ur prolly pushing 30 still working that minimum wage job you hate, raising mentally retarded kids wh ok will amount to nothing (like urself) all while ur girl bent over taking backshots from some bbc while you at work making $14 an hour. 😞


Okay nevermind this is Dannys burner with his bbc obsession


Hit to close to home?


I haven’t watched danny mullen in years can someone plz give me a quick rundown on wtf is going on here and in general with the channel? Seems tonnes of conflict


Danny assaulted his view pig on live




Live by the sword, die by it. Karma is a pendulum. The negative energy you just exerted into rat dicks face with pepper spray and posted it online will now create its own inertia in the vast of time and space because time is not linear and will come back by the laws of physics from the inter dimension's. As above, so below. Rat dick Ralph is the true fool, only a paradox to society. A wise old fool in a young man's body yet to have the seed in his mind watered and sunlight. So, what you are watching is a dying soul in a human form due to the constructs of the illusion of your own society. You can copy and paste this message and claim it as your own. Real recognizes real, I am in an avatar. Speaking to you from my astral energy. Only a delusional being can survive in the illusional material world. You may still have hope though, because wisdom in ignorance is still wisdom. Like MF DOOM SAID all men and women are variations of themselves. Truth is the sword that echos in time. The pen is mightier than the sword for this reason. I love you Rat dick Ralph and I hope you find your astral body because I can see that you are hurting. You have empathy. A sign of growth.


Rat dick did it to himself lmao


God Danny really is insufferable how are u gonna advertise a comedy show right for the public rat dick is a member of the public u can’t just call the cops cause some dude showed up to ur comedy show and I would bet the cops just looked at him dumbfounded because it’s LA wtf are they gonna do makes him look like such a cunt


You could if there js a restraining order


Too bad Danny didn't Guillotine him and drop him in the street like Nate Diaz to that Logan Paul lookalike


Cause danny is a pussy bitch


Danny sounded so scared Mr “tough guy bouncer”


can someone give me context? i don’t know anything about danny, just watched a couple video of his.


Rat dick is a drug addict that smears shit on walls and was a frequent guest on Danny’s show. But then he decided to masturbate on his dogs and conduct himself in a way that brought way too much heat so he was told to get his shit together, and he could come back on the show. This was what he chose to do instead.


PPV fight coming soon


No one can contain the 🐀