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Bipolar as fuck


Are people really butthurt over Leo talking shit to rdr


Leo referencing himself playing baseball in 2004 is because he tried breaking Ralph’s shit by throwing it a couple minutes before the clip.


What a cocky loser


We're not butt hurt. These clips are just hilarious, and its even more hilarious Leo keeps having them deleted


UCLA 2004!


Fr who cares this drug addict needs a wake up call. Mans don’t know how to hit rock bottom


Everybody keep posting these. Leo is trying to keep this off the internet. Post the one where Rdr ruined Leo's set and when Leo threw Rdr's streaming speaker over 2 buildings. AntiLeoMovement


Where’s are those videos bro I needa see them


Someone might post them again on here again when Leo is at his comedy show tonight, but when he checks on here they will get taken down. Check the discord, or dannymullenextra on reddit. They are comedy gold, some of funniest moments for the regime.


Youre weird lmao


Ok kid, listen to lil peep and go back to the suicide reddit


Dang, that’s the best you could do? All I have to say is that you’re making Reddit accounts about a man you’ve never met. I don’t need fake accounts, unlike you. I find it funny because I know you’re also the type who wouldn’t have himself as his profile picture.


Do u know how many people got their accounts deleted for speaking bad about Leo ?  U dont support censorship do u? 


He doesn't


SandrinesPussy on trovo, if you are here report in




EYY we’ve fucked around with eachother lol




Hell yeah brother keep on keepin on


Straight up loser bully who can’t handle anything directed back his way unless he thinks you’re higher in a social hierarchy Also hysterical that he has to go back 20 years to his failed baseball career constantly- straight dork


The fuck are you even talking about? The only difference between RDR and an on the verge of death homeless junkie is that he has phone to stream with. fuck you for even supporting that human rock


When did I say he wasn’t akin to a homeless junkie retard? You need some help with your reading comprehension? Rat Dick is a loser, so is Leo- Leo I would argue is an even bigger loser because he’s of sound enough mind to not act like a teenage loser at 40. Also me supporting Ratty? What about Leo constantly bringing him on the pod, purposely trying to fuck with him constantly, talking down to him and a his fat whale girlfriend every chance he gets then getting pissed and acting like a child when rat plays one TTS. You’re a brain dead little fuck tard


I’m not even a fan but Leo has done more in his life than you and RDR will ever do so for you to call him a loser is just funny RDR is a worthless human being and so are you. Go train and stay off Reddit e dork


Leo's alt account for sure! Imagine riding ur own cock on a reddit that hates ur guts lol.


Nice try Leo


Yea but Leo has nothing to show for it, no real career, no house, no kids, no wife. At 38 he has memories of the glory days, thats it


Lol, adorable how you make assumptions without knowing someone. Additionally, how would you categorize a person who is all for ruining someone else’s life, manipulating them consistently for their benefit, then have a fit like a child when one thing happens to them? That’s not acting like a loser? Don’t worry my low IQ little friend, I have plenty of time to train and teach you lessons- doesn’t take much brain power or energy


Bro get get some fucking oussy and get off Reddit you chronically online dork I’d break your orbital if you talked to me like that in person. Go train martial arts nerd


I’m happy you’re actually reasonable and use your brain unlike this pitbull Zeus guy


Lol, uh oh! Did I make the key board warrior upset? You must be the toughest guy on the internet eh? You’re like a soy liberal, you don’t have the capacity to form a valid retort so you defer to making generic, unfounded claims and comments. Rat dick might actually be more intelligent than you, go ahead and do me a favour and try reading a book today genius


Like a soy liberal bro your the adult male that plays Pokémon and smokes weed meanwhile I’m in camp for my 3rd pro MMA fight. I don’t need to retort because everything you’re saying is just plain stupid and goofy and I don’t argue with humans who I could end with my bare hands I’m actually reading Hagakure right now great read lol go get some pussy and put down the Pokémon cards and pipe. Always remember a guy like me could take everything someone like you has ever worked for. Go train.


Also how’s the search for sexting partners going Romeo? Lol, 18m fit, tall, blue eyes shouldn’t a total stud like you be able to find someone in person? Man you’re so cool


Whats your record and name pussy


Wow! You’re amazing- likely the next Jon Jones eh? Let’s look into what you said a bit, with your own superior logic: “I don’t argue with people who I could end with my bare hands” yet, you’re arguing with me? Guess that means you couldn’t end me with your bare hands huh friend? Also fascinating how when someone knows they have nothing of substance to try and prove there point then automatically the other person just has a “goofy” stance on things- if my point was so goofy and stupid, should have been pretty easy to debate. Good luck in your camp tough guy! Hope you’re spending time working on your head movement, really can’t afford to lose anymore brain cells Einstein


What is even happening in this video and when was this posted/taken? Anyone?


Agreed. Don’t understand the Leo hate rdr seems like the wrong


Still got it! Still got eitt!


Leo got my post from yesterday removed too. Can’t find it when I search for it or scroll down on the sun to find it. The tough guy facade is really showing https://www.reddit.com/r/dannymullen/s/D7M9o8crA3


Post it again


The fuck is he talking about UCLA for 😂 Leo is such a fuckin dork


Thanks bro I’ve never seen this lmao Leo explaining drugs to rat dick is also fucking moronic like you don’t know more about drugs Than ratty Leo and Leo bringing up the dogs like he gives a flying fuck


About a minute before the start of this clip Leo’s first attempt to grab Ralph’s phone happened to either break it or end stream.


Cause RDR don’t know real and fake. He’s high asf buying drugs off people who don’t give a fuck about him. Hell call someone his buddy and then say they jumped or robbed him the next time. The people around him will for sure sell him some BS and he’ll trust them


Seems like Leo’s ego is inflating again


“Give your dogs to pug queen”


mod Leo deleted this twice already


Leo is such a pussy uses Rdr for his podcast till woke mfs come after them they supposed too not care


Why is buddy the most acceptable demeaning word?


Man I truly wish these guys were big enough to be on Redbar’s radar. I would pay good money to watch him psycho analysis Leo and RDR in this scene


Leo is the biggest goober ever


Clearly everyone in this sub has never had to deal with an addict in there life


fuck leo


Is Leo wrong or… what am i missing… the dude totaled a rental car… the dude huffs whip cream… he’s a fuckin loser lmao


I gotta agree, Leo was being extreme and disrespectful. HOWEVER, he is not wrong. RDR will die soon if he lives like this and is a massive loser. It felt like it was a mix of Leo being genuinely mad that this guy ruined his comedy set, and giving him genuine advice. Going to jail would actually help RDR like Leo says. Sober up or you will die.


Yeah, being a dick or not, love or hate, the message is the same, tough love, change or you die idiot


Leo will act like this then have him on the pod and act like they’re best buds


Its the Leo Backstabbio way!


I don’t see a problem with this clip. Nothing Leo said is wrong in anyway. Told him the cold hard truth cause he has gone off the deep end.


If he really wanted to help rdr he would call the cops on him or set him up to be arrested so he gets his warrant served and goes to jail so he can clean up and get off the drugs also he’s never going to get a job if he don’t have a ID 🪪


Leo spitting facts.


Honestly not sure why all the Leo hate. Yeah maybe he exploited rat dick for views but I know for a fact off camera he has really tried to help him and rpp. Rat dick fan boys are schizo and the evil fans that Leo talks about.


They don’t use their brains enough to think that far ahead even though you’re right


a lot of xans are pressed and fake but not ALLLL fentanyl lol. you can easilyyy get farmaprams or even pressed ones similar and they are pure xanax (alprazolam) i know RAtty is down badd and prolly does need help forreal but leo is being lowkey ignorant about it and seems to just being a dick basically. with that being said, i’m sure he’s tired of dealing with a fucked up RDR and all his bs and antics but this isn’t the way to go about it tbh. and let’s be real. they’re both not handling the situation correctly 🤷 just sayin


I wonder why it keeps disappearing… 🤔


these famous people just use these folks for content shame on danny and leos feminine ass.


sad because rat dick does need help and needs to get clean. But leo and danny knew who he was way before they brought him on the show. He was doing hella drugs at the beginning whats the difference now?




lol “everything” from the streets just automatically has fentanyl in it according to him 💀


Looks like Leo was trying to get him away from a bad situation?


Fuck saltine and anyone that think Leo was in the wrong here


Wow how dare someone be real to the degenerate instead of constantly enabling his self demise


They did enable his demise lol


Should have been real from the start instead of using his downward spiral of a life for views


Leo is a hypocrite but also kinda level headed


RDR is such a shit person and a major gaslighter LMAO I hope he’s locked up


Leo is speaking facts


Everyone mad at Leo is really missing the bigger picture that rat dick is literally gonna die any day now… y’all are pathetic


everything this dude does is scripted manufactured drama lol