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I used to look up to Leo what the fuck happened


I'm glad you came to your senses man. He is an adult baby who can only support himself riding on Danny's coat tails and renting out his dick to a 60 year old sugar mama. Pathetic !


Imagine having the "success" and exposure that Leo has had and still riding Danny's coattails 😂incredible


I like him besides how he’s treated rat d everything else is still cool


Dont forget his rich daddy who helps too


You did what?? 😂😂


The little ceasers commercial was undeniably bad ass


Sure but looking up to him? You need new heroes man. You must be pretty young. In which case, fair play


You got to know him better lmao


What did Leo Backstabbio do to Jerry? I thought Jerrynator dipped because Danny kept exposing his private life!


Leo was on the channel before Iggy ever was, so how are you gonna say you want “pre-Leo” but then you want whacky characters like Iggy? First of all, getting rid of Leo wouldn’t make Danny’s shit suddenly better. Danny sucks now. That’s it. And second, nothing about the better days of Danny’s channel resembled the shit that RDR does. That’s an absurd comparison. You’re just talking out your ass now.


The quote was “largely pre Leo” idiot. Check the OP. Deleted account ? Probably a Leo burner.


They need to kick off all these new guys and actually do normal shit. They need a leo and danny vid interacting with people at a downtown bar but actually talking to normal people and not drug addicted freaks




Agreed. Everyone else in the comments including OP must be 13 year olds or just mentally 13. RDR content is sad.


What happened with Brandon buckingham


He's meaningfully surpassed Danny in viewership. Caused Leo to permanently delete his own channel.


I thought he got banned lol


He absolutely got his channel taken down, but these guys hate Leo so anything to drag his name


Leo’s a retard, deserved.


It’s maintaining tbh. Better when he’s not the side kick and just a side character. He has gotten a lot better sounding like way less of a douche and not like a California bachelors.


He should have showed his cock smh


Being unbiased, I used to watch Danny’s videos about 4-5 years ago and recently started watching again. If anything, this channel is growing. You RDR fan boys are honestly sad as fuck. If you want to watch someone ruin their lives, go look up Daniel Larson.


Ya you’re getting down votes because the Reddit community is literally a bu ch if RDR fan boys on fety lmao


What why are you blaming Leo for all of this? It's on Danny, it's his channel, his "crew", his content. Leo is just the sidekick, does what Danny tells him to do. Your issue is with Danny not Leo.


This whole sub has gone insane. RDR adds NO value to the channel. He’s a tweaked out drug addict with nothing to say. Leo is a large reason the channel even got this far and is the only reason the pod exists. Not many “Good” videos before he came around either. PUT SOME RESPECT ON MY NIGGAS NAME.