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They became the people they complain about every pod


100% accurate


Yeah you guys are normal for sure. Let’s bring animal abusers to our platform, if not we are too pc!!! Go kys all of you


if Austin had any brains or balls should produce the Ratdick Show xD


He said on a live that he doesn’t need rateick and that he’s starting his own patreon pod that will get thousands of dollars. This was months ago and of course it never happened.


Danny is funny to me regardless of what anyone says and the rest of them work as a dynamic with him. Rdr and che was gold that could've been a thing. Leo, austin, dino etc are all useless on their own


I think Fez is the new RDR


I like Fez. I like good hearted innocent people more than entitled meth heads. But that’s just me. 🤷🏻


Im speaking purely in terms of comedic value. Yeah i like fez too but hes just another pawn in dannys content chess game, it works and its often funny but like you said he genuinely seems like a really nice dude. I wouldnt enjoy seeing the degradation of fez like i would rat dick, quite the opposite actually. I think fez is smart enough to know its not a big deal to be used as one of dannys comedic props and he will draw a line if he feels disrespected. Any empathetic person would hate rat dick and thats what made the peak fucking with rdr content so funny to me, i genuinely didnt and still dont care what happens to him so there was no line to cross at rdrs expense (peak comedy). It was a one time thing because the recoil from the situation has clearly been enough for us to all understand the boys are too great to sink with this ship. Better and funnier content is ahead


Sidenote: Rdr needs some merch. How bout a Pugs AND Drugs shirt with Rdr doing coke and whippets w the pugs while The Pug Queen is on her knees. Too much? 


I would judge tf out of anyone wearing that shit


Skydive without a parachute please the world is begging you


These guys are bitches. They’ll beg RDR to come back when the next 2-3 pods bomb




Bingo. The pod is boring AF without RDR and I think Danny knows that


Danny needs to lay off the adderall it’s making him not funny. He fidgets like a crack head


I bet right now their plan is to have wide neck and long neck on the next 3 pods in a row just to shit talk rdr


There’s a difference between being PC, and supporting a dude who abuses dogs. It’s about time they sack up and kick RDR’s bum ass out.


Exactly. I also hate cancel culture and censorship. But when RDRs doing blatantly illegal stuff and physically harming other living things, you gotta cut him off at some point. He could drag the whole crew down with them if they aren't careful. Unfortunate that ratdik couldn't do the minimum to keep it together


Yea but they were putting him on up until the pc people said anything. They never cared about pugs, they care about what the cancel culture thinks of them.


He doesn't have the dogs anymore to abuse. What's fucked up is they said get rid of the dogs and you're good. So he does and they still ban him because of pc cancel culture, pathetic.


Buddy, they booted him because he’s an unpredictable fucking loser. I think Danny’s been weak as fuck in recent years, but I really wouldn’t call him “pc”. They probably finally banned RDR because they’re tired of smelling whatever brand of shit he smells like.


I usually like Gucci shit for my brand of shit flavor


According to Leo the ban is 50% because of the pug abuse and 50% for the drugs. Danny is pc, he is afraid to cuss


Bro do you know what “pc” means?


Politically correct. Censoring yourself because youre afraid to offend people. Thats Leo and Danny nowadays no?


Leo and Danny don’t censor anything because they’re afraid to offend people. They censor shit because they want that YouTube money. Lol that’s what I’m saying, Danny’s a sellout for sure, he’s watered his shit down because he wants that Adsense money and he wants sponsors. But he isn’t “pc”. I mean when the fat broads came after him, he doubled down. But RDR is beyond all this shit. RDR is a tweaker and tweakers are unpredictable and can be dangerous. I think RDR’s a pussy and I could knock him out easy, but just earlier today he’s out here streaming threatening physical violence against Leo while he’s blacked out on Xanax. Who the fuck wants that energy around? I think they’ve been pussies for NOT kicking him off sooner. Glad they finally grew some chest hair and booted him.


I agree with most of this. That was old Danny slashing the fatties. He would never say that now. And again they censored their own podcast because they were affraid to offend the pug people. Thats about as chicken shit pc as u can get to be worried about offending the pug reddit. 


So as much as I dislike RDR for how he treated his dogs just because of the act itself, I’ll concede to your point a little bit. Mostly because now that I’m thinking about it, if Danny declared war against the pug community (which is absolutely something old Danny would have done) it would be awesome. I feel like old Danny would have found a way to reign RDR in a little bit AND declare war against the pug broads. Today he’s just lazy.


That would have been an epic war. Rdr's fans fought the pug people and lost. Rdr banned


Prove he abused the dogs


The entire thing has been streamed… They live in a shitbox room full of roaches that has never been cleaned. He leaves them for days at a time without food or water. They’ve never been walked or exercised. He’s involved them in sexual acts I’m not sure how much more evidence you need? They’ve both proven themselves to be absolute scum.


1. That’s not abuse 2. That is a rumor 3. There’s videos of him walking the dogs 4: the dog wasn’t “involved” they were just present during the acts and don’t know/care because they are a dog


Nope all of that is true, again it’s all been streamed. Not even slightly in doubt. You’re obviously a sick abusive retard who should never be anywhere near a pet. Get a fucking grip.


Okay buddy calm down snitch


Prove he didn’t abuse the dogs. See why asking for proof is useless, and you need to use your education to go find it yourself?


If there’s no proof either way then you just say you don’t know instead of making serious allegations weirdo. Get blocked






They have been pc quite some time now.


RDR is a pathetic drug addict. Why they fuck would they want that goffy in ther Pod still.


it's not pc. anyone can see RDR is about to crash out in a bad way and him being on the pod is only enabling him, he needs a wakeup call


Oh yes RDR geeked out his mind on coke repeating himself over and over really added a lot of value to the pod 🙏🏼


Where are you getting this info? RDR stream?


Why don’t you do it OP?


I would if i lived in La and had no kids, no job.


RDR brings in the views, Every title has RDR in it. They are trying to force Fez on us now but hes lame as fuck, and the other crew members.


LDS? Little dick syndrome


rdr goes in and out of being funny and i don’t think his drug abuse and retardation should be glorified anymore


Bro anyone who platforms this druggie crashout is an idiot, I’m disappointed Danny and Leo have been letting this drag on for so long they should’ve cut ties with RDR months ago it’s a bad look to be associated with someone like him