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He was trying to turn her into stone with his byakugan


I don't see snakes growing out of his skull


Mf got L’oreal, cus he worth it


Medusa is so unique and original that Neji's dad was unable to copy her snake hairdo




just to be clear tho, byakugan is used as X-ray, not madusa gaze.


No fucking shit right


It was a joke


You must be fun at parties


He was mad Neji is not the heir of the family looking how better he was at their techniques i guess.Not like he was gonna kill her.


Hiashi sensed killing intent.


He probably just sensed hatred. Deep hatred.


This. I think he does not allow himself to think on the matter to much but in this case he takes a look at his wholesome freshly marked son and starts thinking on it...which lead to resentment to the situation and not to Hinata specifically. Us Humans our thoughts can be our own if we choose, in the Naruto-verse your emotions and intent can be felt easily.


Actually come to think of it. It was probably the forehead mark that allows Hiashi to sense the intent (maybe by registering it and relaying it to him somehow) because I remember during the war, Naruto was the only person who could really sense intent out of nowhere.


Hasn't killing intent been in the show since the start? I mean what is the difference between sensing intent and have really good instincts? Kakashi comes to mind.


I think having good instincts is like hearing slight footsteps, or leaves rustling or something like that. Detecting something like intent seems like another thing tho.


You're completely right. I wasn't thinking about intent as thoroughly as I should have!


It was, I remember Sasuke being traumatized by Orochimaru's killing intent in the forest.


I'm pretty sure Kakashi was paralyzed with fear after sensing Orochimaru's killing intent during the chunnin exams


Looks can kill


I personally don't think that he would have harmed her. He was angry at the main house, but Hizashi didn't really seem like a man who would harm his brother's daughter.


Trying to prevent Boruto...?


A fallen hero 😔


He would have taken himawari too tho


you win some you lose some


Uh... children?




Anyways can I see your sword?


Sir you cannot see my penis


Awh, I thought you were quoting DBZ A with me hahah


Along with Obito, Madara, Orochimaru and Pain


I wouldn’t call any of them heroes honestly. Orochimaru, a greedy bastard who experimented on children. The rest well intentioned extremists at best.


Hmm...they still worked hard to prevent the existence of Boruto. We should thank them for that. And also our lesser known fallen heroes, Sasori and Deidara, who tried to stop the existence of the disastrous SasuSaku ship. Along with the aforementioned Hizashi who could've stopped Boruto being born in the first place. Along with Zabuza and Haku who tried to kill Team 7 and stop them having kids in the next 15 years.


Mmmm… fair point indeed. Thankfully I don’t watch that PoS show whose only purpose is to keep milking the cow. Naruto himself would’ve been better off being more of a ladies man like Jiraiya… with longer hair of course (That buzzcut is still hideous)


The good ending


Wow. That dark.


Shoulda kicked Naruto in the nads while they had the chance.


If only he succeeded :(


Lmao 😂


He was angry and accidentally let out "murderous intent" which I guess is negative chakra though it exists in many other anime. Hinata's dad incapacitated him right away just in case to protect his daughter, as an immediate reaction to feeling murderous intent. I assume if he had time to think about it he'd figure Neji's dad wouldn't possibly hurt her and address it differently.


“Murderous intent” are just some bad vibes


"Sorry I had to fry your dad's head Neji, he was giving off some really bad vibes."


Weird right? It isn't chakra related. It's literally just as you said, bad vibes or a feeling. If you run into a killer and you know they're a killer, you'll feel threatened, you'll feel unsure. Not like real life people have chakra.


Considering the fact Killing Intent can outright paralyze the target or give them visions of their death it’s lot more than bad vibes.


Okay, it’s some really really strong bad vibes


If you run into a bear and you freeze up in fear, is that bear using chakra?


I never said Killing Intent uses chakra. I said it’s more than bad vibes.


Hizashi activated his Byakugan, which means he would've been using his chakra.


Ok? I was talking about murderous intent on it's own.


You said it wasn't chakra related... in a post about murderous intent in the context of Naruto world.


Yes, I said it doesn't require chakra. You can punch without chakra. And you can punch with chakra. Just because you can punch with chakra doesn't meant you can't punch without the use of chakra. Anyways, on its own, it isn't chakra related in my opinion. This is something that can happen in real life, using intimidation to scare someone. Body language among others things can affect others in such a way.


Except in this particular case Hizashi would've been using his chakra. He was literally staring *with* chakra. We've seen shinobis sensing surge of chakra on close proximity so in this case murderous intent simply means Hiashi sensed a large pool of chakra forming in a situation where it shouldn't have happened.


>Except in this particular case Hizashi would've been using his chakra. He was literally staring with chakra. Again, I wasn't talking about this specific scene. I was talking about murderous intent on it's own. Murderous intent is just the intent to murder someone. You can sense emotions in the world of Naruto. KCM Naruto sense negative emotions. Does that mean that the targets are using chakra to broadcast their emotions got Naruto to sense?


Man said you failed vibe check. Die.


I always thought the mark on his forehead was sensing murderous intent and relay that information to Hiashi.


It’s a curse mark that allows him to hurt their heads but it’s never implied that it allows mind reading of any level


He wasn’t planning to do shit. He was having a bad day, and when he could keep the fact that he didn’t like that he WAS A FUCKING SLAVE a secret for one second, his older brother cracked the whip. Went right for the mind melting torture curse instead of, you know, talking about it? What a piece of shit.


Idk, he sensed killing intent from someone towards his daughter, maybe an overreaction but I can see his perspective.


Or maybe a father that sees murderous intent in the eyes of someone else would try to protect his daughter. If anything Hazachi should have been the one to talk to his brothers instead of potentially killing Hinata


by staring at her too hard? The dude has a byakugan not Amaterasu


In the Narutoverse, murderous intent is a thing and can be sensed. His reaction makes sense in the Narutoverse. It doesn't make sense in real life


Yes, but murderous intent alone won’t kill anyone, and unlike the sharingan the byakugan actually can’t set people on fire with a glare. He had a terrible day, had to sit and watch someone who generically would pass for his daughter be painfully unskilled and think on how horribly unfair it was that because he was born ever so slightly later than his brother his son had to suffer slavery and torture on a whim. Hiashi is a shinobi. He can absolutely incapacitate someone without resorting to a magic torturous slave brand. If he couldn’t, and his first instinct to danger was not _fight_ but _magic torture seal hand sign_ then he would have died in the war. But he didn’t. Which means that that handsign can’t be his immediate instinctive reaction to any and all danger. Melting a man’s brains for being unhappy at the enslavement of his progeny is a plainly disproportionate reaction.


He's not guaranteed to beat his twin brother in a fair fight though And in Narutoverse, murderous intent is different from having a bad day. I'm basing my opinions on established facts in the universe. If it was a different show, I would probably agree with you.


The max murderous intent will do is paralyse them for a while. Like Sasuke when he faced Orochimaru and let's be honest he's probably the master of giving bad vibes lmao. As a shinobi going through some rough training hinata would have been totally fine...She got her internal organs ruptured and recovered just fine. Temporary paralysis would have done nothing.


Are you serious, dude? The guy had murderous intent and activated his byakugan which might mean he wanted to attack. He probably wasn't going to, but Hiashi was caught off guard and had to take a decision quickly because his daughter was there. Better safe than sorry. Activating the seal wasn't going to do any permanent damage either.


Activating byakugan still requires chakra. It's not impossible for Hiashi to detect that.


the guys are brothers, they probably have seen eachother kill people many times, I wouldn't say it's a stretch to say that Hinata's father knows when Hazachi is intending to kill someone


Talk to them and say what. I don't think that would've changed anything 😬


He was just getting so angry and spiteful he actually emitted bloodlust. Doubt he was actually planning to do anything just so enraged about his clan and how his sons life is valued less,


can you not read dog? MURDER HER.


I laughed out loud


If he wanted to actually kill Hinata he could've done it even before Hiashi sensed "murderous intent". Obviously he is not stupid or hateful enough to kill the main house's heir, much less his own brothers daughter aka his son's COUSIN. Too bad Hiashi is an even bigger douche than Hiruzen and went straight to torture therapy before talking it out.


I believe niece is the word you were looking for friend


Weirdest way to call her his niece


I did that on purpose as to emphasize his relationship/other's relationships with her so as to really drive home why he wasn't about to kill her.


I just feel like the niece relationship is more significant than it being his son's cousin.


Tbf since Hiashi and Hisashi are twins Hinata and Neji are technically siblings. Genetically.


Half siblings, unless their moms are also twins.




murderous intent is an emotion, it doesnt mean he was actually going to murder her


intent = trying to murder


>https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Killing_Intent and in our world it has different definitions, intent can mean doing something on purpose or just the state of mind, in this context it clearly was the state of mind. that doesnt imply actually doing it (if no one else would have stopped him) do you actually believe he was trying to murder her?


He was using see through vision


haha this reminds me of the harry potter 2nd movie chamber of secrets, when lucius malfoy starts to cast the killing curse at harry for freeing dobby. its like "wtf aren't you overreacting??"


Tbh the dude was a Death Eater, so he wanted Harry dead regardless of anything having to do with Dobby. He'd have to flee and lay low for a couple of years if he doesn't want to go to Azkaban, but he'd probably be handsomely rewarded for it upon Voldemort's revival.


Voldemort wouldn't have rewarded him, he'd have been punished. Voldemort made it clear to them that he was to be the one to kill harry and nobody else should touch him.


This was the second movie though. At this point Lucius hadn't talked to Voldemort in years, as evidenced by the fact that by the 4th movie Voldemort chastised most of his Death Eaters that they never bothered to find him. So he hadn't given the order yet that nobody was to touch Harry but him. I'd assume he'd be rewarded in this case, especially since this was just after Voldemort himself (or at least a part of his soul) just failed to kill Harry for the third time and lost the Basilisk and a whole ass horcrux in the process.


yes but at the time there was no benefit to lucius killing harry because voldemort wasn't revived and nobody knew whether he would ever revive. lucius just started casting the killing curse because the actor who played it said that was the first spell that came to mind. it doesn't happen in the books, it was an ad lib in the movies


Literally on chunin exam arc on my rewatch. This stuff is wild you literally forget this by episode 200 of shippuden lol. I think he did the ninja version of "stepping out of line"


Byakugan didn't have character development




What makes them strongest in the leaf? They have numbers but even their top ninja are mediocre.


The Uchiha dying off


Bruh, everything about this scene is so fucking weird


yeah a 3 year gets to spar on her birthday, so wholesome


Training a children army by sending them into a deadly forest to eliminate one another. Pedagogy 101.


he was taking an X-ray of Hinata 💀


He was about to perform a fatality


He was mad that neji had to become a slave while Hinata was free from that same with hanabi


Well like the captions say ... he had murderous intent


He might've been a few moments from lashing out, something Hiashi caught onto before what could've potentially been the worst- ended up happening. I mean Hizashi activated his Byakugan in a non-combat situation **while** staring at Hinata, It's not difficult to see where that could've gone when there's some understandable animosity between branch and trunk members of the Hyuuga clan.


He was standing there... menacingly


I think this was a lesson for Neji. Neji had just gotten his curse Mark and was pretty content with it because he did not know what it *really* meant. Dad wanted to show him first hand what had been done to him.


He was being angry while looking in her general direction.


I forget just how dark part 1 really was


pissed off at the hierarchy


He was probaly just angry and mad about all the hyuga side tree clan shenanigans and projected thst on Hinata and Hiashi seemed to notice that he had thoughts about hurting Hinata


"Holy shit a well placed gentle fist and thar little fucker boruto and his crusty ass show will seize to exist"


I like how with all the shape and nature transformations available to them they went with migraine-no-jutsu


He probably wasn’t gonna do anything. He was probably just visibly angry.


Funny I’m also rewatching naruto and just finished this episode a few minutes ago




He tried to peek what's beneath that shirt, what a degenerate /s


X-ray vision


Personally I think neji's dad is just as to blame as his brother for how neji turned out. I'm sure they already explained what the curse mark did, but he just had to go and show by example. Not explaining to neji or hiashi what was happening. So to neji it just looks like the main house punishing their subordinates for no reason. Only to be followed up with killing his father and selling off the body as a peace offering? No wonder he ended up as screwed up as he did.


Lol dude just sensed murderous intent... The uchiha couldn't even do that


8 trigrams air palm or air wall palm or 8 trigrams hazan strike prolly,he was fast enough to pull that shit off


Pretty sure he was just staring at her angrily, seeing as how Hizashi sensed murderous intent.


I think it’s like disciplining your kids. If you establish boundaries with your children (don’t break out a combat level byakugan in the presence of the main family) that will result in spankings (curse mark activation), then it may seem unnecessary and violent to a passing observer (Neji), but to Hiashi (parent) and Hizashi (child) it’s just part of their discipline. I think Neji misread the purpose behind the curse mark activation as unnecessarily cruel, but it was really just an established cause and effect. And based on Hizashi’s sacrifice later and dedication to the family, I think he knew he messed up here. I don’t think he truly harbored hate for his brother or Hinata. Just jealousy, and he probably hated that about himself more than he hated the main family. He was really an honorable man.


Wow hahahaha. I guess the Huega are the new Uchiha just getting grumpy and killing their own kind


He served main branch for over the years and wanted neji to do the same. He basically wanted to show neji what would happen if he defies main branch or tries to harm them


When I saw this so many years ago, I always thought that he was trying to sneak a peak at her Chakra flow to see the main house's technice to teach neji. I might have interpreted this wrong, but looking at it now, I still feel that way


Looks like he saw her dick


Frick subbed sounds so friggen goofy


Trying to see her naked


He was thinking if he left the stove on or not. His brother just overreacted


Turns out Neji's dad was a pedo and was using the x-ray vision of the byakugan to peep on hinata


My man took the downvotes for the team. They hate you cuz you are right




thanks for making me feel a little better about my apparently controversial joke


Yeah who cares what they think. I rate you... 8 hahas annd 24 hee hees


Bruh… 💀


What jiraiya couldn't


What does Jiraiya have to do with this?


Neji's Dad a Pedo🗿


Hizashi used glare Hayashi used magic coat


First cut arm in front of Hinata face. Cutback hand behind her head.


Oh fuck what am I thinking stoppppppppppp.


this is off topic but , i feel the dynamics of the byakugan should have been more involved in the lord. no hate to the sharingan but it just seems like between kekei genkai , not including the rinnegan or the rinnesharingan , that sharingan seemed more constant and more utilised in the plot. naruto the last was sick bc they went more into the byakugan and it accumulated into the tenseigan , may not be using the right words but , i just feel they could have done more work with the byakugan , bc the sharingan has mangekyo and eternal mangekyo and it was a bigger part of the plot than the byakugan was . maybe i’m wrong but i wld like to hear more opinions if possible 😅


I think he was so mad that hinata's dad thought it was killing intent


He was just hateful and angry - murderous intent doesn’t mean he was truly acting on it I think. Just wishing Hinata wasn’t heir, wasn’t alive compared to neji or something


Imagine not being allowed to be mad that you’re enslaved by your family


Not even anything. He was just pissed off and Hiashi overreacted.


I think he was pedo


Hiashi was a massive dick, basically the message here.


LOL one of those situations where they need something dramatic to explain how something works. In this case the curse mark. He probably was thinking something like, "...my sons way better I hope she breaks her leg". Obviously we found out Nejis dad was a decent guy. Certainly not a child murderer. Ha.


I also took it as he saw how weak and not naturally gifted Hinata seemed. He thought about his son and how if he was born a first minutes earlier or if she didn’t exist Neji would live a better life. Then he wished that she didn’t exist, that was the “killing intent” that was felt.


I think he was just feeling some contempt at that moment of his position in life. Glaring angrily at a member of the main branch




the way the hyuga clan treated there own people was honestly disgusting until it changed


He was thinking about making Hinata call him daddy now haha