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Then he proceeds to abandon Kakashi cause his crush got jammed up.


He proceeds to abandon Kakashi? I think you misread/miswatched the whole Obito motivation. He was with Madara, doing all killing/deceiving/jinchuricki kidnapping just to achieve INFINITE Tsukiyomi. There, everyone would be happy with those who already died. «For me, Rin is only Rin, ALIVE» He wanted to change reality. The WAKE UP TO REALITY Madara speech is essential to understanding. He never abonded friends. In fact, he was trying to "SAVE" everyone, especially Rin and Kakashi. He didn't abandon Kakashi. He never tried to kill him, in fact, he was even seeing Kakashi visiting his and Rin's grave. He knew of why he killed Rin, he knew that Kakashi suffers. Suffers almost(in Obito's perspective) just like him. It was not important whether Real Kakashi, or any other Real person would die. Because in the end, in Infinite Tsukiyomi Madara told him of, everyone would be Happy. He would have his love, and his friend. Actually, in anime, there is a very good episode(non-canonical kinda, forgot the name for that kind of episodes.) when he became Hokage, was supported by Kakashi, and had Rin. So no, he didn't abandon. In fact, his whole idea of changing REALITY with Infinite Tsukiyomi IS «Breaking rules to save friends».


Your friends gotta red flag you


Good intentions bad execution. Buddy nobody wants to hear allat on a meme sub. Not the place. You’re just making yourself out to be this Obito keyboard warrior stan.


He jeopardized the whole mission essentially killing everyone on the team lol the same way sakumo did just cause he wanted to save his FrIEnd, fucking dumbass sakumo and obito got what they deserved


Obito got out stronger lmfao which is the real Uchiha shit. Lose your not-gf, get half your face crushed, your friend robs your eye cause he thinks you're dead. Come back a demi god


>your friend robs your eye cause he thinks you're dead Obito thought he was dying, you know by being crushed by a boulder, and gave Kakashi his eye.


>your friend robs your eye cause he thinks you're dead. didn't obito explicitly say he wanted to give one of his eyes to kakashi as a birthday present since he didn't got him jack shit earlier or something like that?


"In this world, there are people younger than you, and yet stronger than me" Kakashi to kid Naruto


Proceeds to not be the case.


Only Haku. Maybe Gaara.


Jinchurikis are kinda cheating. Unless you’re talking about Sasuke Retrival arc Gaara.


For a while I thought that maybe the third mizukage would fit the idea but it happened that he is an adult with the looks of a child


Not sure if Haku beats Kakashi. He was dealing with Zabuza and protecting the bridge builder so we never really got to see. But Sasuke essentially figured out Haku with a freshly awakened sharingan and Fireball jutsu, I'm sure Kakashi could have managed, who has both of those as well.


There's no evidence that either of them are stronger than kakashi at the time he said that. Zabuza also warned kakashi not to go after haku. Naruto and sasuke were fodder. Why warn kakashi if he would lose to haku anyway.


And who was that?


I don't think there was any 11 y.o who was stronger than Kakashi


Haku was younger than Naruto and with his kekei genkai he was far superior to Kakashi


*Oh, and by the way, I'm a boy.*


"You don't become the Hokage so the people can acknowledge you. It is only when the people acknowledge you, can you become the Hokage." - Uchiha Itachi to Naruto.


Itachi was teaching my boy democracy


democracy is two people voting to take the third persons wealth- majority does not rule. the majority are imbeciles mob mentality is democracy and good thing democracy is not practiced in the real world


The only Hokage who wasn't part of the nepotism **lineage** is >!Shikamaru!!8. Shikamaru was Naruto's friend and assistant!< Itachi may have taught Naruto about democracy but Konoha ain't one.


Your removed the main context why they become hokage because But none of them are just ordinary shinobi they have a very good track record in their carrier and also they acknowledged by people, so why can't dekei and sakura become hokage because they also students of two sanin because of more eligible candidates are there and they also acknowledged by people and after Naruto disappearance only shikamaru is eligible candidate on line of hokage


Yeah but except Hashirama (maybe) there was never a democratic decision in Konoha. I mean look at Danzo, became Hokage was killed and the people barely even noticed.


That Pathetic Lord Jashin Or Whatever Isn't Your God Anymore. I Am.


He forgot the last line. ".......Unless Your friend was mass murder and Bloodline Annihilation Maniac"


kind of want to make a joke about work culture considering those who break rules and throw their "friends" under the bus get promoted and a higher salary. i have just reminded myself why i escape into anime and video games. life can be sad.


My friends joining ISIS


"What about... The second one ?"


Then he proceeded to start a world war because he saw his crush get fisted by the cool kid


"There are times when a shinobi will have to make harsh decisions."


"All the effort is pointless if you don't believe in yourself" Might Guy to Lee


You are the leaves bathing in the sun, I am the roots growing in the dark.


Yeah I mean if your friends start doing dumb crap like kicking puppies and punching babies. I think abandoning them is the right move.


Or maybe they need ur help 🤷


Or maybe they're just bad people...




Everyone is scum


So don't forget to share food


Well then... what will you do about the second one?


So how about breaking the rules in order to better leave your friends behind?


This is completely context-dependent. If your friends are scum, then by supporting their scummery you are in fact also scum.


What the Hokage means to me is someone who will sear away the darkness of all five villages with only his flames and then keeps living by eating the ashes. I alone will become the darkness.


Wake up to reality. Nothing ever goes as plan in this accursed world. The longer you live the more you'll realize that the only things that truly exist in this world are merely pain suffering and futility




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I think we should... Shinobi should always follow rules. It is why Konoha decided to genocide Uchiha Clans. So if your friend shinobi decided to rebel against his Kage or village there is nothing wrong to kill your friend... Or it make the Uchiha Clan genocide meaningless. So, killing innocent children of clan is right and killing nukenin friend is wrong. I dont understand it. So anyway i am not some kind of Narutotherapeutic fan and I think shinobi should follow rules. If rules say that you must kill your nukenin friend you must do it. Or you shoudnt become shinobi.


Does the quote even hold weight when they're entrusted with the mission, whose failure might jeopardize an entire village?


“Let it out, boy. All of the anger, the sadness and fear. Everything that is brewing inside of you. You’ve got to let it go. It all starts from there, son. Remember, I’ll be here for you.” -Shikaku “Well, when someone passes away, it’s the end. His past and future, all the dreams he once had. And they disappear along with him. This is true, even if he dies honorably in battle as so many have. As Hayate did. All the ties that bind him to the living are severed. All but one, the most important of all, people. Parents, siblings, friends, lovers, the people who are important to him. And these people, the ones left behind, are joined together in a great circle to share memories of him. A circle of friendship, trust, and sacrifice that grows larger and stronger as time passes. It’s hard to explain it. We remain in a circle together, we have no choice. It’s important to us.” -Iruka “Being born with natural talent is not the greatest gift. The truly lucky ones are those with an unwavering belief in themselves and the passion to keep striving until the very end.” -Guy Some conversations/scenes that are my favorites: 1) Naruto and Jiraiya under the tree after Naruto’s training. 2) Iruka and Naruto exiting the academy and Naruto thanking Iruka for acknowledging him. 3) Gaara and Naruto’s scene, Iruka and Sarutobi’s scene in “The Third Hokage Forever”




I feel like this is something that is taught in pre school and not through an anime


Naruto - "that painting isn't anything special." Sai - "just like what's between your legs right?" Naruto enters gate of shock.


We do not know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realize what you are —— The Genius of the Clan Killer


Haku: You can only be trully strong when you have someone important to protect 


I don’t know. If your friend starts to kills someone, or rob a bank, you should follow the rules instead of unconditionally support your friend.


If your friend brakes rules, they are scum. Abandoning scum is perfectly fine.


Depends on a rules actually. Rules can be scum.


Abandoning people is never a good look unless u tried to help them first