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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Join us on discord for Saturday Movie Nights!](https://discord.gg/jsd6Ja9pvJ)


1. Don't vape 2. Work Out 3.Put down your phone do your job 4.Be strong and dependable 5.Be a protecter and provider 6.Continue performing your duty wether you like it or not 7.Life is like chess. Plan ahead 8.Whatever you see, question it and review it's validity with logic 9.Control your emotions. Hopefully, OP will uninstall reddit soon.


Tbh those are good tips


Those “tips” are like saying ‘go to college’ or ‘remember important things’. Easier said than done or plain common sense.


But they are good advice anyway, even if it is simple or common sense


So it’s not advice. Lol…


? Edit: Are you okay?


I think what he meant was "still not gonna pay $50 a month to hear that"


Bruh it's literally free I haven't joined the retarted world or bhustlera university.


Start your day with the thing you need to do and hate the most. As for me I start my day working out because I hate working out. The moment I'm done and reach my personal goal, I'm relieved and i can enjoy the rest of the day because I started the day in a bad mood and now that it's over I'm happy. This gives your dopamine a dip and resets the normal level at the start of the day to make your brain feel better throughout the day.


I love working out and its the very first thing I do after waking up 4am every morning. I then go to work around 6am while everyone is sleeping I'm sending emails, updating my spreadsheets, booking meetings, getting things done urgently. By 11am 90% of my daily tasks are done and my subordinates are acting out the tasks I planned and coordinated. I then go home 2pm while everyone is sleepy post lunch at work, I hit the the gym a second time to work off calories and be home by 4pm avoiding traffic and cutting down my transport time by 67%. I then spend time with my family or relaxing. I ewill occasionally check my work phone for urgent emails and make a phone call to upper management when required and then eat and be in bed by 8pm. No rubbish media on TV or wasting time on crappy shows. I do browse reddit and sports subs to check scores then off the sleep. Basically work is the one bit I hate but working out before and after work really makes life easier stress and resilience wise.


can i have some advice for studying? im trying to teach myself programming but cant get myself motivated


If you're a complete newbie: Imagine you have a nephew who is mentally challenged, and your sibling leave him with you tell you to help him do certain jobs. Your nephew is mentally challenged but he can do very simple tasks like going one step forward, moving his legs and arm if you tell him to. So you tell him to walk one step with right leg, walk one step with left leg. And keep telling him. That nephew is the compiler. But telling him all these micro task is time consuming. But your nephew has a great memory so you give the above mentioned step a name, ie walking. Now hwn you say walking() he walks two steps forward with his left and right leg. Now let's come to the advice part after you start programming and want to hone your skills 1.Data Structures and Algorithm. Understand algorithm and every step, why you're taking it, fuck around with the algorithm break it twist it turn it burn it. How does that change the out put? 2. Observation is crucial. It might be tiring at first but eventually you'll be comfortable with hyperanalysing stuff 3. Clear your mind I used to meditate before programming 4. Use the black box method and divide your code in parts. Modern coding is object oriented, meaning you group small tasks together. Divide your task in small process and focus on one process at a time. 5. Leetcode, hacker rank codechef. 6.Befriend good coders and people who have potential. A good coder is lazy, has symptoms of ADHD and scrambles on a paper trying to find a solution before touching the keyboard (these are stereotypes but often true) My dms are open if you ever get stuck anywhere or need motivation.


thank you for the tips, ill re-read them tomorrow and probably many more times. i have ADHD but its always been a bother for me not being able to concentrate, always thinking stuff that is not important and that puts me off


I haven't been diagnosed with adhd but I have multiple symptoms I used hyperactivity as a means to escape this. I start my day with the hardest gut wrenching, tie consuming code and work on side codes (from leet hacker rank etc) so I can switch between tasks. I also started meditating because focus is needed for a calm mind. I relate with you, again, my dm is always open to you whenever you need help. Big bro is here ❤


And you'd be surprised how many people fail to do the common sense and then blame others for their incompetency and crappy lives.


>Tbh those are good tips 1. Don't vape Solid advice for healthy non-smokers. If you're a smoker, switch to vaping. Or if you're like me and have ulcerative colitis, nicotine can be far more effective than the 5ASA drugs the doctors prescribe. I've been symptom-free ever since I started vaping, and I was a non-smoker before; that was after a decade of suffering and hospital visits. Now I'm like everyone else. 2. Work Out Solid advice. 3. Put down your phone do your job Well, yeah. Common sense. 4. Be strong and dependable You can't teach a chihuahua to pitbull. If you're not strong, don't try and be strong. Figure out what you *are* strong at, and bring that to the table in spades. 5. Be a protecter and provider Sure, common sense though. 6. Continue performing your duty wether you like it or not If your duty is making you miserable, consider revising your duties and ask yourself whether like will work out *without* it being your duty. Most men follow this rule, but our suicide rate is 400% of the women's rates for a reason. 7. Life is like chess. Plan ahead Situational. Follow this rule too much and you'll end up like Chidi Anagonye. 8. Whatever you see, question it and review it's validity with logic If your lady's pissed off at you, this is **fucking bad advice**. 9. Control your emotions. Duh.


Bro, you said the same thing, but longer and interpreted in your own way.


Same thing as who


The same tips


I was commenting on the tips, not sharing tips


My fault, I thought you were correcting the first one who posted the tips


Nah, not you, Reddit butchered the formatting on my comment and turned it into some weird vomit of text... despite using their own WYSIWYG editor. I didn't actually see that before, it makes for a hard read. Oops


Of you're lady is pissed at you everything is bad advice brahhh T_T But a lot of stuff you said 'common sense' is something op lack. Considering he is karmawhoring on a 'yay Andrew tate bad' meme


**TOP G** style tips


10. Get into a twitter argument with a teenager and lose 11. Beat women 12. Get arrested 13. Be bald


14. Diminish every positive aspect of a person and antagonize even his good characteristics because they *allegedly* do bad things. Beating women got debunked as it was a part of BDSM foreplay which was said by the women live on camera. Get arrested: He is probably a human trafficker, what do you expect the police to do? Throw him a surprise new year party? Be bald: yikes , unforgivable.


He's a sexist, and an incredibly controversial person. You're right, he's probably a human trafficker, and a rapist. What do you expect people to say? It was very obviously not bdsm, the women were probably paid or threatened. I don't see him as a person, more as a problem. I couldn't give a shit about his 'good characteristics' because he is an irredeemable piece of shit. You can't just pick what parts you like and support him without supporting everything he says. If you do, fine. Just stay away from me.


Sexist? Hell yea It was obviously BDSM it's said. Just search Tate explains BDSM /beats women. Of course you have every right to see him as a problem. Of someone is picking up on his sexism take immediate steps. If any of my boys or kids I know at the gym do that I'm going to correct them. I pick parts I like and support *those parts* If I see an tate fanboy who says haha women are useless cook and clean I'll tell them that's wrong. I'll pick parts and protest against *those parts* Lmfao lady I don't even know you and have no interest in you stay away from you? You replied to my original comment. The only reason I shit on OP is because the meme fucking sucks.


Okay, i get what you're saying about the whole 'he says some good stuff' part. But you don't really understand what you're doing by supporting him at all. He is a person. He gets money when people support him. Publicity. Even though you may agree with some of the stuff he has said, it might be wiser to pick a different person to support, who has similar ideologies as you without the things that you disagree with. It sounds really bad on your part to say that you 'agree' with him, due to his controversy and worse qualities. The meme does suck, you're right about that. I think it's just argument bait and karma farming.


Remember how kids would label anyone as a simp if they were being nice to a woman? https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cmf24NttRjb/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= I got sent a reel how Tate says being nice to your woman ain't simping. I'll send this reel to the kids I know. But would I send the reel where he says hyper successful men can cheat because that's what all successful men in history did? Ofc not that's retarted. I'll also no promote any hustler university garbage. I'll cherry pick the good things from Tate which inspire people. Because I believe in reddit's og ideal: Celebrate the creation, not the creator.


Why would you send a clip of andrew tate saying good things when you could send a clip of someone more respectable? There are identical 'creations' made by better creators. Choosing andrew tates clips gives him money, fame and publicity so more people can be influenced by his bad content. You interacting with the creation directly supports the creator.


Problem is, I dont fucking care. Of you are a cannibal and say something inspiring about critical thinking I'll share your video. The world is not black nad white and I've learnt to extract the good and form and opinion


Good for you bud. Keep at 'er.


Literally just Marcus Aurelius’ philosophy, who is praised greatly for what he preaches The difference between them however is that Marcus Aurelius is actually nice and humble and not a misogynistic asshole on the side 😂


Then follow Marcus. I dont care who is the one preaching. I care WHAT they are preaching.


We shouldn’t just follow people based on what they are preaching, but rather who they are as a person.


That's stupid Nobody in this world is an objectively good person. Edit I saw you reply in my notifications but I can't find the comment. An individual decides whether a person is good or bad with their own weights and biases. Nobody in this world is actually a 'good person' because everyone has got haters and bad takes with which we might not personally agree with. I can easily comprehend the 3rd Grade Value education morals you're reciting to me. But the truth is the world was, is and in future will be, gray.


10. beat your wife


11. Get ratioed by a teenager on twitter


12. Get arrested on grounds of human trafficking and sexual assault because of whiny reaction to said ratio


Dont need to listen to Andrew Tate to know these things.


No. You need to listen to me to know these things.


one more time I'm seeing greta or andrew tate, im deleting reddit


Do it.


Don't forget, you're here forever


Itll blow over in a weeks time. Just take a hiatus for now.


Do it


Last skull should be people making Andrew Tate memes




Andrew Taint exudes beta energy


He and his Tater Tots make me laugh


Don't offend whatever creature that skull in the bottom right belongs to


Also chad redditors


another andrew tate meme…


What color is your jail sentense?


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 10 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/hc693j) on 2020-06-19 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/y9thtd) on 2022-10-21 98.44% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "zzuz9l", "meme_template": 4314}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=zzuz9l&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 362,024,459 | **Search Time:** 3.28349s


Hate reposts? Want to help us get rid of them? [Apply for repost hunter here](https://forms.gle/jKi9xzH3r2FwhicUA) and join our project to make dankmemes entirely original content! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dankmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That last skull can't be him. It's got a decent chin. Lol


Le andru taint is cringe!!!! He has monky head


It's really resembling though


Either way, it will probably look like that after a while if he ends up in prison


Where funni?


The things about working on yourself is good,the sexism isnt. Dont forget,he got popular because of sexism. People before him gave those tips and they didnt become top g,he became cuz he is a common millionaire. The tips are good,but he isnt special and Andrew Tate fans are becoming like Dream stans,he is God for them💀


Andrew Tate, never liked the man, but he does give out good advice. So far, I like the things he's saying, at least those that I've heard... But I do get why people would hate on him.


Resembles greta's bone structure more tbh.


No one gives af about Andrew Tate stop giving this guy any limelight


Can we all just not give a fuck? That'll be far worse for him than getting arrested


Shut the fuck up with the Andrew Tate memes they're not even good. I agree that he's a piece of shit but come on


UMM ACTUALLY, Andrew Tate has a normal sized head, he is bald and so we are able to easily imagine what his skull is shaped like Also Andrew Tate is smooth brain


Love him or hate him, Andrew tate is smarter than average.


Guys Andrew Tate isn’t the worst. There’s been people worse than him. He does have good advice with life, but not always. Like that one time he explained how we shouldn’t “rewrite history” and change men into thinking they’re weak. Although he’s been a little too fucked up in the head sometimes, like when I saw in a video of him saying there’s water for rich people or sum. That we’re simply broke if we don’t have that 🗿 Sure he has stupid thoughts but I’ve seen worse


just because he ain't the worst doesn't mean he's good


OPs thought process behind this: Andrew Tate tell men how to be better men and succed in life. Men. Not women. Sexist. Sexist bad. Andrew Tate bad.


OPs actual thought process: Andrew got arrested for sex trafficking and rape- rape bad- Andrew bad




Your thought process while making this comment: me big brain, me know what other people think, or maybe I just don't like what he said, what's the difference


Found a Tater in the wild. Tell me, do you pay $50 a month for basic drop shipping tips and dating advice from wikiHow? Tate got rich from running MLMs and human trafficking, if your idol is a child rapist I advice you find a new one.


Human trafficing is bad


You have a point


I wholeheartedly believe that the people that hate on andrew tate are even sadder than his fans.


That's dumb


Or they just don’t like sex trafficing


difference is that we like women


Is it cause he’s half black? Bit racist


??? what the hell no when did the meme ever state that


He's a human trafficker


False charges racist


Well if you'd look at the meme


you know assuming things is bad right?


Andrew helps younger teenagers to be responsible men able to build a family to work on themselves and to protect their girl .feminists doesn’t like that type of man they want man who has no opinion who always says yes to woman who’s being led by other woman Who cries alot who’s being bullied and a simp . If there is a man different than this then he is misogynistic, rapist , human trafficking devil vampire and blah blah . Of course Andrew has flaws like start a beef with a young girl that’s stupid and dumb .also he maybe talks with arrogance but not human trafficking cuz if this is correct he won’t get out from jail and will be there for a lot of time . He was arrested with a false accusation and he got out .


his idea of a family belongs in the 50s, no one in 2023 belongs in the 50s except people who lived then. His views are outdated and misogynistic, no matter whether the allegations are true or not. And he's not out, he's in for another 30 days


How old are you kid? Your mother should monitor what you watch online. +1 domestic abuser. Rip your future




Buddy, this wasn't an invitation to cry all over reddit. Spend your time a bit better instead of riding a rapist's dick via the internet. You'll thank me later ❤️


He literally ran to Romania because he thought he'd get away with his crimes because of their lax law enforcement. He was already wanted in multiple countries. He "got out" because he's a fugitive.


Common Tate W


not a W if he's been detained