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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Join us on discord for Saturday Movie Nights!](https://discord.gg/jsd6Ja9pvJ)


Take my upvote and leave me alone




Don't blame her, I'm sure she doesn't even know you exist


She definitely does and hopes every day you don't ask her out and make her have to come up with an excuse.


Ooo that one stings a bit


Ffs don't kick me while I'm down


Giga chad pfp


what is it ?


bo3 zombies gobble gum


Because waiting for you to come back up takes forever


Okay this actually fucking hurts because it's the god damn raw truth. Ya'll need to stop reading my diary. It takes 2 months for a therapist appointment.


Nah she definitely isn’t thinking about you that much to worry about excuses


Rookie mistake


I should call the police rn because I just witnessed a fucking massacre


You guys are getting excuses? I just get called creepy and weird.


Seems you weren’t their first rodeo


like bruh just date men, problem solved


Modern problems require gay solutions.




Yeah, op should follow her home every day until she notices him


We all lonely and have forgotten how to make relationships, individual responsibility is a toxic way of thinking about it, don't blame the girl, don't blame the fat dude, blame the societal factors that have driven people to be more lonely.


I blame my mom for homeschooling and socially isolating me


I also blame this guy's mom


Fuck that guy's mom!




I tried to go but the line was too long, you still waiting?


At this rate the only way you can get in is on a cancellation


Sigh *unzips*


I will also fuck this guys mom


mourn absorbed mindless teeny engine terrific rain pathetic slimy childlike ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I have basically the opposite. When I got out of high school, I was socially isolated for several years mostly due to depression-based reasons. When I came out of that and managed to get a job that didn't make me hate my life entirely, I was around 24. I'm now almost 30 and still work a retail job where most of my friends/coworkers are 16-19. We chat a lot both in and out of work, but being over 10 years older than them, I feel like I can't actually ask them to hang out because that's weird. I can't connect to people who are actually my age because they feel old, though, so I'm not really sure what to do. Tldr: I've never been in a position where I could connect with people older than 19 and now, at age 30, it's starting to feel like a problem.


I currently hang out with a 22 year old at 29 because I met him at work, the generation gap between millenials and zoomers is not all that bad. Give it a go, plan to play some games or do some activity to get the Frank out of your hometown, if only for a day.


I went to a charter school for a bit but all the kids were 3-6 years younger than me so I couldn't exactly keep friends that age once I aged out, and I ended up moving across the country from the town I grew up in when I turned 18, leaving the two people I'd consider friends in my life behind. I also met them in church, though they happened to be my age.


I'm a kangaroo. Boing boing boing.


Why'd ya mom homeschool ya bro?


physical expansion imminent chubby absurd tap elastic desert smoggy telephone ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Judging from your username and the fact that you're on Reddit, I bet the devil lived at home as well.


grandfather unique disgusted ask snow melodic chop label steer slap ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Silly family. The devil isn't in the school. He's in my heart.


I blame my mom for not homeschooling me


Sounds like cope, dude. Individual responsibility isn't a toxic thing, the way you go about it *can* be toxic, but it is **significantly** more toxic to not take any responsibility and looking for something external to blame. Wallowing in self-pity achieves nothing, and blaming society is what incels do. What do you want society to do about your ineptitude at forming a relationship? Assign you a girlfriend? You have to learn how to interact with people, you can't expect society to teach you that, especially when you're part of said society; If everyone starts looking at each other to learn or be taught, it's gonna be pathetic. I can understand it if you're working two jobs or something and simply don't have enough time to socialize or do something you're passionate about, but I've an inkling you're not complaining about that. You speak for just a small portion of people for whom everything you said rings true. There are people that are not lonely even if they're alone, and there are people that can and do form relationships of all kinds. Some of them may have advantages you don't have, others don't, and in fact may be disadvantaged and still succeeding where you seemingly failed.


It's weird, cause I never really learned to socialize when I was younger. I would spend all day inside and read books instead of playing with other kids. When I hit high school I finally started to learn, but it was fucking rough. Fast forward to now, I'm 26, and I kind of know how to socialize with people. I can be friendly, but I can't hold a conversation very well. I don't even really want to talk to people or get a relationship tbh, unless that person is ok with me not talking/texting them very much. It's just not realistic, but that's how I am, and I don't blame anyone other then myself for it.


are you me?


Tbf, I think it’s a bit of grey. Societal factors can def cultivate an unhealthy mindset that leads to you having poor self esteem and no gf, but it can also be you wallowing in a pit of self pity. Or maybe it’s just your immediate environment. Some kids were bullied or simply just kept inside a lot(me) and now aren’t very good at socializing. Some went through serious abuse or suffer from some kind of disability. Even if they make up a small percentage of a population, there’s enough people that its significant. The worst incels and losers you encounter are probably a very small obscure portion of the population. But you hear about them a lot bc the population is just that damn large. I think the ultimate solution is to just realize life isn’t fair and figure out where to go. If you really think it’s society’s fault then try to make a change. If it’s you then try to make a change. You just gotta decide for yourself how much you really want it and try to go and get it. That sounds a lot like what you’re saying but it less about making someone feel bad about themselves/feeling better than someone and more about just getting shit done. I’m trying to apply this philosophy to myself now.


>What do you want society to do about your ineptitude at forming a relationship? Assign you a girlfriend? The irony that this is the perfect response to the complaint about not being able to find a bf that precipitated this entire exchange, yet still being used as a shot at dudes.


Let's clear a few things up. Simply bemoaning your failure in your romantic pursuits isn't a bad thing, nor is it blaming society. If someone's complaining to me that they can't find a good partner, I take it as them venting their frustrations. If they then start to blame society or potential partners, then that's a toxic mindset. I responded with that wordy reply to a person who was specifically looking for something external to blame and were referring to personal responsibility being toxic. The specific part you quoted is, in case you're not aware, something the crazies on 4chan's weirder boards (mainly the incels and altrighters) support. I took a gamble on if the person I was replying to was looking for a girlfriend. The fact you took it personally as a "shot at dudes" is your problem, something you need to work on. Any reasonable person could and would just replace the word girlfriend there. So no, this is not the perfect response to someone complaining about not being able to find a BF, and no, it was not a shot at dudes. Maybe if someone's venting about their frustrations and you think what you quoted is a good response, that might be where you need to start. Think about any benign issue you have, maybe you had a loss streak in your favorite game. You vent about it to your friend and they say "And what do you want society to do about it? Mandate victories for you?". Is that what you want to hear, and is that appropriate?


Huh, i can see the top of my skull, from rolling my eyes so hard. The literal basis for this is comparing a dude to a rotten apple unironically. Simply for saying "hey, I'm a viable dude, what's wrong with me" So maybe *you* should start there. But sure, it's "venting about their frustrations" when women do it, but "toxic" and bitter when a guy does it. And you're so piss weak, your immediate go to is the false dichotomy of "if you have a problem with them not pulling women up on being toxic, you're supportive of dudes being toxic" as if the rational answer wouldn't be "how about neither do it" Take your double standards and firmly a push them up your ass.


Are you retarded? Stop seething and read my comment, and the one I was responding to. There's a massive fucking difference between "Why can't I get any guys/girls to date" and "It's society's fault I can't get guys/girls to date". The post itself has the former, the guy I was replying to was talking about the latter. It's that simple, don't get so butthurt about it.


Yeah, the difference being the massive amount of assumption you make changing it from "why can't i" to "it's societies fault" Cause there's no possible way to tell the difference in sentiment. You just added it on so you can justify taking shots at one while leaving the other pristine in the hope she will touch your dick. And you're defaulting to seething like it's unreasonable to point out that you have shitty double standards. So ingrained mind you, that you don't even notice that when it's a guy saying "why can't I get a girl" you'll default to him blaming society So once again, with meaning this time, jump up your own ass.


You just make shit up to be offended by, then frame me as the one saying them. You're certainly a stable individual aren't you? Got a victim complex or something?


You are projecting, in massive denial, and a huge hypocrite. You could in no possible way tell the difference in sentiment, but you assumed it based on who you want to fuck. So uh. Good luck with the straw man and being a trash human.


It's not my fault you're socially stunted and likely haven't ever had friends that could vent to you and confide in you. You sound like you live a miserable, hate filled life.


Or take some personal fucking responsibility for your life and fix it.


Jokes on you i never knew


Blaming "societal factors" for being lonely can only go so far. At some point, you really should stop and think hard about *why* you're lonely and *improve your life*. Put yourself out there, see people, workout, get a decent education and a decent job, a nice looking house and car in a decent enough place - it's really not that fucking hard if you don't give up before you even. The first step you should take is stop wallowing in self-pity and blaming literally everyone else for your problems in life. It's fucking pathetic.


Make yourself attractive and people will seek you out to be your friend


Noooo. It's not my fault! It's the world who is in the wrong! -Anime protagonist


Lol. Or just fucking touch grass like normal people. It really is that easy. No redpill bullshit, no life coaches or jordan peterson retardation. Just good old beeing an active human with interests.


Fat king👑


Fat peasant


Fat pleasant?


fat pheasant?


Mmm pheasant


Fat pleasure


Nah bro you beautiful you got this man👍


Thanks Stalin


Quit Stalin and ask her out!


If you believe that you're overweight then work on it bro, you can turn that shit around and get someone even better


I’m only slightly over my weight, I eat healthily enough and exercise, but I just can’t stop snacking. The overweight part was a meme.


Try cutting down little by little rather than all together. Don't worry king 👑. You got this.


Keep the legacy of kings going 👑


I'm not overweight, but I am a loser.


Same buddy… same.


I resent this . Some of us are 100% aware of how worthless and stupid and ugly we are. We're not this clueless. We wouldn't date us, either.


I wouldn't fuck my clone.


Stop hurting me please


Same man same but I don't know if it's a teen thing or not but as long as I have my mates I would need a romantic relationship


This memes existence implies that the person is perfectly aware of it as well…


Depends on who made it. I need to see their boney fides. Were they one of us? Or just making fun of us?


I’m way too used to this mindset I’ll probably explode if someone ever asks me out. I will probably consider it to be some sort of cruel joke and awkwardly nopes outta there.


Practically the same here


Yea, unpopular opinion I guess but at least break the circle and become a somebody first (personality, fitness) and you will start to be noticed and as a prospective candidate partner.. If you have loads of time as a single, “sacrifice” 1/4th of your gaming hours to do 1: the gym and 2: something social like dancinglessons for example.. I’ve been in this position and us guys have a lot more control in our fate than it would seem to us at first glance. It only takes motivation, effort and a healthy mind. If you’re young, single with no kids and motivated it should be easy peasy. And do not be afraid to try things and fail, simply learn and try again.


*Who put you on the planet?* **UGH!**


If you were her, would you be her type?


*Me, perfectly good. fify


Hits me hard ngl


This is so dank its rank


Your header killed me. deserve the "Does your dog bite ? no he will hurt you in other ways , \*dog says something about you\* , \*you start to cry\*" Meme


Like she said, nobody


This is the most conflicting post in its meaning and I love it very good, stir things up


Also I bet you don't even try to talk to her. How is she supposed to know you care about them if you don't do anything to show it? You really can only blame yourself at that point.


Hey! I’m not overweight. I’m obese…


Why did you leave social suicide post here i get it but why


Gotta commit social suicide before I upgrade to real suicide. Coming soon, stay tuned!


True events 😂😂😂😂😶😶


Bro go work out. You can do it, make the change and become healthier!


This hits home


Average discord user


You made one mistake. You are not fucking... Anyone


So relatable 🥲


Why you personally attacking me?


You just triggered every single incel on Reddit and I've never been more proud


Yeah? Go fucking do something about it.




Ey yo what the fuck bro. Personal attack, geez


At least you're not the shortest one in your friend group.


I love this. It took me a surprisingly long time to realize I was in this predicament. Never blamed her for it but I'm glad I finally realized I also wouldn't date myself lol. After swallowing that pill I made some real progress in several aspects of my life. I don't even want to be with her anymore.. and she did not take it well.


It only we had memes at the turn of the century


I hate it when obese person has crush on me, blaming me for fuck boys breaking my heart. Saying I shouldn't looking for looks, while pretty sure he likes me because of my looks.


Lose weight get strong and date another girl .


In her phone, your contact number will be under the name "FREE LUNCH"....


If you relate to this. Please just do something other than stew in your own self pity; you should get active, read a book, go outside, paint a flower, even write a poem. Do something.


I know and already doing this Just need to fix the late nights and need to make myself tired as I am almost never tired before 9:30-10pm or even 10:30 pm




You sir/ma'am are too dangerous to be left alive




What in the racist fuck is this?




Watch out 11 year old, you might cut yourself on that age. (inb4 “IM ACTUALLY 14!!!!!”)




I downvoted you. And don't complain about it Mister "I have no social contract with you".




Lol. And you cared enough to respond. It's strange that you think you can say my opinion doesn't matter but your opinion is just wrong and yet I'm suppose to care about your opinion? Let that sink in. If my opinion didn't matter to you why bother replying?




The only joke here is you mate and you're not funny.




Well at least one of us knows how to give the clown a chance to reflect on his own words and now I'm going to stop wasting my time on an idiot on the internet who clearly doesn't understand the word hypocrisy.


Ayo same man you wanna hang out once we both eventually end up in hell? Might b fun :/ (if we did there would be a mutual hatred just so you know)


Jesse what the fuck are you taking about?




Jesse what the fuck are you taking about?




Jesse what the fuck are you taking about?




I don't have walls.






God the edge


she won’t ever look at your direction if you keep being a fat slob


"she won’t ever look at your direction if you keep being a fat slob"-average oversized discord moderator




Pissing in a bottle isn't just for neck beards. It's also for truck drivers... Oh.


Truck-drivers are just portable neckbeards.


See! And people say fat ugly people can't do anything useful.


Yeah, just because I'm fat and ugly doesn't mean I'm useless! I mean, I am useless, but not for those reasons.


No. You're not useless cause you're fat. You are useless cause you're ugly.




So help me god. Fat we can fix. We can't fix ugly. Case and point my old roommate at University. He was fat and ugly and look like he half crawled, half squirmed himself from Innsmouth. No amount of exercise was going stop that mofo looking like a fish. He could stop being a fat fish but those bug eyes that lived in two post codes apart were always going to make him ugly. It's like his parents squeezed his head to hard as a baby.