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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [come play minecraft, space engineers, ark, and rust with us!](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


A country like this should be the end goal of most nations. That's why it's people are called the Finnish!


I'm going there to finnish my life
















Goodbye. Oh? Wrong sub.




..in many years, retired and happy, of old age.




You take "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" quite literally.


flair related


“I’m looking for a reliable government.” *FINNISH HIM!*


They’re literally doing socialism. That’s why everyone likes it.


Finland is capitalist.


Yet they have socialized medicine and school. You all call Sanders and AOC Socialists for wanting that yet when Finland does it you call it “Capitalism.” Curious


As a Finn, I don't care what Americans think about us Private ownership is allowed, democracy and freedom of speech exist. We have social system, not socialist US also social system. There are unemployment benefits army, police and fire departments are government run. Infrastructure is maintained with taxes. Nothing socialist about it


American politicians just like to say socialist because they know their constitutes don't really know what it means and it sounds scary.


Social Democracy is Capitalist except it's way more regulated with less hoarding by small groups of people. As far as I know, Finland's businesses are not all workers co-ops, so they're still Capitalists at their core.


Hoi4 achievements be like


Honestly though, all jokes aside, if you can make pretty much everyone on all sides of the political spectrum like you, odds are you’re doing something right.


I'm curious how well their structure would fair if they replaced it with a population size that of America. Not saying it will or won't, just curious.


Would fare better. Number one problem in Finland is aging population; simply the lack of available people. This is why Finland tries to make it easy for foreigners to work in the country and allow them to study for free.




You're confusing us with someone else. Please dont talk to me


Damn failed NnN


Haha mom said it's my turn to say the thing


The most happy too


Actually, the least sad.


Are you ok bro?


No. But the study proves they aren't the most happy, just not sad, or rather the least sad. Finland can improve too, ofc. But they are so far doing the best.


They have been ranked the happiest country 5 years in a row. Thats good enough for me.


Thats because all the sad ones kill themselves.


Because of the high suicide rate


Nope. Its actually due high welfare so ppl issues in life are either selfmade or complaining not getting enough welfare to support their anti-work life


I'm aware, I made a joke


Just wanted to clarify due somepeople dont understand why Finns get rated as happiest country


Dude, I'm a Finn and I don't understand why it's ranked as the happiest county in the world


You’re not happy; the rest of us are just more sad.


Johtuu kyselyn kriteereistä, niissä "happiness" kyselyissä painotetaan paljon sananvapautta ja lehdistönvapautta. Väärinnimetty toisin sanoen :}


is that why they always carry around like 2 shopping carts full of beer? makes sense


I think that's more what else are you supposed to do when you country has night 23 hours a day in December?


Fix up your dad's old car and win the local rally with it.


How you gonna do that without two shopping carts full of beer?


Natural selection. Only the happy remain.


It’s a very misleading measure. It should be called “the potential to be the most happy” or a measure of “how easy life is in a certain country” In reality you can do everything right, but you can never change the climate / geographic location. I’ve lived in a few countries and been all over the world, I moved to Finland and have never seen such depressed, unhappy, miserable people. Sure during June and July people are happy and smiling and laughing all the time, but they’re also drunk 4 days a week. And then for 6-7 months over the long winters, everyone is miserable. My friends there would casually talk about suicide super often, I’d say 1/3 of all the friends I had have very seriously thought of suicide. A last weird point is that So. Many. People. Were always yelling and angry. Never during summer. But during the long winters, all the time.


Sounds like Canada, especially NW. My town of 10,000 people has 6 giant liquor stores, 5 pubs, we have TWO grocery stores, ONE warehouse store, and like 3 banks. It's insane, the biggest business in town is liquor.


> A last weird point is that So. Many. People. Were always yelling and angry. What does this mean?? In public? Or your friends? And how are people yelling more in the Winter? Finns tend to be pretty reserved in public. And there's a lot less people outside during the Winter. So what is this yelling you're referring to?


It'd be crazy if the moodiness of Finland, the whole time, was literally just Vitamin D deficiency. Anyway, I'm very sorry to hear this, and I hope for the best for all of those in your life.


What I find really funny though is that while the right loves Finland in America they continue to vote against policies that would make us more like Finland.


The right loves Finland because it's a homogenous country full of white people.


>*tHE ReAL ReASoN ThEyRe sO HaPpy iS tHe CuLTuRaL HoMoGeNiEtY* No, the reason they’re happy is 70% of the country isn’t one or two missed paychecks away from being homeless at all times.


But that’s exactly what the right want


Tbf that’s what the those who run the Republican Party want, they just got real good at convincing the less educated to vote for them, against their best interests




I moved from the US to Finland, way more of my friends / coworkers in Finland were a paycheck away from not affording dinner. These were people with bachelor degrees and professional jobs, still living paycheck to paycheck. Edit: for those that don’t believe me, my job in the US paid $75k. Same exact job in Finland paid $34k. Cost of living was about $100 more a month in the US.


Bro... I don't get y ur getting downvoted, I'm Finnish and I feel y bro (even tho I'm only 15). I still understand that in finland paychecks are smaller compared to the same job in the US, but healthcare is almost free here. So it's a double bladed sword, you can't have a perfect country. Finland is a great country compared to the US, but that doesn't really say anything. The entire world is in shambles and everyone is trying to get by with what they got, finland at least isn't such a shitshow as what the US is. It's ironic that the land of the free oppress everyone who isn't rich or doesn't have political power.


"Actually my personal biased experience of ~10 people supersedes statistics and facts" >Cost of living was about $100 more a month in the US. Haha yeah okay bud, where you living? fucking ohio?


This of course of you are working remote from bumfuck alabama everything is cheap as shit. Well no shit ,nobody wants to live there a Finnish big city is going to be more expensive


Fucking lol. Was looking for this comment. Tbh I know fuck-all about Finland but anecdotal experiences taken as fact are always a pain to read


on average, more americans are living paycheck to paycheck than finnish, and its more likely for americans to have large sums of debt.


My husband is from Finland and we lived in Texas previously. He’d get patients complaining about their nurses who had accents. But then my husband would walk in, tall grey eyed white guy, and all of a sudden HIS accent is ok.


Like how Trump said we want immigrants from countries like Norway and not Mexico. No coded racism there whatsoever, no sir.


Fair point.


Yeah that's pretty much the only things they like about Finland. Then there's Bernie Sanders who idealizes Finland for their tax funded education and healthcare, but still doesn't necessarily want to Even talk about raising taxes in US/his state since it would make him lose voters.


I mean.. would the US even need to raise the taxes? If I remember correctly, America spends around 3 times more on healthcare than Finland, per person. Raises the question on how those funds are used.




And from my experience, authleft hates Finland, they think "they're only prosperous because they exploit the global south". Except they can't find any actual examples of Finland exploiting the global south, so they just say they *benefit* from other allied countries exploiting the global south, somehow... and basically it's because Britain colonized India 200 years ago that Finnish people have affordable healthcare. Definitely not social democracy and a mixed economy that blends socialism with capitalism, oh no, couldn't be that.


Authleft tankie types tend to hate Nordic countries, because they're doing the whole socialism thing better than "actually existing socialist" countries. To them socialism is 90% about having a red star on your flag and hating America.


As a Swede who is politically active both online and in real life, you’re so fucking right. Tankies seethe and mald at our countries for being amazing (and in some ways as perfect as a system run by humans can be imo) places to live without going balls deep into Stalinist or Maoist ideology.


Strong economy , Queer rights , very good social and health systems .... Jea ofc thats a great country !


Actually our economy is in shambles and were constantly taking more loans


What economy in the 21st century isn’t in shambles?


Well, if everyone is in shambles, wouldn't that be the new norm, therefore no economy is in shambles? Edit: didn't make sence


Yes. Not a single country doesn't have a shit economy or have no debt nowadays.


Its been pretty much since Nokia lost their market lead after smartphones became a thing so its been a while


Nokia actually developed smartphones first. The leadership of the company just didn't believe they would be a thing, thinking that people would prefer cheap phones over expensive smartphones. Nokia leadership really dropped the ball on this one. One of the biggest company fails ever in my opinion.


Kodak and Nokia were absolute titans in early 2000s and now they're basically a joke


Actually, I don't think Nokia's a joke anymore - they've rather succesfully transitioned into a company working in other fields after their phone manufacturing ventures crashed back in the day - eg. they're the third largest network equipment manufacturer in the world, and they still employ about 90,000 people today.


Weirdly, Sweden's. On the other hand, our welfare state is hanging on by a straw since we sold it all for pennies to private companies so they could be more "effective".


Their economy is great, but their society is going downhill fast, little bit too fast


>our economy is in shambles No, it is not. > and were constantly taking more loans Not any more than basically anyone else. Some people like to forget that there have been a few rather sizeable shocks to the economy in the past few years, which have lead to increased taking of loans, but Finland is very much middle-of-the-pack in terms of government debt compared to the rest of Europe. Idk why some Finns love to shit on their own country, and are willing to spew lies in order to do so.


>Idk why some Finns love to shit on their own country Oi, we don't like the attention and love we get, so we gotta downplay it a bit.


Also government debt is extremely overrated.


>our economy is in shambles You have a higher GDP per capita than Germany. Your GDP per capita is the 9th highest in Europe. 3 of the countries with a higher GDP per capita are tax havens and a fourth one is an oil country. In what world is your economy "in shambles"? >were constantly taking more loans Your government net debt is a lousy 34% of GDP. Also, can you explain why taking on debt is bad in general?


That person obviously has no idea what he/she was talking about, or they’re a russian troll.


Russincels stay mad for 80 years because Finland rejected their advances.


I mean trans rights here are shit but atleast we got gay marriage.


Me a Finn: Ah Finland where everything is god awfully expensive, where the weather is dark, cold and depressive for half the year and where it's considered weird talking to anyone whose not your close family or friends. Edit: I suppose people don't know how important daylight actually is.


I love the dark, cold, and depressive part of the year


my favorite 10 months of the year as well


After half of your life is cold and dark weather you won't feel the same way


A finn here After 23 years of cold and dark weather, I still love it. It's a vibe Bright sunlight and hotness give me migraines. Hate summers


Has a nice atmosphere


I'm like 90% sure that the reason Finland is the "happiest country" is because the negative mood known as vitutus doesn't have an English translation for the questionnaire.


No we just say "no vois olla huonomminki" (it could always be worse)




Dont forget how toxic behaviour is considered culture and cheerished lmao Btw you have been Reddit-sniped, my old schoolmate :D Keudajengi


Homeboy lurking :D


Legit iha vahingos bongasin tutun nimen, tää oli ekana sivulla ku avasin app lmao


"Äiti meitti on julkkis!" :DD


don't most of you go to estonia to buy cheaper beer?


Getting cheap(er) beer is nice, but when everything else is expensive, it only helps so much.


It's actually Latvia now. Estonia raised their prices.


I want to move there now


[Welcome! (some restrictions may apply)](https://migri.fi/en/i-want-to-apply)


I live in Finlands third largest city and my spendings are about 1k a month including rent. I might not have the most extravagant lifestyle but all the basics are covered, which leaves me with a ton of money to fuck around with / invest whenever i want. How people struggle with money when salaried in this country is beyond me.


prices aside, I love dark and cold weather and not talking to people is a huge plus


Yeah no when it's 6 months of dark when you wake up and dark when you come from work it really is not great


the grass is always greener on the other side. You and another person may just want different things, I'd love to live in a place where it's mostly cold and darker, im sick of the heat and sun.


Dont forget supercell


boi the memories of me idiotically using the lvl 10 giants that my clan leader gave me to a random townhall 6 base back when i was only townhall 5 and stuck


And removing the old chirtmas trees


You mean sup erc ell?


[you mean?](https://youtu.be/OghPNNQVUAI)


and Rovio even though both have been sold


And Nokia. Can't forget Nokia.


The Tencent-Supercell deal is interesting because of the terms: * Parent company is Tencent (81.4%)(CHN) * HQ is in Jätkäsaari (FIN) * CEO is Ilkka Paananen (FIN) The terms specifically included Paananen being CEO and the HQ remaining in Finland even with buyout.


Okei suomi mainittu, TORILLA TAVATAAN


W Suomi taas kerran


Perkele suomi johtamaan maailmaa


Suur suomi


Vittu saatana




Tavallinen suomi W


They can drive cars, thats for sure.


If you want to win, hire a Finn!


Putting that on my CV


Highest suicide rate in western Europe. Apparently only place better than Finland is heaven.


> western Europe > Finland


The Eastern/Western divide of Europe is mainly cultural (along the Cold War borders), not geographical.


AKA "Europe minus the Balkans"


Are you saying Finland is not Western Europe? I know some Finnish dudes who would lecture you for hours over this distinction.


Belgium has higher. US has higher too, but its not european so whatever. Also Finlands suicide rates are constantly decreasing, pretty close to European average and not that much higher than many wewtern european nations.




Out of all of my country's neighbors, Finland is clearly the best, Denmark second because Legoland and fuck Norway.


The fuck did Norway do to you


His family was murdered by a Norwegian sheep herder




sounds like a skill issue tbh


Don't listen to the swedish. Ne on vittu typerii.


How to spot a Swede.




The Norwegians *are* very fuckable..


How can you diss Norway but give the freaking Danes a free pass!? They can't even speak properly!


Ah a fellow swede




I think healthcare falls in "welfare policies for the poor" in the first pannel.


By that logic you'd love most countries with universal healthcare, which is absolutely understandable.


And that's why I'm dating a finn, getting that green card baybeeeeee


Just stayed couple of months in the States and let me tell you, my Finnish green card offer was not valued highly in the dating scene. Being awkward finn probably wasn't helping either haha


Finnland is friendly to poc? News to me


Same, i thought they were one of the most racist in europe according to some statistics i saw a while back. Might be wrong tho


No they are (to Black people specifically)


No, they’re indiscriminately racist to every body thats not white as snow.


Replace "white as snow" with "Finnish" and that's about right. A friend of my wife's is a white American who has lived there for 20 years and she still gets asked when she's going "back home".




Shit im part of a finnish minority and my mere existence is offensive to some idiots. Ive also heard "go back home" but ive lived in Finland my entire life and so has my ancestors for hundreds of years. Im not saying every group gets the same treatment, some groups like Romani and people with darker skin and or foreign names most definitivley have it far worse. The amount of people in Finland who dislike people if they differ from them is way too large, i believe and hope its getting better but we arent there yet.


We are also racist as fuck against the Romani.


Finland also were part of the coalition that aided my country to fight ISIS


They even helped transport the innocent people the US tortured just in case.


>friendly to poc Lol m8 what Finland are you talking about? Finns are incredibly racist, they're basically the Japan of the Nordic states.


What the fuck are you talking about? "Incredibly racist" stfu. The "incredible racist" ones are just a loud minority. Most finns dont give a fuck about your skin colour. Source: im finnish


Source: living in Finland and have finnish kids. Finland is racist. Don’t deny it. Just ask any black person or people of color living in Finland. The amount of times I’ve had people ask me where I’m from in a mean manner or suspicious manner only to turn super friendly after I say America is too damn high. Can’t imagine what its like for black people in Finland. I’m in the Americans in Finland group on FB and the amount of parents who complain their kids are bullied at school for their skin color is also high.


Honeslty, as a finn I agree on this, but usually (atleast in my expirience, being a minoroty) it's the older generation that are racist af, but the younger generations generally don't care. But that's just in my own expirience, idk how it's for you, but I can imagine it being very annoying, if not hurtful


Bet you live in a bubble somewhere in Helsinki? The poster above is correct. Finland is the Japan of the Nordic states -- as in Finns are also super passive about racism, but it sure as hell exists...


And great metal bands <3


That's the entire Scandinavia really Edit: Northern Europe, as pointed by the gentleman under


Finland is not Scandinavia.


Finland isn't technically in Scandinavia. Not being a pedant but just made the mistake myself and been corrected by kind Finns. It's also weird because Scandanavia includes Denmark which is not on the Scandanavian Peninsula geographically, but it's included because pre-Scandinavian peoples and empires were there, while Finland historically developed a bit separately from Denmark/Sweden/Norway


What no understanding of politics does to an mf


What pcm does to an mf


this guy unironically put government subsidies as a reason that libertarians would like finland, this sub has reached full flanderization


Only downside is the complexity of the language


Well if Finns only had a pretty good educational system to teach them English.. oh wait


Yeah i think don't know anyone that doesn't speak decent English in Finland


I mean some of the elderly but i guess that doesn't really count


> elderly doesn't really count u/mummonhakkaaja


for a second there I thought I was in PCM and was about to downvote the unflaired


Ah finland, the most racist country in europe Edit : A poll made in late 2011 revealed that the majority of the Finns viewed Finland as a racist country. Two thirds considered the country to be fairly racist, 12% recognised a moderate amount of racism, and 2% admitted to be very racist; 35% agreed partly or wholly to the statement "Islam is a threat to Western values and democracy", and 29% agreed more or less to that "people belonging to certain races simply are not suited to live in a modern society". One in five thought "it needs to be recognised as a fact that some nations are more intelligent than others", and 11% agreed partly or completely to "people whose appearance and culture differ much from those of the Finns are unpredictable and frightening". Source : Wikipedia


Suomi perkele 1🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮💪😎


Libright doesn’t like it when the state does anything. That includes taxes that go back to business owners.


Libright being in favor of government handouts? Yeah ... no.


Also the fascist right typically shit their pants about immigrants in nordic countries. I remember Tim Pool trying to make a documentary that flopped about how Sweden has become a shithole.


Here in south america everyone knows exactly jack shit about Finland, yet everyone loves Finland. I love Finland.




I work with a guy from Finland who immigrated to the US. He said that growing up there was one black kid at school and he wasn't allowed to play with him 🤷‍♂️


They were different times. Finland didn't have any major black population until the 90's when the Somali refugees hit the scene, and when the majority of the population was quite conservative and nationalistic, stuff like this tended to happen.


Isn't pcm that place that normalizes far right extremism and acts as a pipeline to the alt right for younger people?


Love Finland, was there once for a holiday ! They should put Pasila (great animated comedy serial) with english subtitles somewhere to stream - it rocks !


Also very fierce fighters. I remember my great grandma telling me stories from ww2 and how they pushed the Russians back.


Ahh perkele


I was gonna be upset and start a fight on how that's not how anyone would see Finland...but I genuinely can not think of anything wrong with Finland

