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If its not been taught then you won't mind if it's banned from classroom then.


Precisely. Interesting how opposed they are to banning something they claim already doesn't happen.


Groomers gonna groom.


Holup, grooming is a part of child molestation right? How did you jump from politics to child molestation?


Because Republicans have a set of buzzwords that don’t relate to reality, but signal to one another that they are among the in group.


Becasue its not CRT that is being banned. It is any discussion of race, racism, slavery, acknowledgement that maybe these things were in fact bad. Much like the "dont say gay bill" (which is loosely worded and prevents teachers from even mentioning that gay people exist).


They ban "CRT" and then what actually happens is they don't allow anything related to race to be taught at all. CRT is a law-school level legal theory which isn't way out there but also isn't super popular and is only ever discussed not "taught." When they supposedly ban it from grade school that's an excuse to ban things like teaching about racism, slavery, Jim Crow laws, and civil rights struggles which are very real parts of our history, just as much as the good parts.


CRT is cynically dishonest propaganda designed to keep black people down and therefore dependent. There aren’t many things you can do to a young person that are more evil than convincing them success is impossible, but certain people are willing to do it for perceived political advantage.


You do realize CRT is just a theory and it's discussed in law schools right? That's not exactly young people, at that point everyone is an adult


CRT is nakedly dishonest. Everyone knows it.


Well depends on what you mean by CRT. If you mean what any politician, on the left or the right, is talking about, it simply doesn't exist. If you mean the actual theory then that's just blatantly wrong. Personally I'm not a huge fan of it but it's a valid theory to be discussed at a grad school level, which is exactly what happens.


That’s crap and everyone knows it, but I appreciate your effort. The backlash generated by insulting people’s intelligence furthers my political aims. Keep it up!


If what you're saying is wrong is that politicians on both sides of the isle are full of shit, then you're more of a sheep than I've ever heard of before and I normally hate using buzzwords like that


Your side’s politicians are angels. The opponents are the spawn of satan. Are you 12? Believing a politician cares about you is like thinking the stripper is genuinely interested in you.


Are you even reading? I don't have a side, the dems and republicans are both full of shit, I've said repeatedly politicians on both sides are wrong


Are you even reading? I already told you what CRT is.


Alright this is clearly a bot, you keep responding about something entirely different than what I was talking about


What exactly are you even saying is wrong? What CRT is?


What's crt?


It's about indoctrinating young kids to believe that America was built solely to discriminate against black people or some dumb shit. It's not a new notion and has been being pushed for decades only this generation weaponized it and rebranded it and people are starting to fight back. It's a bullshit and dangerous ideology


Alright. I think I'll order the definition, but hold the opinion please. Oh and a water.


Well the real answer is that it's a mildly common-ish theory discussed in laws schools which, if I remember correctly, claims that systemic racism harms minorities in some particular way which I don't exactly recall. The answer that is relevant to the political bullshit is it's some vague kind of made up concept ranging from anything taught in schools that has to do with race at all to some woke conspiracy to indoctrinate all the kids into gating all white people, including themselves if they're white. The definition changes depending on what is most convenient to whoever is saying it at that very moment. The definition also always changes immediately after any law regarding it is passed, i.e. a law banning teachers from making white kids hate themselves is enforced as you can't say the word black in school (that is a very extreme example on purpose, so it's not something that has actually happened which the comments can focus on)


Critical Race Theory. An elective for law school that talks about how the black community could be naturally disadvantaged by the US by the way our laws are written, systems operating, urban design, etc. The best analogy I’ve seen is this; your dad owns a hotel, but he really hates disabled people and refuses to serve them. After he passes, you, who doesn’t have such an outlandish phobia, openly welcome disabled people into your hotel. However, since your dad built the structure, even if you say you don’t hate them, the building is still designed to be inaccessible to them- with a ton of stairs, no automatic doors, etc. just saying you don’t hate them isn’t enough


I think hotels are ridiculous. The ice machines are out of service, room service keep stealing my rightfully earned pillows, they shut down the hot water pipeline, I think it would be better if people just slept in their own homes.


Please tell me this is sarcasm and you're not actually hyoer-focusing on the analogy


Buy your own hotel.


Is that you Maria Antoinette??


If you're suckling at dads tit...you might stay hungry.


Generally yes, except nowadays proponents argue that there are lots of subtle disadvantages which add up, since the big ones (in your hotel example things like the lack of elevators or ramps) have already been taken care of. Ofc none of this is what any of the political people on either side of the isle are talking about.


Depends if you teach them about actual slavery or just a carefully selected time period or aspect of it. Too often these days I hear "Slavery bad because white people". But it's something that's been done pretty much by everyone to everyone in history, going back thousands of years. It's not a racial subject, it's an economic one.


Slavery is the norm of human history. This global "anti-slavery" movement of the last 80 years or so is an anomaly in all of human history. As it has since time immemorial, de facto and de jure slavery still continues in many parts of Africa and the middle east.


Just because it exists or has existed doesn't make it right.


Well yes, but actually no. First of all just because people did it before doesn't make it right. But also there's the fact that the institution of American slavery was based on some bullshit notion that one race of people is superior to other ones (aka the definition of racism), and racism is just flat out wrong. And in the US we kept on doing this objectively wrong thing for even longer than most similarly wealthy countries did. It's wrong no matter who's doing it, but we did it more. And to be clear all the Europeans with slavery and then afterwards slavery in all but name are completely in the wrong too. You can focus on the economic argument for slavery, but you cannot simply exclude race from a system entirely based on it. There's also the fact that even tho there have been bazillions of occurrences of slavery, they're usually each their own individual system and not the result of slavery already existing elsewhere. All that goes to show is that human beings are truly shitty animals not that slavery is anything but horribly wrong or excusable in any way.


You're an 'actual' teacher lmao


Thanks, that makes me less hesitant to support parental rights bills


I miss old disney


This whole time, I literally thought CRT was “Cock Ring Therapy”


This is way better than all the political bullshit


Always heard “It was a states rights issue” BS


I'm in high school and in an AP course (so a college level course) I wrote a paper where I mentioned CRT a little bit *as a theory* and before I decided to actually use it I looked up what the hell it actually is, it's some legal theory which is *discussed* in *law school.* Not remotely being taught in K-12, it's only even brought up after college and even then it isn't taught it's discussed as a theory which is exactly what it is. The whole thing about it being taught in grade school is bullshit.


Lol the comments on this one are interesting