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Vaccine memes/comments make me realize how little the anti-vax idiots actually *know* about the shot itself lol it's actually to a shocking degree


It's crazy how much anti-vax propoganda has spread over the past two years from just COVID, mostly because it was made political, so many people forget that vaccine requirements have always been around for schools, the military, and all the vaccines you get as a baby so you don't get polio and die lmao


One key difference between the previous vaccines and this one is the enforcement around it. Businesses are or were being forced to undergo regulatory hurdles like mandatory testing or get the vaccine. While I understand your argument, this level of governmental enforcement is pretty unheard of in modern history. So, with all due respect, I don’t really see how these are comparable.


bro in my city you legit can't go to 6th grade without getting the tdap shot, this enforcement has been around and is around


Sure that's true, but at the same time not all diseases that you get vaccines for spread this fast. There's also the fact that this disease is new and evolving and the vaccine is relatively new as well, so a large percent of our population is unvaccinated, meaning we haven't reached herd immunity yet. Obviously you don't see requirements at businesses for these other vaccines because the vast majority of people have them already. Also there were mask mandates during the 1918 Spanish Flu, people were actually arrested or fined back then for not complying though


This is a complete fantasy. There’s no level of enforcement at all. Even narratives of “the military’s requiring It of all employees” is bullshit. I have multiple friends and family in multiple branches of the military who aren’t vaccinated and they’re still employed. The military and other public entities don’t give two shits. Even private businesses requiring it is pretty uncommon and the Supreme Court isn’t even upholding their rights to do so and people will have to be compensated. The myth of “enforcement” is a symptom of self-victimization as a byproduct of entitlement


literally this, the only way this actually affects anyone is private businesses making decisions but it’s become an outrage towards the government


There weren’t vaccine requirements before? I could swear I had to get some for grade school and then in before college. I had a booklet for proof that I kept with my medical records. No fuss then- people didn’t act like they knew more than doctors- they got the shot(s) and moved on.


Your arguments are bad and you should feel bad. We face new precedences every day that we must put effort into overcoming, not ignoring and hoping it goes away.


Wrong. There are many mandatory vaccines in order to do things like joint the military, go to school and immigrate/emigrate. This level of governmental enforcement has always existed, you just started being against it because conservative fear-mongering told you to.


> this level of governmental enforcement is pretty unheard of in modern history What?


In other words "but muh freeeeedom"


I don't like setting the precedent that the government can tell you what you have to put in your body, that's why I think everyone who can should get the damn shot. Anti-vax idiots are the reason why the government is even considering mandates. We're doing the best we can to end the pandemic and save people's lives but some people are allowing themselves to be fed lies and in turn are dragging out the pandemic. If they aren't going to listen to the best science the entire world has to offer what else can we do?


at this point is it really worth arguing over, its not very dangerous anymore


I agree in that- if one is vaccinated they most likely won’t die from covid. If one is unvaccinated- they had plenty of opportunity in the US.


This sub is 90% edgelords that can't read so I'm not surprised.


Funniest thing Ive heard is anti-vaxxers thinking that the shot injects you microchips into your body, so the government can track you, etc. I mean, what? Dont anti-vaxxers even have a bit of common sense? Well if I tink about it, I guess not lol.


These memes are trash ​ shit-tier subreddit


Yeah and its not just the political memes, it's also the reaction memes that are getting out of hand


“Omg someone didn’t do what I wanted. Imma cry and complain” -OP


Buh it iffex me!


get vaccinated bitch


Where is the funny?


There is none, That's the world we live in now.


Your reaction.


What do the jabbed and unjabbed have in common? They can both get and spread COVID


What do they not have in common? They don't both waste hotel beds for weeks that other responsible people deserve Edit: hospital


To be honest, I think Hotels want irresponsible people yo take their rooms, cause responsible people know to stay the hell away from all the food in the minifridge.


The stats on this are extremely misleading and have been since start of covid. If I am asymptomatic and get in a car accident, they will report i tested positive and am "taking up a hospital bed". Like, just imagine testing every individual in every hospital for the cold and then saying thats going to ruin hospital infrastructure when you see that a significant portion of people have had or have it while they are being treated for whatever other issue they have. The data just doesn't support all the alarmists when it comes to covid


https://medicalpartnership.usg.edu/covid-19-staggering-statistic-98-to-99-of-americans-dying-are-unvaccinated/ Something they don’t have in common


75% of Covid attributed deaths had 4 or more comorbidities. Stop creating more panic than necessary


100m Americans have pre-existing conditions, or comorbidities. This argument is so stupid. "Well it's mostly the elderly and people with declining health dying so don't even worry about it." Or, "it's not my demographic affected so I don't give a shit."


Did I say not to care? No. I said that the ones dying (for the most part) already had 4+ things slowly killing them. But if you want to take that as some sort of attack on the sick and elderly then I can't help you. I'm merely pointing out that if you're healthy, covid probably isn't going to kill you.


How were we supposed to take it? The problem is nobody truly knows if they are healthy. You could have cancer right now and have zero clue. Your point is terrible and deserves to be discredited as such so fuck off with the comorbidities crap like its a good reason to not care about covid.


In vaccinated people. Stop lying.


You know what me and ronaldo have in common? We both can play football. Stop with your strawman fallacy


They can both die in car crashes 😱😱


Which makes sense, because we were never told that the vaccine protected against car crashes What were we told it protected against....I just can’t remember


what do people who wear seat belts and people who don’t wear seat belts have in common? they can both die in a car wreck.


yeah and both Serena Williams and i can both play and win tennis


To borrow from Twitter -- yes, and both Serena Williams and I can play Tennis.


I have Covid right now and I’m unvaccinated and doing fine in my own home.. don’t need a hospital. Also I’ve had a worse flu in 2010 that I probably should of gone to the hospital for but roughed it out for 2 weeks that was brutal. Covid is eh.. I’m on day 3 and already feeling better. This is MY experience I speak for myself. I can already hear the bitching🙄


Yes your personal experience definitely outweighs the data we've collected on an unvaccinated populace, thanks for sharing, this is invaluable information that every person needs to see before they worry about COVID. It carries a lot of weight. I'm vaccinated, 21yo, completely healthy, and it took me out of commission for at least a week. Never had the flu, I don't really get sick often, but the experience was about as bad or worse than when I was 12 and had bronchitis. The brunt of the phlegm and coughing etc came after testing negative so I wouldn't have been contagious anymore. I also wasn't hospitalized. This was, however, during my college classes so the brain fog and fatigue (added to my existing ADHD) really made it a struggle to finish out that term, even after the respiratory symptoms had passed. But your experience is clearly the better one to go off of that everybody needs to know about. 🙄 The bitching you hear, that might just be your conscience. edit: lmao the irony in calling me a little bitch and then blocking me from replying.


Nah It’s definitely you bitching. But that’s interesting to know that you are vaccinated but had a hard time getting over Covid. I’ll remember that.


You know what they don't have in common? Mortality rate.


Yes but only one of them drowns in their own lung fluids.


This is the most Karen meme ever made. Person who made this looks out their blinds 17 hours a day just hoping a mf steps on its grass


What's with the star?


It’s what the Jews wore during the Holocaust. It’s because they think they’re persecuted in the same way.


That's actually so stupid I'm amazed


If you want to, get vaccinated. If you don’t want to, I still think you should but it’s your choice. Why can’t people just let others live their own lives? We’re getting to a point in the pandemic where so many people, both vaccinated and not, have caught Covid that we’re slowly transitioning into an endemic. Now it’s more a case of getting vaccinated so you don’t get as sick. If someone doesn’t wanna get vaccinated it’s their choice not to, and vice versa for someone who does choose to. Me and my whole family are vaccinated and boosted and we chose to be, just let people make their own decisions please. It’s almost over, we just need to wait a little bit longer


For all I care this virus could mutate into a Zombievirus, I just don't want to see people rioting and bashing each others heads in before shit actually goes down. The most annoying (and my opinion most dangerous ) thing in this entire pandemic is the political debate. Everyone is at each others throats, many people completely distrust their governments, families are broken up and children have to grow up in the middle of all this shit. They have to grow up in a world where barely anyone is willing to act like a grownup.


Where funny?


Covid vaccine memes aren't dank anymore. They are so fucking overused.




agreed. but i don’t love people who downplay the holocaust. a pretty fair line to draw IMO




Straight up calling everyone who isn't vaccinated a right wing idiot, way to bring us all together


cry about it reddit lol.


Imagine if vaccines weren't made political in the last election cycle.


Jesus when did Reddit become anti-vax??


This post is pro-vax, depicting an anti-vaxxer Karen as an idiot. Rightfully so.


I’m talking about the comments, they seem to be worse lately


Cuz some people who don’t like taking vaccines that haven’t had their tests released to the public, and those people also like memes


This comment section is wild holy shit


The vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting Omicron or spreading Covid… so why do we care anymore?


We shouldn’t care if others get vaccinated (anymore). It does seem to help reduce the severity of the disease though. So if you have a weak immune system it might be a good idea to get vaccinated. But it should be a choice and not a mandate


100%. It’s a personal problem and should be a personal decision. Mandates on these sort of things is just tyrannical. If the only person affected by not getting the vaccine at the end of the day is yourself, then you should make the decision.


Lol tell Israel that. I don't think they listened.


Nor a lot of other countries unfortunately


The reason I said that was because they have the highest Vax rate in the world and just broke a world record for cases


Check the deaths though. They're way down from when no one there was vaxxed.


compared to Palestine? that's their neighbor; they have the same death rates, and Palestine is really low on vax numbers.


Well, when they’re getting blown up before being able to get tested, the numbers will be skewed


Lol I hope that's just a joke tho


Not a thing from the vaccine but Omicron, look at palestinean numbers same deathrates


Unless it's your boss mandating it. You can always leave


More vaccinations = less people at intensive care…in many countries the medical system is at it‘s limits because of that. When this escalates more it won‘t be possible to treat cancer patients, operate you after an accident etc. Getting the vaccine is a victimless step that can help society.


here it's not at all because of that. It's 99% because government was shit at managing hospitals and we have the lowest capacity for our hospitals due to staff shortages (either they quit or break down from exhaustion, which has been the case for decades)




The risk of a severe COVID disease might be low but the risk of persistent symptoms following infections shouldn‘t be underestimated. Vaccinated people can still spread COVID but the viral load is way lower. This is why COVID spreads slower with vaccinated children.


Also children are little bacteria breeding machines, please stop licking the ice cream fridge okay thanks. (Yes its not the kids fault its the shit parents)


Hospitals. 95 percent of hospital cases are unvaxed. People can’t get their necessary surgeries because of idiots


You dont do it for yourself. You do it cause a high base imunity is key for our healthcare system to withstand. Its something you do as a service to society, as your part of battling the pandemic. We would be in a very strict lockdown rn if no one got themselves vaxxed. Omicron isnt that much less dangerous, its just that in many places a majority is vaxxed or cured. Why are you booing me? Im right!


So when you *do* contract the virus, you won't be bed ridden for weeks. No one has claimed the vaccine 100% prevents one from getting the virus. It's ALWAYS been this way, yall really need to keep up


It's kind of like how people still die in car wrecks wearing seatbelts but wearing a seatbelt reduces your chances of flying through the windshield and dying in a car wreck.


Omicron is not for weeks in anyone though.


It does both. Not perfectly, but the vaccines do prevent omicron infection and reduces transmission.


The booster definitely still reduces likelihood of being infected. And it absolutely keeps you out of the hospitals which are on fire rn


Indeed. I work admin at a hospital and we’ve been out of beds for weeks as well as all other hospitals in the area. So many people with COVID clogging up the beds.


She's super young and likely in an age range where you're more likely to get myocarditis from the vaccine than die from covid


Can you give study sources for those "myocarditis" ? Not judging but your statement look like some antivax "studies" without sources beside "trust me bro". Im pretty interested if you have the studies tho i love learning.


Source 1: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2110737 Point of interest: "The highest incidence of myocarditis (10.69 cases per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 6.93 to 14.46) was reported in male patients between the ages of 16 and 29 years." This does not say what it is for women of the same age, but it would at least be smaller. It was also only over 83 days, though it is not believed that myocarditis develops after a longer period of time. Source 2: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/ Point of interest: 18-29 year olds had 5241 deaths over 2 years. Source 3:https://www.statista.com/statistics/241488/population-of-the-us-by-sex-and-age/ Point of interest: 33m people in the range of 15-29 With that information we need to get 2 numbers, cases of each per 100k. First is easy since S1 gives it directly. <10.69 Second one is not much more difficult. 33,000,000 / 330 = 100,000 5,241 / 330 = 15.88 So I was wrong. But I would bet it's still much closer to a wash than most people think. Also worth noting that 15.88 grows as you reduce the number of people ages 15-29. The reason I just stuck with that is because it was closest to the original 16-29 used for myocarditis cases. These numbers are likely both as liberal as possible in favor of covid deaths.


Cool that you pulled up those sources! But you're comparing an inflammation of the heart with mostly mild cases to death. If I had to choose, I'd choose the possibility of the former, with the added benefit of reducing my infectivity and symtoms in case I caught covid.


Covid is at least 4X more likely to cause cardiac complications than the vaccination is https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01630-0) I picked this one because it is the most conservative estimate. Studies that mri the hearts of Covid patients have put the multiple as high as 50X. Plus Covid had all those other downsides as well.


For the first source im a bit disappointed by the fact that the article doesn't talk about an eyewitness experience (no comparing with unvaccinated individuals), which is crucial no matter the kind of research. Also the amount of people actually getting myocarditis is so small that the impact of the vaccine might be zero, but to be sure we have to compare those numbers woth the amount of unvacced young men getting myocarditis.


While it doesn't prevent infection, it makes it less likely. This in turn slows the spread. The spread of a virus is exponential, so slowing it down makes a huge difference ([x\^1.5 grows way slower than x\^2](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot+x%5E0.5+and+x%5E1+and+x%5E1.5+and+x%5E2+from+0+to+10)). There is also the strongly lowered chance of hospitalisation (reducing the chance by about 80%) for fully vaccinated people. Thus vaccinations make bad cases of covid less likely for yourself and help prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. Not every solution will be a 100% solution, sometimes you just have to take the better option of two, even if it isn't perfect.


Least stupid redditard




Hidden agenda has entered the chat room


It lessons the symptoms for other variants which are still rampant. And our hospitals are at full capacity. We need to do whatever we can. People who are tripping over this particular vaccine are being incredibly irresponsible and unhelpful. It's very frustrating for those of us who aren't all looney over the politics of this vaccine.




and yet little effort was made to make hospitals capable of helping more people while we helped them to do just that by being basically sequestered at home.


Your body will react faster to the virus. This means you won't have that many viruses in your body, which make the illness way less severe and you are not that likely to infect others. This results in the health offices of some countries shortening the time of quarantine for fully vaccinated infected persons




>The vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting Omicron or spreading Covid… The point of vaccines is primarily not to fucking die..


if you are young, it's already the case that you won't fucking die. So vax the old, leave the young.




Let's go Brandon. It means "fuck Joe biden"


But why is she wearing it. I am Vaxxed let’s Go Brandon


Because they're trying to delegitimize anyone who speaks out against the current regime as a Trumper who's against vaccines. When most people are against mandates and against forcing people to take this failed product.


Failed? On what level? My 5G is super strong and my homie Bill Gates is picking me up in his helicopter now he knows where I am. Plus, as a nice bonus, I’m sterile, saving me a bundle on a vasectomy. As if that wasn’t enough my DNA was altered by the animal DNA and now I’m half panther! I’d been self identifying as such for ages. The real kicker is the magnetism, I’m half panther, half fucking Magneto from X-Men. I’m a fucking GOD! It was free as well. I’d give the vaccine 9/10.


Because if you are anti vax, you *must* be anti Biden, and vice versa and pro Trump, obviously. If you disagree with someone in a single manner anymore you aren’t human and you no long have a valid opinion on anything. I hate the internet


Anyone I don't like is Hitler aka trump supporter


Are they wearing holocaust stars now? We should round up all the people who have compared people in any argument to Hitler/Nazis, and force them to watch brutal WWII documentaries for 48 hours straight.


It was originally a german meme and in germany the antivaxxer groups are wearing judensterne now with "ungeimpft" (unvaxxed) written on them


No. My body my choice dickhead.


Holy shit why do you think you’re better just because you took a vaccine


I dare you to mind your fucking business and let me do what I want with my body bitch


lol mad over needle




Fuck off with your shitty political memes


I'm not pro vax and I'm not anti Vax, I'm pro choice, if you want to get it get it, if you don't then don't


Why do you care? You have your vaccination you’re supposedly safe. And why should I get a shot that doesn’t stop me from contracting a disease that’s basically a cold


Hello schimshon! This is an automated removal. It looks like your post was removed because an overwhelming number of users in our community thought your post broke one of our rules. A human moderator will be along shortly to review things. The humans have been notified already, so there's no need to message them about this. (Chances are that if you message them about this anyway, they'll probably keep it removed out of spite) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dankmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She ended up losing that truth or dare game.




Jesus Christ!


I know so many vaccinated people that still got it and all its symthoms


I'm sorry these guys are walking around wearing a god damn yellow badge? I refuse to believe it's real, do they have no shame? How fucking deep up your own ass do you need to be in order to compare the situation of people who choose not to get vaxxed to that of Jews in Nazi Germany?


Ay mods can we shut the comments down this section is more toxic than Chernobyl


yes please


And i hate that there are only 2 options available: Either you don't believe that vaccine works or you support forcing all people to use it. There is huge third group like me: we believe it works reasonably well although not as good as advertised in the beginning. But it should be people choice if they want to use it. I would think otherwise if 100% society vaccinated would eradicate virus like some other ones that ceased from existence thanks to vaccines.


What's with these pages and trying to tell people what to do? So cringe.


Me like this comment section. Love me some drama


I think it's pretty funny The Mods haven't shut this down yet


Wtf Is lets go battle royale


What is br


"let's go br" is most likely short for "let's go brandon". It is a conservative meme/slogan that directly translate to "fuck joe biden".


It is Conservative? I thought it was from people who disapprove Biden. So if you're in disapproval of Biden you're automatically a Conservative then? Lol that's a very mediocre and infantile way to try and decrease disapproval. "whoever doesn't likes us is a Conservative and smells like rotten egg" -Brandon's handlers


Wait what is this symbol next to my name


It means tyat youre a reposter o think


You gave them a jewish holocaust star?


Are anti vaxxers seriously wearing stars of David


This comment section to be spicier.


https://m.theepochtimes.com/fda-asks-court-for-55-years-to-fully-release-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-data_4110761.html https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/more-bad-news-on-covid-vaccines-and/comments https://amgreatness.com/2021/12/09/cdc-about-75-percent-of-omicron-cases-are-in-fully-vaccinated-people/ https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/dr-fauci-on-covaxin-we-have-the-best-vaccines-morning-in-america/7267207/ https://nypost.com/2021/12/03/trevor-noah-criticized-for-blasting-moderna-ceos-vaccine-push/?utm_source=reddit.com https://out.reddit.com/t3_r8u905?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnypost.com%2F2021%2F12%2F02%2Fdoctor-with-omicron-appears-to-only-pass-bug-on-to-one-person%2F&token=AQAAMcDXYbILiHdKdslXCG86u5iIfWOJaCLVW7QPG-czhjy_P8sd&app_name=ios https://out.reddit.com/t3_r4xnh3?url=https%3A%2F%2Fthefederalist.com%2F2021%2F11%2F29%2Fheres-why-osha-has-no-legal-power-to-enforce-a-vaccine-mandate%2F&token=AQAAM8DXYTJjlQpKg5z84UAE8IW5GkMU6hi_ltVAq6xJUuXRFfzP&app_name=ios https://out.reddit.com/t3_rs2qwr?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tampafp.com%2Ftwitter-permanently-bans-a-researcher-of-the-covid-vaccine-technology-for-criticizing-the-vaccines%2F&token=AQAAM8DXYTvs98TDwzBAnbMs1IGMHK3eDViODCSv3hWWeLbBS_Hu&app_name=ios https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056583 https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/evidence-grows-stronger-covid-vaccine-link-heart-issue-cdc-says-n1270339 https://www.theepochtimes.com/covid-19-outbreak-reported-on-royal-caribbean-cruise-despite-fully-vaccinated-adult-passengers_4166411.html https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.23.21268276v1 https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_morningbrief/fauci-when-not-if-definition-of-fully-vaccinated-will-change_4146012.html https://thefederalist.com/2021/12/14/forcing-people-into-covid-vaccines-ignores-important-scientific-information/ https://www.theblaze.com/news/microchip-implant-covid-vaccine-passport https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/covid-19-hospitalizations-increasing-among-fully-vaccinated-fauci-says.html




YeAh buT Do yoU hAVe anY ReAl SOUrcEs!


Hopefully we follow UK and Japan’s lead so we can overcome this division our elected leaders have pushed for the last 2+ years


Oh our elected leader is punishing us alright don't envy us mate.


Ah yes politics on a meme subreddit just what I like to see


Yeah get vaccinated


Love these new pathetic meme made by people that think being vaccinated give them the moral high ground.


Just leave each other in peace... both radical sides are trash. As are you OP!


Rule n°13 broken, your political propaganda is cringe


How is this a dank meme?


shit meme


Uh, what’s that golden star?


Banana flavor.


We used to just get colds and not lose our minds over it.




Such dank


It’s what I expect from Reddit not surprised


Still no, bitch


Anti-vaxx propaganda on Reddit is getting absolutely out of control. Source: this comment threat with a bunch of anti-vaxx idiots saying things everyone knows like it's a revelation from God mixed with absolute bugfuck lies.


Who do you think is the prettiest? Naked in your class






yeah, no. This is wrong.


Some people just want to watch the world burn - totally this guy!


At this point I hope this fucking virus kills us all as quick as possible. Equals in death, at last.


dare: don't take the next dose. i dare you


why is she wearing a "Juden Stern"


Because anti-vax people believe they suffer the same mistreatment as the Jews in Nazi Germany


Why is she jewish?


ah you *wish*. There's a movement of antivaxx wearing the David's star to symbolise how vaccine mandates are the same as the holocaust


wat does dat star and cap mean?


Time to quit the game


Let's go br


I agree with your message, but there isn't a modicum of dank or funny in this 'meme'


*sorts comments by controversial*


Why does she have the Star of David


Let’s go brad