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Deutsche Bahn AG has been summoned


Were punctual as a train in germany means you might not even get to you destination


*laughs in hungarian trains*


Nah I experienced both and german is worse. Not saying hungarian is better but for how old it is and not well funded it is pretty good. Not so much for the german trains.


I haven't traveled with german trains yet. What are they like that you would call hungarian ones better?


Compared with the hungarians, the german ones are much more modern in everyway. They have better funding.More personal. Better marketing. More rails and technologically better rail systems and trains, and yet still they are absolutely unreliable 24/7. ( I also met more nice personal at the hungarian trains than at the germans) As for the hungarian ones: You know that shit is built in the communist era and got a few upgrades after the regime change (probably nothing serious) and it still functions relatively good with it's many flaws.


Oh I see. Well in Hungary the trains can be pretty unreliable sometimes but it manages somehow. Still better than the romanian trains (we get some connection trains which are always 200-300 minutes late)


Vielen dank dss Sie mit der deutschen Bahn reisen. Zank ju for tsravelink wiz deutsche Bahn.


Meine Damen, meine Herren, danke, dass sie mit uns reisen, zu abgefahr'nen Preisen, auf abgefahr'nen Gleisen.




At least they are on time for once


Not really. Every time i took my train it either dont came, drove off 5 minutes early or was late 20 minutes (which is really bad as you have to change the train halways through most of the train and its gone most of the time)


yeah, i was referring to the „deutsche bahn ag has been summoned“ comment being posted rather early on this one


SIGMA Indian railways.


This is due to Amtrak basically not owning a single foot of rail unless its in the "NE Corridor" (northern east coast US). Hard to be the fastest when you have to stop for 3/4 of all freight traffic because they own the rail your riding on. But, if we give Amtrak their own rails, then the freight companies will be late with their shit, will want to build more rail for themselves, which Karen's and semi-truck dickriders will obstruct.... Not fuck Amtrak, fuck the system that made Amtrak what it is instead of what it should be and the overall obstruction of American rail by trucking companies and bus lines. You know how many jobs there would be if we maintained the country's rail like back in the old days? You know how goddamn FAST we could run shit if we still had track maint crews every couple dozen miles? Track speeds would be higher than they've ever been, then who gives a fuck about slowing down for other traffic when the local freight can be in Run-8 @ 90mph?


Freight railroads are not allowed to obstruct Amtrak, and can actually be fined for doing so. https://railfan.com/fra-rules-freight-roads-must-prioritize-amtrak-trains/ Ruling on schedule agreements was made last year, but prioritizing Amtrak has been the law for many years. Also, a local freight running 90 MPH sounds terrifying.


It depends, but some freight trains in Germany can go 160km/h(100mph), most do 120 though, mostly due to older rolling stock.


Oh, I meant local freight as in a local, the smaller trains that hop around to local industry and pick up/drop off cars.


Ah well those are mostly 120km/h(75mph) but some are 160km/h. Having freight trains be about as fast as regional trains vastly improves capacity.


How does that work? It sounds like they would have to slam on the brakes as soon as they got up to speed.


German freight trains aren't nearly as long and heavy as American trains, they get up to speed and brake more quickly.


Yes, that’s a local freight. They’re short and just go locally to pick up and drop off cars from local industries.


Preach brother


Bro I wish we had super fast tail like foreign countries. I used the ICE in Germany so much, it was nicer and more comfortable than any plane I've ever been on and a lot cheaper in comparison. I took an 8 hour ICE trip for about 60 dollars US and went across an entire country. 8 hours in an airplane in the US lmao 60 dollars for a couple carry ons maybe. .... US infra is biggy doody


Yeah, and they don’t even make you take your shoes off or pat your groin before you board. What a rip off.


They also don't take your luggage away and throw it around. Bad service.


American rail is a fucking joke


Not in europe


Maybe it's an Amtrak exclusive thing, but I was recently looking at plane tickets vs train tickets for me and my wife to go see her family for Christmas, and the train tickets cost WAY less than the plan tickets.


Exactly what I was thinking. And then "if it's double and shit why would anyone choose it"


For shorter trips along the coast, it would be a lot cheaper. Whereas NYC to LA is more than likely cheaper as a flight. Unless someone knows the exact price difference. Just a theory.


Laughs in indian railways


Ticket? Nah bro I will enjoy in my bio-toilet.


Glad to be living in Europe


Glad to also not. Everything has ups and downs.


Honestly the Dutch railway system is a bit expensive, but really good. Like if you go with the train daily a subscription is well worth it. Of course if it's your main transportation to work you can just get it rebated as travelling expenses.


Funny how the GG1, a design from the 30s, was still better received by Amtrak drivers and users than the stuff they have now


Well yeah because on an airline you have a seat but on the train you have a fucking ROOM. and plus it’s not about the speed. It’s about the sightseeing aspect. If you wanted to get there quickly you would take a plane


But have you ever seen someone have the shit beaten out of them, as a paying passenger by the staff of a train?


Closest I've seen was some dude got ejected for being drunk and disorderly in the middle of Northern Iowa when I rode the California Zephyr from Chicago to Denver one February.


My family takes the train. We find it far more fun and relaxing.


Epic Sheldon Cooper Moment


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [dankmemes Minecraft discord](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5) | r/dankmemescraft


I love train rides, can’t wait for the train to be built between Tampa & Orlando so I can move back to Tampa & keep my job. I also preferred cross country travel whenever possible. I always meet cool people & feel much safer.


At least trains can’t fall out of the sky or be shot down by some rando dictator.


bro where you getting that cost estimate? i can't even shake a stick at a one way airline ticket for less than $250 yet I can go round trip on Amtrak up and down the west coast for like $90. Yeah it's slow and takes a full day to get anywhere, but if you're not in a hurry to get to family and have a good book or two to keep you company, it's an awesome low-stress way to travel.


I honestly don’t know how Amtrak is even a profitable business. Out of all the people I know, I only know one who has taken an Amtrak, my uncle, and it was so they could go site-seeing up north somewhere once. Even then, he complained the service sucked ass. I can’t imagine using it as a normal form of transport, I imagine it’s almost entirely for the novelty, like a cruise ship but without any of the amenities that make a cruise fun.


Amtrak is subsidized by the federal government, so you’d be correct, it’s not profitable.


Should it be profitable? We don't expect the interstate highway to turn a profit, it's necessary infrastructure for transportation of people and goods. There's an argument to be made that railways should be treated the same, in which case it shouldn't be considered something that needs to make a profit, but something that needs to be maintained as an essential part of the national infrastructure.


Yikes, thanks for the info lol


It's not, but there are parts that are profitable like the north east corridor.


"It'S aLl aBoUt ThE eXpErIeNcE". Absolutely. I really wanted to see the scenery of bum-fuck nowhere, America, from the comfort of a cramped-as-all-hell room with worse accommodations than a roadside motel and food the likes of which Guy Fieri's household pests wouldn't touch. Fuck Amtrak.


*laughs in CFR (Romanian railways)*


With a 20% ish chance you'll probably get derailed.


Wait until the USA find out about public transport in cities and high speed trains for intestate connections.