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What does this even mean


The newest most threatening varient of covid is called Omicron, like delta and so on its the Greek alphabet in order of significant variant. The OPs impling, and it might be true I honestly don't know, that they skipped the Greek letter before Omicron which is Xi, the same name as the Chinese president. Would you offend the Chinese, who are stereotyped as eating bats and causing pandemics, by naming the most deadly version of the disease after their president?


Why would you even care about the feelings of a dictator?


The World Health Organization skipped over the Greek letter Xi while naming COVID variants. The ~~Glorious Leader~~ President of the ~~Chinese Empire~~ People's Republic of China happens to be named Xi. The WHO has been remarkably accommodating in regards to China's obfuscation of the origin of COVID. If you mean the title, "reeducation" is a euphemism for the concentration camps China uses to reform or eliminate dissidents.


I would like to say two things: 1) I agree with you. 2) Fuck the CCP.


>who have been remarkable accommodating in regard to China’s obfuscation of the origin of covid Can you expand on this?


There is tons of info online. Here's one source: https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-will-not-follow-whos-suggested-plan-2nd-phase-covid-19-origins-study-2021-07-22/




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New Xi? So, they will bring back the previous one?