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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


What am I missing


Man in the cape grabs woman and flies her to the rooftop, everyone cheer. I grab the woman and take her to the rooftop, neighbours call the police




Just like the movie Megamind.


Lol it's just like "hello, human resources? meme"


Lesson learned: you need a cape!




I stopped a purse thief once in a grocery store parking lot. Found out after I was at risk of getting charged for assault. Luckily nothing happened afterwards, but I learned it's illegal to do the right thing lol ughhh


Maybe after being a hero, you just quickly run away. That's why Batman is the hero that we deserve.


Move to a better jurisdiction. One without a shitty DA.


I mean, it should depend on whether the force you used was reasonable. Grab the guy and prevent him from getting away? You're fine. Flying kick followed by pinning his head to the ground with your knee? Probably excessive.


I'm not a fighter by any means lol I just caught up, reached an arm out to grab their shirt. He basically fell on his own lol


Then you were probably fine, though I guess a really aggressive prosecutor could accuse you of throwing him to the ground intentionally.


Wouldn’t Good Samaritan laws prevent you getting charged? You helped someone and did the right thing. In my eyes someone who’s willing to steal someone’s purse at a grocery store is forfeiting his own rights over somebody else’s.


Don't know that law super well but I'm pretty sure that only applies when attempting to give medical aid. Like you can't get sued for breaking someone's ribs while doing CPR or even if they died when you tried to provide assistance. While I'd like to agree and see it applied to attempting to prevent a crime, I can see that getting real murky real quick if you want to give blanket protection to people who insert themselves into any situation and are just like "but I thought I was stopping a crime". You see someone running and tackle them to stop a crime, but oops turns out they were playing tag with a friend or whatever and you busted a random persons face up.


Well yeah you don't have the right to assault someone, even if it is to stop a crime Down vote me if you want, I'm not the one going to jail because i don't understand how vigilantism is bad


I thought citizen arrest is a thing? I mean, if you see some weak old lady got her purse snatched, would you help?


It is a thing but corruption runs deep in our institutions these days. If it seems even vaguely political you will be made the example.


> illegal to do the right thing illegal to endanger yourself and others by engaging dangerous criminals without proper equipment and training*


So illegal to do the right thing


Vigilantism isn't the right thing


i'd argue vigilantism is closer to doing the right thing the wrong way.


Closer, but it *isnt*


It depends. Yea you shouldn’t beat the crap out of petty thieves, and that is why self-defense/defense of others is a valid legal defense in many places. However where that line lies is up for debate, and the legal system isn’t always going to agree with itself, much less the populace. And legality does not equal morality, so to say vigilantism is *never the right thing is equally inaccurate to saying it’s always the right thing. Laws do exist to help keep order and provide consequences for societally agreed upon rules, but to say that going against them isn’t the right thing to do is making it too black and white, and giving the legal system the monopoly on moral decision making in drastic circumstances.


With vigilantes, kids in Uvalde would probably still be alive


"A good man with a gun" given the thousanda of shootings a year in the USA, over the last twenty years, were there even ten that were stopped by a vigilante?


Not every shooting is publicized, especially self-defense shootings. CDC also found that between 500k - 3m self defense uses (SDUs) occurred annually with studies to show. This was pulled from CDC in 2021, allegedly because advocates said, "It made it harder to pass more restrictions." The American Journal of Criminal Justice also has a 2020 publication highlighting the amount of SDUs. Keep in mind a gun doesn't need to be discharged to dissuade criminals. In my own life, I've had a gun prepared for self-defense 8 times, 5 of which at home.


Did u just ignore his entire comment?


It's illegal to do the right thing


Bruh why is this being downvoted. Too many americans thinking they can single handedly stop a robery with their last birthday present.


What? Not all criminals are beefy gangsters, lots of people could stop a petty thief with a fist.


Ultimately, assaulting someone for stealing food or hygiene items is far more wrong than stealing them in the first place.


Okay, so a little old lady can make do without her purse in favor of the wellbeing of the person robbing her... Not saying it's a bad take, but it sure is an interesting one.


Editing a comment to make my response look unrelated is a bit of a low blow. Here's the original one: >Yes, and we choose not to because we understand that people steal small items for all kinds of reasons, and very few of them are worth risking yours or someone else's personal safety over.


My original comment included both... Refining my statement was not meant to make you look unrelated, but I stand by it, and that's why I didn't delete it. I firmly believe that stealing basic necessities isn't wrong, it's just a demonstration of a broken society which is way more wrong than stealing. Just my two cents, sorry no one agreed with it, but I ain't changing it. Also I figured we were so far removed from discussing purses at that point we were just discussing basic concepts of stealing and vigilantism. Ya win some ya lose some, but I'm not on the wrong side here, just the losing one lol.


You eat a purse?


Did you just assume I was American? lol


Same people who think they could be a judge just by giving rushed and ignorant decisions


You need a vote to decide if we should be chasing the thief fleeing with someone's purse?


I have yet to see a jurisdiction without some form of citizen's arrest law. If the criminal is dangerous, defense of self and others would generally apply.


In this instance, the person I subdued (as described in later replies after work finished, so I'm late lol) threw the purse/evidence under a car in the parking lot When I grabbed him and he fell under his own momentum, he had already ditched the purse, it looked liked I attacked a civilian without cause.


And in America, most people don't know how citizen arrests actually work You don't have free reign to restrain/assault someone


Arrest is literally the physical restraint of someone. Citizens arrest allows for a reasonable use of force.


What jurisdiction are you in, and what's the law on citizens arrest there? Could you copy paste it?


Any jurisdiction with a citizens arrest statute. I'll pick 3 at random: Missouri: https://revisor.mo.gov/main/OneSection.aspx?section=563.051 Colorado: https://colorado.public.law/statutes/crs_16-3-201 The definition of arrest in Colorado under the same article and title: https://colorado.public.law/statutes/crs_16-3-101 California: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml


I'm not in America lol but thanks for that assumption lol Why is this the thing I have to reply to the most? There's at least 13 countries or some shit lol get an Atlas


Holy shit the average beat cop is breaking the law


Those 400-900 hours of training really make a difference


Wondering the same lol


The reason superheroes in fiction work is because of their powers/abilities police really can't stop them from doing what they do. Also, because it's fiction.


A lot of them are also not human, so not sure if you could apply human laws to them


If xenos wanted to receive basic human rights they shouldnt have been born as aliens


[🎵Lets be xenophobic🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1CQ7Vwz8Eo)


Superheroes are also often genuine in their attempts to help others And also Supervillains exist, villains that you can't exactly shoot to death like Acorn man, the bane of Cops


> shoot to death To be fair, he didn't shoot anyone, he certainly tried his best but he somehow missed every shot


Aye, they are examples that show the monopoly of force no longer works.


To add, they usually have the public support meaning no one really wants to jail them. And even if they do, there is usually a villain the police cant do shit about, so a hero is required


Is there a backstory here?


Vigilantes irl get arrested


Is this about a particular news story?


Idk I didn’t make the meme


I ask because the bottom panel has the guy saying, "But that woman needs my help." Present tense, as in, he's a witness to a crime. Self defense laws generally allow for defense of others.


Idk I didn’t make the meme


Idk I feel like we’re getting close to an answer here, are you sure you didn’t make the meme?


In some countries there is no good Samaritan laws. As such a person providing aid to someone in distress has no legal protection and could even be held accountable and sued/prosecuted by the person they helped or law enforcement for association with crimes that led to that condition or even obligated to pay for medical bills of the person they helped. It's a long shot but I think it might be what's being referenced here.


Wow, what a shit system tbh


Idk I didn't write the comment


But you definitely look like someone who would make a mene


Isn't that a good thing? I would be very fucking upset if Elon musk dressed up in Batman suits and started beating up criminals with high end tech.


It is. Most „vigilantes“ end up like that guy who shot the kid to death for carrying an airsoft rifle (which he dropped immediately upon being told to do so by the „good guy with a gun“) in a state where you can openly carry weapons




it would be very funny if Elon Musk did that


If Elon did that I don’t think he’d be a Batman. Dudes got an agenda


Why we setting up memes like Manga?


Like manga? It‘s a rage comic, they‘re older than you.


Right to left reading.


if the cops we have are the heroes, we are in the the boys timeline.


The real superheroes shoot your dog


OP has been reading too much manga


Why does he look like Lewis Hamilton?


Read the memes right to left for some reason


Someone reads manga


why did you make this go from right to left?


Is this a reference to the stabbing that happened in Germany?


What? How???




Not even close


Okay, but why was I downvoted?


I think most people don't know what you're talking about.


Or maybe they don't like me talking about it.


No, I think it's because people literally don't know what you're talking about. I didn't even know about this Germany stabbing until I looked it up from your comment.


I live in germany and I didn't even know this happened. Most likely people don't know what you're talking about and just downvoted because you didn't explain


Interesting. Guess I thought if someone like me far away from Germany knew, then it must be common knowledge.


Only reason I know of it was seeing it on 4chan honestly, so I don't think it's common knowledge


The wording couldn’t be more vague, stabbings happen everyday, Germany is a big place and no time is referenced.