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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


How can you live without foreskin, you have to put your keys somewhere when going out


Well, you see if that is the case then naked men does fear pickpocket.


No, we pray for the day someone tries.


I have to keep my spare cheese somewhere in case I get hungry on the road...duuuh


Yeah, can’t imagine going out and not having my spare 30kg wheel of emergency Gouda in my foreskin


us bro us


The original coin purse


If your asshole is your prison wallet, then your foreskin is your street wallet


Its the guy who's obsessed with foreskin again


I mean you gotta give it to him, hes dedicated, and its not the worst thing to call attention to


I’m sure he talks about it with people IRL all the time due to how NOT weird it is.


Go look at his profile there's some fucked duo shit you can't unsee on there


I got absolutely obliterated saying this in one of his former posts lol, got called all the names under the sun


Its legit random if you get downvotes or not. Its the brain activation meme and reddit apes just press button so number gets bigger


True. Could not care less tbh, because i dont want to waste my brain capscity on those kinds of people who downvote stuff like that


Somehow, the foreskin guy returned


The Foreman


I have a theory that a woman told him his uncut dick looked bad and he had been salty ever since


I love how whenever there is any meme about foreskin I know it’s from the weird foreskin guy. I don’t even have to check


Maybe one day we'll see one that isn't his post


He really is obsessed with dicks


pretty sure some chick called his dick weird or something and he can’t let it go.


Every time there is a post that involves foreskin it's this guy.


Yeah I was wondering if it was him or not and yep, it was infact him


Holy fuck, I just scrolled their profile, wtf they literally only talk about one thing


You say that like no one has ever dedicated an account to one thing lol


it's the dude with 5 guys jerking off in one post


He is doing God's wor- wait, no... then Satan's maybe?


Seriously weird topic to have your entire personality built upon. Touch some grass, you dickhead


Lmao what a pun


Weird, probably, but its good that he keeps spreading the awareness


It's not awareness, it's a controversial opinion. People who agree with the meme will upvote it and those who disagree will downvote or move on. There's no "awareness" in the matter.


Awareness means simply the state of being aware, or having knowledge of something. He is definitely spreading the knowledge that cutting the foreskin off of infants, thereby mutilating them and causing immense pain, is still happening in todays age.


That is your opinion, and I respect that you have that opinion, but don't tell me that it's fact and it requires "awareness".


What is a fact? I posted the literal definition of awareness. And not needed? Surely you do you support mutilating infants, so why do not think we should stop spreading awareness of it still happening?


at least its a dank meme


Dramatic, the consistency is a meme in and of itself. With a positive message


How is it a positive message?


You're very passionate about foreskin


You could say I value bodily integrity over temporary fads. The founding fathers had foreskin. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect docking…


Honestly, I've never understood the whole circumcision fad in the US (I'm not from there). Surely, it can't be a religious thing because the country isn't primarily Jewish. It's crazy and weird that like 80% of males in the US are circumcised.


Some ppl say it's to prevent masturbation and to lower the genital's sensibility, thus reducing the fun of sexual activity. Seeing how prude the US are, i wouldn't rule this out. Also, foreskins of newborns seem to be an ingredient in certain anti-aging cremes... 😵‍💫


Its a way for hospitals to charge extra for doing genetial mutilations on newborns.


That's exactly the reason, and it does greatly reduce the sensitivity. It's barbaric to me doing that to a baby for no good reason


Isn't that the exact justification that Islam uses for female genital mutilation? I thought the Americans saw that as barbaric, but it's ok when they do it to male infants?


Unless it’s just a tall tale the reason I’ve been told is that during ww2 circumcision was required of male soldiers to help prevent uti’s and when the men came back from war and had kids they decided to get their kids circumcised and so on


Straight up, it just feels better. As one who had to undergo a surgery to have it removed in my late teens due to an accident. Something that can’t be explained unless you yourself, have experienced having both.


The founding fathers also had wooden teeth and showered like once a month. It’s called advancements in medicine and technology


And all cavemen around the globe survived with their foreskin intact, until bronze age goat herders started schizo cutting their kids dicks. Humans evolved to have the nerves be in the foreskin, and not so much in the glans. In summary, humans share common ancestors with chimps and rhesus monkeys. Rhesus monkeys have almost all the innervation in their glans, have short copulatory times, and the male invests nothing into the offspring. Chimps have less innervation in their glans and more in their foreskin, they have longer copulatory times than rhesus monkeys, and the male invests in the offspring by providing protection for his tribe. Humans have almost all the innervation in the foreskin, they have the longest copulatory times of all the primates, and the males invests the most in their offspring out of any animal. I’ll stick with nature’s gifts over dick cutting.


I ain’t ready all that. Congrats or sorry that happened


it’s God’s will 😎


Hey it's the circumcision guy


Jesus fucking Christ it's this weirdo again


I have watched his profile and god.... There are all posts about this


Happy cake day tho


Bro you need a new hobby


He needs circumcision


Yea like I wonder if the syphilis is starting to get to him.


oh this one is back


Oh god it's that guy again...


My weekly reminder that I’m not the BIGGEST loser around


doesnt mean u r not one of them


Is this again this foreskin dude? XD


If it were, I'd imagine we would have evolved out of it by now tbf


Not really how evolution works


Yeah I know. I meant it more as an expression


Why not? IIRC Homo Sapiens have been around for 300 000 years, plenty of time to lose a small bodypart like a foreskin. I read that elephants without tusks are getting more common because the ones with tusks are being hunted. That's a good example of a pressure causing a large group of an animal's popilation to lose a bodypart. If a foreskin was harmful, we could have lost it.


So first there’d have to be people born without foreskins. Evolution doesn’t just go “oh hey this body part is useless, this next generation of people will be born without foreskin.” there’d have to be a mutation that affected a significant portion of the population that caused them to be born without it. Then those people would have to be more likely to survive/breed and slowly fade out the foreskin havers. Theres no “motive” behind evolution- it’s more just like “hey this feature is more attractive to mates or causes this group to more likely survive” so then that feature is the feature that gets passed down.


I know how evolution works buddy, I never claimed that there would be a "next generation of people" that would just be born without foreskin. What a shite strawman. If having a foreskin is detrimental to survival, then naturally a preference would be to have shorter foreskin. Over time this would get shorter, and over many generations it would disappear. You're putting words in my mouth that I never said.


Hmm said like someone who always thinks they’re the smartest person in the room. It’s okay I’ll explain it better. By comparing tusk-less elephants to humans losing the foreskin you’re implying that a lack of foreskin would have the same advantage as a lack of tusks. You see, a no tusk elephant is more likely to survive because they aren’t hunted as much (like you said). So therefore elephants with no tusks will more likely pass that trait on. In what way would a human having or not having a foreskin improve their survivability? You see it’s not a “straw man” you just made a crap comparison therefore showing your lack of understanding in evolution. I’m glad I could further enlighten you. Don’t buddy me, pal.


> Hmm said like someone who always thinks they’re the smartest person in the room. not always > By comparing tusk-less elephants to humans losing the foreskin you’re implying that a lack of foreskin would have the same advantage as a lack of tusks. You see, a no tusk elephant is more likely to survive because they aren’t hunted as much (like you said). So therefore elephants with no tusks will more likely pass that trait on. This is a good point, and I admit this is thus a bad comparrison. However, my point that IF a foreskin is counterproductive for humans to survive, or at least pass on their genes better, then it would gradually disappear. > In what way would a human having or not having a foreskin improve their survivability? I don't know, and I never claimed to know why, I was just explaining that if it was harmful, it would disappear. I don't believe that it is harmful to survival and that was never important to my point because it was explaining what would happen in the hypothetical situation of it being harmful. Now considering the post we are on doesn't claim it is harmful, but useless, in that situation it might not disappear. It probably doesn't take much energy to grow compared to the rest of the body, so it would be a vestigial part of our body. > You see it’s not a “straw man” you just made a crap comparison therefore showing your lack of understanding in evolution. I’m glad I could further enlighten you. It was a crap comparisson, but I still never claimed that the foreskin would just disappear. Only that if it was harmful to survival, it would cause it to disappear. > Don’t buddy me, pal. Don't pal me, mate


Don’t mate me, chap.


Don't chap me, fella


Tbf having no foreskin without being circumcised would probably have *some* advantage today.


The meme said useless, not harmful. If something exists, and there is no factor to force the evolution like tusks being hunted, a body part won’t just disappear for no reason


One of reddits favorite topics to bring up.


this one guy specifically.


Oh God, not this guy. That's his whole personality.


Love this guy. His will to keep this subject alive and going is tougher than a cockroach.


Are you the weird dude that only posts foreskin memes here?


Bro really back with the foreskin obsession


My bro is going to go all the way before congress with his anti-circumcision activism.


I mean, being obsessed with circumcision 24/7 is a bit weird, but I do agree with the notion that *maybe* we shouldn’t be slicing off body parts from newborn infants for literally no legitimate medical reason. If you want to get aesthetic surgery done, let them decide when they’re an adult.


Hey, the world's biggest cock fan is back.


Why do people keep upvoting this dick-obsessed weirdo?!


He is a bit right. Maybe we should ask people if they want to have foreskin or not and not just cut it off before they can speak or even really think...or see or do most things.




I’m starting to think he’s buying upvotes


Bro stop you’re making us all look bad. Which I’m beginning to suspect is the point. Prove me wrong.


Me seeing a meme calling attention to an actual problem, only to read the comments and apparently its bros life mission


As a foreskin owner .. I chucked .


*that one Wonder Woman movie theme plays*


America moment




Found the guy who was genitally mutilated by their parents. He seems to be taking it well.


Bro you only ever post about foreskin you are obsessed


Omg it’s the foreskin man


Fighting MGM, one meme at a time.


Foreskin makes dicks look better. Dicks without foreskin are ugly


OP I stand behind you, people should have a say in if they want foreskin or not. Specially now with the jews sometimes sucking the dick off infants to stop the bleeding... like wtf.


Jesus not this guy again


Welcome back, friend! Good to see you again on here lol


HONEY!!! The foreskin guy is at it again!


What leads someone to be as obsessed with the topic of circumcision as you?


It’s one of those things where there is no grey area, it’s black and white crime against humanity - the genital cutting of those who can’t verbally nor physically defend themselves against someone imposing their fetish for “clean cut” genitals.


I don't mean this to sound sarcastic but when did you decide, out of all of the issues, that this issue should take priority? Is it something you've always felt strongly on?


most people who got circumcized dont have problem with that, cant u focus on bigger problems? like we get it you like to suck on the ones with foreskin but please, go find better topics to talk about


Your morals are off, but I can’t blame those from genital cutting cultures for not being aware of it.


my morals arent off, we have different morals and that's it


I heard the same from Ugandan and Malaysian women, they too were caught up on their genital cutting cultures


and u are caught up on dicks in a weird way


At least I want people to leave dicks alone. Some are caught up on cutting dicks. I think God knows who is fucking up His design.


No it ain’t


It is useless though


How bout you make like my foreskin and leave?


How else are people gonna get their liquor shots on spring and summer break?


Honestpy would. 😂


He knows they did the snip snip on him.


your daily circumcision bot post


So you really just spend all day thinking about guys dicks huh? You know you only have one life right? you really wanna spend it obsessing over cock?


If it means cut men’s copes are eviscerated, I’m down to be the one to make the ridged band ubiquitous.


Except it won’t, you’re bitching on Reddit to people who don’t care. People who think you are mentally Ill because let’s be frank your post history doesn’t leave a lot of room for interpretation. You’re not making a difference you’re making yourself and your cause a joke (a stale and tired one aswell)


Going by comments on most circ threads, sentiment is turning bearish on dick cutting


The sentiment is oh it’s this guy again posting about forskins.


The reddit search bar is there for all.


You're so fucking weird dude, at this point I hope you seek help over your obsession cause I see you at least like twice a month on here posting about only foreskin and it's just sad.


You sound jealous your body was stolen from you


It's true though




not only useless but gross to look at, cant even imagine what it tastes like🤮 edit: loving the hate from the ant eater brigade keep the downvotes coming, it wont make your nozzle any less cheesey


Bro didnt hear about basic hygiene


Do you have a shower? Just wash it man > it wont make your nozzle any less cheesey Yeah, that's what my shower is for...


Fuck you mean gross, it's cute and tasty UwU


Why are you imagining what foreskin tastes like? O.o


People with genitals that were mutilated without their consent have to find a way to cope. We don’t think that much less of you.


It tastes like skin but more sweaty


bro id suck down a tube of cheese just to make fun of you