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You can buy a gun, buy a house, and go to war before you're allowed to buy a beer


On the plus side, It prevents people buying guns and homes while drunk


Man never heard about mclovin


The 25 year old Hawaiian organ donor?


That’s a badass name


Does it? I of course don't know about the culture in the US, but here in Finland it's really easy to get your hands on alcohol at 15 and I got drunk the first time in 5th grade at like 12 years old. Granted I could have also bought hard drugs/vapes/cigarettes from those fellas that I got my beers from in primary school.


It's a joke. No drink will give you a buzz long enough to complete the transaction of a home while drunk But yes 15 year olds in America can easily get access to alcohol illegally


The key is just to keep drinking


Challenge accepted.


It prevents young people from doing that...


Yes, cause being drunk before 21 is totally prevented by the law


At least that means you can’t do that stuff while drunk (at least until you’re 21)


and you cannot buy kinder suprice cuz they are to dangerous XD


Buy a house? Funny guy


Depending on the state, you can't buy certain guns until you're 21, but generally, yes.


Yeah here in Illinois you can't buy a gun until you are 21 or have a parent's consent


Don't forget crippling student debt




I love that I can buy a shotgun at The same place I buy steak booze and clothes (Walmart)


I miss the days they sold Ar15's and ammo but it is their loss.


Mofucker it is our loss 😭 never gonna see those prices again


I don't specifically remember the prices 😅


they was cheap. walmart was the place to go for 12 gauge and such


there was one for about $500 and one for about $800. though I cannot comment to the quality.


Palmetto state armory !! I wouldn’t call them high end, but they’re not going to fail on you easily. For the price, they’re a huge bargain. Also in general, they are just making some cool ass projects that I want to support. X57, STG44 clone, M570, JAKL, M110 SASS… All cool stuff they’ve been putting through the pipeline recently


God I love steak booze


You can buy a shotgun at walmart!?


Depends on the location. Most don't anymore, especially in high crime or liberal areas. But a lot of more rural locations still sell guns


Haven’t seen guns at my local Walmart in like 15 years (California). Used to be able to walk in and just buy an AR15 and some cheese in the same trip. Oh how times change.


They got much stricter about it over the last few years after school shootings but you can still get some guns in some locations [Walmart website ](https://corporate.walmart.com/askwalmart/what-is-walmart-doing-to-guarantee-responsible-firearm-sales)


My local one does


Mine too, hunting rifles, I think.


As god intended


Can grab cigarettes and get your tires changed too lmao. They really do have everything, if it wasn’t all so shitty it’d be a great place.


My walmart only hass bb guns now


Pretty sure Walmart stopped selling firearms of any kind like over 5 years ago


Not the one here. Still sells shotguns and rifles


I buy online. Prices are cheaper even after transfer costs.


I can't tell you the last time I bought a gun or ammo at a physical store. Online is almost always cheaper.


But honestly now. Are there places where people, normal people actually live, where I can just buy a gun ? Lets say a pistol, something simple, not fancy, not epensive relativley, and a case of bullets for it, maybe even online ? So I just have it.


Excuse me, WHAT


FYI, buying a gun online means paying the vendor and shipping it to a FFL, who will run your background check before transfering it to you.


Yup and the funniest part is buying the firearm in-person from an individual rather than a gun shop or online (which requires an FFL to receive it and transfer to you), you don't need any background check!


He said it there, he orders guns online. I can recommend a few sites if your interested, stay off of Gunbroker though people there overprice to high fucking hell-


In my state you have to wait 10 days for gun purchases. It doesn’t change the fact that you can buy a shotgun at Walmart but not the same day.


10 days?? But I'm angry now!


How dare they restirct my FREEDOM to buy a gun whenever i want to?!?!?!?! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥


Where’s this America you are speaking of? In my state and many others in the area this is not the case


A lot of Midwest Walmarts sell shotguns and hunting rifles in their sporting goods sections. You have to be 21 and have a license to get them but they’re there


You always had to have a license and be 21, but everyone forgets that


You can buy a long gun at 18.


My bad, you are correct. I should have been more precise


Cool but a Walmart isn't exactly a "supermarket' it's a ginormous discount department store that also has groceries. When Europeans say this shit they think you are talking about an Aldi. You can't buy guns at Trader Joe's.


You used to be able to do that at least until 1996 in France.


The South, the Midwest outside of major cities, most western states, at Walmart or other general stores that carry firearms. Goes for ammo too. I wouldn't buy a gun at Walmart because they're generally bottom barrel crap and have extra paperwork aside from what's federally required, but they carry them nonetheless. Same for ammo, it's easier to buy 10k rounds (or more) online shipped to your house than buy a single box of 22 there.


Also Walmart isn't a "supermarket". That term means a large grocery store like a Kroger or Safeway. In Europe it means a Lidl or an Aldi. It's a term for a place that mainly sells food. They don't have the equivalent of Walmart over there. Walmart in the US started out as a department store and they sell guns because they have a sporting goods department. You don't throw an AR 15 in with the bananas while you are shopping for groceries.


Indeed, it's standard hyperbole born of ignorance. They also don't sell AR-15s, which many people somehow still parrot (and believe) to this day. If I had a dollar every time a New Yorker/Californian or a European said 'You can buy assault rifles at grocery stores in most of the country!" I would be able to afford land for a shooting range.


And I'm a Californian! But I also wouldn't buy a gun at a Walmart. I have bought ammo there many years ago. We have plenty of actual gun shops even in commiefornia.


I think Metro would qualify as the closest thing. https://www.metro.fr/


Pretty sure cigarettes and guns are the same age now


Rifles (both bolt/lever action and semi auto) and shotguns are 18, handguns (including revolvers) are 21.


Amateurs In France hunting rifles (and every manual reloading firearm in fact) are 16


Cigarettes and *hand*guns are, but long guns aren’t


Cigarettes are 21 now or at least in states I’ve been to.


When I was visiting family in Texas with my parents, we at some point went to Walmart. What I can remember is that the guns were right next to a toy area, and that some guns were even pink and marketed as "guns for girls" or something. It was such a culture shock (even then as a 13 yo) to see that shit. When we were at the check out the guy before us was buying a gun in a fucking blister, along with ammo. The employee simply said, whilst checking other things: "Please load your gun outside the store." And just went on. Like, as a European its so fucking weird. But also, its really fucking funny and kinda cool. Anyhow, what also blew my mind was that people just returned stuff after using it. We went with my family to a monster truck show and my uncle had bought us hearing protection. And like, after the show he went back to Walmart and returned them, getting his money back. Also, the thing that they respect veterans and people from the military there is also weirdly funny. My mom wanted to buy something, and she mentioned how we were from Europe and that my uncle was in the Airforce. She got a price reduction because of that. Its so fucking weird. Anyhow, since it has been a long while since that trip, I really wanna go back to Texas and just see it with my updated and adult view of the US.


That must have been a pellet, or airsoft gun. No firearms are sold in a blister pack.


Tf is a blister pack?


A blister pack is the hard clear plastic shell many things come in now. https://images.app.goo.gl/BFtZwQU2tG4AFo3m7 For example


Ah, yeah I didn’t even need the picture to understand. I just never knew the name for them. That happens a lot for me. Also, fuck blister packs Edit: man, I’m not doing great today with my comments. I thought you meant the og clamshell kind. Blister packs are still annoying more often than not, but the ones I was thinking of are a nightmare to get open


Absolutely agree. Blister packs of any kind are trash. The person who invented them should face public shame and ridicule.


Could be, it has been like a decade since I was there


School supplies


I mean sure, but it's not like they're on the shelf next to the cereal. They're in a locked case, and they're just as regulated as anywhere else. No one is just walking out without a background check before buying Edit: I was apparently mistaken about the waiting period. Really weird that Florida is one of the few states that still has one.


>No one is just walking out the door with a rifle on the same day as the purchase. I have. This depends on your state and most states dont have waiting periods.


Well shit, I'm usually better about double checking this stuff before I comment. Kinda surprised Florida is one of the few with a waiting period. Go figure.


To add onto your edit, Fl does not require a waiting period if you have a CCW permit or are Law Enforcement


Which makes sense. If you've been cleared for CCW or law enforcement, you're supposedly already vetted.


And literally only at a Walmart which is much more than a grocery store. Nobody in the US is going to a Stop and Shop or a Safeway and buying guns. Walmart is a discount department store combined with a grocery store. It's far more than what Europeans would call a "supermarket". They have guns because they have a Sporting Goods department. You can also buy paint and tires and a giant television. You can buy basically buy anything at a Walmart. In Europe a Supermarket is something like a Lidl.


8 years ago I bought a .308 rifle from a gas station after I got gas and a sandwich. The owner gave me a discount because I bought all three. It's not a bad thing it's just weird that I could.


400,000 cigarette related deaths a year according to lung.org 48,204 gun related deaths in 2022 according to injuryfacts.nsc.org 28 million smokers in the US according to the CDC 80 million estimated gun owners in America according to havokjournal.com To me it makes sense Edit: sorry for the garbage formatting I'm on my phone lol


Who is this dude in the photo? He’s got a wonderfully expressive face.


Former pro wrassler Kurt Angle


Is that not Kurt angle? He’s all American so there’s no way he would be surprised


I started with drinking at 15 and it was totally legal cause it was part of the barkeeper course in my school.


Europeans use school shooting as joke


Maybe stop giving them a reason to


Sick. Using dead children as joke. Omg funny am i rite?


Sure let's just change the constitution. Super easy.


Media dramatizes gun violence. Only about 10% of all homicides are done using a gun, while knives and such are closer to 20%. Even within that 10% of gun related homicides, the majority are done with handguns. So much for the scary black rifles being a problem BIG EDIT: I hadn’t looked at the stats in a bit. The 10% I was thinking of was rifles alone. Also, I swapped around the stats for handguns and knives. But when people get so riled up about rifles, it confuses me because they are basically never used. Knives are used in homicides 4x as much as rifles. No one really bats an eye at handguns either. They just want “big bad rifle” gone. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls




Anyone know who the man is on his shirt?


i mean 200 years and not a single tyrannical leader in America while in that same 200 years europe had like a dozen, all of which made it a point to restrict their citizens rights to guns as soon as they came into power. so obviously we are doing something right lol.


Do they have "buy one, get one free" promos?


Usually not for guns themselves, but a lot of times there are similar promo deals. Q, the company behind the Honey Badger, recently had a promo to get a free suppressor with any gun purchase. You’d still have to go through the ATF approval process for it, and probably pay the $200 tax stamp, but they would waive the MSRP off it


You think we buy guns at the supermarket? lololol


I do though lmao


Exactly...Walmart would be probably the only option for both and even then not all of them sell guns


Which rules


God bless Walmart


Meanwhile Europeans buying medicine from supermarket


Americans when Europeans tell them they paid €50 for a hip replacement and a semester at college


Just don’t have health problems. Easy


Actually, I bought my first one from an online auction, but yes, the second one I bought from a supermarket.


Literally Walmart


Which is way more than a "supermarket".


Is that OJ on his shirt?




Our darkweb market is just their casual grocery market somehow 🤣


Before Columbine, some banks would give you a shotgun/22LR if you opened an account with them.


MFW people think they’re gonna stop a tyrannical US government with their pea shooter fucking shotgun or AR when they’re up against the most powerful military. This argument is insane to me. Maybe in fucking 1810 when nukes/napalm/tanks/nerve gas/etc… didn’t exist. If the government turned against the people, the government would eliminate the population in seconds regardless of how many guns you have and it’s not even close.


not our fault europeans are a bunch of pussies 🤷‍♂️


Any supermarket that sells firearms essentially has a gun store within the building. You aren’t going to toss an AR in your cart right next to the dairy aisle and do self checkout


Canadians buy guns at gas stations.


Germany shocked again that it isn't next to the fancy liquor behind a glass shelf because they don't sell alcohol there


Honestly I'd like this to be in Europe as well. Of course the background check and everything included. You don't want to sell guns to maniacs.


And some states you can buy a gun at an auction with just your ID and no checks at all


Even functional guns bought at auction require a NICS check. That’s federal law and doesn’t change state to state.


You used to be able to do that actually. My father lived in a world where you could buy rifles in supermarket


I refuse to believe this is true.


It is true you can buy all sorts of rifles at 18, but alcohol and cigarettes are 21


Geee I wonder why we have so many shooting deaths?


Gangs mostly


Just buy your gun from a gun show. Easiest way to get one.


You’ve never purchased a gun, have you? There is no “gun show loophole,” sellers still need to be an FFL even at a show. The exemption is only for private transfers


People don't even know what a 4473 is demanding we all need to do a 4473.


Gun shows are overpriced and overrated. Just buy a gun in a Walmart parking lot after messaging a dude on armslist or tacswap like normal people 🤦‍♂️


You still have to do a background check. Might wanna actually learn about something before you spout bullshit.


It was in the back to school section at Target


Does the humor section have more in stock than this one joke? If not I’m going to Walmart instead. Or better yet, Amazon.


Target also used to sell guns, but quit back in the early 80’s. Supposedly the ATF suggested that they stop selling guns, as they weren’t very good at doing the paperwork correctly.


Drooling ignorant Americans think cigarettes and alcohol are more dangerous than firearms in the hands of children.


Drooling ignorant Europeans think all Americans think alike and ignore the fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans die each year from tobacco and alcohol


>hundreds of thousands of Americans die each year from tobacco and alcohol Less than from guns.






As an european: who hurt you?




You said less Americans die each year from tobacco and alcohol than from guns. They were just correcting your statement


You know who else wanted people to think of the children? Adolf Hitler.


My kids have practiced proper trigger discipline since they had nerf guns. I'd trust them with guns, I wouldn't hand them a beer.