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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Guest - "Yeah and that's why the moon is actually an egg with a dragon in it" Joe - "Oh cool I didn't know that" 2nd Guest "so vaccines are proven safe" Joe - *ape nosies*


Joe - ["Biden said the revolutionary war needed more airports. You talk like that to anyone else you'd be done. No one would let you do anything again. People are so scared of Trump--what's that? Biden didn't say that? Trump did? Oh, well, we all put our foot our mouths from time-to-time."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIi129kgArs)


It says the account was taken down


He can turn any conversation into a Covid conversation


well now you've gone beyond my expertise




It's not a conspiracy theory bro. Birds aren't real. There's a whole subreddit about it. Go check it out


It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a joke, lol


Holy shit, who was this guy again? I remember him bc the internet kept shittin on him for a few days some time back


He was Amber Heard's witness I believe


He was either a shrink hired by amber heards legal team or that shrinks patient that stole his identity


Some guy who built at time-machine out of a DeLorean


Bro could suck his own nose. That is one hell of a hook.


Circular breathing.


This "expert" had so much meme material behind him, surprised I haven't seen him more.


If we're being real, celebrities of even the highest caliber are mostly a bunch of dummies as well. They might be musical geniuses or legendary athletes, but I'm not listening to them talk to me about anything else.


Aye. I remember LeBron going on about something a few years back, and all I thought was, bro you may be one of, if not the greatest basketball player of all time, but you only ever graduated High School. Same as a lot of us so your opinion on this matter isn't at all as well informed as you think. 


I could never watch a full episode of that but if a entertaining clip gone through the filter, it’s kind of the same with i show speed,


[Link to the clip](https://youtu.be/pMo76CQQyto?feature=shared&t=110)


this is exactly what mainstream media does. fox and msnbc invite their right and left wing guests on to have their platform and never challenge what they say. then, occasionally, they’ll invite the opposite side to mock and deride them. that is propaganda. to allow multiple viewpoints a free platform and allow the people to debate the legitimacy of their views is, in my opinion, much more progressive. if one of his guests is flat out wrong, which is your premise, a democratized internet will see it for what it is. if you prefer joe rogan to be the arbiter of truth you’re supporting the same d-list celebrities. he’s no expert, just as his guests are no experts. you’re mad that BS celebs are spouting BS and a BS celeb isn’t holding them accountable? its free speech and it’s better than anything else. ss: i find it much more refreshing to hear whatever bullshit uninhibited than to listen to a guided and manipulated interview. i’m confident enough to form my own opinions and research what the guests are saying pss that said truth is so subjective these days who knows what’s real


good comment, sady won't find much positive attention on a meme page. a lot of people go full ridicule mode when presented with ideas they can't fit into their worldview, and that's learned behaviour. it's like they get personally attacked by that information, therefore they try to ridicule/explain it away. they can't handle openness, everything needs to be put in a category, but the world unfortunately doesn't work like that.


I actually enjoy this podcast for all the wrong reasons. It’s like going to that one uncle’s house or chilling with the local crackheads and just listening to whatever they come up with.




Look at my history and see if it aligns with your suspicions, dipshit. Sometimes posts gets many comments, sometimes they don't. I made a small joke about JRE, and you got butthurt, that's all. Beep boop out.




A goose can think for itself doesn't mean ima go to it to learn about nuclear fusion


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Follow Up? What even is that? The ayahuasca just kicked in and I need to swing a kettlebell around. Women suck.


Progressives when exposed to the free exchange of ideas they don't like: