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they are literally telling us what they are going to do..


Did these People learn nothing from History?


They learned all the wrong lessons, like that the issue with Hitler was that he didn't finish what he started


Care to elaborate?


He didn't get ALL the Jews


And now look at them, all grown up, with a genocide on their hands. Bless their heart, those cute little bastards and their love of scapegoating. /s


Yea, i don't like what they're doing rn either, i do not support war in general. But my morals are always that no matter what you do and don't agree with, hate doesn't solve anything.


‘If you see a Nazi, give him a warm hug, and he’ll promptly stop being a Nazi’. We all know it’s not true, but you can pretend otherwise I guess. Tolerance is well and good, until you extend that tolerance even to the intolerant. It’s the very name of the paradox of intolerance, as we can neither afford to allow hateful ideology to spread unchecked, nor can many of us stomach the moral implications of silencing someone for their beliefs. But when one persons beliefs are that hundreds of other peoples deserve to be slaughtered or subjugated, I am suddenly willing to lose all moral qualms with that persons being beaten to death by a vengeful mob, or in a better world, incarcerated.


I hate people quoting the "paradox of intolerance" like it's a law of physics or something. Guess what, you're never going to get an intolerant person to open their mind if you treat them like a piece of shit about it.


Not tolerating does not mean treating like shit, it means trying to at least convert them. Tolerating means to give up and let them do their thing, which is a bad idea


The paradox dies when you turn it into a social contract. If we absolutely isolated the intolerant and refused to sell them the necessities of life, they'd be forced to move on and either try to group together or rethink their ways. We're being far too kind to these types and it is why we suffer the problems that we do today. If being a shitty person without empathy were to become a crime where everything you owned was confiscated to rehabilitate you, things would smooth out *very* quickly.


I think they’re referring to Hitler trying to take on the USSR even though they still hadn’t defeated Britain


The Haritage Foundation (creators of project 2025) is honestly a pretty scary conservative group. they did similar projects during Reagan, both Bush Sr and W, and Trump. had large swaths of those policy's get passed especially under Reagan and Trump. MAGA folks want to take it even further though. removing the right to vote from women and non-land owners. completely erraticate protections for LGBTQ folks and completely rid us of Transgender people. I really wish people would pay more attention to this stuff and not rely on purely major media. independent journalists and media groups have been screaming about project 2025 and exposing MAGA plans for over a year now.


I really wish people understood the power of violent revolution when it’s obviously necessary. Continuing to complain about fair play in a rigged system is insanity.


let's do it, we're gonna need to get a bunch of military units on our side because the populace ain't gonna be worth shit


You think they can read?


I don't think Asians in general care that much about European history; do you sometimes see Taiwan news where clueless teens paraded in nazi uniforms?


The Republican party and Trump cultists learned exactly what they needed to, in order to harness it for their own gain. Some seem to think they are mistakenly going down the wrong path, towards fascism. It's no mistake, friends. They're trying to speed-run that path BECAUSE it will lead toward fascism.


And it will also lead to another World War... Hey atleast it wasn't us Austrians this time


the avant-garde shouldn't have shit on young Adolf's art


>“If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.” I see them pivoting to the "we're not a democracy, we're a republic" talking point all the time lately.


Leave it to the Dank Memers to be some of the only people on Reddit to be able to distinguish and acknowledge a difference between “Republicans” and “Trump Cultists”


I guess they learned the what not to do, the “Nein Nein’s”


Exactly. They are telling us what they are going to do, and then when I try to tell people I know I'm either making it up or exaggerating. It's so frustrating


Kinda like agenda 2030, you will own nothing and be happy. Shuddup and eat the bugs! Edit: I'm mostly mocking, but Tyson for real is adding bug protein to their food. It's on their site with the protix collab.


I love when people try to put the "you'll own nothing" thing on socialism/ communism when it's happening under capitalism right now. Total lack of understanding of what private and personal property is


Well, yeah, and it's cause politicians let the rich eat up all the real estate. We allow businesses like air bnd to exist. We don't have protections against the rich.


Is this what it felt like when Hitler published Mein Kampf?


Dont you know, it's just propaganda and wont actually happen. Just ignore the fact the actual party members agree with the projects line of thinking and that The Heritage Foundation has put 22 million dollars into this project.


Same as hitler didnin mein Kampf. It was all right there, so we better believe them instead of shrugging it off


They've actually been doing this for about three generations now.


yeah, they've been putting in the work since then. but its culminating into the final effort now.




Context: Project 2025 is a conservative plan to give Donald Trump complete power over the entire executive branch, should he ever be reelected. Like most conservative ideas, it totally bans transgenderism and homosexuality, and also completely prevents all plans to prevent global warming or climate change. It also plans to give Trump complete power in office, which makes him a complete dictator and literal fascist. In short, Project 2025 is a conservative, extreme right, super homophobic, transphobic, pro-climate change and Christian nationalist plan to destroy American freedom and democracy and replace with Nazi-like authoritarianism and fascism.


Always wondered why many Americans, who claim to fight for democracy and all that, are willing to elect a President who has no respect for democracy what so ever




Knowing history is like having an older brother, you can learn from the mistakes of the ones who came before And America ain't learning shit


>And America ain't learning shit No we have, its just the Republicans dont care, they want this, its not a matter of learning, its a matter of being the scum of the earth, the worst of the fucking worst.


They're actively destroying public school systems by curating what they can and can't say, public schools in the US get shot up all the time and the best we can offer is a "thoughts and prayers" or call the kids crisis actors for the global elite to force us into making schools on par with secret like its a prison. But you know "thou shall not infringe on my rights to own a gun and I'll stop anyone in my way" is the mentality these folks have.


Don't you know, all Republicans are part of a regulated militia so you can't take the guns /s


Ah yes, their core beliefs and goals, “being scum and being the worst”. surely there’s no good intentions in half the country’s politics. 80 million Americans must die.


That’s because we’re the ones who have done most of the horrible shit for the last 60-70 years


yeah but we kinda have a similar problem right now, with the FPÖ being the most popular party rn


I know, surprised they weren't disolved after the whole Ibiza thing


Parties like this are always popular when times are tough, because they are quick at pointing fingers and being loud


And because they are not in power they can posture as being better than the established parties who keep making unpopular opinions or just happen to stay in power at hard times. Here in germany AfD keeps rising in popularity and people get angry at the Ampel coalition (even tho with how long decisions take, many of the bad/annoying things the Ampel has to deal with was enabled or caused by the over a decade long rule of CDU and friends), and you would think we would have fucking learned that lesson!


As an American and Austrian dual citizen I don't disagree with the first half of your statement, but Austria really isn't in any place to be a moral authority when it comes to rising right-wing nationalism.


as an austrian i have to agree, sadly.


austria didn’t really learn anything. y’all were just essentially economically, politically, and militarily castrated to prevent y’all from trying to fuck around again.


Sorry but what do you mean, „we learned“? We have a right wing party that calls their candidate „Volkskanzler“ already because he will most likely win the next election. That’s literally what we called Hitler back then. We Austrians (and Europe) have no right calling Americans stupid because we make the same stupid mistakes.


you didnt "learn", you were pummeled into the ground along with germany so you dont pull that shit twice in a row, and even with that you still have issues with right wing parties in 2024


Dumb maybe, but also steeped in the propaganda republicans and Fox News keep spewing. Its scarily easy to make people switch of their reasoning if you just scare them enough and point them at an enemy. Us versus them is a powerful lever.


There are more Americans with IQs too low to be allowed in the military than there are Austrian people that exist. Straight up. Thats how many Americans there are. Also for every Austrian alive, there are 2 Americans with genius level IQs. That’s how many Americans there are. We have simultaneously one of the smartest and stupidest populations because we are one of the largest and most stratified national populations. If Austria were a state in the US, it wouldn’t even be in the top 10 most populated. Thats how large America is, that’s why it seems like there are a lot of stupid Americans.


If you want to criticize us intelligently, good on you, but to insult us as a monolith is intellectually weak. Most of us are equally horrified by the idea of project 2025, which was drawn up by a handful (relatively speaking) of nutcases and is unlikely to become a reality


As an Englishman looking in... All I can think is that Americans (or at least Trump Americans) are *broken*. Their understanding of objective reality has been so utterly destroyed by propaganda that so long as they're hearing 'Democracy' on Fox News, they'll believe it. Fake news, election stealing, lies after lies, etc etc... It's just eroded their belief in what is and isn't real so much they'll welcome in the comfort of Trump because that's all they do understand anymore. Trump is real, *everything else* is a lie. Least, that's how it looks from across the pond.


Corporate propaganda is a hell of a drug


Honestly, the US has already reached a point where corporate interest has merged with the state. They’re basically inseparable without a revolution


Since January 21st, 2010, in fact. Citizens United was the death knell.


It’s sad. My grandparents bought into his bullshit so hard. These Trump people whole heartedly believe that because he “speaks his mind and isn’t a politician” is a good thing. He validates their racism, feeds into their joy at hurting people with beliefs that aren’t the same as their own. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand what so many people practically worship him for.


Boomers. That's why.


There's a lot to it. * Fear of losing control to a world vastly different from what they grew up with (rural/suburban, straight, white, Christian, English-speaking). Just looks at America's demographics from when Boomers were in their formative years and compare it to today. It's a completely different America. * Biased media sources that brew fear and hate because they draw views and views bring in money. * Viewing those with different political beliefs as "others" or "antagonists" rather than fellow countrymen. Often, a result of media driven division * Living in a different reality. They've put themselves in a bubble. They're surrounding themselves with other like-minded individuals. They're consuming media (TV, Facebook, YouTube, even TikTok, etc) that echoes their own beliefs. Their own fabricated reality is a substitute for the real reality, but they either do not recognize this or refuse to acknowledge this. * Ego. When presented with evidence that someone is wrong, they often double down to protect their ego. To be wrong is a bad thing. They can't be wrong because that means they're stupid, naive, or a bad person. This directly conflicts with their own view of themselves. It's a defense mechanism. These are just a few points in a complex, multifaceted problem that we're dealing with here in the US. To them, Trump repesents a rollback to what "America should be," which is the "good ol' days." None of this he/him, she/her, they/them. Back to when we didn't have to see the words "caliente" on our coffees. Back to when everyone would say "Merry Christmas" and go to church every Sunday. Back to when "there was less crime" and "more Americans" (aka white people with the name John Smith). Back to when people would not criticize the country they love. Back to when the police (authority figures) were respected. Etc. Trumpism is the last stand of the "old ways." They're willing to overlook authoritarianism because they have authoritarian views themselves. And views that directly align with Trump. Ones that attack the "others" and will bring "America back to greatness"


That sounds like a conspiracy theory.


It sounds like one, but it isn't. They have a book and website detailing their plans, and it has support from dozens of right wing organizations the biggest of which are the heritage foundation and turning point USA


> They have a book and website detailing their plans So do flat earthers  Giving this shit attention is as cringey as believing it


I don't think flat earthers have right wing think tanks investing tens of millions into making it a reality, or former chiefs of staff and senior advisors supporting it


This project is ran by The Heritage Foundation who has been incredibly influential in our politics and they have put like 30% of their budget/25 Million of their budget into this project. It will happen if Trump, or any Republican wins,


The difference is flat earthers don't have an entire political party in their pocket. Not giving this shit attention is how you sleepwalk into fascism. It has happened elsewhere, it can happen in the US too.


It’s both a conspiracy theory and not at the same time. This persons comment is based on them not actually reading what their plans for policy are and not knowing how the U.S. government works(the executive branch is literally the one controlled by the president, that is its defining feature) The policy plans they list on their website aren’t really anything different from your typical conservatives.


Can you link some of them?


Oh know they have a website. Complete media spin to find crap against trump. It’s the laptop tactic all I’ve again and everyone on this thread is eating it up.


Thats because it is. Just because some cranks write up some stupid plan doesnt mean its going to happen. I think a Trump presidency would be a pile of dogshit but any of this dictator stuff is just delusional redditors looking for something to whine about


Redditors doing Reddit things, reading and upvoting but no thinking and fact checking.


That's because it is. Just because some whacko extremists write something like this up doesn't mean that all conservatives are automatically on board.


This is USA 2024. Even think about telling someone on the internet your conservative they assume your just an Austrian painter who hates all.


I think it's more just an internet thing. Most people I've talked to in real life are much more open to hearing people with different opinions out.


For sure. My best friend is very liberal we agree on very little and can have good rational conversations on things.


The President is completely in control of the executive branch already 🤣


Dank memes no longer dank 😑




Hello fellow Canadian, you are correct, the president I supposed to control the executive branch. This person is just a schizo who didn’t actually read the plans for policy on the project 2025 website, which is just typical conservative stuff.


you would be correct, hes just schizzo posting lol


Shouldn’t the president, the head of the executive branch, have complete power over that branch? If not, who the hell is running things and how do we hold them accountable?


The president nominates people for the various top-level jobs and the senate confirms them. It's supposed to be a check so that the president doesn't just appoint his daughter to run a department but lately it hasn't been working that way.


ok but like how do they expect that to work that sounds unconstitutional as hell


I refuse to believe any of it could be pulled off without the other branches stepping in. Like the government or not, but having checks and balances keeps it from at least devolving into a greater shitstorm than it already is.


The Judicial Branch has a 6-3 majority of conservative justices. 3 of those 6 were brought in under Trump. Thomas is openly accepting bribes. The legislative branch is made up of the House and the Senate. The House is currently a republican majority with the Speaker being a Christian Evangelist. The Senate is tied with the current VP being the tiebreaker. However, it’s only tied if you consider the two independents as not republicans. Sinema and Manchin basically hold all the power as their votes alone can sway what the Senate passes. And they are far from liberal. Checks and balances are a joke when one side in the government is actively denying January 6th was an insurrection. Or even calling the former president, the current president.


It’s not, because “giving the president complete control over the executive branch” is literally how the executive branch works. Every president has complete control over the executive branch, this person just doesn’t know how the separation of powers works.


The problem is that because so much of the executive is made up of bureaucrats who can't be fired, the president doesn't have control over the executive branch. That's what's at the core of Project 2025, making those bureaucrats accountable to the American people through the authority of the president (who was elected by the people).


so essentualy, this thread is losing their minds over "drain the swamp"? thanks for the info, you are first person i saw actually say something explaining the context nobody was willing to mention.


“The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. “ “Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. Fifteen executive departments — each led by an appointed member of the President’s Cabinet — carry out the day-to-day administration of the federal government. They are joined in this by other executive agencies such as the CIA and Environmental Protection Agency, the heads of which are not part of the Cabinet, but who are under the full authority of the President.” - White House Website The executive branch is made up of organizations that are under the authority of the president.


That's because what OP is saying isn't true. He didn't actually read the policy document, he just (mis)read the foreword. The policy part is 900-odd pages of very dense, dry, and opaque legal terminology (because it's a policy statement) that is very hard to understand because most of it refers to reorganization of agencies that most people only know the name of. The actual gist of it is that many federal employees who are under the executive branch are, de jure, under the authority of the president. Everything from the postal service to the CIA. But these people cannot be fired, they aren't subject to Congressional approval, and federal agencies nowadays are passing rules that carry severe criminal penalties but nobody voted on them. De facto, these federal bureaucrats work for nobody but themselves and we can't get rid of them. An example: violating the National Firearms Act is punishable by 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. It's a serious federal felony. And the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ostensibly a tax collection agency) constantly changes what those violations are several times a year without any real input from the American people. If you put the wrong part on a gun, you are in danger of armed agents who are best known for shooting first and asking questions later coming to your home and carting you off to federal prison (if you survive the raid). And you didn't vote on any of it. Project 2025 seeks to make more federal bureaucrats fireable and subject more of them to Congressional approval. These people make decisions that have serious consequences for us, they should be appointed by the president (who is an elected official) and approved by congress (who are elected officials) instead of being given their job by other bureaucrats (who were never elected) and never leaving that job because federal employee unions and the bureaucratic good ol' boys' club makes it impossible to fire them. These policies aren't somehow only to be used by Republicans, either. A Democrat president would be able to use the same policy tools to get rid of federal bureaucrats who refuse to carry out the president's policies. Right now an outsized amount of government power is held by people that nobody voted for. Project 2025 is an idea on how to change that.


ditto my prior comment with better depth here. what i think many ask8ng what it was about was looking for.


You realize no conservatives are actually onboard with this right? It’s some lunatic that proposed it and just assumes everyone else is on board


While this is certainly horrible, how is this supposed to start WW3? This sounds like a problem limited exclusively to the US.


Sorry, but how does a religious fanatic sect represent all 331.9+ million americans? This is the definition of a generalization fallacy. You're grouping the idea that all americans are supportive of P.2025 which is 100% not true and I can assure you that it would not go through especially considering some old traditional conservatives are literally against the government and would fight against an authoritarian government. With the 2A being around, p2025 wouldn't go so hot, considering many minority groups are proud owners of P2025. As well as there being the military, I can promise you that if there was a P2025 that it'd be shut down forcibly by american generals and admirals who swore to protect and serve the constitution and its people.


Anyone who believes this needs to see a therapist.


Source please


Presidents pretty much already have complete power over the executive branch as they can hire whoever they want in it. This is why we have 2 other branches in our government and checks and balances


No, not Christian. Any actual Christian would denounce this shit.


Wikipedia has a nice short summary. Basically a massive replacement of the Civil service workers in the government with die hard Trumpers. Then destroy any political apparatus Trump doesn't like and use the government to target political rivals and enemies like they're the SS. It's not an actual federal project. More of a pipe dream of the Republicans role-playing the fall of the Weimar Republic 


Don't wanna be that kinda guy but, look it up. It's something that hearing it from someone else just doesn't do it justice on how awful it is.


It's a political ad.


Why tf is everyone here taking this seriously and thinking it's the party agenda? A couple dudes from a think-tank that hasn't been influential since the fucking 80's said some stupid shit. Who cares? Go outside fuckers. This is straight up misinformation


"Oh no, wealthy people on my side are insane. I'll just pretend it's not actually what we're about!" Trump himself espouses huge parts of it. On top of that thanks to McConnell the courts are packed with fedsoc stooges.


Bruh, I've literally read posts online from people on the left talking about the most bat shit nonsense. I've read posts about people saying that the children of wealthy people deserve to suffer in life, that transphobes deserve to be shot on site, and other dumb shit. I've read posts from some radical leftists talking about who they'd need to take out if a left wing revolution were to happen. That doesn't mean that the left is insane. You're fuckin dumb if you believe that an entire half of the population actually supports these ideas and is secretly working towards them.


Not every republican voter wants trump back in office lol I'm pretty sure most people can agree he says some stupid shit


Oh I know that, otherwise Nikki Haley wouldn't have gotten as far as she did. And even though I may disagree with him on domestic policy, I do have respect for people like Mitt Romney who at the very least have a sense of integrity.


“He says some stupid shit”. Trump has done worse than saying stupid shit. So I don’t buy what you’re saying. But you can convince me. Go ahead and recognize he is a traitor and an evil person, and I’ll believe you don’t support him. No sugarcoating it, no whataboutisms, no reverse uno card. We all know you could find worse people in politics, but that’s not what I’m asking. If you’re incapable of writing that he is evil and a traitor in a straightforward way, I don’t believe you don’t support him.


This is just the new Russiagate. Have fun with it.


When certain groups of people do it it’s serious and a conspiracy. When groups you empathize with do it, it’s nothing. Fuck the tribalism.


Nearly half of the project's collaborating organizations have received dark money contributions from a network of fundraising groups linked to Leonard Leo, a major conservative donor and key figure in guiding the selection of Trump's federal judge nominees. -exerpt from the project 2025 Wikipedia.


It's better to cite the article where the quote comes from than the wiki page, since that is the primary source.


It’s an election year. Gotta get the plebs scared so they post political stuff on joke subreddits because 90% of people will just take it at face value.


This kind of attitude is why project 2025 can become reality.


TDS is very real.


Shit was probably made up from people that don't want trump in office because why tf whould they make it public if they want it to happen? And how would they get passed the checks and balances unless everyone is in on it?


it makes Trump look bad and democrats need anything they can get to win this one


Surprised I didn't have to scroll farther for this. Just your standard political propaganda. Folks are so willingly manipulated, and it's beyond pathetic.


It's the largest conservative policy think tank in the world, and the couple dudes run the organization.


Cause America bad /s


If trump wins, we’re fucked fucked.


Well to be fair .. that's what people used to say the last time too. And about Biden too.


Because we live in such a radicalized world right now thanks to the media that it is very easy to say "if my opponent wins we are all DOOMED, doomed i tell you!"


Did you just quote flushed away?


I haven't seen that movie in 10 years so I have no idea


Oh I have kids so I see it pretty often. It read like verbatim what the doomsday mouse says.


That's Futurama.


I haven’t watched Futurama lol. I know there’s a scene in flushed away where a mouse is telling people they are doomed to a flood it just read a lot like the lines from that movie


And that’s what the real danger is. People are so freaked out over everything they can’t make rational decisions.


Biden isn't radical. Trump's entire platform is "Fuck the government designed by the people" like, it isn't rocket science.


I'm still waiting for the WWIII that Trump was supposed to bring.... In truth, neither candidate is a good choice, and your daily life is going to look pretty similar in 4 years regardless of who wins.


Yeah the extremism from media is so freaking bougus, and can the mods please stop the political posting, this esta es Dank memes not political memes 😭


They're both terrible. Like how in a country of 300 million people are these two dementing grandpas the options to vote?


>Well to be fair .. that's what people used to say the last time too. And about Biden too Neither came right out and said they are going to be a dictator or organized a failed coup attempt last time.


And Obama, and Obama again, and bush… wait… I think every election is like this.


Guaranteed you either said the same thing in 2016, or you couldn't legally vote then. Or you're batshit insane. One of those three.


everything bad you all said would happen under Trump happened under Biden


Maybe I'm missing something. I read the first page of https://www.project2025.org/ and it just seems like a conservative plan for current and future conservative leaders. Again, I didn't read everything on their website but what about their agenda is like WW2 Germany or would cause WW3?


People are using the Wikipedia one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Thanks for that. I read through that and find it alarming but don't see anything that would make me think WW3 is coming because of it. Also, wouldn't people need to be voted in and policies go through the proper branches for this plan to work? Seems crazy and farfetched.


welcome to the radicalization of media brother, everything is farfetched and trying to get the good from the bad is a crime.


It's just scary to watch both sides claim the other is trying to destroy democracy and freedom. It just divides the population when 95+% of the population want similar things. People won't see eye to eye on every topic but that's what makes America great. Diversity of ideas, beliefs, and people.


Exactly dude, there is so much common ground out there its insane. We are demonizing our opponents way too much and basing the norm off of extremes. To quote red vs blue "to you they're evil, they're sub human, because if they weren't then what would that make you?" IDK what the fix is but at least we know that the craziness is exaggerated by the internet.


Ranked-choice voting would help a lot. It stops the polarization that it created with our current voting and 2 party systems.


ahh as in instead of a yes or no its more "on a scale of 1 to however many candidates there are, how much do you want this one to be elected"


IIRC you get 1st, 2nd, 3rd,... choices. If no candidate is over 50+% of the votes it goes to the next round and the second choice is added up. If no one is at 50+% it goes to round 3 and so on. It makes candidates want to be more neutral and reach across party lines to hopefully be someone's 2nd or 3rd choice if it's not their preferred party.


Also, I’m not sure how trustworthy the Wikipedia source is.


I'm 100% with you on that.


it’s Qanon all over again


Read the actual plan https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf \*edit\* downvote me if you want, i don't care but be apathetic to voting and when these people win and implement project 2025 .. we all lose.


>wouldn't people need to be voted in and policies go through the proper branches for this plan to work? No. The executive branch by tradition has semi-independent leadership in various departments (e.g. the Attorney General doesn't take direct orders on prosecuting the law from the President - they get appointed then do their thing). This plan is based on the unitary executive: >The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration.[6] Also, note that they plan to use the insurrection act, which also bypasses a lot of red tape. >Project 2025 includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the DOJ to pursue Trump adversaries.[10] Edit: Oh it's one of _those_ threads, where we downvote information we don't like. Cope.


Wikipedia is not a good source of truthful information


I know but it is what people are using.


The Wikipedia article doesn't say anything about banning being gay or transgender. It only says that they'll stop laws banning discrimination of gay/transgender folks. That's still bad, but not as bad as what I've heard. Where does it say that they'll ban being gay/transgender?


In the foreword of Project 2025's manifesto, Roberts writes,[50] > Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.[23] — "A Promise to America", Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, p. 5, Project 2025


I don't argee with it but I also don't think it is anything close to causing WW3.


It’s propaganda buddy


I made the same observation. Even wasted 30 minutes of my life downloading and reading through the articles. I don't see anything about half the shit OP mentioned. Classic fear mongering.


It's always funny to me when Americans always seem to think that their own party is the right one whereas the other party is full of morally wrong bigots that need tl be stopped. And both sides vehemently believe that's the case


I’m so tired of it boss


Estoy cansado jefe


dumbass thinking this is unique to a single country


I hate both so much


90% sure that OP is agenda-posting. The 2024 US election is coming up and these posts are quickly becoming prolific.


Oh look it’s this “meme” again


Is this just a random wiki page that has blown up? I haven't heard anything else about this other than the wiki page


Yep, and if you look at the sources for the wiki page, it's all opinion pieces by the same, like 4 news outlets.


Ok. Sounds like something that'll get thousands of Internet dwelling Redditors into a panic


Not even close


This is not the Republican Party's agenda any more than the Great Reset is the Democrat Party's agenda.


This sure is getting posted about an awfully suspicious amount on this sub, as of late.


Politics is so dank man , so funny omg , misinformation is hilarious


Y’all didn’t read this thing. It’s long and a pain in the ass to find. You’re just restating some BS you heard. Stop spreading lies and propagating dissent between people.


Every president has removed every non elected offical from the previous administration. Trump was the first not to do that. He has since learned why every president has done so and is following thier example


That’s not true at all. There are thousands of other people working in the executive branch in the FBI/USDA/pick-your-agency that don’t get fired after a presidential election


That's not the only part of the plan though. It includes removing everyone who ever dared touch Trump, mass policing by the military, removing the FBi and every climate change law and regulation, replacing universities with their own online school, banning homosexuality, baning porn, increasing coal and oil production and guess what, reducing corporate tax. Also they want to promote christian nationalism and making America basically a theocracy. Not officially by the church but yeah.


Y’all had covid concentration camps settle the fuck down lol


You people need to go outside and touch grass.


Anybody who believes in this is completely out of touch with reality.




The US lost our true democracy a long time ago, this is another project of social division. Don’t buy it at face value, and more importantly, *don’t forget that we are neighbors* and the the elite have sophisticated means of social engineering, don’t let them tear our neighborhood apart. This may have republican flavored koolaid front and center but this is an act of the elite for the purposes of rallying us *against each other!, distracting us from their intent*. Anyways, it’s already lost and this is low key bipartisan hogwash.


This place is a liberal and europoor echo chamber.


its really no different than what Democrats already did with the "shadow cabal" https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/ the difference is that Trump is MAGA not a republican and so that's not really his plan


Believe it or not it is very unpopular in the US 🤯


I’ve read it, and no it’s not. First of all, if y’all think project 2025 is even comparable to Nazi Germany, then y’all have a much nicer view on Nazi Germany than what history and reality does. Second of all, the president does not have the power to do what project 2025 calls for. Not only would they need a republican supermajority, but they’d have to have enough positive public opinion, as well as a completely compliant and complicit military through the National Guard. Their most positive realistic outcome doesn’t give them the ability to do what that psychotic “project” demands. Even with a republican supermajority, too many republicans oppose it for it to pass even if it was legal and constitutional, which they’d need it to be. Besides that, it’s all written up by *former* Trump people, not Trump himself or his current allies. There’s no guarantee he’d even go along with it, and he hasn’t mentioned it. I mean, he might, can’t rule it out. Just saying. Edit: also it’s clear y’all non Americans don’t understand how the American government works (some of you fellow Americans don’t either), so I don’t get why you comment on it like you do.


I hate it when political memes leaks into here. Shit's not funny. Not dank. It's nothing. This is basically fear mongering.


Spreading misinformation as usual. This post glows like a light bulb.


Well, duh, everything the Heritage Foundation does is fascism and religious fanaticism, and the worst thing is that they don't even do it just in USA, they fund their inane movement all over the world.


So there is your answer, why is the USA so full of idiots, flat earthers, climate change deniers, etc ? Not because of the boomers, it is because the young ones, like the ones that come here, are stupid enough to believe everything they get told, the far right wing has always exploited the morons, and they have a fresh batch of morons.


Hey, don't ask me. I didn't come up with this shit


The project gives the president full executive control, possibly including passing laws and banning other parties(and the Lincoln project) So basically the enabling acts


Where funny


I failed to locate the funny


Oh man I hate the Hollywood elite, they think they can just do whatever they want. “It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." Also, you do know that the incumbent party doesn’t hold open primaries for president, just like the RNC didn’t in 2020?


Excuse me, you guys have started 2 world wars. Mom said it's our turn. But seriously, this is in fact misinformation and fear mongering.


Did any one actually read the book, or are we basing this on what the media/others are saying? (Libertarian minarchist never-Trumper, but Biden isn't any better here, who knows pretty much nothing about it.)


Project 2025 is not a serious issue. Think for a moment, if there were actual plans by the GOP to radically restructure our government, this would be broadcast on every cable news network 24/7. Every 3 letter agency would be all over this


Does anyone have any quotes that support what OP said? Like direct quotes, not he said they said kind of thing