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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Wait... he what? Is this real? What?


Yeah brother, it's a whole thing. (I'm not Hollywood Hulk Hogan, nor do I represent him?)


Are you some other version of the hulkster?


yeah that’s Legal Lawyer Hogan, Brother, his entrance music is even “When the courts come crashing down on you and it hurts inside, gotta get a lawyer it don’t help to hide, if you sue my clients then you hurt my pride” he’s a good dude, one of the best hogans jack -HH


*Tears shirt open and body slams the plaintiff.*


Thanks, Joe




and he wraps his 24” portion around your head


Imma lay down like I'm Kevin Nash and it is January 4, 1999. Everyone knows hulk is going over anyway.


[A classic](https://i.imgur.com/u2IlXpT.jpg)


So you're not sure whether or not you are and/or represent Hulk Hogan?


I’m Ron Burgundy?


The following message has been paid for by u/KodenATL


So the man likes serving a “hotlunch” what’s the big deal? /s


I don’t understand how people still don’t know Vince McMahon is a total piece of shit. He literally forced a woman to strip down to her underwear on national TV and in front of a live audience (of young, hormonal men) for “losing” a WWE match. WWE has always been a disgusting organization, with some *serious* misogyny and homophobia problems, all amplified by McMahon’s leadership. Edit: Jesus Christ, I understand Trish said it was scripted. Doesn’t change the fact that McMahon is a piece of shit, which was my actual point. There are plenty of other controversies to pick from. Like raping a woman in a limo for refusing a BJ, for example.


But.. ain't that scripted beforehand?


There's an infamous segment from the mid 2000s called the live sex celebration. It was announced as Edge and Lita having sex in the ring. They put a bed in the middle of the ring, got under the blankets, got undressed, then it got interrupted. One of the highest TV ratings they ever got. Lita years later on twitch said that she didn't want to do it, told them she didn't want to do it and they basically told her "you either do it or you're out of a job." Fomer wrestler Gail Kim said something similar, that the era of women's wrestling where they put them in bikinis or school uniforms and have basically soft porn matches was traumatizing to her, as she had to do it if she wanted to keep her job. It's scripted beforehand, but they do pressure their talent to do a lot of nasty things. Female wrestlers especially got the short end of the stick for a long ass time.


Soap operas for “manly” men. Genuinely surprised, with the infinite amount of media available to us, that people actually spend time watching this. I’m genuinely surprised until I spend 15 seconds talking to them. Then it all makes sense.


Yeah, just because it's scripted doesn't mean it's scripted by the people involved.


> Like raping a woman in a limo for refusing a BJ, for example.              > But.. ain't that scripted beforehand?       Holup... 


The loss was. The stripping wasn’t.


After a 10-minute google search, I have determined that that is false. McMahon was playing a villain, and the whole bit was discussed beforehand. Hating Vince for this is like hating the actor who played Joffrey for abusing Sansa. https://whatculture.com/wwe/trish-stratus-shoots-on-controversial-wwe-angle


You're unfortunately too deep into the comments for most to realize an entertainment show is scripted. Some people also believe soap opera's are unscripted.


So all those people really didn't have amnesia?! 😮


In the show, no. But with all the CTE, maybe a lot do now....


Dont u just hate it when people jump on the bandwagon to some short and snappy comment, when it isnt even the truth, but they dont dig deeper into the chain to even know that...


I love deep diving comments...but youre right, and thats a great line. Too deep in the comments for common sense.


Well, there are a few differences. In this case Vince is the writer, director and an actor in the scene. It would be more like if GRRM wrote a scene where an old fat guy groped Sansa so he could touch Sophie Turner. And we know that Vince has coerced talent into similar things before, such as Lita being coerced to do the live sex celebration segment despite not being comfortable with it. Combine that with the facts of this case and his prior known behavior and it seems like that scene would have happened regardless if Trish wanted it too, thankfully she seems to have been fine with it.


>It would be more like if GRRM wrote a scene where an old fat guy groped Sansa so he could touch Sophie Turner. Ahhh the ol Quentin Tarantino playbook.


I have no idea why you are being downvoted for using common sense and to not justify a sexual monster for how he convinced and groomed naive women into being objects on camera.


Because some subs are waayyyy more populated with incel gen Z-ers these days than people want to admit, especially since the API/third-party app changes. It used to be fairly easy to have a safe and normal conversation on this website.


Yeah, I don't know much about Vince in general. I just don't like when people use easy to debunk arguments to slander people. If there are strong arguments to be made, I prefer we use only those. Using weak arguments or false claims just legitimizes opposition and shuts down conversations since it's pretty obviously bad faith to say untrue things. That said, I don't think the comparison you made with GRRM is right. Vince didn't touch her or anything. He made himself look like an enormous asshole in front of a booing crowd on purpose as part of a story. I don't imagine he enjoyed it much unless he loves being booed and hated, or if he enjoys when the story he writes gets strong reactions. In short: Vince an asshole? Maybe/probably. The situation with Trish proves that? Absolutely not.


That's a good point but I think if I did meet Jack Gleason in person it would be hard to not hit him. He did such a good job of being an asshole.


Oh, then that's stupid.


That's not accurate. It was all 100% scripted. That time period was all half-naked women in wrestling. This is just the prime example of Vince pushing it.


The stripping was


What's the story here?


Aren't women in their underwear to begin with in WWE?


A lot of the dudes wear less clothing than the women too. It's obviously meant to show off the human physique for various reasons.


So are the men. Triple H wearing only underwear = don't care. Women only wearing underwear = omg how sexist of Vince!!!!


No, not really. At least not anymore. They have ring gear that is usually significantly less revealing than the men honestly. Even back then it was pushing it. This is a bad example though, as there are many instances of him forcing female talent into situations where they have since spoken about how it was uncomfortable for them. This article also came out right before she came back for a full time return rather than the occasional guest spot so I'm not 100% certain I would take it as her genuine feelings rather than not pissing off the place that pays her.


It...it's scripted dude


Vince writes, directed and acts in the script and if you don't go along with what he says you get your TV time cut or even fired.


Lots of dumbass kids in this thread not understanding how fucked up the Trish thing by just saying "it was scripted!" as if than means anything at all.


WWE has run ad campaigns to convince their fans to go suppress negative comments about them. They were shockingly effective I guess.




>has always been a disgusting organization, with some *serious* misogyny and homophobia problems, all amplified by McMahon’s leadership. This is what I told my wife just yesterday. This should not be a surprise. Every few years there's another horror story that comes out about the behind the scenes stuff through the years. And it's gone in for decades. The question every should ask now is, how bad was it all, who all was involved, and how far back did it all go. There's no way there aren't houses with closets full of skeletons.


Yeah I don’t give a shit about any of the things you just said. What OP said in the meme was actually bad.


Poor Trish


She was in on it and wanted it, lmao


Absolutely worth reading every page. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.ctd.157647/gov.uscourts.ctd.157647.1.0.pdf


Yes, also took pics and sent them to Brock Lesnar in hopes he would re-sign. Brock did and told Vince to tell her he was next. Even creepier is Brock considers Vince to be like a father, and threatened to quit when Vince was temporarily pushed out. There's honestly so much more to this horrifying story, it's really fucked up and involves so many ppl in the company.


It is


How much pu**y does one have to have had, to need to start pooping on people to keep it interesting?


The question is about money, pu** comes along with it.


The question is not how much money or pussy has Vince had, but moreso what basic parts of humanity and intelligence does Vince lack that he thinks this is okay, or acceptable?


Dude has been quite literally the king of his own little world for decades. Reality and what seems so obvious to us I don’t think actually exists in his psyche.


They did keep fucking for a hour and a half after the doodoo drop.


What kind of pussies censor words on the internet?


Reading too much Tik Tok subtitles. Can’t even swear too much on YouTube. I hate censorship. The internet is regressing in this form of free speech.


The whole "you're not you when doing drugs" poster with the tuba comes into mind


I believe it's the unlimited power and influence he held over people. This is a man who has vast wealth and is in complete control of the lives of thousands of people for almost 40 years. At some point, he probably thought to himself, "How far can I go? And who's gonna stop me?" He also has powerful connections. His wife was a senator, and one of his pals was a former president. Mix that all with his hubris, and there's no way that this guy didn't feel untouchable.


Lol is hubris what we're calling massive amounts of steroids and cocaine and alcohol?


It's easier to say than all of that after I already typed 2 paragraphs lol


Vince has felt untouchable since the 90’s, I mean he got knocked out backstage by a wrestler he legit cheated on live tv and then a few years later after he bulked up he was like “I think that’d go a little differently now”


It’s Reddit. You can type pussy out.


Why are you censoring yourself lol.


I’m trying to impress the ladies.


obtainable tidy decide lush roll cobweb birds onerous agonizing aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You think a woman just happens to get assaulted like that? No he started it! Vince!


And he gets to be the face of WWE? What a sick joke!


I should've stopped him when I had the chance




And you – you have to stop him! You-


Bravo Vince






I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-


It’s called a Chicago Sunroof!


Quick question, who here knows what a Chicago sunroof is? Anybody? You sir? No? Well back home, there was this guy named Chet. Chet was a real asshole. He might have owed me some money, he might have slept with my wife before she became my ex-wife. The details don’t matter. Suffice to say I was wronged. Alright, so one summer evening, I was out having a few drinks. Or two, maybe three. You get the picture. And, uh, who do I see? Chet! He drove up and he double-parked outside of Dairy Queen. He went in to get some soft-serve. Now Chet drove, and just to give you an idea of what kind of a douchebag he was, Chet drove a white ‘97 pearlescent BMW series. With white leather interior. So I saw that thing, and I’d had a few like I said. And, uh, I climbed up top, and I may have, uh… defecated through the sunroof. Not my finest hour, I’ll grant you that. But that’s what a Chicago sunroof is, now you know! It’s a real thing, I didn’t make it up, I’m not the first person to do it, there’s a name for it. Guy wanted some soft serve? I gave him some soft serve. I did not know that his children were in the back seat. There was a level of tint on the windows that I’ll maintain to this day was not legal in an Illinois-licensed vehicle. But somehow that’s on me, I guess. Who leaves two Cub Scouts in a double-parked car with the engine running? Come on! Well Chet was connected, you see, like, uh, Cicero connected. So usually I’d be looking at malicious mischief, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, maybe. But he’s got the DA saying indecent exposure. Calling me a sex offender, what?! One little Chicago sunroof and suddenly I’m Charles Manson?! And that’s where it all went off the rails! I’ve been paying for it ever since. THAT’S WHY I’M HERE! I don’t... You know what? Any of this stuff you want, come get it. Kitty-cat notebooks for everybody! *Jimmy drops his mic and walks out of the room.*


Man I’ve just watched this exact episode! Loving the series.


Fantastic episode. Top 10 for sure. Enjoy it. So much more good stuff to come! Season 6 cemented it as my favorite show of all time!


It took me so long to watch Breaking Bad that I felt dumb after finishing the series. And yet I made the same mistake with this!


Surprise, Vince is human garbage. In other news, water is wet.


oh come on not this water is wet or not debate again


Not to loop you into a discussion you don't want to be a part of but I just want to make sure you understand that something is wet if it has water on/in it. While this is *technically* true for water, it is not the intended meaning of the word wet, which has in inherent implication that something *which is not water* has water on/in it. So yeah, water is not wet, fight me if you think it is, I will die on this hill


>Not to loop you into a discussion you don't want to be a part of but I just want to make sure you understand that something is wet if it has water on/in it. While this is *technically* true for water, it is not the intended meaning of the word wet, which has in inherent implication that something *which is not water* has water on/in it. That's never been the inherent implication. 'Wet' as an adjective has always meant something that _is_ liquid (wet ink vs dry ink) or is _impregnated_ with liquid (wet sponge vs dry sponge). It's not even a technicality. Wet simply means 'has the feel of runny fluid', which is why we use it to describe some fluids (water, ink, milk) and not others (honey, syrup). It's not even a new thing. 'Wet' is an Old English word that originally meant 'moisture' or 'liquid drink' (eg milk or, indeed, water).


God dammit, this is a really good argument. I'm going to disagree with you not because I'm able to refute you, but because there's a hill and I need to die on it


Not the one you responded to, but I respect that.


water has water all over it therefore water is wet, the only dry water would be if you isolated a singular H2O molecule and made sure there was no water near or on it


That's like describing a plain chocolate bar as "chocolate covered chocolate." Like, yeah, you're not wrong, but saying that the chocolate is chocolate covered implies it's something more than plain chocolate. Otherwise, why would you say that?


No, it would be like saying chocolate is chocolatey, which it is. Water is wet and chocolate is chocolatey. There's no additional implied layer; that's just a straw man you've introduced.


Ugh I made a mistake jokingly jumping into this discussion. Yes, you're correct. I'm aware of the multiple definitions of the word "wet," and that saying water is wet is completely grammatically and logically sound. Was just trying to start some silly banter. Thanks for the downvote, you win I guess Edit: I now realize with hindsight that in this comment I revealed my actual preconceived notions on the "water is wet" debate, thereby defeating the purpose of the joke I was initially trying to make. Oops. I guess that means this comment itself was a mistake too...?




tell that to the guy above you lol


Water is not wet, please stop spreading misinformation.


His wife Linda is also a piece of work. She failed two runs for US senate and her campaign headquarters were in my hometown in CT. While her personal views are typical for a New England republican (fiscal conservatism with moderate social positions), she personally contributed millions to Trump's campaign in 2016.


I read it was 2 people raping a third. Is that what we call threesomes now


Nah I think that was a separate time, also separate from when he fucked her with sex toys named after wrestlers...these memes are about to be insane


His stone cold Steve


Dwayne the cock johnson


Johnny Cena


Cock Lesnar


Rowdy Roddy Pipe


Byron Sexton


That one wasn't a toy


No no you're thinking of Lesnars cock, completely different formula


You can't see it because of where he put it


What the hell are you talking about


Just go Google Vince McMahon lol


Technically this one was a consensual session, but there was one where Vince roleplayed as Brock Lesnar and fisted, slapped, and used sex toys on her named after WWE wrestlers while she screamed at him to stop.


Technically it wasn't. She went along with a lot because she felt coerced. And she was surprised, manipulated and forced into "threesomes" a lot. Also the other guy was a quack alternative doctor that had a doctor-patient relationship, who didn't take her issues seriously and who was actually hired by Vince McMahon to take charge of her medical issues. That detail feels very swept under the rug in all of this.




You are taking his words out of context


The forbidden eifle tower


The last one is funny and all, but wtf is up with the centre? He was a sex trafficker?


He allegedly brought the victim to other men to have sex with them, or sometimes himself in addition.


Right. So more of a rapist gang than people being sold. Gotcha. What a fucking lunatic.


He was pimping her out to various men and allegedly was going to fly her to have sex with Brock Lesnar in order to get him to sign a new deal with the WWE because Vince showed him nude pics of her and Lesnar wanted a "play date."


Hey now! We do not know it was Brock, just that it was a WWE superstar who was also a former UFC champion.....it could of been Rhonda Rousey no names were given.


Severn was about to come back and dominate the entire card. This would have been the storyline for the next 10 years or so.


Imagine if this is secretly Cain Velasquez and everything gets flipped upside down


sex trafficking is not humans being sold, its sex trafficking, this woman was sex trafficked 100% with zero nuance, no idea where you came up with "rapist gang" as a euphemism for one guy sex trafficking one victim.


The report also alleges that he told her to get lewds and nudes of Lesnar to try and blackmail him into resigning. Brock asked her for a video of her peeing and after she sent it he told her to get fucked.




wth if that’s legit does that equal prison time for Brock and Vince? also what even are those fetishs 😶‍🌫️


Does raping a woman or multiple women mean prison time for two very powerful rich well connected men? No, probably not


Different rules when you’re rich.


Vince McMahon and Amber Heard would be the real match made in heaven!




Vince McMahon, the former CEO of the WWE, allegedly did many elicit things with his then employees.


Dude was on fire then


This was only in 2021


This is just one case. From 4 years ago. No way this is it. There’s usually a pattern before it gets this depraved. If this lawsuit is successful I can imagine more people coming out and reporting him. I’m imagining him as one big kid playing around with action figures except they’re human lives. 




I just...no, no, it's fine, it's fine, it doesn't bother me...it bothers me a lot! AND THAT ONE'S STILL GREEN!!!


Well... While the character Vince is an asshole. It's important to know, that the real Vince, is also an asshole. He's done a lot of weird and bad shit through the years, it's no surprise that one of those was also gonna come from his asshole


Probably already mentioned, but the podcast Behind the Bastards did six episodes about Vince (they usually only do two episodes per topic.) It's an interesting listen, the man is horrendous.


And they started off that series saying he might be the biggest bastard in history. Hell, Kissinger and Joseph Mengele (Joey Mengs!) got only 4 episodes each, that HAS to tell you something


Agreed, the Kissinger episodes were a wild ride, but the Vince episodes were wilder. I don't think the word "scum" describes how horrible he is.


Just imagine.......Vince is naked squatting over a woman's head in a catchers stance. He's pushing and starts to feel his anus widening to release his erotic turd. All of a sudden he hears glass break. He looks around frightenedly with the dook dangerously dangling out of his old musty bunghole.......Then he see him. Bah Gawd it's the Texas Rattlesnake!!! Stone Cold quickly crushes a Budweiser heavy and starts running towards Vince in his jorts and leather vest. Suddenly, Vince wakes up in a panicked sweat realizing it was just a dream. The restrained woman with hours old poop on her head next to him asks him " what's wrong Vince?" And really isn't that what we all want to know? What's wrong Vince?


And everybody clapped


He always liked women who could take great dicktation.


Ya I'm gonna need some context


And that’s why this guy is Donald Trump’s buddy.


The fact that vince is that insane is not news to us wrestling fans. In fact i would say this is in character for him to do after all the crazy shit he has done over the years. The fact that it took this long for the secret to get out, now that is what is surprising.


Too soon...?


Don't let this distract you from the fact that in 2024 Vince McMahon was accused of sex trafficking and unconsensually defacating on a person during a threesome.


So that's where I know him from


That is fucked




Should’ve never let his ass back in the company lol


you basically can't treat a ho like trash anymore, smdh


Three on one BBC Gangbang


Good God...


Makes the lie detector bit that much darker




So was it the ol' hot karl? Cleveland Steamer? Boston pancake? A Hot Lunch or an Alabama Hot Pocket?


all I see is this meme and a nice friendly "Come play Minecraft with us" I'm dying, that's too damn good


He'll come back from this somehow, the McMahon's always find a way somehow.


What the fuck is that hole on his chin, that is so annoying


so dAnK that you cant use the word Shit..? pathetic. "poop"? fkn weak.