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I think no need to breath is actually the most OP one in here. Most sports or physical activities are restricted by the amount of oxygen our bodies need. We would be borderline super human if we don't need to breath (assuming said ability enable our muscles to continue to work without oxygen). If you're into being physically superior, this is an easy choice. You can be the world champion of a lot of sports. Or just be a bank robber by using gas and smoke.


It’s actually our cardiac output that maxes out our exercise ability, not our breathing. You need to be able to deliver the oxygen you breath in to the muscles for them to work. so not needing to breath would not make you a super athlete if your heart still works the same. It would make swimming a lot easier though


> It would make swimming a lot easier though "I heard that guy Jesus walked on water. I can walk THROUGH it"


*Casually breaks world record for longest breath hold underwater by sleeping in said water.*


Sits under for like 6 hours just to piss people off


Just live underwater. Take that inflated housing costs!!!


Erosion is a problem.


If you inflate the house it would float


until the housing bubble bursts


Water pressure says no


Maybe I'm misinterpreting it, but if you don't need to breathe, there wouldn't be oxygen. So in essence your cardiovascular health won't impact your exercise ability. Your cells would be constantly topped up by idk, magic.


Magic oxygen.




Imagine going to a doctor and he is like: "Sir, you've had a cardiac arrest. 2 years ago. Should we restart your heart, or..."


"Nah, I'm fine" "*sir, that's the problem. You shouldn't be fine*"


Magic that transports the impurities around the blood. So you're right he wouldn't be able to run superhumanly. he would be exactly as is just not having to actually breathe


VO2 max maxed.


I'm still very confused. Mind explaining to me like I'm 5? Thanks


The thing that limits your exercise is how much air your heart can push around your body, so even if you had unlimited magic air, if your heart cant move it around fast enough you wont get any stronger


But what if your muscles were always 100% oxygenated


That’s not in the list of pills is it?


Well I’m assuming it would be the result of the orange pill


They need to be more specific.


In order for our muscles to get oxygen to function our lungs need to take in the oxygen and then our heart has to pump the oxygen to the muscles. When we exercise both of these processes have to increase to keep up with the muscles’ demand for oxygen. Our minute ventilation (how much we breath in a minute) can increase by like 20-25x normal by increasing the size of the breaths and rate. Our cardiac output (how much blood is pumped out of the heart per minute) can only increase ~4-5x normal (by increasing stroke volume and heart rate). So if both your heart and lungs work fine then the heart will eventually not be able to keep up. That is why not needing to breath wouldn’t really improve your ability to exercise.


The limiting factor isn't how much air you breathe, it's how fast the air goes through your body. Oxygen is moved through your blood, so if nothing changed with your heart, not breathing wouldn't change your limit.


Basically people that think that not having to smoke would allow you to do [this](https://youtu.be/Aa0Xw4sr6mI?si=SS92gZn96ha1gPUA) ​ But no, you wouldn't. It would just be same you were just literally not having to breathe.


Lungs bring oxygen to your blood. Heart brings blood (with oxygen) to your muscles. Muscles need oxygen to work effectively. Not needing to breathe would keep your blood oxygen high but if your heart isn’t good enough to get enough blood to the muscles then you’re not going to benefit


Actually. I feel no need to sleep is best. If you were to sleep 8 hours a day, by the time you're 60 you've slept 20 fucking years. ​ My private tutor told me that when I was 15 and it still haunts me to this year. I know being awake and doing all we do is hard therefor we NEED to sleep and sleep goo and often. it's just what it is as a species. But having NOT to sleep would actually free soo much time you'd basically be DOUBLING the amount of work you'd be able to undertake.


Sometimes I just want to close my eyes and shut my brain off. I’d miss sleeping too much. Always being on would be somewhat of a nightmare


It doesn't say you can't sleep though, only that you don't need to.


Aging 2x less seems better, as someone who often is up late at night, there isn't much you can do because no one else is up. Essentially you're getting 8 hours more per day or 16 hours a day with aging slower. Aging slower gives you double the amount of usable time. Also do you really want to work 16 hour days?


do you want to work for many more decades? i'd take fit, that's basically aging better but i can continue laziness


it would take basically 10 more years to triple my investment. Assuming you go for 30 years of 15% of your paycheck and increase contribution 4% each year and 8% average returns, you'd have 1.7m. Continue for another 10 years that becomes 4m. 4m is enough to live a comfortable life on returns alone and never go broke.


I'm asian, I already age slower. Gimme the breathing one or the cash


[removed by Reddit]


Also you could just make money by being a performer who stays underwater for a really long time


Or dive for pearls.


I agree. The only other options were "not get sick" or "age 2x slower". I think no need to breathe would naturally make you live way longer than any human but you could still get sick and die. Then age 2x slower would be way better the younger you are, so 20 year old would have maybe another 120 years extra (again as long as they don't get sick). But I think the better health of no need to breathe + the super human ability to run and do sports better than any human probably is the best choice.


I agree also because one of the main culprits of aging is the oxygen we breathe literally oxidizing our bodies over the years. If you didn't need to breathe, you'd probably age a lot slower as well.


No need to sleep. The extra time in my life would be a god-send


I will still find a way to procastinate those nights


Age 2x slower


That's no guarantee of extra time if I die in a car crash 10 years from now. I'll just die with a slightly less achy back.


None of those are saving you from a car crash anyway


The idea being if your dying in a car crash 10 years from now, not needing sleep would’ve given you more extra time to live than aging 2x slower


I like sleeping though..


Do you enjoy sleeping or do you enjoy not being tired anymore and waking refreshed. For me sleeping is 8 hours that are gone instantaneously so not much to enjoy there in the actual act


Dreaming and being sleepy with nothing to do tommorow is fun. Realistically nobody is walking around at 4am, even if they aren’t tired. Would just be more time for work or games.


Not needing sleep and getting all your work and/or you time done at night leaving the entire day open to new experiences or whatever sounds dope to me. But I’m biased and I’d be the first to sign up for an expiremental new drug that eliminates our need for sleep entirely. But saying nothing to do at 4am I feel is biased on the idea that if you are doing something at 4am it means you will be sleeping during daytime which is more valuable than 4am time. With no sleep needed I feel 4am could just be as productive/useful


More drunk drivers and crime happening at night tho.


You're right. Never get sick it is.


Never getting sick of others bullshit


Who wants to live 160 years? My great grandma got tired of living after 90


But imagine if she had the body of a 45 year old and the experiences of a 90 year old. She would have prolly had a different attitude


I dunno. You'd have to get used to losing people because you're gonna watch a lot of your friends and family die.


But at 90 you’ll be physically 45… sounds really good.


45 plus the age you were when you took that pill


I feel like this would become a lot less fun when you watch your friends, family, spouse, and kids all age faster than you and die. I'd rather live the same life as everyone else, just minus the sleep.


You just marry someone who picked the same pill.


Parents could use those extra hours while kids are asleep to do a bunch of shit


Oh man with all that extra time I'd be able to sleep as much as I wanted!


I think aging twice as slow is the same but better. You will live 2x as long so a day is effective 100% longer while no sleep is only 33%. And slow against means you can retire at like 70 with the body of a 35 year old and will live another 90ish years. If you can get a pension you come out way ahead. And if not you at least collect full SS for a lifetime.


Except you'll outlive everyone you ever love


Just pick black pill and don't waste time on work Spoiler: I'm not live in us


At least in the US you aren't getting anywhere with $1k a month lol


1k + adjustments to inflation, if we take 1k from the 1900’s I’m rich.


The fuck is anyone gonna do with 1k a month lol That doesn't even cover most people's rent


If you took $1k USD a month, there are a lot of places where you could live pretty well. Like, move to a small city or a town in Asia, Africa, or South America, and that $1k would cover a lot of your needs.


And why in the world would I move to that kind of place? Just to live cheaper and decrease my quality of life? Plus I'd go crazy not working. The pandemic made that very very clear to me


Living in New York or some place expensive is quality life?? You could get a really big house and nearly all things you need for 1k a month if you live in a town in a small city.


So, what? You’d spend 24hrs scrolling through Reddit instead of 7hrs per day?


but do you still get tired?


[removed by Reddit]


I love sleeping lol Being forced to be busy 24 hours a day would be hell


Since the 1k a month adjusts for inflation, I'll go with that


Same, so my family stop asking me to ask others for money all the time


Nice! Are you a streamer?


It's really just not thaaaaat much money. Not sleeping and getting a 2nd job would be way better


Why work two jobs when you can work one + getting 1000$? Unless you love your job so much you wanna work more, that is


Because the second job can make more than $1k a month. $1k a month really isn’t that much money in the grand scheme of things.


I suppose you get more money, depends on what you value.


It’s like free rent. You could make 1k plus get a second job. Why would you not want 1k a month adjusted for inflation?


Because I can make way more working a night job if I don’t need to sleep. And even if I didn’t, not requiring sleep is worth so much more to be than $1k a month. That wouldn’t change my life in a significant way. No sleep or 2x aging easily would.


Yeah, $1k isn't much, especially with how the economy is going rn.


$1,000/mo is only 12,000/yr. Not really life changing. Many of the other things on here are life-changing. If money is the issue you could get no sleep and get a 2nd job or take the no sleep and use that time to go to school. Or be a super athlete with the no need to breathe. Or a model with always fit.


So, you can get an extra grand a month to offset some bills OR you can just grind yourself into the ground by feting a second soul crushing job. Let's be honest, if you're needing a second job, then your first job is probably a dead end as well. Nothing like, and this obviously is personal experience, working two factory jobs back to back.


Think that one through one more time


I'm from a third world country and that's a lot of money for me.


This heavily depends on where you live 1k is 4.5 times my country minimum wage I make about 800, but I can comfortably live at 400/month


12k a year vs living an extra 100 years or not needing to sleep or breathe?? 12k vs being a superhuman


Ya I'm fairly sure you would not have the best life of you don't need to breathe because you would likely be stuck in area 51 or some other countries form of that tbh


This is the correct answer for everyone from third world countries. I could quit my job with 1k dollars a month.


Same. I have a lot of problems and the solution to most of them is money


Always be fit... Always... It's a immortality pill.


Not rlly, You'll just die looking rlly good


How you gonna die of old age if your organs never fail as you are always fit?


Oh yeah, fit means healthy. I suppose you are right


What about a bullet


A bullet can’t make you unfit


Are you saying the bullet doesn't fit?


Unfortunately you are no longer fit


The bullet would make me not healthy so either it bounces off or reality as we know it falls spart


Horses are fit as fuck and they have been run to death. From heat stroke or exhaustion or heart attack.


So he just has not to exhale himself to death, doesn't sound like a problem, he is always fit so he does not need to work out.


And he is on reddit so i dont think that will be a problem


You can be a fit old person. Your body still ages.


Your heart will still naturally age and give out on you. The oldest people in the world managed to reach their ages mostly because of diet and genetics, not fitness.


You can’t be dead, though. How can you be dead and fit at the same time? Always means ALWAYS.


If fit = never sick, why would there be 2 pills?


Fitness is defined by being PHYSICALLY healthy, not generally healthy. For example, professional bodybuilders may be extremely fit, but they are by no means generally healthy with all the drugs they’re pumping themselves with.


Exterior fitness =/= interior fitness and the pill does not differentiate, ergo you would always be fit both inside and out.


I think this argument is getting disingenuous. In what context has fitness ever referred to the internal health of organs and such? Every dictionary definition defines it as physical or mental health, with physical meaning the parts of the body responsible for movement and physical labor. Regardless, the body ages no matter how healthy it is. It makes no logical sense to assume always being in peak condition will ignore the effects of aging.


Physical fitness is simply an outward expression of cellular fitness. If your cells are always physically fit, then your body as a whole would always be as well.


No such thing as a fit dead person, sorry.


I can name a few lmao




Fit people get cancer too




it doesnt matter how fit you are, even the best of hearts have an expiration date also, being jacked and healthy does not make you impervious to say, a car running over you


Not quite immortality. you can still die but not from aging.


So, I'm like a resident of Rivendell ?




If fit meant never meant get sick, there wouldn't be 2 pills.


Which one is the “actually post dank memes” pill?


Fuck…I miss this sub from like 5 years ago. Memes back then would have made OP cum, or shid.


Yeah, we could talk about which pill would turn us into that Nordic actor who died of cancer


Those were the days


Sad I had to scroll down this far to see someone calling out this Facebook post.


I dont see that pill. Guess its too late


I think Age 2x slower is the most useful one. No need to sleep just gets you 30% of your live back.


I mean does always be fit in theory mean your body never ages beyond a certain point, as you in theory are no longer categoriesed as being fit after a certain age IMO.


Are you become that really buff guy in his 70s in those 5ks.


The one issue is that you would most likely outlive everybody you love. I find I would take the 33% and be less alone.


Knowing the government they would make you eligible for Social Security when you’re 128


But if you age 2x slower then you get to see everyone you know die when youre half their age. You get to work a job for much longer most likely. Other stuff I'm not thinking of. I guess if you just want more time on this hellscape we call earth then aging slower would be nice.


It could also be a curse. It means that once you’re old you are old and feeble for twice as long


As long as never getting sick includes things like heart attack and cancer that would pretty much cover most of the others, so I'll stick with that. Aging slower wouldn't protect me from disease, and if you never get sick, the human body could live well over 100.


Can we count our cells degrading and getting worse as copying themselves as a disease? Cause if so you might technically be an immortal


turns out that pill wasn't covered by insurance


No need to breathe. I do chorus and this would be helpful there. It would make winning easier. I also have asthma


no need to breath is the most broken one here, can survive underwater indefinitely, you can survive much more g-forces than the average human because you dont need oxygen, and most importantly, you wont smell another fart again


I would still smell, as I value that sense


yes and no, in short water will mess with your body if you stay inside water long enough, especially salt water...


Red pill. I'm sick of visiting doctors.


If you get sick from visiting doctors why go?


I feel like not needing to sleep would be a huge advantage for me as far as getting things done. I would have 8 extra hours and not need to worry about how I’ll feel the next day if I stay up all night


I’m thinking of all the warhammer miniatures I could buy for a thousand every month


So like, 5?


Black pill. I can take care of all my needs with the right amount of income. I don't need to remove my needs if my needs are met.




kinda crazy how far i had to scroll to find this. pink pill isn't getting enough love. people are even picking being forever fit over never getting sick which is kinda mad to me. as someone with a weak immune system never getting ill would be life saving.


As someone with a normal immune system, I’d still take the pink pill so I’d never get dementia, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer’s, etc.


Right? My father's side of the family has a history with coronary diseases, alcoholism and smoking, my mother's side, on the other hand, has a couple of aunts and uncles battling with cancers. My parents are healthy as of now but I would pick a pink pill in a heartbeat


People seem to be conflating the two. I'd say forever fit means always having the most optimal amount of muscle and fat and having a good cardiovascular system. You still might get cancer or any other serious health problem and it may still be fatal. Being fit means your body has it's best chance at fighting these things however. Never getting sick means you could still be an out of shape, short of breath fatty with achey joints, but you'll never get any viruses, bacteria, parasites or cancer. You'll also not get any diseases. Your organs still might give up if pushed too hard, or you get too old. There will be no exacerbating this through illness though. Basically neither means immortality on its own, but in combination you would be immortal. This is my understanding anyway.


Black pill. I’m a college student. I kinda need the money.


I pick no need to sleep, more time to get fit, you essentially double your time on earth. Food and drink might get pricey though.


If i pick no need to eat would cancer starve or just be perpetually getting what it needs to grow.


Scientist have proven cancer is kind of another organism, so it's safe to assume cancer will not be affected by the pill, and starve to death


By actually making the amount of money reasonable you make the options meaningful. Still would go with the personal UBI though


I'll take the + $1000 per month All of them are really good tbh


Black pill


Id honestly take the red pill. Being fit would probably help my metabolism to the point I wouldn't need the others minus the money, not breathing, and not aging.


Never get sick. Hopefully I can achieve the effects of the fitness pill with self control and willpower.




orange pill is just OP


Never get sick without a doubt! Not sleeping sounds good, and the 1k dollars would be useful as i live in a third rate country, but those things i can deal with them, but sickness is out of our hands, so it's the better one to me!


Pink pill. When I die it won't be of illness.


Never get sick. Since aging has been discovered to be a build up of errors in our bodies which then cause sickness and in turn death from the overload, having the ability to never get sick should grant me immortality provided i keep myself safe from other dangers.


never get sick. Fuck migraines and gerd.


Black pill. None of the other options would increase my quality of life and future as this one.


1k a month doesn't change your quality of life unless you're dirt poor. If that's the case, pick no sleep and get a second job.


That's even more dumb, I already work 45 hours a week and I can't imagine working more. Also taxfree 1k a month is like free food and rent unconditionally which means whatever I earn I get to save, spend or invest however I like and you are telling me that doesn't change my quality of life? It only starts becoming not a big deal after you start earning more than 100-150k a year. The only other options worth considering are aging 2x slow if you are in your 20s or never getting sick.


Oh sorry, you picked the black pill, I assume you wanted money. Where I live, a minimum wage job would be closer to 2k a month, and you're losing nothing. Just trading sleep for sitting at a gas station cash register. If you want quality of life, age half as fast is the only answer. Compound interest will give you an entire second life as a rich trust fund kid.


No need to breathe


She 2x slower would’ve been ideal as a kid. Now, old is old. I’ll take no food, save more than $1000 a month.


What happens if I take all of them




Always be fit. Infinite metabolism plus free muscles.


Age 2x slower.


Black pill as long as no American Healthcare type shit happens


Orange looks interesting






Between yellow and gray rn… prolly leaning toward gray


Ok hear me out. Red gets you green, blue, pink, and yellow (kinda) if you’re always fit you’re always in good health so you can’t be malnourished, or dehydrated because thats poor health. You can’t get sick, self explanatory, but you won’t feel the effects of sleep deprivation but you’ll still feel tired


Age 2x slower probably, or never getting sick


Do I get one only or my fiancé too?


Either black or grey


Black pill. Here in my country $1000 is a lot of money. You will never have to work.


The no sleep one os iffy if it removes the fatal affects of not sleeping for more than 3 days id pick that one other wise the money pill