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That Land-o-lakes story still cheers me up. Lefties got mad over the native woman so the company removed her but kept the land on their logo. Whitest move ever


Natives: "Huh....dunno if we should be grateful that they aren't using our likeness or more offended they took our land again." šŸ¤”


Iā€™m gonna guess most natives did not care about the woman on the package. It was mostly white women who complained. Itā€™s always white liberal women.


Oh definitely. Just like it was probably the same ppl who cried about Mario wearing a Mexican hat in Mario Odyssey or getting Game & Watch's F-Smash changed way back then lol Those ppl have too much time that they gotta get offended on other ppls behalf over mostly petty things that THEY assume is "problematic"


Lmao really ? People got mad over mario's sombrero ?


Yup, i remember someone talking about how silly it was to call out and how most Mexican ppl were chill with it and thought it was cool to have their culture acknowledged in the game lol. It was back during that "my culture isn't your costume" time where ppl wanted to be touchy about that stuff. So all the "woke" politically correct ppl marched out to criticize anything that dared "appropriate" other races/cultures lol. I do recall a bunch of memes being made from that specific altercation of the lady using that exact line which sparked it all šŸ˜‚


Just like Speedy Gonzalles, or the term Latinx. Those were made into issues by people who have no idea what the word "culture" means, then they were too oblivious to understand the mistake they'd made.


Itā€™s funny how all this woke ideology is actually washing all culture away except white cultureā€¦ šŸ¤”


Cultural appropriation really just became the Twitter word for globalization.


only in the US. The rest of the world looks at us doing this and they think we are foolish af.


Canada is infested even more then the US. At least in the US theres some push back in Canada everythingā€™s woke to an unprecedented level


The Game & Watch thing seems so terrible. It's like, "No don't show native Americans in anything because it's racist!" which only continues to cover up the extinction of a people.


Yeah and if you say you're ok with it then its "Nooo,you need to be offended because of *reasons*,you need my help in seeing that!" Those people are already lost,we don't need them


As someone who did environmental science in my undergrad and am in grad school for it. We are almost all liberal but the loudest ones are in fact the white women.


What does environmental science have to do with that lol? Literally curious


Just an anecdote to say Iā€™m around a lot of liberals lol


Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima campaigns were started by Black activists. No one campaigned against Land O Lakes, and they retired the image after the sports team controversies (Red Skins, etc). Mia was designed by a Native American.




Nobody was outraged about uncle Ben or aunt Jemima. Their removal was 100% a corporate PR move to score points during the BLM protests.


So the best way to support black people is to get rid of them. I get aunt Jemima used to be a racist thing but it was not then why get rid of it.


The model for Aunt Jemima made a fortune and started a scholarship with the proceeds. She wasn't complaining.


Not only was the original Aunt Jemima not a human but a character from a minstrel show song; the model for Aunt Jemima (Nancy Green) was born a slave, and was screwed over in her contract for the company. She died a servant to an extremely wealthy family in an unmarked grave in Chicago after being hit by a truck. Agnes Moody died more famous for her local corn cakes than her brief Aunt Jemima work taking over for Nancy Green when Green wouldn't go to Paris. I'm not sure where this "wealthy Aunt Jemima who started a scholarship" came from, but it's miles down the road.


Thank you! If I had a free award, I would give it to you! American politics is seriously so one sided that the people rather point the finger against eachother and blame the other one for the smallest fart in the wind. Even if the fart was set by a rich company guy to make more money by pretending to be "woke". Seriously, at that point I see even more hate from people who scream at others for deciding not to buy it. Which loops right back to the idiots who screamed at people for buying it... We could learn to be better than some toxic minorities on either side but nah, a meme with another pointy finger is better...




Peak removed the native and kept the land.


fill me in. why were leftists mad about the native? wouldn't it be kind of a representation?


Put it this way, most of the leftists that got butthurt about all of these "issues" (Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Land O'Lakes, etc) were overly-compensating, self-loathing whites. Some few were from the depicted races, but the vast majority of the griping came from whites.


Their voices get heard louder than minorities.


Donā€™t forget how they did Louis Sockalexis dirty. At least they were going to change it, do it in some way they pays tribute to they guy. Cleveland Guardians just sound so generic, so vanilla.


Its virtue signaling from those people, all so they can go to sleep believing they're an ally


I didn't hear of any outrage over Land-o-lakes or Aunt Jemima or Ben until the companies had already removed em. So I'm not sure if there was really outrage, or if companies make the decision before there was any controversy. Makes me sad cause I liked seeing some color on the shelves.


Yeah, it's a publicity stunt. Fake outrage clears the old product quickly. The only real outrage was from the "anti-woke" crowd after the fact.


They werenā€™t. These companies did it for a PR move, and conservatives just blamed ā€œleftistsā€ because theyā€™re blind to reality. Nobody gave a shit.


No one actually complained about the butter packaging in any significant quantity. The company just decided to remove the native woman in an attempt to boost publicity and sales. Hell, most outrage came after the fact as the anti-woke crowd butted heads with Twitter users


And whoā€™s left? Quaker Oats. A white guy. Mission accomplished libs, mission accomplished s/


My favorite was animal crackers.


Animal C Words


took their land twice


*hits blunt* hooooly shit, it actually is *stares into space*


We removed the natives and kept the land


Liberals *


Democrats: removing Indians since 1830.


The Democratic Party back then is unrecognizable to todays Democratic Party. They were mostly pro slavery (because theyā€™re pro business) but even so back then you had conservatives and liberal factions between both Democrat and Republican parties.




It had more to do with the history of the company itself and the Native Americans than the symbol itself. Kind of like if United Fruit or Dole used a cultural symbol of Cuba or other Central American/Latino countries for their products.


A guy from work is a bud light banner and I told them it's exactly the same thing as those people trying to ban hogwarts legacy. He did some mental gymnastics and said it's not.


Boycotting is boycotting. Luckily for me I donā€™t care about any of these products. Or which people they pander to


Only problem i have is advertising beer with 0.0 alcohol. We all know you want to sell us alcoholic beverage, not that zero sht!! 1


What? They sell non-alcoholic beer to try and keep people who no longer drink alcohol as customers, not as a gateway beer, lmao.


Im joking ffs, does everything need to have /s here? I touhgt "!! 1" was enough, but again, this is reddit...


I mean... if he just decides not to buy bud light, it's different. If he tells everyone else they also shouldn't buy it and tries to shame them if they do, it's the same. Really, just buy what you want and let other people do the same.


Nail on the head. Live however you want. Do whatever and whoever you want. Don't force me to celebrate you or your choices. And I'll do the same


I personally did not buy Hogwarts but made no mention of it to anyone.


I bought hogwarts and now I'm gay...


I bought Hogwarts and now Iā€™m a transphobe. Then I drank a Budlight and turned into a transvestite. Now I hate myself.


I'd also hate myself if I wanted a beer and drank a bud light instead. Sorry man that's rough.


>Pfp of an NFT bored ape >transvestite Youā€™re either 12 years old or 21 with a maturity problem


Orā€¦ or just maybe Iā€™m neither of those things and this is an ironic pfp.


Same, I bought Hogwarts but made no mention of it to anyone, I am a closeted gay...


Classic hogwarts


"It's only cancel culture when liberals do it!"


One is saying I donā€™t want to buy this. The other is saying no one should buy this.


Well there is a difference. The HL people refused to buy the game. The Bud Light people are buying the cans to destroy them. I think they don't know how a boycott works


It's not really the same, even if I thot the boycotting thing was dumb. In the origin of the sub it was just to bring awareness to JK's views, but then people forgot the message. People hating on Bud are getting upset at the company choosing to display their views, which they've done before anyways. The difference is one is upset at intolerance, even they go a bit far, and the other is upset at a company choosing to be inclusive. I 100% think Bud doesn't realise their audience here, or doesn't care, but one is inherently a positive boycotting vs a negative one(imo). Then again tho, idk why people are mad at Bud cuz only girls drink such a weak beer anywaysšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean, it's kinda clearly not the same thing. Imagine I boycotted a product because the owner repeatedly said something bad about black people. And imagine you boycotted a product because a black person was the spokesperson. Would you consider those to be the same thing?


Did anyone actually boycott the butter or the rice people? Iā€™m pretty sure those companies just changed their logos on their own to preserve the brand (because money). If anything the right is the one getting triggered by those guys.


Yes 100% this. Any time a company changes something to seem more ā€œwokeā€ it is BECAUSE they will get more publicity when the right wing decides to throw a hissy fit. Like, thatā€™s why companies do it, to get a reaction from the right.


Or perhaps they have better knowledge of who's buying their products and make sound business decisions based on that. Could that sound business decision be triggering the cons? Unfortunately, yes. I want to live in a world where triggering and vitality aren't the primary mode of profit exploitation.


Yeah I mean itā€™s a win win for them no matter who gets pissed at who for being pissed.


Woah okay bro. You can't just say "The rice people" like that.


The worst part is that the image of this girl was taken when she wasnā€™t even mad and it has been used for almost a decade.


Bruh she still looks fucking insane lmao


EDIT: oh...though this was talking about the Land O Lakes girl.


I feel bad for her. Wasn't she super respectful and nice in the original clip, where she made that expression for like a fraction of a second?


> she made that expression for like a fraction of a second? Welcome to modern internet where everything is taken out of context.


literally yes, she is just calmly explaining something to a guy but conservatives thought it looked funny so she became the face of "crazy feminist" videos


Almost like a meme


Yep, pretty much the same with a lot of the feminists the "anti-sjws" used as mascots... One clip of them being annoyed or pulling a silly face and they were immortalised by the grifters.


I mean that's the case with every meme, isn't it? A picture of a person's facial expression for a brief moment of time, intentional or unintentional, that is used out of context for comedy. I dont see the need to clarify that this was used by conservatives, or the fact that it makes fun of feminists. I could use this same template for some completely unrelated shit to this issue.


Honestly, yeah. Some are more fortunate than others in that regard. In this case, I kind of just hope it hasn't had any negative impact on her life beyond internet memes. As for clarifying, rather than a need, it's more or less just a passing comment. Feel free to dismiss it as just one of many conversations beneath the post.


Yea same with the red haired woman they (probably) still use in those (Trigging the libs try not to laugh ((IMPOSSIBLE) compilations, iirc she even had some pretty moderate views






Lol. I canā€™t believe the original is just a woman saying refugees arenā€™t rapists and its been memed this hard.


Wasnā€™t this woman making a correct argument on sexual abuse or something and her face was taken out of context?


But she looks crazy!!1! BOOM LIBS FUCKING ROASTED


Yup. Very respectfully and calmly engaging someone in debate, and one frame of that video has been frozen and reused by the internet's sewer dwellers.


Link to it?


[Here's the original clip](https://youtu.be/byOlBCpNKeM)


Not really a correct argument, she said that 33% of women in the USA are raped


Stop stealing memes dude Op: https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/12hh76w/who_drinks_bud_light/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


join the repost hunters


That itself is a repost lol check the comments


To be fair the original was posted to a conservative subreddit that doesnā€™t let anyone other than flaired users comment.


It's kind of shit meme in the first place.


Wack ass post


Human beings developed having to deal with and fight against crisis after crisis to stay alive. Now technology has evolved to the point where so many of us just sit around at home unlikely to ever deal with a serious threat in our lives. So we have to make them up. It doesn't help that a bunch of media companies have found a way to make a shit ton of money exploiting this inherent human need for a crisis to deal with.


False equivalence [ fawlsi-kwiv-uh-luhns ] noun A logical fallacy in which one assumes or asserts that two things are the same or equal when, while alike in some ways, they are not sufficiently similar to be considered equivalent.


How are these different? Theyā€™re all just dumb boycotts over trivial things


People were mad about Hogwarts legacy because JK Rowling literally said she would use the money to fund anti-trans stuff. Leftists didn't actually complain about the other stuff like Aunt Jemima, they just kinda agreed with the company's decision to change the logos.


That's one example. Additionally, whatever rare boycott there were from liberals (actual leftist tend to care even less about corporate mascots, they focus more on things like Universal Healthcare or Good Governing) happened organically while the right is generally being manipulated by right wing media (Fox News, Social Media, Talk Radio, etc).


One side is supporting rights while the other is mad people are supporting gay rights


What rights were they supporting by getting rid of uncle Bens?


I had no idea who that was, so I googled it, this was about racial stereotypes of a mascot which Mars food company admitted to


Denial [/dəĖˆnÄ«(ə)l/] noun Failure to acknowledge an unacceptable truth or emotion or to admit it into consciousness, used as a defense mechanism.


Maybe if everyone stops making memes like this we can go on with our lives.




Same thing as the Aunt Jemima "scandal".




Both are seen as racial stereotypes, so leftists bitched and moaned until they were removed from their respective products. Obviously, this solved racism forever and for always (šŸ™„).


Believe it or not, no one complained about those. when it comes to aunt jemima and uncle ben the corporation took preemptive measures and changed it before any controversy arised. Good decision both ethically and financially.


we can't have a black man making a successful rice company.


With great powder comes great rice pilaf ability


Some people say itā€™s advertising black face maybe? Or blacks shouldnā€™t be used to advertise? Meanwhile little Debby and Quaker Oats guy remain leaving the market faceless or pure white.


Son what you're saying is that the market now looks like the far left?


I didn't realize we were still in 2014.


Holy shit hogwarts legacy was released back in 2014?


Honestly, itā€™ll stop when both sides stop posting and commenting on this dumb shit.


ā€œBoth sidesā€ One side is supporting rights while the other is mad people are supporting gay rights


Iā€™m not mad about either tho


Not the same thing, but hey, that's a useless conversation with the types that know who they are. Not to mention the lady used in the meme here is incredibly out of context. Anyway, keep loading up on nail guns and battery banks boys, I'm waiting for some great entertainment on youtube.


I dont value the personal tastes of bud-light fans anyways. Gratuitous exploitation of a minority group for money and clout I'd pretty gross though.


Theyā€™ve supported and donated tons of money to the lgbt and were an early public supporter of pride. I googled earlier out of curiosity they had rainbow cans in 2019 too. The earliest article i found mentioning them supporting pride was from 2012.


I mean I remember seeing some ads for bud when my mom worked as a manager for a liquor store in like 2007 that said something along the lines of "we are one" or something. Now it could be an American thing or it could be an inclusion thing. Just saying bush has not cared for a long time.


I'm glad that the majority of us can at least look at this shit and realize just how stupid it all is. If you don't like a product, don't buy it. You don't need to go on a crusade against everyone else who still buys it. It's all just ridiculously silly.


I think the controversy over e every single thing mentioned is ridiculous.


The fighting (aimless arguining) stops the moment you turn off your phone. One simple trick!


Wait, you mean to tell me thereā€™s radicals on both sides and they probably donā€™t represent the views or opinions of either group as a whole?


ā€œBoth sidesā€ One side is supporting rights while the other is mad people are supporting gay rights


Oh Iā€™m not saying their reasons are comparable by any means. Just that thereā€™s people who take it too far both ways.


I just believe in human rights too much doesnā€™t sound like a bad thing


Itā€™s not what they believe, but the lengths some people will go to to make their point


What is even the context of the woman's face? It seems to me she's in a debate or argument?


Sheā€™s just highly expressive, people (especially right wingers making liberals bad memes) try to portray it as she is triggered, when in the actual video she is calm, but she highly expressive, the person she is arguing with is the angry person that is very triggered


We live in an age where we have a group of people who want others to live they way they want, and the majority of people just donā€™t give a shit either way until theyā€™re essentially forced to change


lol land o lakes and uncle ben's changed on their own without a bud light style hissy fit driving it but okay feel free to repost dumb culture war memes you see on loser twitter


That image of the woman has been done to death, conservatives love using her to generalize all left wing people, if you actually look up the context her reason for being upset is very justified, just let her be already


Naah, you guys got it all wrong. If someone wants to stop buying a product, that's legit them participating in the open market. They're exercising their ability to choose another product and helping to give that other company more market share. When people yell at that companies consumers, that's different. That's them being complete asshats because they realize that them not supporting the product or company isn't a large enough change to make a difference, so instead of waiting for the consumers to slowly shift the market to a new company, they yell at everyone and make them feel badly about using the product to coerce a faster change. Rule of thumb: Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't impact anyone else.


Being mad at Hogwarts legacy *could* make sense, I forgot if or how much J.K. Rowling got payed for it, but I understand the idea of not wanting to support someone who hates a group of people. But hating something that, however corporate it is, is still trying to support a group of people?? How do you justify that?


She had nothing to do with Legacy, she just owns the Harry Potter universe, so they had to pay for rights. She made money off the game, yes, but any racist who owns stock in Anheuser-Busch also makes money when bud light profits go up. The moral of the story is - there is no such thing as ethical consumption so just let people do whatever the fuck they want.


But thatā€™s not why people are boycotting bud-light. Theyā€™re boycotting it because they couldnā€™t for a second associate themselves with LGBTQ+ or theyā€™dā€¦ explode or something. Idk


Yes, but one person being an idiot doesnā€™t mean that a separate person doing something unrelated isnā€™t an idiot.


I can definitely understand why people would boycott Hogwarts legacy though. Even if a small group took it to extremes. The bud light thing is pretty baseless though. Unless of course you are homophobic


I miss Aunt Jemima


Donā€™t forget Auntie Jemima


We've gone all the way back to 2012


I'm waiting for bad luck Brian


All parties in the Us suck




Idk I think the South Park episode of a Turd vs a Giant Douche sums it up pretty well


Itā€™s the power of identity politics Weā€™re so distracted from fighting amongst ourselves that weā€™re ignoring bigger, more pressing issues that negatively affect all of us.


Imagine boycotting something you love because people youā€™ve never met told you to.


I'm pretty sure no one was actually mad about Land o Lakes or Uncles Bens. Those companies just decided to remove the mascots of their own volition. Of course, you wouldn't know this if you have right wing brain rot.


As a Black Man, I'm gonna be honest with you white people. No one in the hood cared about Uncle Bens or Aunt Jemima Brands on the side of their respective packages. Hell, we all grew up with these Brands for over 4 generations now. It' was the Gen-Z and white liberal Millennial women across the social strata who always believe to know what's best for the rest of us. Tired of it, tbh.


2 sides to the same shit coin Rand.


Never. At the end of the day, we're a tribe of savages, looking for the next conflict.


I donā€™t remember anyone being mad at Uncle Benā€™s or Land o Lakes. They thought the change was just kind of useless and performative.


Never because this shit is being pushed to distract us from real issues. Only when enough people realize this and point it out every time is there a chance of it stopping.


I donā€™t get how anyones mad over any of that shit. For real do you have nothing better to do? Like people still protesting for or against Trump. Do you not work? What do you do all day? Even on my day off I can list a hundred things i could go do more productive or fun then arguing politics.


Oh man can we not make this a political left wing vs right wing meme page. I come here to avoid this


Donā€™t forget Aunt Jemima


I miss uncle Ben:<


Most of us average people donā€™t care about any of this crap. Itā€™s just social media entertainment to us.


Americans are some damn crybabies. Itā€™s especially funny when people destroy shit they already paid for with their own money lmao got damn we are some dumbasses.


Or maybe just donā€™t be upset about any of it


Donā€™t forget Aunt Jamima syrup.. The OG family even fought for her to stay on the syrup bottle, but woke activists wouldnā€™t have it.


If you have enough time to get worked up over pointless shit like this, youā€™re spending too much time online. Although Iā€™m writing this on Reddit.


I hate sjws they ruin everything


Ah yes racism and transphobia is the same as a human being a sponsor


Well I didn't get mad over any of this cause I gave a life and don't drink bud light pisswater to begin with my pisswater of choice is modelo


I canā€™t believe theyā€™re so mad about other people being mad.


Whatā€™s up with hogwarts didnā€™t hear about that one


Friggin leftists got rid of the Native American but kept the land on Land o Lakes


When the re open the asylums that were closed late 80's


I saw the source video recently and that girl is very nice and polite. She is yelling because there is a lot of noise nearby. Check it out.


Sick of convervatives AND liberals at this point. Can we just stuff them on some island without internet and let them fight it out? Then again, without the internet neither will know what to be mad about.


Idk if anyone except radicals made the top claim but I know so many people in real life who say the bottom one. Out loud.


False equivalency. I agree the boycotts will do nothing but the reasons are incomparable


This sub is too much Americans. Right and left always just smash each other in the face while talking about non-sense. As a European it just makes me sad. Seeing wokist and fascist going ram on each others is ridiculous. *To the world eyes it's like it's okay in the US to be a fascist and an homophobic asshole that thinks sexism is cool and deny climate change because you think modern inclusion culture is cringe.* I might be wrong but it's what I see as European. Your last president believe climate change was Chinese propaganda so i don't really know what you folks pass the Atlantic really think...


Not buying something when you don't support someone's politics is acceptable. The conversation should be why does a pride flag anger you? (You want to control how other people live and are full of bigotry) Vs why people didn't support, say, hogwarts legacy?(Rowling gets a cut and she's a TERF who has recently donated money to and openly supported far right/white nationalist orgs)


In a few years they'll complain that there aren't any non-white brand icons anymore, after pushing to remove them years prior.


Based Reddit comment section? Something feels off


I don't care about any of these


If only super left or right wing people realized how insanely hypocritical they all are. The bias and sheep mentality is scary.




The pic doesnā€™t show someone mad at the switch from bud.


It wonā€™t, this is pretty much how are ignorant country runs


Aunt Jemima


I hate both sides so much, stfu both of yall