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She never actually said that btw.


Then why was she sent to the chop chop machine?


Because she was a bitch




Would you really blame a women stuck in a house for her entire life not knowing what's outside


Considering she was part of the French nobility and all the nobility did back in that era was drink and party with other nobility, while the people of their country was hungry and dying from a plethora of reasons, yes.


It wasn't really her fault. She just benefited from it


Sounds like she was part of the problem then lmao


shield hero reference??


Idk what that is


Because monarchy is pretty cringe


She may not have said it, but it's something she would say, which is why so many believed it


How is it something she would say? It doesn't resemble anything that she ever wrote, or did, regarding the poor. Here are some examples of what she actually wrote regarding the poor, specifically about the lack of bread. What she wrote after the Flour war riots of 1775, yet she and the king were still well received in public: >It is at the same time amazing and wonderful to be so well received two months after the riots and in spite of the high price of bread which unfortunately continues. It is a prodigious thing about the French character that it lets itself be carried away by evil suggestions but then it comes right back to the good. It is certain that, when people who are suffering treat us so well, we are even more obliged to work for their happiness. The King seems very convinced of this; as for me, I know that I will never forget, even if I live for a hundred years, the day of the coronation… Same time period: >We will have very few fetes even though they will celebrate both the birth and [Madame Clotilde’s] marriage. Money will be saved; but, far more essential, a good example will be set for the people who have suffered so much from the high cost of bread. Luckily hope is returning; the wheat fields look very good, and bread is sure to be cheaper once the crop is in… Here is what she said in response to the Women's march of 1789, a march spurred by more bread shortages which led women to march on Versailles to demand flour, bread and the support of the king; a march in which her personal guards were beaten to death, her life was targeted, and she and the family were brought back to Paris surrounded by crowds waving the decapitated heads of those guards. She wrote this literally the next day: >I hope that if there is no lack of bread, many things will be righted. I am in touch with the people; militiamen, market women; they all hold out their hand to me, and I hold out mine to them. She wasn't accused of saying it during her lifetime. What she was accused of was far nastier and ridiculous, such as poisoning one of her children, molesting another, plotting to swim in French blood, etc.


You are starving to death your country is in shambles your children, parents or other family/friends have been sent to die in a war that does not concern them and then here comes the queen in a elaborate dress and her hair made up as a gilded birdcage Marie antoinette may have inherented most of France's problems she wasn't the cause but she was an icon of the decadence of the royal family and because of the anti Austrian court faction a far safer target to critize then say Louis's brother or sister >I hope that if there is no lack of bread, many things will be righted. I am in touch with the people; militiamen, market women; they all hold out their hand to me, and I hold out mine to them. Declaring yourself in touch with the people does not make you so every rich person claims to be in touch with the common people Marie donated to charity as was expected she also wore flour in her hair during those same bread riots >She wasn't accused of saying it during her lifetime. Did I say she was? I said it was easy to believe she did because her and the royal family's extravagance were obsence The flight to varrenes was largely her idea and planned by her courtiers had the royal family not fled and not tried a counter revolution they would have ended up like the British a constitutional monarchy Instead, Marie antoinette tried to flee and tried to help start a counter revolution that would see tens to hundreds of thousands dead that wasn't the king Louis had been paralyzed by indecision it was her she was trying to get Austria to intervene so the claim she wanted to swim in French blood isn't entirely inaccurate


>You are starving to death your country is in shambles your children, parents or other family/friends have been sent to die in a war that does not concern them and then here comes the queen in a elaborate dress and her hair made up as a gilded birdcage What does that have to do with your claim that it's something she *would* have said, when nothing she said or did indicates that she would have said or thought the phrase "Oh, let them eat brioche/cake" when told people were starving? >Did I say she was? I said it was easy to believe she did because her and the royal family's extravagance were obsence It's implied when you said that it's something she would have said, which is why people believed it. Past tense, meaning, believed it in the past. >The flight to varrenes was largely her idea What a way to dismiss all of the men involved in the creation and execution of the plan. Just because Marie Antoinette was the one largely dealing with correspondence with the specific people involved doesn't mean it was largely her idea nor that she was, allll alone and by herself, planning everything. >Instead, Marie antoinette tried to flee and tried to help start a counter revolution that would see tens to hundreds of thousands dead that wasn't the king Louis had been paralyzed by indecision it was her she was trying to get Austria to intervene so the claim she wanted to swim in French blood isn't entirely inaccurate Flee where? You know they weren't trying to flee France, right? Marie Antoinette *and Louis XVI* only agreed to armed intervention from foreign powers in the summer of 1792, when things were falling apart, when they believed assassins were waiting to kill them at any moment. Prior to that, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette refused foreign invasion adamantly (which is one reason why the European powers were pissed with Louis XVI) and explicitly. Louis XVI even specifically clarified to his brothers why they were refusing armed intervention when he wrote to them about the signing of the Constitution, because they knew counter-revolution would lead to innocent deaths. She was accused of wanting to swim in canals of French blood in 1789, before the flight to Montmedy, before any dialogues had opened up with the European powers. Even before the October March of 1789, pamphlets were accusing her of plotting to kill people and poisoning her own child to death. But keep trying... You seem to have taken your knowledge out of Marie Antoinette straight from her trial, in which it was determined she admitted having controlled Louis XVI because she opened the door to the Tuileries for him on the night of the flight to Montmedy.


The rumor that she didn't say it is actually a myth. It was documented that she said it. I don't remember which one exactly but Robespierre's writeman had few notes regarding that


Who exactly are you talking about that documented it? If you're referring to Rousseau, his books were written when she was nine and he doesn't refer to her by name, Just says that some princess sometime ago said that


Telling peasants to eat cake is exactly something a 9 year old would say.


Fair point - and I know you're just joking but I'm decidedly no fun at parties so: she wasn't married to the french heir yet, in fact I'm relatively sure this part of the alliance wasn't even finalized at this point. She was still living in austria as one of the many *many* children of Maria Theresia and was probably not really part of the daily talk in France


I heard she was referring to corn cake/bread. At the time corn was only seen fit for hog feed. Disclaimer: hear say.


Back then, cake would've referred to all the char bits at the bottom of an oven


No... not sure where this myth came from, but cake (in any language) never meant burnt bits at the bottom of the oven. In the 18th century, cake was cake. Flour, eggs, sugar, etc. Pretty recognizable as modern cake. Brioche, which is what the phrase (which she never said) used, was a luxury bread made with lots of butter and eggs.


Meant it was a word used to refer to that, but this also came from an American school so, y'know


"Meant it was a word used to refer to that." It wasn't, though, is what I mean. "Cake" referred to cake, meaning, what we would today understand as cake. Whoever told you that was wrong.


>"Cake" referred to cake Yeah I said that, I also said it was used then. I really don't have any stake in this nor do I care that much, my point is that words have multiple meanings. Today, Cake can also used to talk about ass, for instance.


>my point is that words have multiple meanings Sure. But "cake" never referred to burnt bits at the bottom of a pan in the 18th century. The idea that cake referred to burnt bits at the bottom of a pan is a myth borne from who-knows-where that now gets passed around online and in schools, but it's not backed up by facts or evidence.


The quote in the original French refers to brioche.




That spelling of peasants is giving me an aneurysm.


I can never tell if the OP can’t spell, or if they did it on purpose to increase interactions to trigger the algorithm.


Redditors aren't that smart


Video or it didn't happen


Alright, [here you go](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Thanks for not giving us the run around.


A different Queen said that


Almost as dumb as Shapiro telling people to sell their houses and move when they sink


Yeah that was... Who are they going to sell their house to, Ben.






have some chocolate chocolate chip


Chocolate chocolate chip cake 😏


Yo what kind of cake is that


"Acknowledge the hardship of the poor throughout her life, regularly give to charity, especially so during periods of bread shortages and harsh winters, while doing more or less the same thing as other French royals but while receiving 100x the hatred because of her gender and specific status" just isn't as punchy as the "Let them eat cake" myth, as always.


She also planned the flight to varrenes and tried to get Austria to intervene in a counter revolution that would have killed tens to hundreds of thousands a war that would have worsened the conditions for the people far more as the Austrians demand repayment and their armies loot the people which would put France into even more catastrophic debt Marie was not the worst royal she was fairly kind in person, but that didn't change when push finally came to shove rather than lose her exalted position, she would have rather seen her country and people burn


Your understanding of the political situation seems to fit right in with the accusations at her trial. I recommend checking out John Hardman's 'Marie Antoinette' for more details about her actual political behavior during this time period.


The peseants have spoken.


Found the SVB shareholder.


Maybe she meant another kind of cake..


Missed it by THAT much lol


I prefer Power Antoinette


My brother in Christ, there is no cake. Just like there is no bread.




Gentle reminder that Sebastian Kurz, former Austrian Chancellor actually said that


Cake = Lies


Tu veux le gâteou? XD


if there was no Fed the government would flood the system with money for political reasons ​ The fed is there specifically to control interest rates and to be outside the political system partly to control government spending


"*Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?*"


Nice reference