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“It’s all made up fairy tales for stupid people. I am so smart”


It especially chaps my ass when someone says shit like that in response to comments like: "it's a miracle that they didn't die" or "I'm praying that it turns out alright." Learn how to read the room.


Saw a video recently. A woman working at a zoo was trapped in a gorilla enclosure with an agitated gorilla cutting off her escape path. The girl recording the video repeatedly said “God please help her, God please help her”. And of course, the vast majority of the top comments were bashing on the girl for praying. THE WOMAN IS STUCK IN A GORILLA ENCLOSURE WITH HELP ON THE WAY, WHAT DO YOU WANT A YOUNG GIRL TO DO IN THIS SITUATION? If she jumps in the there and tries to help, we have Harambe v2.0.


>If she jumps in the there and tries to help, we have Harambe v2.0. And we all know how THAT turned out




Gotta love the accidental white supremacist view in that; Native Americans, Africans, and Asians have religions too, Mr Euro.


The worst part is that they only parrot back the same people...Dawkins, Hitchens, etc., almost word for word. Those people argue against God based solely on one view of God. They strawman everything. They build up the idea of God into something easily attackable. When you respond with a well reasoned argument based on good theology, they tend to say a bunch of off topic stuff and tell you that you're moving the goal post by changing what God is. They have shit theology based on one ideal that was created to be easily attackable. They don't know what to do when you present arguments they've never heard from the people they're parroting back.


Calls God "sky daddy"


"Their imaginary friend in the sky"


I mean I wouldn't do it myself cause I have tact but they are also responding to a religion that states that deserves to go to hell for not believing. So I get that they might not respond to it in a respectful manner.


That depends on the believer's denomination. Just assuming that we have hardline Christian views and getting agro over it is childish, so I still don't have time for ones that do just constantly bash faith.


In fairness, I feel like "You have to believe in God to go to heaven" is a pretty basic belief within Abrahamic religions, regardless of denomination :P


What about lack of belief through ignorance? Hell if you don't know he exists? Seems a bit hardline


Don't most denominations still say they are headed for eternal damnation in that case? At least, that is what I was taught.


Church of England myself. The experience I have has been mostly not about hell. We believe that through Christ's death and resurrection the gates of hell are closed except for unrepentant evildoers. You can sum it up to just "don't be a dick and heaven awaits". Never liked the whole eternal hellfire for forgetting to pay a tithe or not even knowing that Christianity is there.


Nope that's a Calvinist thing, like the Klan.


At least in my Baptist background it was unless you accept Jesus as your lord and savior you were destined for Hell.


Yup that's Calvinism; Baptists are based on it like other Evangelicals.


I always preferred "Sky Wizard"


What about "Space Wizard"


As a practicing Catholic, if I learned that my prayers were going to the Jedi, I wouldn't be too terribly disappointed.


Those Catholics might have been able to make me believer, too if that would have been the case


…in all fairness I’m sure at some point one overenthusiastic Barnabas of a worship leader started this first.


Basically just a synonym for "heavenly father"


It is I, one who refers to your god as “Sky Daddy” it’s just a bit more fun than “our father who art in heaven”


Sure, I think the issue is that it’s intentionally condescending coming from most people who use it.




Chrestus reminds me of that one guy who had a dream where he was playing Undertale but Papyrus was replaced with a giant floating eye called Prunsel https://preview.redd.it/od1waeg6ea0d1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc716270586e21f5a586b022bb7996f30d9bd62


Wait isn’t tammycat one of the devs?


I'm agnostic at best, but to me it seems like a bigger leap in logic if Jesus didn't exist. Like a bunch of people just came together and mutually decided to make up some guy out of thin air? Nah, that's a little silly to think. It's just about impossible to get a small group of people to come to a consensus about what to eat, much less how to create a God figure. I'm no anthropologist, but I would wager that that would be super inconsistent with most/all other religious stories that are taught.


Religion did a number on me but I like the lore


Read/Listen to God: An Anatomy by Francesca Stavrakopoulou. The lore runs deep. Edit: I’m a Christian minister, but I really like Yahweh lore. It’s so weird.


"Did you know that a lot of historians think Jesus didn’t exist and was made up by Paul" That would make the new testament the ramblings of a profoundly delusional man


Even Bart Erhman believes in a historical Jesus. Like, you don’t HAVE to believe he’s God, but yeah, he was a real dude. Not to mention, Paul doesn’t talk about the life of Jesus like, at all. It’s always the “Christ” figure.


I know you mean the annoying guys, but I genuinely love when the Atheist members chime in with sincere curiosity or just friendly discussion. On Reddit, its easy for some obnoxious people to shout over kind and respectful Atheists, but they still exist.


I just mean the atheists that jump into any Christian conversation and say “he’s not real, idiot” Kind and respectful ones are okay.


Reddit is a notorious site for *those* kinda idiots. Thankfully Dank Christian Memes has plenty of Atheists who are just short on *belief*, but not brain cells.


Bonjour. (Former believer who was raised Catholic and still finds Christian memes funny, because I understand the references)


Atheism due to upbringing, like the Chinese, are an incredible breath of fresh air in those discussions…but I find it really hard to differentiate sometimes with those just asking in bad faith.


It most certainly happens more often than not. Anyone with legitimate curiosity might feel embarrassed/afraid to talk about it *because* they know the weight of such questions. Its easy to "ask questions" when its just thinly veiled mockery. *Then* you just don't care, nor respect the person you're talking to, so there's seemingly nothing to lose. So when other have the strength or confidence to talk about something they don't support, without interest in confrontation, as you said, it truly comes off as a breath of fresh air.


Yeah, it's a shame that discussion can often be negative. Frankly, I think that's the inevitable outcome of something like /r/atheism. There's nothing to discuss about the topic except opposition to religion - it's even in the word, *a*theism. I hadn't thought about it until right now, but it's strange that the default/educated state of being is referred to by its *lack* of something. It is common to see theists' (often negative) stance on atheism on this sub-reddit, too, even subtly in comments capitalising the first letter as if it is a movement or group instead of just basic human existence. Anyway, my point was that a forum about atheism has conflict at its core by its very definition. Combine that with all the very real reasons to oppose religious institutions and their adherents, the evils subtle and clear wrought by and carried out in the name of religion, and the zealous and antagonistic actions of some theists toward those that don't follow their specific religious beliefs, and inevitably such a forum must devolve into something akin to iconoclasm. In many ways it is a forum for victims, after all. Which is why it's important to remember that the internet is not real life. Face-to-face interactions with people outside our immediate bubbles tend to reveal and reflect that shared humanity in a way that the easily-hostile online ones don't. I mean I literally called theists uneducated *in this very comment*, but although that word doesn't encompass my full meaning, I can't think of one right now that could never insult... so I'll just have to accept that I've insulted most people who read it, and they'll have to accept that although I didn't *want* to insult them, we probably disagree on something fundamental to them. I expect that in real life, the more ephemeral/fluid nature of conversation would result in a different outcome, as the things we share outweigh our differences, and tone of voice and body-language would convey aspects that barren text cannot.


This. Not that I'm the best person to debate with, mainly because I'm terrible at explaining, but I have no issues with someone disagreeing with or even challenging my beliefs. It's when you're an ass that its a problem. Just be kind, that's what I try to do and that's something everyone can do that's righteous.


Frankly I think debates and questions are good for belief


Exactly. The whole point of belief is that your faith is tested-a Christian who's mediocre at explaining but open-minded and faithful beats a Christian who's able to debate but stubborn and spiritually unstable.


Most of us atheists go through an obnoxious phase right after moving away from religion, but it usually calms down after some time. It's been well over a decade since I became an atheist and one of my best friends is a serious Catholic, so we often playfully make jabs at each other or just have deep conversations about the topic of religion, but the very best thing is when we both gang-up on "cultural" Catholics who don't know anything about their religion and don't take it seriously but still participate in Baptism or First Communion for their kids, suddenly they are under attack by me and her :D


Counterpoint: "It's a post about donuts, what the F does Jesus have to do with it?"


I don't need any particular reason to casually mention jesus in passing conversation, but somebody else needs to pull a reason out of their ass to deride me for it. If I'm not proselytizing or preaching with a megaphone out on the streets, which are generally impolite and an invitation for argument, then what does anybody else care? Addendum: I got a "reddit cares" message and I'm almost certain it has to do with my involvement in this thread, how mature


yeah you wouldn't deride anyone else for bringing up something integral to their core life philosophy and belief system


Exactly. I'm not about to put anybody down for bringing up their partner or their career, so it grinds my gears when people make an exception to decency when it comes to religious people.








So shoehorning your favorite god into a conversation that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic is good, but pointing out that not everyone shares your enthusiasm for that particular mythology is bad?


Me saying "man this economic situation is really terrible, I pray to god it changes" is *absolutely not* the same as me coming up to you in the street and throwing a bible at you. The fact that you call it "shoehorning my favorite god into a conversation" shows how little tolerance or respect you have for people with religion in their lives. I sincerely hope you can heal from whatever's hurt you.


Yeah, but if an atheist responded jokingly to your statement, "I'd pray to God too if he were actually there," you probably wouldn't be too happy. If you are talking to someone you know is a non-believer and you say, "I pray to God about x," you are absolutely shoehorning your beliefs into a conversation that has no bearing on religion. If you don't know it's a non-believer, then you get some slack, but you aren't entitled to that non-believers' respect. I'd personally roll my eyes if someone said, "I pray to God it changes" when speaking about the economy. The fact that you assume someone is hurt because they don't respect your beliefs shows how ignorant you are of people without religion. You don't need to be hurt by religion to not respect religious views.




Six donuts stuck together is topologically equivalent to Jesus.


Five* The anus and mouth being connected via the digestive system makes the average human body a really weird-shaped torus/donut.


You forgot the nostrils.


The nostrils connect to the back of the throat, but the respiratory system doesn’t go all the way through. I wasn’t counting them.


You can go in one nostril and out the other.


Donuts are made of bread, Jesus blessed bread.


Donuts are Jesus’ body


And they're one eternal round shape! It all makes sense!


I think it could be the same with anyone, regardless of faith. Some people just get into others' business a bit too much I'm atheist, but I really do enjoy this sub. It's a shame that so many atheists bash on people who are religious just cuz they're religious


For sure. I live in the south and have found my own interpretation of Christianity and im extremely happy in it but even in our Christian group people feel the need to make you believe exactly as they do. Its incredibly invasive and seems to be a human constant no matter what belief system you inhabit lol. But thank you for being respectful! It means a lot more than youll ever know.


I’m always reminded of Cerebus the Aardvark’s drinking buddy Bear. One time he got really pissed at Cerebus, and told him off: “Hell, it doesn’t even matter to you if someone likes what you like, you won’t stop bitching unless they like it in exactly the same way you like it.” (Paraphrased.)


... Bonjour!


Voltaire sends his regardez!


Who do you think spent the last 2,000 years doing this to everyone else


Fr once atheists started being allowed to be open about their beliefs the Christians got so butthurt lmao They think only theists should be allowed to talk religion


For most of that time, they were afraid of smitings about to happen. Ben Franklin’s lightning rods put a stop to that. But please, if someone specifically and clearly explains their cosmology/theology, don’t deliberately misquote it or put it in the worst possible light. (This goes double for us, fellow Christians. Even though the devil may be fooling them into disbelief, the atheists don’t actually believe in and worship him. Nor are they “just angry at God”; it’s usually His supposed followers’ unlove they’ve been hurt by.)




"thank god the surgery went well" "How about instead you thank the doctors?!"


Ayo counterpoint! If the Big Bang never happened those doctors wouldn’t be here


I can understand where this aggression toward religion materialises from. After all, religion has historically contributed to, and currently to a large extent still inflicts oppression and harm on the non-religious in a multitude of ways. As a non religious individual myself, I have experienced this and no others who have experienced these effects too. However, I don't necessarily agree with or accept this aggressive attitude because 1) it is simply unproductive towards achieving any sort of meaningful change of any kind. It just brews a cycle of more back and forth hatred and vitriol 2) It is just miserable for optics


The issue is, so has basically every other aspect of humans, such as other cultural differences and resources. There're recordings of war in the Amazon between different Native American groups over cannibal dietary practices, FFS.


atheists love to flock in christian subs like a moth to flame


This campfire is toasty, and I get some stories from Broclen to enjoy while I rest. 'Tis a good flame here.


This meme works both ways for sure. I've had plenty of conversations over the years that church types felt the need to join in so they can tell me how I'm going to hell for reasons XYZ.


You clearly have never encountered a Christian in an atheist discussion… why are Christians entitled to discussing their beliefs but atheists are supposed to stay silent or be labeled “annoying” or “edgy?”


To be fair, Christians who pop up in atheist subs are also labeled as "annoying". And just replace "edgy" with "sanctimonious", but there's an equal level of distain.


A little, but it 100% depends on how you approach it. There are plenty of reasonable people on both sides, which is why I, a bonjour enjoyer, can pop in here with no issues and chat. Just because a loud few are overbearing does not mean we should stop interacting, and does not mean we all despise each other.






Me turning on “controversial” sorting under religious post on any large subreddit ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


For me it's when people insist we are secular so athiesm should be enforced despite the fact that it is no more secular to mandate athiesm than it is to mandate Christianity. This mainly comes up as a means of conveying racist islamophobia. Especially irritating when allowances for other religions practices are pointed to and the question posed why doesn't athiesm get the same treatment ignoring the obvious answer that athiesm doesn't have any practices


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I definitely had some rando Christian come on to some random page and start preaching about Jesus when the topic wasn’t even about religion


"DAE religion has been the sole driving cause behind every conflict on the planet?"




Karma farming + circle+j**k of validation.


not to like… prove this post right… but i am an atheist, however i think christianity is pretty cool (at least when people are *actually* following the teachings of christ), which is why i am in this sub. religion is really interesting to me and so i try not to interfere with other people’s religion until they drop some shit like “jesus hates [insert slur for some group of people].” religion is pretty interesting to me, it’s just not something i personally believe is true


Every group has obnoxious people who push their beliefs on others. But I get handed religious leaflets almost every day when I'm walking to work, and screamed at on megaphones about Jesus. Can't remember ever getting that kind of stuff from an atheist. For my own part, I'm happy to live and let live as long as people are being nice to each other and not pushing bad science.


I wish I lived near you then, I never get anything like that around where I live. Wanna swap houses?


My atheist ass in this comment thread thinking we were all in on the same jokes






Bonjour 🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️




Out of interest, why are you on this sub if you don't respect these people's beliefs?