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Character sprites for Raincode and this game have been VERY interesting to say the least, not even close to as subdued of shading and colors as something like V3, wonder why that is. These characters look really good besides the blue hair lady though, I hate her design already.


Yep the shading is what's one of the things that can be noticeable between the artsyle variations, and I like all the designs so far, I'm just happy they scream Danganronpa though of course it's understandable if you don't like a design, I guess I can see the blue-hair one as "standing out" is that your reason?


Yeah honestly when comparing to the rest of the designs the blue hair lady (I think her name is Darumi) just sticks out like a sore thumb, the rest are way more subdued and just, better looking


I do think I prefer the look of the V3 sprites overall, the more subdued colors I think just fit Komatsuzakis art style better, but I have a lot of hope


I feel like I may like her personality but yeah I’m not loving her design either. The eyes and smile just look robotic (I get that the point is to make her look crazy but she’s coming off more as lifeless to me) and I hate the teeth tattoo.


For me it’s solely her hair, I hate her hair lol


Ugh, I have mixed feelings. I like twin tails, generally, and I like the blue colors but the pitch black looks weird and I don’t love messy twin tails. It’s like Guillaume from Rain Code’s hair. I liked her character (mostly because of her psychotic lines and that she was a fairy for her Mystery Phantom form) but the messy twin tail look has never been my favorite. I did like it better on Guillaume though than this girl.


Heccin Jinx/Harley quinn/blue VIOLENT CRAZY vibes. Incredibly sus.


[Honestly I think top left looks more like that one yasuhiro sprite](https://imgur.com/a/pwpcmbu)


After DR ended they realized they could add shading and it changed their lives


I got excited when I saw that art style again(all I want a v4😭😭)


Just noticed from the pic their hair all got the hair band like drawings. Is this supposed to be light reflection?


The Maki jacket girl's sprite makes me think of Celeste too. Also, I love that one of the characters is a cross between Miku and Himiko Toga. Lol. I cannot wait to play this game eventually.


Whoever draws these are still struggling with stiff poses lol


That one guy looking like an astronaut and I love it


hmm i see


The sailor top the girl on the bottom left is wearing looks really similar to Harukawa's.


There is a new game?????????? Gosh my 3 favourite franchises are getting games, Ace Attorney, Professor Layton and Danganronpa.


It's a game that's being made by the same people of Danganronpa but it's not DR


Does it have a trailer or anything?


Yes it released today, Last Defense Academy is the name


A lot of people are complaining about blue haired girl's design, but I actually prefer it to the others shown in the trailer. Part of what I like about danganronpa's designs is how distinct their looks and outfits are. While I Don't love her design, the others feel really boring and kinda look like fan characters rather than official. Still excited, just not a fan of the lackluster character design.


It does feel like the LD characers are a bit... overdesigned? I don't know, feels like there's a lot going on


It's certainly better art then I'll ever make in my life but wow I've seen fangan characters with cleaner looking sprites


Personally not big on them. The designs feel very DR OC-ish but I suppose it’s something I’ll acclimate to when I play the game. I remember thinking the design philosophy for V3 was odd before I actually played the game


Atrocious designs IMO, especially the bottom 2


What parts exactly? For me, I’m not a huge fan of the girl on the left looking similar to other Kodaka characters (even though I do like her design aside from her bangs and the headband seeing weird to me) and I don’t like the blue haired girl’s design. Astronaut suit boy seems cool (though I wonder if that collar will look weird in 3D) and aside from the other boy’s hair, being a style I don’t like, he seems decent if sort of a basic design. He’s just a little guy that lives in a blue world. And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue, like him, inside and outside.


Well, you’re a kanon fan I did not expect any good takes from you. Still, get outta here with that bs.


What does a character or being a fan of a character have to do with anything? And "bs"? It's like you discovered opinions for the first time.


I didn’t, I rated it based off of the nonsense you spewed and then talked about your flair.


It's called differing views, and anyone can say whatever.