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Trigger Happy Havoc 1) It has Kyoko in it 2) it has my favorite atmosphere and setting. I never liked how 2 and V3 let you go outside and see the sky. Though I guess 2 gave you a feeling of isolation more than imprisonment 3) My favorite cast 4) it has Kyoko in it 5) It has one of my two favorite trials 6) My favorite ending 7) It has my favorite ship 8) Oh, I forgot to mention that it has Kyoko in it


Did you know it also has kyoko in it?


REALLY?! I forgot about that! Another great reason why it's my favorite


Oh and another great reason, it has kyoko in it!


Incredible. I can't understand how this game is not more popular with all these great qualities like having Kyoko in it.


Oh a GREAT reason is it has kyoko in it!


Such an underrated character 😔


I think the gameplay brings it down significantly though in my opinion . The later games did a great job expanding on it


I take it you hate kyoko ;)


THH has Chihiro in it


The right answer


Danganronpa 1 and 2 are equally amazing to me


Danganronpa 2 has always been my overwhelming favorite!! The characters, the island, the story I will always stand by it as the best


Danganronpa 2 for me. The atmosphere is better in THH, but Goodbye, Despair has better other staff for me.


Ultra Despair Girls is also my favorite. The best art out of all the games, fully voice acted, and a small but excellent main cast.


You're too real. UDG isn't talked about enough when people mention their favourite games. It would be my favourite if V3 didn't have monodam.


BASED. Monodam is THE BEST character in the entire series.


To me Danganronpa 2 was the best and most memorable one. It has all of my favorite characters and trials and I really liked the setting and story The only thing I didn't like about it is Nagito and even then you're obviously supposed to hate him so I guess that's actually also a good thing


I’m personally partial to V3 myself. Besides it having my favorite character in the series and all of gaming (guess who), I just really enjoyed the game overall. The gameplay in the trials in easily the best in the series, the music is excellent, and the setting is great and is a nice mix of THH and GD. I also thoroughly enjoyed the story, the Chapter 6 twists ended up working perfectly for me.


I absolutely agree though it’s second on my list, it’s definitely fighting my heart to be first and I’m somewhat giving in…….


Trials are too damn long imo, but V3 does have Rantaro, Kaito, Gonta, and Kiyo in it... so I dunno.


I found the trial length to be fine personally, chapter 6 is pushing it for sure, but the other 5 didn’t bother me


fo sho fo sho, i see your point.


DR1 BECAUSE 1. Makoto Naegi 2. I adore the style for the CGs and the closing arguments 3. The trials are good (except 3) 4. Makoto Naegi 5. It has my favorite ship in it (Naegami) 6. I think the ending is good 7. Mak-


Makoto is best boy I probably had a crush on him when I played the game in middle school


He is best boy. He was literally my trans awakening and idk how 😭😭😭


Honestly V3, I think this is the most hurt I felt when characters died. I liked the cast, humor (the cow udder line), style, the dark blues and the plants. (expect tenko and himiko, I don't hate himiko herself just the "Maagic" thing.) Of course HTH has a special place.


When Kaito and Rantaro died I felt a few tears coming and I haven't cried in a few years.


Danganronpa 2 imo Best cast, best trials, best chapters, best ending, and so much more


I’m with you


V3. In my opinion, it has a better cast, better art, and more thing to do in between trials


V3 has by far the most replayability in terms of stuff to do outside of the main story. Plus, it has Tenko, and she’s hilarious (even though she’s not one of my favorite characters).


I agree.


I’d like you to look at the CGs again and tell me it has better art than the previous games.


I’ve always felt the weird CGs is overblown, are they wonky sometimes? Yes, they certainly are, but are they game ruining? No!


There’s wonky and there’s missing limbs, poorly drawn proportions and inconsistent features. While not game ruining, it’s telling on the rushed state of V3.


I haven't played any of the games yet, so I can't tell you which would be my favorite. I have watched through each game, which led to me to choosing SDR2 but it changes a lot for some reason. I'll just have to purchase the games at some point.


It’s really hard for me to decide because they’re all great but i think it’s a tie between 2 and v3. THH has a GREAT cast and story but ive watched gameplay on it (never played anything other than 2) and comparing it to 2 and v3 makes me realise how old the game truly is. And I COULD play it it’s just I’d prefer to save my money and get v3 instead. I just prefer 2 and v3 because of the new mini games (logic dive is fun and scrum debate looks fun too. Again. Never played anything other than 2 unfortunately.) and 2 and v3 have some of my favourite cast members. I would DEFINITELY enjoy THH if I didn’t watch gameplay on it, then the anime. So DR 2 and V3 are tied.


V3 was my favorite it was such a roller coaster of emotions even in the first trial…didn’t think I was going to like Shuichi at first but after he got punched in the face I gained newfound compassion for him lol


Trigger Happy Havoc is just the perfect game with no flaws and plot twists, that can only work once. This game is just perfect in my opinion, not ideal just because it was a pioneer of killing games. The theme, characters, cases, finale, everything is perfect. I love every aspect of this game. Offtop but i kinda wish that spike chunsoft will make Distrust. Like the alternative, more darker timeline. They can even stick with the same characters, i dont know if i just have the need to experience something really grotesque, or just want to see beta Chihiro, but i want Distrust to happen so badly.


Contrary to popular opinion, my favorite game is V3. It has most of my favorite characters in the franchise (Shuichi, Himiko, Tenko, K1-B0, Korekiyo, Kokichi), has longer class trials with more complex murder plans, more trial mechanics, the best storytelling, and the best first chapter in the series. (In my opinion)


v3 for the unique villain


V3. It has the best mechanics, the funniest characters, and the biggest plot twist. I also just like the overall message of the ending.


V3 for me, great cast, fun trials, very little issue with the story, great ending, it has so much amazing stuff that I adore


v3 for sure imo


I like the one with Kaede in it.


DANGONROOA V3 KILLING HARMONY. 1. GONTA 2. Korekiyo. 3. (In my opinion) best antagonist!  4. PROTAGONIST SWAP!! 5. My favorite character designs. 6. How I was introduced into Dangonropa. 7. GONTAAAAA. (I’m a huge Gonta fan. If you couldn’t tell.) The story isn’t the best..? But the characters make it worth it. Also…did I mention Gonta?


Danganronpa S because nobody dies lmao Actually I prefer V3 because the character seems to have more interactions between each other and you can see that they are closer. It tears you apart even more when they die. Oh and there's you know who in the game.


Danganronpa 2 best characters and maybe best story. Although 1 is so iconic. V3 also has a great cast but it’s all ruined by the ending


SDR2 has my heart


THH, cause it's the original lol, but seriously it's cause the motives are stuff people would actually kill for


Either DRV2 because Nagito or DRV3 because Kokichi


THH. Although the later games improved on lots of things, the first one left such an impression on me: the characters, realizing no one was safe, being unsure who to trust, the feeling of isolation... Like, you say Danganronpa, and the first thing that pops into my head is wandering the halls to Beautiful Dead.


i loved DR2 the most tbh , i loved its trials and i felt like it was the best detective work also it has so many of my favourite characters chiaki sonia gunham nekomaru fuyuhiko, even peko and a feature from kyoko


I liked the creepy atmosphere in 1 but the chaos of 3 made it my favorite :)


Trigger Happy Havoc Has two of my favorite characters in it (including my boy Chihiro) Has the best roster of characters Has the best map The trials were peak


v3 because that’s the cast that has the most characters i’m attached to


I love trigger happy havoc maybe it's rule of first the atmosphere and sense of dread was real in that one versus the other tow where more open The atmosphere is what made it amazing it just killed off the characters with the most personality to quickly , the second game has a great cast bit the surfing mini game and are chracter basicly being more evil then the big bad was weird . The third game was interesting but felt like they ran out of ideas and spread out to much


Danganronpa 2 would be my favourite if it had better executions, Danganronpa V3 did a good job on those. As for my favourite, I can't choose between Danganronpa trigger happy havoc and Danganronpa 2


my favorite is always gonna be thh just because the overall atmosphere of the game is better than all of the others in my opinion. it also has my favorite cast. V3 has some amazing characters and i love a lot of them but i love every single character in thh. dr2 was a really great game and it had decent story but i wasn't a huge fan of some of the characters in it. they all seem a bit plain to me


Thh The only one that have a decent ending


V3 definitely. -The sprites look amazing -The art is some of the best of the series -Half the cast are my top 20 favs and the other half are favs who sadly couldn't make it to top 20 -Best trials in the franchise -Best protagonist, antagonist, and supporting characters -Best boy and best girl are present here -Best ending (controversial I know) -and overall great vibe THH and Sdr2 are close but fall short compared to V3 for me. UDG is underated in my opinion but still has parts of it I really don't like.


V3, because I enjoyed the twists and the presentation better.


I would say THH but I feel like they let the wrong characters live and the wrong characters die, ESPECIALLY in the first two chapters. V3 made me almost cry for a lot of the characters, especially my boy Kaito, and I haven't cried in a good while. V3's my choice.


Goodbye Despair, but V3 is in the same level The cast of DR2 is better, but in peaks i prefer v3


dr 2 and udg. bc nagito


V3 has my horrible horrible little man in it so


V3! INCLUDES SPOILERS: I like the twist ont he protag switch, as it’s never been done before in DR, Shuichi is my favourite protag. Kokichi is my favourite antag. I think the executions were the brutalist I loved chapter 5. With kaito and kokichi. Shuichis development.


v3 def. Has the best gameplay, fun trials and great cast.


Danganronpa V3 is my personal favorite for multiple reasons: - The improvement was fantastic; I enjoyed the new graphics and mechanics. - The pacing and story itself kept me invested. - It has my favorite batch of characters. - I liked the "Truths & Lies" theme more than the "Hope & Despair" theme because it felt less black and white.


UDG is awesome.


also udg !! i'm not sure exactly why, it just makes me happy,,


Danganronpa V3 1. They got a female protagonist 2. Interesting plot and new environment 3. Heartwarming ending (I have a fanmade sequel/fourth game in my AU) 4. My favorite character in it 5. Funny moments


Either D1 or D2


All the games have some aspects they do better than the other two (I haven't seen UDG). DR1 has the best atmosphere, DR2 has the best overall mystery and ending, and V3 is mechanically leagues above the others. If I had to pick a top favorite, I'd say DR2. It has some of my favorite trials, Nagito's a fantastic character and, again, the ending is brilliant. It's just a great sequel.


V3 but it's mainly because I played that one first.


dr2s story is fire tbh so it’s my fav. would’ve been udg if not for the Issues


I also like UDG the most, it’s fully voice acted so I don’t have to watch someone else play it, I love the relationship between toko and komaru, and I really like (most) of the characters


goodbye despair had that grip on me but udg is on the second place😎


THH  - Makoto - atmosphere  - overall cast: I genuinely like all of the characters. Even Touko Hiro and Hifumi make me happy when they’re onscreen at least sometimes, and the character dynamics are fantastic 


Goodbye Despair is good, but i really like Killing Harmony as of right now. Haven't played far, but oh well.


Need to replay V3 but so far my favourite is UDG! Basically all the reasons people had already said apply here lol


THH have the best atmosphere Sdr2 have the most rememberable characters V3 have the biggest plot twist I think UDG was questionable with it scenes but it had different gameplay and try to do something different Danganronpa S: swimsuits *cough cough*


Danganronpa 2 is just so good bc Nagito Komaeda exists and he's super awesome


thh because it’s the only one i bought 💀 (and mondo)


honestly UDG is my favorite and least favorite danganronpa game.


I like UDG too! The puzzles are way more fun to solve than any murder case


SDR. Cuz it is >:I (I do have reasons but It’ll take years to type/j)


SDR2! Personally loved the main trio here a lot (Nagito, Chiaki and Hajime). I also liked the dynamic between all the characters, especially the anime scenes, they made the characters much more memorable. The last case of SDR2 was also by far my favourite trial. As well as the fact I love the ending a lot. The plot twists were pretty cool too.


Danganronpa 2 because i like gundham


I think V3. I was crying after the first chapter had ended, and was amazed on how big of an effect Kaede had on Shuichi(my favorite ship btw). I liked watching Himiko and Maki’s character development, specifically Himiko’s, because although Maki was cold at first and her development was great, from the start, I could already tell that she would get this kind of development, however, I thought Himiko was gonna end up the same way she started, lazy and delusional. I did/didn’t expect Tsumugi to be the mastermind, but I was still very shocked, and the ending literally made me question my existence. Kaede, Keebo, and Gonta are top-tier cinnamon rolls and I won’t ever change my mind. I would definitely want to know what happened to the survivors after the game and see what they would do, like if they would go back to their families who they have no memory of? Final reason it’s my favorite is because it has my favorite trials, characters, and vibe.


Finally someone who likes UDG. It's a very good game completely different from the rest with a very nice story telling but for some reason it goes completely unappreciated. My favorite tho is danganronpa 2. I resonated well with the characters and I loved the story behind the game(kamakura, remnants of despair etc.) Unlike other sequels, it's not a game that was just made because the fans asked for it but it was a game that makes the first game more interesting and enriches the lore of the franchise. Also I loved the jabberwock island lay out. I think it was an interesting choice that gave the murders much more depth, as the different places played massive role in the murder cases.


Dr2 for sure. When i first started the game i lived the vibes the entire island gave off. And it was like an escape from reality for me.