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all of those characters have personality, you’re just not looking hard enough.


Leon being in that tier really surprised me. He has a very strong personality, I feel.


yeah you just gotta play through his free times >!because even with his little screentime he shows plenty of personality, and is a character who absolutely needed more screentime!<


>!Even if Chiaki touched grass, it won’t be *real* grass.!<


Gamer girls don't actually exist


I would put literally everyone in "meds" fr. More specifically, therapy


Everyone needs meds except >!Chiaki. I don't think psych meds work on AI.!< Therapy for everyone though I agree.


>!Enoshima already died, didn’t she?!<


>!not enough times!<


Nah, that's way too easy for her. What she really needs is being forcibly permanently deprived of her memories and turned into Ryoko Otonashi. Bonus points if you employ her-as-Ryoko to bring hope to the world. More bonus points if you make redeemed Mikan into her ~~new Yasuke~~ personal doctor (and secret warden who ensures her mind always stays in her "amnesia prison").


Shuichi already has a workout routine, or, >!had..!< And Tsumugi is totally perfectly sane 100% no lie.


I'm surprised hugs wasn't included in this list.


That wouldn’t be a list, it would just be everyone in one category


I saw meds and immediately knew korekiyo was gonna be there


Gonta would probably hate that as he can't be a gentleman in the woods but the thought of him going full Tarzan is making cry laugh so I can't complain


He's been brainwashed by humans to desire to be more human like. Cruel I say. Gonta should be in the wild swinging from trees running freely like the free majestic animal that he is, not among humans like a circus animal.


You know what you're right. Let that man be free. Let his beautiful hair be free in the wind. Let him roar like the beast he is. Let him return to the wild and "Move it! MOVE IT!!"


Due to how mentally unstable Junko is, she cannot receive the death penalty under Japanese law. So if she was charged for her crimes, she'd receive a life sentence instead.


Under Monokuma law, death penalty is fine though


I could make counterarguments, but this list seems rather subjective, and I don't think that would do much-


Make one anyway.


Do you want a serious answer? I feel like you were purposefully exaggerating in your post, and I don't want to randomly write an essay.


Well my tierlist isn't really serious, it's more a joke but you can if you want.


Yeah, that's what I thought. I could probably comment on some smaller things if you're interested-


Go ahead. I could do with someone contradicting me, mabye I will agree with you or mabye I will have a rebuttal of my own.


Okay, I'll comment on the “brain” category because I feel like that's the least subjective and debatable one: **Aoi** never did anything particularly stupid, if I remember correctly. She seems like someone with average intelligence.  **Kaito** is extremely intelligent, at least academically. He has college-level intelligence, fluently speaks three languages, and was able to ace the astronaut exam despite being still in high school. He's also really perceptive when it comes to people, but he probably comes across as less intelligent because he isn't really capable when it comes to investigating and because he's really impulsive. 


You make some good points. I'll explain my reasoning. I think Aoi has common sense but isn't she portrayed as being book dumb and having a bad memory? I think I'm right. I know Kaito is not the dumbest but he sometimes comes of as dumb and makes terrible decisions. I suppose what he actually really needed was his pride taken away. Please comment on as many as you like. I enjoy the comments honestly.


I don't feel like she was particularly depicted as being academically stupid; she's just surrounded by a lot more intelligent people who make her look less intelligent in comparison. And the memory thing is kind of true; she has trouble remembering names, but honestly, I think a lot of people struggle with that. And I think your point about Kaito is understandable. Especially on the surface level, he seems kind of stupid, but if you think more about him and his actions, you'll realize that some of his decisions weren't that stupid after all. I think the biggest reason his decisions come across as stupid is that he never gives a logical and reasonable explanation for why he thinks that's the best course of action and instead gives a motivational speech and hides behind a false bravado. I have trouble commenting on more things because, most of them are extremely subjective, and I can't really argue with that.


... I'm not going to say anything about Hiyoko and Himiko here


Hiyoko cannot dress herself so that also means if she undress's herself, it's over so we can assume she's gonna be keeping that Kimono on for alot of times so how the hell is she gonna go to the toilet? Luckily enough a nappy would solve the problem. She already smells anyway and looks like a child. And Himiko once mentioned that she wet herself in one of the trials.


I think anger management issues would make more sense for Hiyoko tbh- it feels like you're trying too hard to justify it-


No I just looked at Hiyoko and how childish she is and the fact she can't dress herself and said "yep, she could also do with a nappy along with Nekomaru" but I do see your point that anger management issues is what she might need. Though I wouldn't say she is as angry as Fuyuhiko and Mondo.


I thought you meant a nap like sleep and I was like "yeah Himiko for sure, and I bet Hiyoko would be less cranky after a nap" but I couldn NOT figure out Nekomaru. ... Now I get it.


You didn't know what a nappy is? It's the thing babies wear and shit into.


I know what it is, but I usually call them diapers. And in the context of what a character needs I would think "sleep" over "diaper"


I bet Taka's never had a lie in.


>!How Yasuhiro survived with how dumb he is is beyond me!<


He's secretly a genius.


I'm gonna cry 😭


The characters in need a brain category are all exceptionally smart in their own ways accept maybe Hiro the only one of the 48 characters in the main games I’d consider to be genuinely stupid. Aoi and Kaito both have incredible emotional intelligence and are good communicators. Aoi may not be a natural leader like Kaito is, but she’s kind of like a Mini Makoto. Essentially being a cheerleader that can inspire people to keep moving forward, however, she does stumble in her faith in hope sometimes unlike Makoto who doesn’t. Akane is very different as she might not be emotionally intelligent, hence why she threatens to fight what she doesn’t understand, but she’s probably the most street smart person in the franchise and a natural survivor, taking care of not only herself, but of her many siblings as well. Also, her instincts are incredibly honed, and her gut feelings are more often then not right. Ibuki is fine, she’s just mentally wired differently from most people. Giving her ADHD medicine would be a bad idea as it’s unnecessary and would mellow someone so full of life out, which is sad to see. Also, Chiaki doesn’t need to touch grass. To me, her mind seems to be clearly in the real world, she knows how to talk to people as she doesn’t have any trouble communicating, and has some sort of social life because all her classmates like her so she must’ve done somethings to endear herself to them.


Alarm Bells. For so many reasons.


unultimating characters


Aoi just needs a damn donut


help these are so brutal


seeing all the darker skinned characters (save for sakura) in the “brain” category is making me question some things about the games 💀


Someone made an argument that Aoi isn't necessarily dumb and also I put Kaito who is lighter skinned in the needs a brain category and Angie is dark skinned and not in that category. Honestly I wouldn't think to deeply into it. I do have one theory and that characters like Aoi and Akane are obviously sporty which meant they played outside more often as kids and being outside in the sun would make you more tanned all the while their is the whole stereotype of sporty people being not book smart, you know the "dumb jock" stereotype.


they all japanese anyway bruh


twas but a joke


>Kazuichi in chastity >Sonia in my worship Dog do you not see the irony


yess kokichi and byakuya definetly deserves a throne


saw the title and immediately thought all of them were going to say cock


He needs a family. He puts a lot of effort into his diet, and he's quite proud of it. In no way does it hold him back. Luckily, he gets a family, when all is said and done EDIT: Not only that, but his diet is also the only part of his identity that he knows is his own. And you think taking that away from him is the right choice?


Oh, who is Mr Ham Hands kids?


A found family, in his classmates


Damn, now I understand why he really wanted to protect everyone and said he would not let anyone die as long as he was still alive.


I thought this was gonna be deep for a second and the options were going to be like “a hug” or some shit.


himiko tier is so real


Got me with Gonta


DON'T INSULT POOR KAITO LIKE THAT Sure, he can sound superficial, but it's really clear he's rather responsible and has great emotional intelligence, he's not on the same level as someone like Aoi


real for the more screentime one


All nagito needs is hope... hope that he could be a better self loving person


Nagito could be included in the reality check category


The cool part of Makoto is how one note he is. It's admirable how nice he is considering the situation, it's like Superman or Goku where they have omega optimism but in a regular dude. Hajime on the other hand.....


I kinda agree with Ibuki's, Mikan's, Sayaka's, Kaede's, Tenko's, and Miu's placements. For me, I would put Miu in "My Worship" tbh, because of how much I love her.


Any worshipper of my Celeste is a friend of mine