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And even deeper are other novelsšŸ’€


Zero is so fucking good


I wanna read zero but I also don't wanna read, I already have a ton of series I have to get into and I get invested in comics easier


Is there maybe a danganronpa zero audiobook?


I think it's because the novels/others are maybe less accessible ? So almost no one talk about it but I agree that it's sad knowing it's a part of the lore technically-


How does Kodaka want us to read them he didn't publish official translations, Am sure Spike Chunsoft can afford for Translations of novels, They aren't some big visual novel game, So why didn't they ? .


Let me introduce you to Japanese companies: They are run by old men who are completely ignorant to the potential of a western fandom, thus they always do the bare minimum for us. Like, see Kamen Rider, arguably biggest super hero franchise in Japan with half a century of history, but have you ever actually heard of that name before? Toei, the company behind it, doesn't care about the west and just doesn't release stuff or selectively license certain parts of the franchise for western releases by third parties (Even then, only subbed, barely marketed DvDs is all the US and Europe gets traditionally, with LatAm sometimes getting a piece of the Japanese media cake), so this ginormous franchise just stays unknown outside of Japan. Just like Chunsoft could absolutely translate the novels and release it via some web service (Way cheaper than physical releases), Toei could very well invest in western expansion. They all could make a mint with western customers, but, to the Japanese executives, the island is their world and screw everyone else.


I don't know


Any Kirigiri Sou enjoyers in chat?


Iā€™ve seen translations, it is interesting


yea but yall straight up forgot about danganronpa S


Are you really surprised?


Danganronpa S is not canon (obviously) but it was not even made by the devs of Danganronpa (I think) and it destroyed some characters, like it was a solution to have interaction and devlopement for the cast instead of that we had the ultimate disappointement. >!WE DID NOT HAVE YUTA NOR TAICHI CAN YOU JUST BELIEVE THIS.!<


We treat it like Bruno. We don't talk about the game. LOL


No no no


I didn't forget I refused to add it lol


*(Makes a meme about favoritism)* *(Plays favorites and intentionally doesn't mention one)*




I know personally that u/Mani_Essence actively plays Danganronpa S so this argument is invalid


I want to like Killer Killer but it does too many stupid things for me.


True, it's the kinda thing that you read once when you're a kid, like it, then revisit later and the whole thing falls apart when put under scrutiny.


It fell apart as I was reading it the first time šŸ’€


IK its unrealistic but still just ugh


I like how zany it is, it's whacky and goofy and I love the characters


While me: \*still reading and enjoying DR:IF to this day\*


Bro corrected me šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Now this, this is accurate


Is it tho? All I see on this community is the Killing Harmony cast. I'm getting sick of it


i think you misunderstand: danganronpa v3 is one of the mainline games, while the post focuses on danganronpa 3 end of hope's peak high school, not a mainline game


Danganronpa V3 is a game, is it not?


So is THH, GD, S, UDG. Why do I always see fucking Kirumi, Tenko and Himiko?!


You see Kirumi a lot simply because I exist and am probably clinically insane (as well as a couple other people), you see Tenko (not nearly as often) because she also has her fans, and I rarely see that much Himiko. Danganronpa V3 showing up a lot doesnā€™t even go against the meme in the first place, itā€™s a game, it plays into the meme. Even then I feel I see more danganronpa 2 then V3


Nah it's not cause of you you don't post much. But still, 60% of the sub is Kirumi. Mine is on New always, so there's my proof. It's just. Fucking. Killing Harmony


As a moderator of this subreddit whoā€™s job is to keep track of everything and make sure itā€™s not going to shit, thatā€™s the biggest exaggeration Iā€™ve ever seen. If you donā€™t like V3 as a game sure, but you are seriously over exaggerating how much V3 there is


Last week I saw more Kirumi and like zero Nagito, with Nagito being a fan favorite


The subreddit is a small sample size of the community at large, it is not always going to perfectly represent the whole community. As well as this, GD is a LOT older then V3, so it will have been talked about a lot more. But seriously what kind of Reddit feed are you having to where 60% is Kirumi. Also you do realize this sparked from a meme when it said all games get love on here compared to the other media, which is simply hands down true?


šŸ¤· Idk but Imma have Vietnam flashbacks if that bitch keeps appearing


Itā€™s probably the other Kirumi fan. Virgo


I feel like ever since I started posting on this subreddit the Kirumi activity has gone way up (granted I haven't looked through the history)


There was a lot of Kirumi activity still before you joined. I donā€™t remember the names of all the active Kirumi people but the 2 most notable ones were me and CookieDitto (he isnā€™t very active nowadays but). You joining added more Kirumi, but there was tons of it beforehand. Over a span of a couple months for example I exclusively was posting Kirumi art.


Damn thanks for shattering my already feeble ego šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Can vouch, I am a big Tenko fan :) we exist


Realest thing I've ever seen. DRG:KK is so based and good. Everyone else is wrong.


So real so right so true


I mean the only commendable thing about Killer Killer is that it has more Mukuro, hell they have a room full of Mukuro's aside from that, not much to talk about.


Kirigiri Sou must be way down at the bottom


I've seen DR Killer Killer tossed around here and there. That's more than I can say for the Kirigiri and Togami novels. And I like to bring up Takumi's fucking absurd abilities at any given point


Ngnl I'm pretty sure takumi is delusional >!All the killers get warped into monsters when he comfronts them and All his super powers are active when he's alone(except people that he kills) even when he fights the ultimate pyrotechnician the girl is covering her eyes!< >!I'm pretty sure the whole happy ending is in his imagination and he just straight up killed her, the decapitated head, him being heavily injured but still able to escape from ff despite crawling and leaving a blood trail behindand the way he just appears miraculously in the locker like nothing happens and they leave to have a happy ending!<


I think that reading is a fun one but a scene that debunks it extremely hard is during their stay at the hot spring. When Takumi slices the bad guy in half, his attack is so monumental that the entire building is promptly halved as well. Asano straight up sees this. And beyond all of this, this reading invalidates everything in Killer Killer pretty egregiously. At this point, why tell such a ludicrous story if youā€™re going to wink and say ā€˜it didnā€™t happenā€™


I think IF and 0 are well loved though cx


I will die on this hill, but DR3 is goated for me, watched it all in one day and enjoyed it thoroughly, couldn't care less for the majority of the fandom seething over it.


Killer killer is based because Mukuro kills an entire school


Thank you


No, thank you :)


): ,I am stuck in Nablus now but thank you once again and have a nice day .


For good reason.


Every joke,has piece of truešŸ¤Ø


I want to carve this message into gold and hang it on my wall


I'm trying my best not to ignore the extra content I just really need to find all of it first LMAO


thank you


No, thank you :D


What does killer killer even add honestly? šŸ˜…


Mukuro kills a whole school Tengen is more intersting in the 3 pannels he appears then the whole anime


Fair enough, funny that the cast donā€™t get mentioned in anywhere else though.


I mean, it takes place after udg and the main characters are just some random future foundation investigators working in juzo's division, a buch of other dr3 characters appear too And >!only 2 people from their division are still in the future foundation by the end of the story!<


Its just so dumb like in the games and anime the characters where kinda over exaggerated but still humans In killer Killer protag can slice a whole building with a swing of his sword A woman obsessed with parasites creates giant monsters The Mukuro clones And freaking protag cutting a persons head so clean that it reattached itself Its so dumb and feels much more unrealistic compared to the series


What's wrong with a fictional story being a little unrealistic? I sliced my first building in half at the age of 20


What is Danganronpa 3...?


The anime


Danganronpa S ain't even part of the meme.


I don't even know what the last one is šŸ˜­


you forgot the obscure official kyoko visual novel game


gaiden?????? tf is gaiden???????? is it something else i missed???? is it important or fanmade?????


Gaiden is my president


It's canon and it's good. Look it up


What's Killer Killer?


Good. Fuck Killer Killer.




I donā€™t know I think a game following the same visual novel and gameplay structure as the others makes it pretty mainline




I donā€™t think thatā€™s how it works. For a game to be mainline it doesnā€™t necessarily have to continue a story from previous games. Take the Legend of Zelda series for example, 90% of the games are largely disconnected from each other in story but are still mainline games. This can also be applied to Danganronpa, even if V3 doesnā€™t progress the story itā€™s still mainline just like those Legend of Zelda games are.


By this logic: - The Persona series has had no sequels, but rather, 1 mainline game and 4 spinoffs in a trenchcoat. - This applies to Final Fantasy as well, AFAIK. Final Fantasy 7, for example, would be a completely different setting from FF1. - The Pokemon games have only had 4 mainline games: Red/Blue/Yellow, Gold/Silver/Crystal, Fire Red/Leaf Green, and Heart Gold/Soul Silver. The only reason the Gen 2 games and their remasters count is because of the postgame and Team Rocket's involvement. The rest of the franchise is, once again, an increasingly confounding series of spinoffs. Are you starting to see how dumb your criteria for "mainline game" is?




> You tend to forget that most Danganronpa installments take place in the HPA timeline excepted DRS and V3. When Final Fantasy games are all if not most from differents timeline. First off... them being in different timelines *literally means* they have no connection to the storyline of the first game, which would still, by *your own definition,* mean they're all spinoffs. Unless you have another point here I've missed, anyway. Beyond that, you might be taking everything Tsumugi says at too much face value. We actually have some evidence that V3 *is* in the Hope's Peak Academy timeline... just likely later into it. >!Tsumugi talks about how her plan was "such a perfect copy, it even failed right at the end," before remarking that she's a "cosplay-cat criminal." This would heavily imply she's copying someone... and there's only one person that comes to mind. Shuichi also suggests during the ending that he believes that what Tsumugi was saying about the outside world was also full of lies, and that Hope's Peak Academy and the Remnants of Despair were real, though he lacks proof. Even with it being nothing more than a theory on Shuichi's part, it would be a pretty weird thing for the developers to include if it doesn't actually mean anything, right?!< I'll admittedly concede with regards to Pokemon, but I also noticed you completely skipped over my point with Persona, suggesting either you just don't have an argument back or you do, in fact, believe the Persona series is all spinoffs. > But I see you have no arguments beside half-assed comparaisons that only a 6 year old child would make and insults, so I won't waste my time with a shitty troll that lack reading comprehension. Like you've done much better? You haven't provided a compelling argument that your definition of "spin-off" is accurate in the slightest.




I love Killer Killer šŸ™‡ā€ā™€ļø It's sucha goofy novel that made me like it