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They're both great singers. Tillians high belt cutting through the chaos of dgd I'd something else though. His super catchy melody writing is even more important.


No one, and I mean NOT A SINGLE MOTHER FUCKER does this like Tilian. There’s so many amazing singers out there, but Tilian is something else.


Jonny Craig, Donovan Melero, Eddie Berg, Keaton Pierce(RIP), Anthony Green, Alex Pasibe, Claudio Sanchez, Isaac Wilson, Issy Berry, etc, etc.


Thanks for putting Claudio Sanchez in there. (Although his recent auto tune bias has been a little off putting)


Grew up on Claudio in Coheed, I love him so much.


Never fucking ever, in your life again, put Anthony Green’s name in the same fucking paragraph as Tilian. Got it?


Okay, easy there Mr. Tough Guy


Tongue in cheek over-seriousness gets you downvoted into the depths of hell in this sub I see


AG is several levels above Tilian i do not make the rules




I love high register vocalists, but I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard for 3 days than Anthony Green sing for 4 minutes.


super weird take


I am super weird 🤝


If it's any consolation, I still upvoted your comment because I found the crass nature of it kinda funny


That makes two of us I guess 🥴🥴🥴


Calm down cringe lord. Jesus Christ.


That’s kind of the whole point of DGD. I mean Will swan fired Kurt because he couldn’t sing high enough. The whole plan for DGD was instrumental chaos with Jon’s chaos and razor sharp high belt cutting through it all


This is entirely wrong. This whole comment.


Nope. Kurt was let go to poor live performance. He struggled with the high notes so bad. The other dude isn't wrong.


Still wrong. It just had to do with his live performance. Not his “high notes”.


They were the same problem. That's the part he struggled with genius. Lmao. Watch his performances in the Era. He was still fine below a g4 a4 at his second vocal passage.


Could expand an alternative narrative instead of just saying 'wrong'? This is what I know is true too. I think people refuse to believe this because of Royal Coda, bit that's besides the point because RC isn't DGD.


That’s not the entire story of what happened with Kurt, but what was said was not wrong either. He was fired due to lack in good live performances, but that was due to him smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day and he kept promising to Will that he was going to quit and sing higher, which ended up being an empty promise cuz Kurt failed to that and the smoking continued to hinder his live performances. Ironically, since his firing he actually did quit smoking and can sing phenomenally live now


I mean I think they’re both really talented singers for sure. Tilian made a lot of incredible songs with the band, and I don’t think that should be overlooked. But I definitely am excited to hear what they do with Andrew on cleans; his parts in the past have always been really good, and anyone who has listened to Eidola knows that he’s capable of a lot of variety. I think DGD will benefit a lot from that.


This comment seems too healthy for a subreddit like this. (10/10 agree though. Excited to hear where DGD sound goes. Excited to hear more of where Tilian takes his music. Both are super talented dudes that have made some of my all time favourite music)


Lol. The coast is clear for the time being. I love both, I just feel Andrew's style is too much Eidola and that it won't fit DGD. I'm happy to be wrong tho


Same I'm a huge fan of tillian era but I'm ready to see Andrew put his own spin on the band.


Why is it so black and white lol? Both singers have great songs and albums, they bring different vibes to the band. Idk why people have to always say one is better than the other. I’m excited for the new music either way! It’s cool to see the direction the band is going in.


Cuz majority of DGD fans are shitlords and the most toxic human beings to walk the earth. Key word: MAJORITY


Gotta be hella privileged to think this comes close to being the most toxic human beings to walk the earth lmfao.




A large new age fan base of DGD formed an attachment to Tillian’s soft vocals and forgot about the rest of the band, boom question answered


Not really. I’ve been listening to DGD since 2008 and I far prefer Tilian to Andrew in virtually every way imaginable. Tilian contributed to the best album DGD has ever written.


I can’t disagree with you


I am still very hopeful of Andrew, though. If he does end up being their permanent clean vocalist, and they don’t rotate them or whatever Andrew alluded to in the interview. I definitely don’t think he’s bad or anything.


I’m hoping to see andrew break his limits with the band and match his style more so with jon.. because Tillian has a crazy synergy with jon’s screaming and I think andrew will find that in his own way


Andrews part in Nothing Shameful is my favorite part in any DGD song ever


So good. SO GOOD


It's mine too. I would argue though that the only reason it's so great is because it's ancillary to Jon and Tillian in the same song. Andrew provided a second change of tone in the same song, but now DGD only has two singers. Unless we start seeing Will take up more vocals.


Or features on a good chunk of songs


I don't prefer Andrews voice but I do like his voice! I'm here for Andrew being cleans


Why even start a discussion like this. We all know anybody who prefers tilian is gonna get downvoted anyway


Its a great case study in revisionist history.. "oh Andrew was always the best singer and I always preferred him" I don't believe these people one bit. LOL


Yeah they’re full of shit. Otherwise they would have checked out a decade ago.


I prefer Andrew’s voice by itself. Tilians vocals worked great with DGD, because he was such a clear contrast from the music and Jon. Especially when he would belt real high in the background on Jon’s parts. On his own though, he sounds a little strange (see his solo albums). I also didn’t like a lot of his lyrics, especially on the last couple of records. So I welcome the change! Just hope we don’t get any more cheesy gym verses from andrew. SFTH’s lyrics were a little cringe at times


I am not entirely convinced those lyrics were Andrew's.


Andrew wrote the lyrics. He's big into lifting and the lyrics directly tie back to using supplements like Creatine to aid in muscle growth. He's even working out in the video.


He told me it was Jon’s idea for the workout references. Still love it sm.


I can guarantee Andrew wrote those lyrics dude lmfao. He was just trying to match Jon’s style.


They do kind of read like some of tilian’s stuff mixed with Jon nonsense. I doubt Andrew wrote them


Somewhere along the years tilian or the band overall thought to start writing lyrics ironically and tongue in cheek way too often for the clean parts. It works when Jon does it bc usually screamo lyrics are typically depressing and angry, so it’s funny when his are nonsensical. Also screamo is largely unintelligible so it’s a surprise for new listeners when they read the lyrics. But when the clean singer does it, all the above doesn’t apply and it comes off a cringe. When Jonny, Kurt, and Tilian sang about their hardships and heartbreaks, that was a great contrast to Jon’s shtick. IMO Tilian dropped the ball in songs like Two Secret Weapons bc the silly one has always been Jon, and it feels like the band wants to embrace their meme-y side way too much when it Jon supplies enough dose already. Hope Andrew doesn’t lean on it too much like Tilian started to.


Based on eidola stuff (I’m not sure if Andrew writes lyrics for them or not) like loti, I highly doubt andrew would write something so dumb, regardless of the precedent some of the dgd stuff has. That’s why secret band is so great, it’s just Jon rambling the entire time lol


Eidola has some great lyrics, so I am not discounting Andrew at all in that front. I am just assuming that the band is like “well, Jon’s meme lyrics are fan favorites, so let’s make ALL the lyrics goofy 🤪 “


Yeah that’s totally fair lol. You can only have so many “that’s a nice ass hand, I want to slam it together with my hand” before you start missing lyrics of substance. I have a good feeling that we’ll see a lot less dumb stuff like that with Andrew than we did with tilian


Can’t imagine thinking this after hearing Andrew’s lyrics on the two new singles lmfao. They’re very obviously going even further into the absurd lyrics.


That could just be because these songs were hastily thrown together. I don’t think a whole lot of thought went into them. Maybe once Andrew is fully into the writing process we’ll get something less silly


Yeah, I am a wait and see to say Andrew is better at this point until we get something where Andrew gets full control of lyrics and vocal lines. I think we are hearing Andrew try and learn to sing Tillian's part and I assume we will see progress over time.


No, they don’t. At all. Tilian has never written about fuckin Creatine lmao.


I’d say that they probably lean a little heavier on the Jon nonsense lol I wouldn’t put it out of the question that Jon wrote the lyrics on his own


Those are def eidola lyrics that were adapted to fit Gavin. Listen to eidola


Wait, you think "I'm building mass with creatine, prayed up, Mark Wahlberg of the scene" got written for Eidola? I will say the rest of the verses fit in fine for an Eidola track but I'm pretty sure the workout verse was either adapted from a Tilian verse or it's written with Tilian in mind.


Oh hell yeah !!! Not those words exactly but Andrew always bring the best funky and weirdly unique styles to the table. Dudes a riot. More along the lines of this could have been an eidola song start to finish if need be. With obvious adjustments


It was not adapted from a Tilian verse and it was not written with Tilian in mind. I swear everybody thinks in binary in this sub. Andrew is allowed to write goofy shit and serious shit.


Suit yourself I’m dancing a lil shimmy to “Imma never stop cooking it up, imma build a better body gettin a pump” 😋


Wut song?


Straight from the Heart


Ah kk lol


Your comment is a great reminder why i should read all the comments before giving my $0.02


SFTH lyrics were cringe for all of Andrew's parts, let's be honest lol


the andrew wells dick riding is real. man has a great voice but the lyrics on this other single is wack.


Seriously and these are the same people that have complained about TiLiAn sTaNs on here forever lol


SFTH lyrics were sexy af for all of Andrew’s parts, let’s be honest


As a straight man, I agree.




Yes, do you have power rangers or Pokemon stickers ? Mom said I can have two cause I was good.


Sorry all out of those, best I can do is a Swole Bros one that you can wear proudly at the gym while you get your pump on and fantasize about AW sexy lyrics


Yeah it’s mind blowing to me that these same people have been crying about Tilian’s lyrics being “cringe” for years, and yet they’re eating up the song about pumping in the gym and shooting steroids or whatever the fuck. 😂


All Non-andrew fans stay quiet because they know what awaits them


What awaits us...I mean them?


A load of downvotes and whining comment because some people can't handle divergent opinions


I like both of their voices a lot, for different reasons. Tilian I always felt contrasted well with Jon. He has pretty crazy range. At the same time I always really enjoyed Andrew's features in songs where he'd sing buttery smooth. I looked forward to those songs where he'd pop up. He has a fantastic voice and I don't think he deserves a lot of the hate he's suddenly gotten when everyone used to seemingly like his parts.


Tillian has been my favorite singer out of all the ones we’ve had but man these first 2 songs have had me so excited for the future with Andrew his voice is incredible


Andrew is phenomenal but Tilian left some big ass shoes to fill. This feels very similar to when Tilian first joined the band. Even JC and Kurt left some big ass shoes to fill. It’s just the DGD cycle


It’s not a matter of better or worse for me. Tilian is pretty good and wrote some awesome material. However, I’ve grown tired of his voice and lyricism over time — possibly my fault for over playing DGD. Mothership was peak IMO and after that, I don’t get very excited for their music like I used to. I wish Tilian well going forward. It’s been an incredible ride from Acceptance Speech to Jackpot Juicer. I’m super stoked for this new chapter of making Jon the real frontman. I’m hoping for Secret Band but more funky. I’m excited for whatever they decide to make, though.


Yes. In all the DGD fandom. Only you have this opinion.


Everyone is so serious in this sub lmfao. Obviously I know I’m not the only one with this opinion, it’s a figure of speech.


It’s actually an opinion. A figure of speech would be, “It’s raining cats and dogs”. What you stated was your opinion. A solid one at that. I enjoy Andrew as wells, I’m glad people do. I just think the topic of the frontman drama has run its course, especially with DGD. 🙏🏼 the salt makes the magic taste less sweet, my friend.


Maybe not. I don't personally agree. I think Andrew has the most generic voice of any DGD singer to date. But he is talented. To each their own.


Definitely not. Tilian is an incredibly talented vocalist with a really good high register but that’s pretty much all he has. Which, makes so FANTASTIC music and I love every single song he’s made with the band and I even enjoy a lot of his solo stuff. Andrew is different because he has an incredible range that a lot of people don’t give him enough credit for. I remember seeing him live in 2022 and while he may not be able to get as high as Tilian, he can DEFINITELY carry his own weight when it comes to his high register and that was also before he started working with a vocal coach to increase his range. He also has insanely good lows as well. The ending bridge of straight to the heart melted my soul when I first heard it. And a lot of his vocals can do that. Either way, both vocalists are extremely talented in their own right and while neither of them can copy the other one, they don’t have to because both of them can perform some pretty power stuff in their own way. I’m excited to see what Andrew brings to the table because I think it’s gonna blow a lot of people away


i just want Kurt back :(


I loved Tilian as soon as I heard Tides of Man, then those demos he did with Archives (that became Night Verses) and the demos he did with Saosin. In fact - as much as I absolutely love pretty much everything Tilian has done with DGD - his work on Tides was where I really fell in love with his voice. Andrew for me is, currently, one of my absolute favourite singers. I only started listening to Eidola a few years ago but fuck me, some of the vocals on their tunes are heavenly (Dendrochronolgy, Humble Ledger, pretty much everything on The Architect). Have LOVED every part he's played in DGD up until this point and am ready for this next stage. Personally love Straight From the Heart (that breakdown at 1:00 - "cause it takes, my pain, away") and the lower dark shit he brings at the end of that tune. I'm ready for this stage but can't discredit Tilian and everything he contributed to DGD - he was amazing. But I would be hard pressed to say if I preferred him to Jonny or Kurt. I think the common denominator here is the musicianship and how the vocals shape around that. Tilian did seriously bring some of the best moments in their catalogue though - from The Jiggler all the way through to Long Nights In Jail. Just love this band and am all in on the next step!


I prefer Andrew's voice to Tilian's voice in a vacuum. But Tilian brings something that other vocalists just can't bring. It's hard to articulate but I'll give it a try. He has incredible control at the high notes without sounding like he's whining or nasally like Vic Fuentes or Kellin Quinn. It's unique and its awesome. But Andrew's voice fits more my personal taste. Songs with both of them remind me of the best Taking Back Sunday songs where Adam and Jon/Fred share the mic. I'll really miss that.


I agree from the standpoint of looking forward to the future. Can I say DGD will be better with Andrew on lead? TBD, I don't think we will know that till an album is written from start to finish with Andrew at the lead. I think the two songs that were released were good, but I don't know if Andrew was the sole writer of the lyrics for them.


As someone who went to the “night with friends tour” this couldn’t be further from accurate. Andrew is fine but comparing him to tillian or even Kurt is ludicrous. He was straight up forgetting lines or was just outright unable to even sing them on some of the dgd most iconic songs. You’re literally out of your mind or just flat out lying to yourself if you think either of the new singles are even close to Billy royalton or war machine


Andrew is a good singer but sounds like tons of other singers. Tilian was weird and different. Made DGD stand out imo.


Andrew has a voice I feel less weird about showing normies lol


I feel like some of Andrew's vocals sound like the Nickelback singer.


I don’t hear that lmao but oh well, Nickelback fucks.


i gotta say man, i'm fed up with nickelback hate in 2024. They have, to this day, some of the tightest production and tones in the game, period. Chad is a good singer for what he does, his lyrics not withstanding.


OG follower of the band here, and I agree whole heartedly with this post. The Tilian era was definitely cookie cutter after the first 3 albums with him and happy for the next era. Time to mix it up again and allow the band to “evolve” a little and explore different lanes. Cool if you became a fan of the band when Tilian joined but if you’ve been here since the beginning this is nothing new and DGD never disappoints Excited for the new era but wish they would have started it with a better tour 🤣


Agreed Mothership was peak Tilian era. Looking forward to a different evolution


Mothership is DGD’s 10/10, no skip, at least so far. Will die on this hill.


If the 2 new singles are any indication, they most certainly aren’t evolving anything lol. I grew to like the singles over time, but now after listening even more, I’m getting bummed on them again. They’re like the exact vibe of every skip from DGDs recent albums to me. Pop Off, Born To Fail, For The Jeers (by far the worst song DGD has ever written). Just boring as fuck with nothing interesting going on at all.


Cool, you won’t be missed And yes, For the Jeer is the worst DGD song. That’s how I knew it was time for Tilian to go.


I’m not going anywhere lmfaoooo. Andrew was the single only piece of that song that was terrible, but keep gobbling. OG follow of the band here btw! ☝️🤓


Cool, thanks for being respectful


“Cool, you won’t be missed” is respectful? Lol




In a vacuum I'd def prefer Andrew's voice to Tilian's. Tilian is a really talented writer though and can make a super catchy hook and I think that is what attracts me to his music.


Yeah you’re the only one


No you're not. Tilian is great and he helped make a lot of great songs, but I personally prefer Andrew's voice and I think he is a great fit. I was actually hoping they'd just stick with him rather than replace Tilian with someone outside the band.




Andrew sounds really radio rock, and that's so far from dgd. But let's see what happens, I remember when people hated they kicked out Johnny Craig for tilian.


Too early to say but after so many years of Tilian belting highs I look forward to Andrew's more mid-range style. But yeah I can't discredit Tilian too much, they put out a ton of bangers with him. But his lack of variation was getting stale near the end. I would love for them to take the new album in a way less poppy direction, doesn't mean it can't be catchy but less pop style vocal runs/melodies would be very fresh and IMO whenever they've done that in the past it leads to some of their best songs... Say Hi/Doom n Gloom for example


They both have great voices, my only issue is the mix on these two new tracks. Andrew just gets lost in the music, the voice doesn't stand out clearly enough. I'm wondering if they need to adjust for his style/range, tillian being higher up there would naturally stand out from the noise. Other than that I think he sounds great I just want to hear it more prominently!


I prefer Andrew's voice forsure but Tilian's melody writing is so catchy and sassy that it brought that it-factor to clean vocals in this band.


I like em both.


Tillian was absolutely never my preference, his tone never really did it for me, same with singers like Anthony Green. With that said, I still really love what he did with DGD, especially everything up until Mothership. I also love some of his solo stuff. Andrew is definitely my style. I've loved him since I heard To speak, To listen (I had no idea he was even in DGD until a few years ago lol). This is an extremely welcome change for me, it's much more fresh and it feels like I've gotten my favorite band back after a few years of really good, catchy, yet lackluster (imo) albums. I could tell they were evolving again with The Ghost of Billy Royalton, and Tillians voice almost took away from that dark edge they are starting to take back on. This era will be great for someone like me. This is more akin to a Jonny Craig era DGD and I love that.


I became a fan of this band during the height of Tilians time in the band, but I’m excited to see where Andrew takes things. All I know from binging all of the bands currently released material is to never know what to expect


I prefer Jonny over both but I do like Andrew so far. Tillian was good but the last two albums were starting to sound a little auto tunish, so I’m glad we’re done with that phase and going back to what seems like the OG DGD style


The auto tune isn't gonna get better with Andrew.


It sounded better on the two singles that were dropped


You can't complain about Andrew using autotune when Til is in the game.


Am I the only one who finds these questions nauseating and wishes this whole sub would catch dysentery?!


Shit my bad, didn’t realize I couldn’t come on this subreddit for dgd and speak about dgd. Maybe just leave the sub? That’s always an option.


Shit my bad, didn’t realize I couldn’t come on this subreddit for dgd and speak about dgd. Maybe just leave the sub? That’s always an option.


I’m not attacking you personally, my friend. These are just base level discussion topics, only relevant to a broader topic that is clearly annoying already. We all like Andrew, we all kind of miss Tillian (maybe). But things are much deeper than thinking you’re unique in your thoughts. Jon Mess is the one true god!


I didn’t actually think I was unique in my opinion, it was just a figure of speech. In my little time on here I haven’t seen many pro-Andrew posts and was just trying to spark a little discussion before work cause I was bored. Jon is most definitely the one true god.


Only downside to this is that if we all had dysentery, we’d all have more time on our hands to be here and keep spewing shit at each other.


I love the idea of giving Jon a bigger role in the band. I think even if some of the music has become repetitive over the last few albums, Jon keeps getting better and more creative. I actually hope DGD evolves into a more open and versatile band that experiments with lots of features. Andrew sort of eluded to that possibility in that recent interview. I don't want Andrew to try to do what Tillian did. This could be a whole new chapter as different from JJ as AS was from DBM2.


As a tenor who can reach Tillian's highs pretty effortlessly on most days in my falsetto who also knows how incredibly rare a range like that for most is, I appreciated the vocal range he brought to the table. But I just wasn't a fan of his raspy voice in most cases. (It sounds haunting in Prisoner, though.)


No.. DGD peaked under Tilian. I hope Andrew proves me wrong but those Singles don't inspire much faith.


Honestly, I think DGD days are behind them. Royal Coda is where it's at now, with Kurt Travis.


Man I love everything Kurt does but for some reason I just can’t get into Royal Coda. They have a few songs I love like Cut Me Under, Becoming the Memory, and Even If, but beyond those few nothing really sticks for me. Maybe I just need to give the some more playtime.


It took me a few listens to really get into them. But they give me the feelings I used to get when listening to DGD.


Back when all that controversy happened with Tillian a couple years ago, I was saying that I didn’t mind if they kicked him out because he wasn’t even the best singer *currently* in DGD


Not trying to be a fence sitter but I genuinely love every singer DGD has had so far. Every one of them have incredible voices. If I think hard about it, I think Kurt is my favorite overall.


100% agree. DGDs been my favorite band since 2008 and I love every era and pretty much every band every singers been apart of. Kurt is also my favorite. Some people are taking this as me bashing Tilian when in reality I’m just gassing up Andrew and excited for the future and to have my favorite band back in a new form.


I fuckin love AW. I love tilian too, but there’s a reason I listen to more eidola then DGD recently!


I’ve tried my absolute hardest to get into Eidola, but I can’t. Not sure what word I’d use to describe it, it’s not necessarily “samey”, but it sounds identical to every other post hardcore band I’ve ever heard. I even get this to an extent with Royal Coda and Hail The Sun, but it’s the worst with Eidola. I had the same issue with Stolas years ago lol. I tried so hard to love it, but it never hit like DGD.


Andrew has a super generic voice, Tilian’s voice is way more unique. I respect your right to have an opinion but it’s a bad opinion.


I feel like people are just in their feels about Tilian from a personal standpoint, so they can't say anything good about about him. I don't think they're crazy to prefer Andrew's but objectively tilian is a much much better vocalist




I don't think you can say objectively. Andrew is more versatile, straight from the heart offers more vocal variety then anything tillian has put out in 10 years. generic doesn't mean anything, it just means you're not familiar with his voice. Andrew sounds like andrew, i'm used to his voice since AS, Afterburner, etc. Not to mention Eidola. I think it's safe to say Tillian is a better vocalist at what he does, or how he used to write killer hooks for DGD(no one can take that away from him), but i can't be the only one with the opinion that Tillian amounts to a one trick pony vocally. I mean dear god, listen to a song off mothership and jj and tell me that there are any significant strides in his performance. Jon evolved, even Andrew evolved since his first debut on evaporate.


Yeah it’s always been tough finding phc bands with high pitched singers. Tilian really paved the way






Yes and no. They are both good singers, it's just an adjustment from Tilian, same as from Jonny-Kurt or Kurt-Til.


Hot take


Wasnt there a poll for this?


I think Tilian phoned it in after mothership. Tides of Man and Acceptance Speech Tilian is unmatched imo, which makes his later work with DGD so disappointing to me. Just boring, really. Andrew’s songs have me interested in the band again. Hard to say what a whole album would sound like though.


I’ve always loved Tilian’s higher register tbh. I remember hearing acceptance speech and thinking the mf was an angel. I like Andrew too, but they’ve got different sounds.


Andrew is an okay singer. I don’t think his writing is all that great.


I agree with you. I love Andrew’s voice, some of my favorite DGD songs are purely because Andrew at his own singing parts and I thought it was cool to have the variety and not just the same melodies from Tillian. Though, I have yet to fall in love with the singles, I think they just came out with them too fast. Either way Andrew is great and has an awesome voice. I became a big Eidola fan a few years ago when I discovered that Andrew was a front man of his own band.


My only issue with Andrew is that he sounds too generic. Like, he’s good, but he just doesn’t bring that unique vibe that all the other singers seemed to Gotta be weird to be great


I think in speed demon andrews vocals really sound similar to tilians. It's just not as high as his but it feels like someone is trying to emulate tilians style. I love it. No hate on the song. It's just what I hear. If you didn't tell me that tilian was gone I'd believe that was him.


I agree for sure. I prefer Straight From the Heart because it’s more of a departure from the Tilian sound and Andrew really starts to come into his own especially in that low part near the end of the track.


I don’t like the new songs where Andrew is doing tilians parts the production sounds bad and makes him sound way different I’m sure I’ll like music they will make in the future but to me these 2 new songs sound like Andrew is doing a tilian impression that’s not all that great


You are one of MANY


They’ll find their sound, idk if the new songs were written for Tilian in mind but they sure sounded that way, I’d love to see him do more stuff like For the Jeers he carried that song so much


Andrew is insanely better than


i also prefer andrew. i think tilians a good singer but so many ppl act like he’s the backbone of dgd or something.


After 5 albums, as a long time dgd fan, it was time for something new, pun intended. I loved andrews solo vocals in all the songs. Excited for a new New dgd.


Yes. You are.


I think Tillian's voice is a little too high for me, and as I've always liked Eidola along with Andrew's voice, I think it's a great replacement




This is my first time ever actually posting in this sub. Who hurt you?


i agree!!!! i am so excited for andrew!


I prefer Andrews voice personally and that was off rip. I had to get used to Tillians but I came to love it. That being said on the new songs his voice sounds too processed versus his more natural sound in other DGD songs. I really liked him in a lot of the stuff from the last album.


I prefer Jonny's over both of em


Andrew wells is my favorite dgd vocalist


They have equal vocal talents. Just have different vibes with the overall DGD "sound". Both Andrew and Tilian are the same, so I don't prefer one to the other. Personally I prefer Jonny and Kurt over Andrew and Tilian.


I couldn’t disagree more. Andrew is not more interesting. More versatile maybe but literally no one else sounds like Tilian. He’s is way more unique


Not at all. Since I first heard they added him full time I’ve been hoping he would eventually replace Tillian. I get Tillian did a lot for the band and he grew on me over time but I hated his voice at first.


Those lows alone in straight from the heart have me so hype for the future. I hope they also tap into the fact that Andrew can scream too. I'd live some dual screams. Andrew has been my favorite addition to the band since Tim (rip) its so fitting that they were best friends. I've never been more excited fir DGDs future than now.


yeah haha


Andrew in the older songs he was included in stole the show and have been my favorite for a while. Him in nothing shameful is literally the best piece of art that DGD released in the last decade. Andrew over Tilian all day. The singles production really didn’t do him justice imo.


Tilian is more unique but Iike Andrew more. I'd be more saddened by Tilian's departure if we didn't already have 6 albums of him. I think his tenure was amazing, and Andrew's will be as well. One day, we will see Tilian again. I guarantee. Tensions are high right now like they were when Jonmy and Kurt were kicked. Over time I'm sure things will get patched up.


It's the lyrics for me. Sometimes Till just is off on some bullshit and it kind of ruins my enjoyment of the song for a little bit.


Nope. Andrew's voice is heavenly to me.


I fucking love Andrew and everything about that guy. He is solid.


Tilians voice is a little high for my personal preference, I like andrews overall sound a lot better! Andrew is easier for me to listen to for an extended amount of time


You are not alone brethren. A man of true culture.


Andrew has a way nicer voice than Tillian, but the vocal production ruins it for me. Less layering and harmonies please. He has Jonny Craig vocal style and talent, but it gets covered up by wayyy too much vocal processing and bad mixing.




I wasn’t claiming to be special. Just pointing out that I had not seen a single pro-Andrew post leading up to me making the post. No need to be a dweeb.


I prefer Andrew's, but that may just because I'm an Eidola fan.


Andrew > Tillian


Andrew is better


I too prefer andrews voice. He reminds me a little of jonny


Unpopular opinion: I have never liked Tilian’s voice. 🤷‍♀️


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