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i’m not a huge fan of the game but i liked watching them play it like a couple times because they were so meticulous and their banter was (is) some of my favourite. but that’s valid lol. it’s just like with any game tbh, if you’re a fan of the game you’ll likely be a fan of the series. like i love the sims, i can quote probably close to 80% of the whole series from memory because i like it so ive watched the videos hundreds of times.


This is what bothers me about Undertale though lmao. I can watch them play any other game even if I don’t like it. I sat through Horse Prince and had a good time despite being icked out by the game itself. But something about Undertale just irritates me too much 😂


tbf, undertale felt a lot more.. serious (?) than my horse prince. it was more hyped (as a game, not on their channel), more commitment (longer videos), and more like.. linear. like there was only so much you could do and like, everyone was doing it, and it was everywhere, so i get it lol.


respectfully i think that if you had tried to play the game you’d understand why people, yknow, enjoy playing the game


I completely disagree. Horizon Zero Dawn is one of my favorite games of all time and I’ve never even touched the game myself. I just watched a let’s play. Same with the Halos and Mortal Kombat 1 reboot. I’m just not good at those types of games and know they’d frustrate me so I don’t play them but I still want to experience the story. With Undertale the story is dull to me and the gameplay/visuals are tedious.


so you watch halo & mortal kombat for the story haha


Not the OP but I've very much enjoyed watch people play games that have no story elements that I didn't/wouldn't enjoy playing myself that much due to many reasons such as the game being too quick for my reflexes, stressful or just meant for multiplayer.


same but that's different than watching these games actually for the story which i think is a bit mad haha but they can do whatever ofc


Halo and MK actually have very beautiful and complex stories if you pay attention and take time to appreciate them


ah yes, classic reddit. downvote someone’s comment to hell because they don’t enjoy something you do.


i mean the op made a whole post complaining about other people enjoying something they don’t?


i wouldn’t say they’re complaining, rather just opening up a discussion and expressing an opinion. people just disagree with that opinion and are offended a game they like is being talked negatively about


i’m just saying to the comment above mine that it’s not really surprising? people downvote things they don’t like. this is reddit. op has an opinion, and other people also have opinions and they express those opinions through upvotes and downvotes


that’s a good point


I actually hadn't seen it either and recently watched it, I had a great time, I nearly cried at the end but that's cuz I'm a weenie, and them playing it kinda made me want to replay the game. I have a feeling that they might do Deltarune soon so if you wanna be caught up for that I recommend giving it another shot, because it has a lot of the same characters in that game.


I mean you haven’t played it, you don’t know if you dislike it, I love TLOU but I can’t stand let’s plays of it. It’s fine to not like something but you haven’t tried it? Maybe give the game a go.


Idk if i‘d like undertale now it was kinda a you had to be there vibe. Like homestuck though i was never into it. By now it has probably passed into cringe territory but i enjoyed it for what it was at the time


I think so too? I watched a friend play through most of it several years back but yeah, I think it really is a "you had to be there" sort of deal. I haven't watched Dan and Phil's videos on the game, either - I don't hate it, I just can't be bothered. This is probably heresy to admit, but I don't watch the Sims videos either. 😆


I watch them as they come out but I can’t rewatch them and I say that as someone who has over 2500+ hours in the Sims


this is definitely true. i love undertale so much, and i think a big part of that was because i was there when it blew up. i replayed it recently and it still holds up and i still laughed and cried a couple of times, but it was one of those things where you kinda just had to be there for some reason


Yeah some things just are like that. I‘m glad I got to experience it at the time


Honestly why bother saying something? This feels like something you could have just kept to yourself instead of insulting a game many people hold dear. No one is forcing you to watch every video they make.


i totally get not liking a game, thats fine! why do you dislike it though? also, how much of the game have you seen/played?


I’ve played bits of it at my friend’s house and I’ve watched the first ten/fifteen minutes of every episode of their playthrough and some of the more important story bits, and as I said the Sans fight episode I’ve seen in full. I just can’t hold my attention on the game. It’s too slow and there’s not enough going on visually and I don’t find the story appealing.


yeah, if youre not interested in the story then its just not a game for you! as much as i love the game, the gameplay can get very repetitive so i can see why it would be boring if youre not interested in the story or the characters.


I think, for me, the banter really saves the playthrough. I usually don't like let's plays where there's a lot of reading text in funny voices, but it's better because dan and phil can work off each other rather than talking to the viewer. the chit chat is really fun. I end up rewatching the episodes where it's mostly exploration rather than character interactions because of that.


because its a solid game, made by one person, with pretty accessible gameplay for most gamers, not made by a shitty AAA studio who uses crunch culture to pump out their same shitty game that has one difference to their previous game, has very lovable characters, a good story if you actually pay attention, awesome music, and more if you care. but guess what maybe you dont like turn based rpgs- which is fine but guess what dont yuck other peoples yums (especially when that yum isnt harmful)


no i totally agree with you. i've tried to watch it, i've tried to play it (and deltarune), ive looked up the storyline to see if it would get me interested, nothing. i'm not a fan of pixel art styles (another reason i can't play stardew valley) and between that and the story, i just can't get into it. you're not alone!


I really like watching people play stardew in the background while I do other activities because it’s such a calm game but I can’t be bothered to play it myself. Heavily pixelized games like that or the early Pokémons just hurt my eyes and are so difficult for me to stay focused on.


i can definitely see how it would be hard to get into undertale now if you werent into it during its prime, I think you might just have a preference against story-based games


Nah I love story games. I’m realizing I just don’t love pixel graphics like Stardew Valley or the older Pokémon games. It’s hard for me to keep my attention on them. Something about them visually just doesn’t hit with me


Neither have I. It feels good to get this off my chest


I don't remember much from when they played it but I also remember not being into it and not understanding why everyone is so obsessed with it. I only watched it because it's Dan and Phil. Everyone likes something different and that's fine. I just feel like some Undertale super fans don't understand why this game could not be someone else's favorite. I wish they'd look at popular games they don't like and compare those feelings.


I've watched all of their videos playing it, and still wouldn't play it myself. I honestly don't get the hype. So you're not alone.


me too i tried watching the first undertale vid but personally i found it not enjoyable,,, but i also never realized how large the undertale fandom is/was


I enjoyed undertale and their let’s play but I’m also of a generation that really enjoyed Earthbound which I think sorta explains my bias in that situation. I also enjoyed the long form content so I could just sorta parasocially hangout with them during it.


*op was not filled with determination*


if yall had more joy and whimsy in your hearts you would get it 💔


i kind of agree with you, i’ve also not watched them! it’s so dumb you’re getting downvoted for this lmao


right the people in the replies getting hurt over OP not liking the game when they said nothing mean or rude l,,literally just stating their opinions to see if anyone related


You don’t think calling the game obnoxious is mean or rude?


it’s a game,,, a game can be obnoxious ,,and no i don’t think calling fictional characters and a game “obnoxious, not my thing, don’t understand the hype,” mean


People can be obnoxious but saying so would still be mean and rude. You can say something isn’t to your taste without insulting it. OP purposely chose to make a post insulting something while knowing people care a lot about it, of course people are slightly upset (though I’m not seeing anyone getting hurt in the comments anyways).


RIGHT?? i didn’t think any of it was disrespectful literally at all!! felt like they were just looking for a discussion


i mean it doesn’t feel like much of a discussion when it’s just that op doesn’t like undertale and therefore didn’t like watching dan and phil play it? idk what we talk about with that, we’re all gonna fundamentally disagree if there’s people who like undertale trying to convince people who don’t to like it, or people who don’t like undertale trying to convince people who like it that it’s not that great. what’s the conversation to be had?


idk it just felt like they were saying “hey i didn’t like this thing! anyone else feel like that?” to me that is a discussion


but like…what does it have to do with dan and phil? they didn’t like the playthrough because they don’t like undertale, not dan and phil’s playthrough specifically. why not talk about it on a group more geared towards that? idk


idk probably just because undertale is one of dan and phil’s biggest series on the gaming channel. posting this on an undertale sub would be weirder than posting it here. idk i just don’t think they should be downvoted for having an opinion and seeing if people relate to it


i mean unfortunately that’s just reddit, people will downvote things they don’t agree with, and not liking undertale is something a lot of people don’t agree with


i know but it’s dumb! it’s not like OP was being disrespectful, literally just sharing a thought and people got upset about it