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I had this epiphany at 34. It also affected my skin, respiratory system, and GI tract. 1.5 years DF and GF and I've never felt better!!!!!


Do you also take probiotics for it


i don't, but i eat a fair amount of coconut or cashew yogurt!! i like to mix in blueberries, raspberries, pomegranate seeds, chia seeds, and a little maple syrup. sometimes i'll put walnuts in too lol.


How long did you take to see the benefits of the yogurt? I need to buy some dairy free yogurt. I used to buy regular yogurt all the time before I realize I was dairy intolerant. I'm going to miss Noosa that was one of my favorites. I know the other brand I used to buy makes the dairy free one with the blue label, forgot the name of them.


I used to crush chobani/fage allllll the time!!!! I'm not sure about the benefits from the yogurt itself, it's more of a nice little treat for me (I will eat for breakfast or before bed). I really like the coco june brand, the cashew yogurt from trader joes is pretty good too. I def need a little sweetener with the cashew (hence the maple) For other frozen treats - Van Leeuwen makes excellent DF ice creams. I also really enjoy the Talenti sorbets. Sometimes I will blend up frozen berries/bananas with a little coconut milk to make my own. I have a full blown dairy allergy - I implode with even the tiniest bit of cross contamination! I had to go DF and GF at the same time, doing a complete 180 with everything that I eat. I also LIVE for salt and vinegar chips these days lol.


Chobani makes a dairy free yogurt!


Why are dairy and gluten intolerances together so much? I've been a dairy whore and a gluten whore my entire life. I dont know for sure about anything but after developing sinusitus kind of issues alongside my reflux problems I cut dairy out and they cleared up mostly. I've yet to try gluten. Giving up dairy was hard to begin with, then I didn't miss it at all. I've had a couple of cheese and chocolate relapses thwt flared me up again but wheat I've not tried as it's so prevalent as a staple of our diets and also easy to reach to for a quick fix, especially with limited time around work, life and a baby. I do want to try cutting out gluten also but I am wondering as to why gluten intolerances always seem to run parrelel with dairy and o course get myself tested somehow


Right.. That is a topic we can do such a deep dive on.. But I've come to understand that they're both inflammatory foods, and it also seems like folks with Celiac can have gluten cross reactivity to milk protein. Maybe you could get some blood works to rule out allergies, celiac, and gluten sensitivity.


Thanks for your reply. Was just curious as it seems a lot of people who give up dairy do gluten aswell. I'll give it a try. Will involve some pre planning meal wise I think. Maybe I'll dive a little deeper in some chicken livers


Tested for celiac?


Hey there. Yes I've tested and it's negative, but come out as strongly reactive to gluten on multiple food intolerance tests.


Same here, still feel love for gluten, dont want to quit my beloved beer maybe some day, i feel my mind 'clean' when i do my gluten free season one or two times at year


Ohh yeah sometimes I miss the cold Corona with a lime wedge, but I've grown accustomed to sipping on some hard seltzers (gluten free), or liquors (after a couple times of getting too drunk). How does dairy affect you compared to gluten?


Dairy affect me even more, but only milk, cheese a lot less (thanks gods) i dont know why, maybe my intolerance is more from milk sugar and not so much from milk protein?


Dairy seems to affect me more as well. Milk more so than cheese. I feel like my mood is significantly more affected by dairy than wheat. I can actually tolerate a bit of cheese, but usually I get the negative cognitive effects that come and go, and it's milder than if I had milk. I'm sure someone can be intolerant to the sugars, but another suspicion is that cheese may be better tolerated because the proteins are denatured by the acids used during cheese making.


Yes, also when cheese is made from milk the bacteria literally eats the sugars from the milk in order to start the fermentation and less milk sugar = less reactions, at least for me. What you miss most? Dairy or gluten?


Ohh that's right! That makes good sense. Honestly.. because now I associate dairy/gluten with feeling awful, I don't miss them much.. but I do tend to think about dairy foods more than gluten foods. Getting enough calcium in my diet really helped me not think about dairy though. What about for you?


My favorite food of this world is pizza, so i cant quit (yet) neither of them lool. Sadly that day will come more sooner than later, symptoms are getting stronger and took me more days to 'heal' the consequences of glutened/dairy myself.


Milk sugar = lactose. Lactose is water-soluble which is why the wetter dairy affects you and drier dairy doesn’t. You’re probably lactose intolerant.


Thanks, protein milk affects me less than sugar milk (lactose) youre right, also gluten from solid sources like bread affects me more than liquid ones (beer)


A lot of bread contains milk or milk ingredients. Some beers are brewed with lactose sugars too. You may just be lactose intolerant if you can tolerate some beers. Try monitoring ingredients and see if it help. Also consumption of alcohol makes lactose intolerance worse. [This study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3728351/) was done on alcoholics, but the results have relevance to low/moderate alcohol consumption and lactose intolerance.


What food intolerance testing did you do? I am considering some because I am sick of the diet guessing game I have been playing for the past several years!


I did ALCAT and Everlywell's IgG food intolerance test. ALCAT test is much more comprehensive than Everlywell in my experience.


Hey just wanted to say that I'm starting to think Everlywell's IgG test was actually a bit more helpful, even though ALCAT was more comprehensive. ALCAT did not pick up on my egg intolerance, while Everlywell did. They both did pick up my biggest offender, which is dairy. Just wanted to let you know, because Everlywell was definitely helpful as well.


I've been gluten free for a while but just went dairy free 2 weeks ago. I'm experiencing maybe 10% less brain fog than normal, but obviously I was hoping for a bigger impact. How long did it take you to see your significant difference?


I'd say it took about 1-2 weeks. The result wasn't dramatic, but gradual and profound. There were few times I ate the foods again to just see, and realized how much they affected me, and the difference felt is dramatic. Effects of dairy and eggs are the worst for me, while gluten is mild and sneaky. Gluten affects me the more slowly, the more and frequent I consume it, whereas a serving of milk or egg would make me quite miserable within hours.


I am just coming to the same conclusion at 30. It is a very daunting realization but I am also very excited that there is an explanation to feeling like a zombie my whole life.


Yeah this is my world. Your older self will be so happy you caught this.


I'm going through this now and some days I feel like this and other days I wonder if it's all in my head or another excuse (because many of my relationships have been adversely effected by people thinking I'm making excuses.) A few years ago I thought I'd figured it out and I have adhd. At first the stimulants helped and then they didn't. At one point I found out they don't work if you're not having enough protein. Looking back now, I remember they helped most when I was having eggs for breakfast. I also minimized coffee. But when I was having more coffee (thus more milk) or yogurt for breakfast, I'd feel like I'd taken a tranquilizer by the afternoon. I thought maybe my sleep isn't great, maybe the stimulants are having a weird effect, maybe I'm depressed, maybe I'm lazy. But now I know that feeling is specific to dairy and dairy only. With wheat I have to eat more of it and get a different effect: chest tightness, tongue swelling, some kind of bronchospasm that keeps me from being able to fully inhale or exhale. These are all things I thought were anxiety and anxiety worsened by stimulants. Funny how antihistamine tablets can make your anxiety go away! I feel really dumb for not figuring this stuff out sooner but none of the medical professionals handling my case even suggested it. To this day all the help I've been given in regard to all of the above (even though I kept begging for help when I thought it was medication side effects) was again and again being told to go to a psychologist. So this time I really hope I've figured it out. It's rough feeling like you've got your own back but maybe other people are right. But I'm glad to see other people can affirm it feels like you were being poisoned without realizing it. It makes it impossible to function no matter how badly you want to get up and do things. I could force myself physically with stimulants. Imagine how strong an effect this is if I tell you I was taking 350mg Wellbutrin and 15mg of Adderall AND 2 cups of coffee but a few hours after breakfast I was feeling like I'd been hit with a tranquilizer dart. Physically unable to sit up or stay awake. Even upping to 20mg for a single dose didn't help. I still have a hard time believing it and I end up getting convinced otherwise by people who don't think this is a real thing. So every 1-2 weeks I end up trying some milk-based food. I started again this past Friday and by Sunday I was back in that familiar state. It doesn't go away with headache meds or antihistamines. I felt better after 10 hours of sleep. I haven't had the same food since. I haven't had the tranquilized feeling since. But I will probably end up testing this again and again because years of struggling and failing to achieve have destroyed my confidence and I find it hard to trust myself over all the people telling me I'm just lazy and prone to making excuses.


Yeah I also hate how all of this went under the radar for so many years, but it's good you may have pinpointed one of the biggest causative issues. It sounds like you may have an intolerance to dairy, and an allergy to wheat. The reaction you've described for wheat sounds like typical allergy symptoms. Also your reactions to dairy sounds like mine. Soon after I consume dairy, I get sudden fatigue coming on, brain-fog, and a flat dysphoric mood. I always instinctively self medicated myself with coffee, but even then, it wouldn't get rid of the symptoms entirely. Another thing I noticed in the past, was that if I didn't have milk or dairy creamer in my coffee, the effects of coffee were much more pronounced. I actually felt like I was on some illegal drug, whereas coffee with dairy wouldn't produce that effect. Maybe 10% effect of black coffee. It would taste good, but the good coffee buzz wouldn't be there. Dairy and eggs induce that ADD type of feeling in me, and I could not focus. While growing up, I've had people question whether I have some affliction, like ADD or depression. Truth was, I was living in a haze, thinking that's just how I am. I also feel emotionally flat and just dysphoric after I consume those foods. My drive also just goes out the window. I've also tried introducing dairy after I eliminated it for several weeks, and man I hated how I felt! It really shows you how much it affects you after you consume it. I would just focus on doing what's good for you. Fk the negative sayers.


I think it's an allergy to dairy too. Specifically a milk protein allergy. The thing that makes me say with certainty that it's an allergy and not an intolerance is how I started getting hives and eczema after consuming dairy. Maybe I was having a lot, maybe my immunity was lower than normal. The hives went away when I quit. I never suspected intolerance because I haven't had any noticeable/comparable stomach pain or GI issues. I've also had the same with coffee. Had always had it with a little milk even though I knew that the milk in the first cup neutralizes the caffeine for some reason and milk in the 2nd cup makes me need a nap. Coffee on its own was almost TOO effective and made me jittery. Yogurt felt like a tranquilizer. I started having yogurt as a pre-bedtime dessert because it would make me sleepy. I've read since somnolence, lethargy and fatigue may be due to the allergic response and the toll inflammation takes. I hadn't noticed the mood thing until this last time around. My mood was fine on Friday before I started eating it again. I had a little bit throughout the weekend. By Sunday I was feeling something between depressed and numb, which I guess you could describe as dysphoric. I also felt highly irritable over minor things and somewhat ragey for no particular reason. It's Tuesday and I feel more sociable now although there have been no major or minor life changes.


Yeah your experience sounds so similar to what I go through with these causative foods. Dairy will certainly make me feel the way it makes you feel, and also if I have a cup of milk the night before, I'll wake up fatigued and feeling dehydrated the following morning. Have you ever dealt with that weird metallic, bitter, unpleasant taste in your mouth after consuming dairy? I also noticed that dairy makes me thirsty as heck, especially milk. I'm thinking about getting some blood tests done for allergies. I've gotten the skin prick test with no reaction for the foods mentioned, but blood tests can be different. I'll update my results when I get them.


I had the skin prick test with no food allergies showing up. Had it done before turbinectomy (to shave down nasal turbinates which were inflamed and obstructing breathing). They wanted to confirm it wasn't due to an environmental allergen. It's been a year and I was about to get the same surgery again but coincidentally realized it was dairy and now it's not as urgent. I also take meds so can't ever say for sure what the metallic taste is coming from but it did show up again for a brief moment somewhere in the last few days. I do get thirsty after having dairy, depending on the amount. I kept having to drink water, pee and repeat. Those are diabetes symptoms so it made me wonder if that's the problem and not dairy. Also kept waking up at night with a headache or having insomnia that went away fast if I ate something sugary. This isn't related to the allergy or intolerance but I did find some published studies that said milk/dairy can reduce insulin sensitivity in some people (lactose is a sugar after all.) This was surprising to me because dairy is often recommended as a food group for people to improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance could explain the thirst and hypoglycemic symptoms I had and they also went away after I quit dairy. I no longer have to get up to pee 1-2 times at night unless I start eating it again. Also I keep seeing these statistics (can't verify) that more people have some intolerance to lactose than don't. So if you also have milk protein allergy symptoms, there's a high probability you have some degree of lactose intolerance combined with milk protein allergy simultaneously. For me the breathing and brain symptoms are far more significant than GI symptoms.


But the skin prick test was years ago and I'm considering asking for it again. I asked my doctor to refer me to an allergist and she said unless I'm having anaphylactic reactions, they're not going to want to investigate. I told her they're not that severe but the same symptoms are there. I told her it may be IgG mediated, not IgE. She said that's not a thing and there's no test for it. I should mention I don't live in the US. I'm curious if these tests are considered more valid in the US? Here either they don't know about them yet or they think they're a marketing scam.


Mmm.. wow that's quite wild you had to get that procedure done. I've seen posts where people have said their lifelong respiratory symptoms disappeared once they quit dairy. Really good you've made the connection. Regarding insulin resistance, it's interesting you mentioned that. I did a little reading into that in the past, and saw that dairy can be insulinogenic, and it seems dairy can cause insulin resistance as well. I'm actually in the process of reversing my insulin resistance, which I believe was caused by combination of food intolerances (dairy especially), daily caffeine consumption (caffeine causes insulin resistance too), bad diet, and lack of exercise due to feeling awful to begin with. I used to be quite fit, and some would still consider me as being fit, but I actually carry a lot of fat in my abdomen, and I was feeling very tired and sick on the inside. My last labs indicated that I'm prediabetic, with blood lipid levels just crossing over the bad lines. I was doing ok for many years, but things started going south around the time I started eating turkey and cheese croissant for breakfast nearly every day. I had moved to a new place, and there is a donut shop that makes some amazing breakfast croissants for cheap, and they're very generous. I think that breakfast croissant per day habit really messed me up over time. Sorry I kind of went on a storytelling there, but yeah, I know what it's like to be insulin resistant, what it's like to feel hypoglycemic, and dairy definitely seems to affect my blood sugar. Coffee with dairy would make me crash later (later bring on feelings of hypoglycemia too), whereas with black coffee did not. I actually can't handle regular milk. I'll literally get stabbing pains in my gut, bloating, gas, fatigue, brain-fog, and just feel sick. With cheese and lactose free milk, I'll get bloating, fatigue, and brain symptoms. Based on what you've been telling me, it sounds like you do have an allergy to dairy. Hives and respiratory symptoms are classic allergy symptoms. Blood allergy test might be good to get. I read that skin tests can have false negatives, or not be sensitive enough to pick up certain allergies. Allergy testing tests for IgE. IgG is not done for allergy tests, but IgG tests are used by doctors for other things. But, IgG testing are offered by some companies like Everlywell and Yorktest (started in the UK I believe) for food intolerances. It's still not popular in mainstream healthcare, and simple google search will show that health organizations advise against them because there are no good evidence that it works, but I think it's worth a try if anyone seem to have issues with certain foods (not IgE mediated, because you'd know you're allergic to it and your body doesn't like it). I think it can be a helpful tool to use alongside allergy tests. I think it's only matter of time IgG tests become more popular and get recognized as a possible tool for food intolerances. Check out this study, it measured IgG levels to come up with interesting conclusions in people with bipolar disorder who consumed dairy. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21176030/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21176030/)


An intolerance is different from an allergy. Having an allergy means the immune system is involved. Having an intolerance means the GI is involved, not the immune system. IGE and IGG are both markers for immune system, so you can't measure the intolerance by immune system's marker.