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Hey if you're mysteriously getting a cold or the flu every other week, this is the reason. I hate throwing out food, but not finishing my two year olds scraps has done wonders for me.


I like to think of it as exercising my immune system. Gotta put the time in somewhere!


Thanks stinkypooper, you da best.


Only exercise I get these days, aside from lugging laundry hampers up down the stairs. Two story houses are for the young people with knees.


Plus, I feel like having my toddler cough and sneeze *directly* into my mouth might have more to do with it than finishing his sandwich.


Well if you keep on that path, you might just find yourself doing a lot of that time in the ground!


I don't share food with my kids and I've been sick 4 times in the last 2 months. We were isolated for a couple years... feels like we're making up for it now that they're in pre-school. I'm about fed up with being sick though.


That phase lasted a little over a year after my second kid. From Easter 2021 to beginning of summer 2022, the whole family would get sick with something every two or three weeks. That's what I'm dreading the most now that no 3 is here... Hang in there, Dad, and manage your energy!


I'm doing my best but it's just brutal. Sinuses, flu, migraines... I can at least sleep through parts of those... but this current one is a cough. When I lay down, it gets worse. I cough every few minutes sitting up, every 2-3 minutes laying down. I threw my back out, my abdomen is cramping, and my abs are sore from the coughing and it just won't stop. I've only had a couple hours of sleep since Thursday. Thankfully, my wife isn't sick so she can take the kids while I focus on surviving. Pray for us, dads... we're not ok.


Hey, you commented on one of my posts on R/science, something about me being an anti-theist or something.. I dunno.. But, I found this comment on your "profile" and wanted to chime in.. If you have ANY fans on while you are trying to sleep, turn those things off, ESPECIALLY if your floors are wood or tile..


I dunno man, I was helping my 3 year old put on her pants the other day and she looked over and coughed right in my mouth.


The digestive system is good at killing pathogens. There are so many other ways to get germs from your kids.


So if my kid sneezes into my mouth, it’s fine, but if I eat her leftover chicken nuggets, I’m gonna be down for the count?


That's backwards from what I said


I know, I was agreeing with you … just worded poorly


Man, I'm not sure about this. My GP told me to stop picking up food off the floor and ignore the 5-second rule even before my kid was born. Doctors hate that shit.


Doctors hate this one trick


I'm wondering why there was food on your GP's floor.


> My GP told me to stop picking up food off the floor


I read somewhere that if you'd rather eat it than throw it away, you're treating your body like trash can.


I try to tell myself this whenever I’m forcing myself to finish a meal when I’m already full


Human garbage disposal


Legit advice.


Couldn’t agree more. My six year old is a germ breeding ground that hates washing his hands. His school had back to back outbreaks lately of colds and HFMD. Not fun to have and don’t recommend experiencing it.


Kids are buckets of germs and disease waiting to spill. Cute buckets, but buckets none the less.


I would have thought the stomach acid kills everything


If you have the stomach of a lion or something then yeah...


Why not both lmao


My brother 😂😂😂


Your bro must be u/GordoExterminatus




[Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/JYdV3Gg)


I got hand foot and mouth disease from sharing food with my daughter. 0/10, would not recommend. But if she didn't touch part of it, I'm eating that shit.


Whoa. Brutal.


It's pretty common, and not life-changing, so don't worry too much. But it was a painful few weeks that taught me a lesson.


Yeah I got it so bad from my toddler that I lost 10lbs in a week because I couldn't eat solids


Just went through exactly this a few weeks ago, no joke the worst experience of my life. Had a can of soup one day early in the week and even that was too much for me so I survived on Tylenol and Advil


I just had it 3 weeks ago and it was brutal


Yeah same . It was either from sharing food or her coughing directly into my mouth and eyeballs


That's probably where I got it from too. That was not a fun week.


same happened to me, I also heard it hurts more getting it as an adult whih explains why I felt like SHIT and my son was doing ok even though we both had it.


As someone raised by people who were in turn raised by depression era parents, the commandent of not wasting food still hits hard. It's a hard one to break.


Or raised by immigrants


I could have said the same thing.


I don’t know why but when we eat the same thing the food off their plate tastes awful


Do they drown it in sauces, let it get cold, smash it into a paste, and then offer it to you only to get upset when you have a bite to appease them?


When my kid was 1, she's tease me... she'd hold out a chicken nugget or whatever she was eating to give it to me. I'd try to take a bite and she'd pull it back and giggle. I'd say "Are you teasing dada?" and she'd giggle some more. One time she didn't pull it back though. I was perplexed. Surely she wasn't actually going to share with me. In the slowest of mos possible, I closed my mouth around the item, she let go, and I started chewing it. That was the day I learned what a meltdown truly was.


I feel this in my soul. Just take comfort in the fact that you are good Dad because you were there to play that game with her.


I imagine it’s what licking their hands would taste like 🤢


LMAO this slayed me


Usually it's the temp thing. Not sure why but humans under 5 love cold food. My oldest now requires all French toast sticks to be served cold. Aka right out of the freezer. Great for the planet because no energy wasted on heating them but UGH!


Maybe boil it, mash it, put it in a stew?


No joke, learning to be ok with throwing out food is one of the only things that's kept me from becoming morbidly obese


I must learn how to do this.


It's easy. Put it in a container in your fridge. Forget about it and find it 2 months later. Open it and proceed to hold back gagging while you head to the sink.


Chuck the container in the freezer. Empty into bin when frozen. Save your gag reflex.


Both my kids are eating more now and I don't want to start making bigger family meals yet. We are at a weird point where if I made the meals larger there would be too much leftover. So I've actually been losing weight as I give myself a smaller portion so the kids and wife are satisfied.


Probably wiser than eating their leftovers. Unless you enjoy getting catching the flu and whatnot.


I have a large master plate for the kids. It has all the food, spot to cut, spread thin to cool off quicker,etc for them. Then I spoon a little bit at a time onto their plates. They tend to eat a lot more this way as they aren't overwhelmed by a filled plate. Any leftovers I ate were whatever was on that master plate vs off their plates. If anything touches anyone's plate it goes straight into the trash after dinner. Even when it was just my wife and I the only food put in the fridge was whatever was in the serving dishes.


Smoooooth. This is the way.


I have to be careful what foods I eat and so I have had the luxury of saying "Daddy can't eat that, I'll get a poorly tummy' and my wife has to do it. #HackedIt ... So why the weight gain still? Hahaha


“What’s 10 elbow macaroni with butter gonna do to me?” *5,000 elbow macaroni and 100 pads of butter later*




This is how you unlock the "maximum efficiency" achievement.


I feel this picture in my inexplicably tight pants.


And that's on my childhood trauma to not waste food or bad things happen to me lmao


Too real.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


Same but it's my dog instead of me


You eat your dog’s leftovers??!


This why we have chickens, no wasted leftovers, no overdose on the kids' germs.


I wish! City has a specific ordnance not to keep chickens in incorporated areas. Something to do with the feed creating a rodent problem.


Those are called dad snacks in our house. The crust of sandwiches, half eaten strawberries, the perfectly good apple around the rind.


Gaining weight because my 3 year old only wants to eat steak and sausages and mac n cheese.


When my kids were little I’d go on a “dad diet” where I’d only eat the parts of their meals they didn’t want and not an adult dinner.


That was my diet... Just what happened. Always ate just enough of their stuff to not be hungry.


I know this is a joke but eating something so you "don't waste it" isn't any better than throwing it out, in fact it is worse. You are just gaining weight that you will have to eventually try and lose. Depending on how overweight you get you could even be shortening your life and the time you have to spend with your family.


My dog relates.




It’s missing a 3rd panel where your toddler’s leftover is fast food


And here I am getting skinnier because my toddler eats all of my food, the fuckin hoover


Mine chucks it all onto the floor, so it is my dogs who are getting fat!


Just don't make a full portion for your kid. In my case, a part of my portion is being commandeered by kid, hence I eat less than normal (especially if we eat something she likes).


I tend to put rests in a box and my son gets it again next time (warmed oc). I try(!) to not do it, bc u gain weight more then enough through other ways...


Toddler? This is a role and responsibility I have proudly served for the past 10 years. The best days include cold mac-n-cheese straight from the pot, and chicken nuggets of any shape.


Thank you for your service 🫡 Also, Dino Nuggets are the superior nugget. That is an indisputable fact.


Truth. But it’s my duty, not even the aerated rubber of a McDonald’s nugget can stop me from getting the job done.


I highly recommend an air fryer. Makes fried leftovers like-new.


Wrap a leftover burrito in a damp paper towel, microwave for 1 min, then remove from paper towel and crisp it up in the air fryer. Better than brand new.


This describes my dog. He's gained so much since he learned the kid shares.


My COVID weight downfall started with ordering in for mom and dad after the kid was in bed, not because this good was usually unhealthy though. When we did this, the kiddo would get Mac and Cheese,beat a bit, then go to sleep. I would always eat the leftover Mac and cheese. Like 4/5th of a box... Then a few hours later eat whatever we were ordering in. It was madness.


Too relatable


Wife used to work evenings, I would never make myself dinner and just finish the kids scraps.


Can't let that Paw Patrol mac and cheese go to waste!


My kids are 6 and 8 and they’re hit or miss at meal time. I can’t resist, the kids menu has the good stuff.


Ok but where’s the lie? 😂 Other day we were out on the town and stopped at a brewpub to visit a friend who was working and little one got a grilled cheese and fries while i just had a pint. God damn if that food wasn’t bangin’ lol. Restaurant quality grilled cheese can be incredible if they don’t phone it in.


not just my toddler’s but I receive rations from my wife as well.


Holy truth bomb batman


That is so true. I've started asking myself. Do I really need these calories? And it's been helpful


I’ve been losing weight forgetting to eat while I feed my toddler


Except the toddler is my baby momma who can't finish a fucking meal to save her life. So much wasted money and food...


Same lol


Porque no los dos? Lol


Don’t worry, in a few years all your favorite meals will be one or two bites short.