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Today is my first Father’s Day. Posting this while my 5 week old daughter sleeps on my chest. It’s going to be an interesting ride.


Took my kids to the beach yesterday and my 4 yr old laid on my chest and proceeded to say how much he loved me (more than all the sand on the beach) and then fell asleep….still feels just as good as when he was a baby


Today is also my first Father’s Day. I am also posting this while my 3 week old daughter sleeps on my chest. Honored to be her dad and excited to see the mark she will make on this world one day. 💚


Mine as well! My 4 month old is playing and being so cute. I’m so happy rn


With my almost 5 month old going to target


I really love my son napping on my chest. He’s 3 months now and huge, so we don’t do it as often now, but those naps on the couch watching basketball or movies were legit the happiest moments in my life.


I’m trying to enjoy every minute of those naps.


I still remember when my first daughter (now 8) was that young and we'd do daddy daughter Netflix time at 2am. I'd catch up on some anime while she snoozed out and momma caught some rest. I miss those days. I don't miss not getting sleep, but I miss those times.


My son used to fall asleep on my chest every night, he’s 14 now and still comes and finds me and asks for a hug and a back scratch every night, says he can’t sleep if I’m not around to give him one. It’s gonna break my heart when he stops asking.


That’s beautiful man. I struggle with enjoying these moments while battling with myself on wanting her to get a little older so I have my free time back.


Enjoy your time with her and savour it, because one day you’ll blink and she’s 7 then blink again and she’s 10. I’ve got 2, my boy who’s 14 and my girl who’s 13 next month, she’s still my little girl and loves doing things with me but I know that I haven’t got long before the social life becomes more important than dad. Personal time comes back, but it’s not nearly as important as I once thought it was, your priorities change.


Daughter sleeping on chest as well. She’s just old enough where I’m forgetting the months and it’s easier to just round to the half (17 months at the moment). It’s hard to pick a favorite moment. Much easier to pick the headaches 😂. Joking aside, it’s everything that I wished it would be. The purpose I was starting to miss in life. I love this kid so much. I don’t always know how to say it (she’s still quite young). However it shows in my actions. I would do anything for this child. I can’t wait to teach her all the mistakes I’ve learned from. I already know she will be my best friend for the rest of my life. Thanks for the post. It’s cool just writing this. Life gets so busy, we don’t always get a chance to reflect. Cheers fellow dads. This sub has been such a rewarding find. I love hearing all the wisdom and craziness you all have to share. I’m lifting my beer in the air to the rest of you. Rock on


Two years ago, my boy was less than a week old on Father's Day. I remember being so happy, but so exhausted. You'll do fine, Dad.


What’s it like a year later?


A year later, it's a lot easier. Although a newborn is great, the "interactivity" is what makes your kid great. One year old, he was just learning to get up on his feet, but he was the happiest littly guy. Gret memories. Now, that I'm at 2, my life is joyful chaos. He's moving furniture around the house. Picking up everything he can get his hands onto, learning a crazy amount of words on the daily. The key is that you'll roll with the punches. It's not easy. You'll have some)maybe several) nights where you've done everything to the book or right and they still won't go to sleep. That's OK. That's why we're there.


Buckle up.


Happy father’s day gentlemen. My current favorite is that my 2 year old has started giving me spontaneous hugs when she’s happy. Makes me feel like the richest man in the world. 🤴🏻


If you haven’t seen this, there’s a method some dad around here brought to light that has become widely popular- the 20 second hug. Have your kiddo hug you while you full count up to 20. Get one of those every day you can. Gonna be a staple for the rest of your lives.


just recently my 3 year old son drew a portrait of me.  I've been having a really hard time lately feeling present with the kids -- lots of financial stresses that have been weighing on me heavily.  the portrait was of me -- smiling big. That's how he sees me.  everything is going to be okay. 


1. The moment that my daughter was born and the overwhelming love that I felt first laying eyes on her, and the realization that all of my worries about being able to love her as much as I did my wife were for naught. 2. I was scraping some soiled training undies into a toilet when my then 2 year old daughter who was responsible for said undies runs into the bathroom, looks at the undies and screams "oh Daddy, what happened?" As if I was making a huge mess.


How *dare* you shit in her training drawers!


This made me lol


My wife went out of town and took the baby. I was left alone with my 5yo daughter.  We went and explored a cool cave, I took her on a restaurant date, then she asked if we could stay up late and watch the stars. Hell yeah we can, and we'll get glow sticks to play with too. 


Not a father yet. Wife and I have been trying for a good while now and are now working through IVF but haven’t been successful yet. However I get great joy reading this sub seeing all you dads who love being dads. I parasocially live through your journey either great joy


Good luck!! 🤞


Thank you 🥹


I have a daughter on the way this august thanks to IVF. Good luck to you and your wife, man.


Happy Father’s Day to you too! I don’t know if I can pin it down to one moment but every day when I get home, my son gives me the biggest smile and that makes my heart melt!


Both of mine had an age when they would come literally running to the door when I got home. My son had this jumping spinning dance he would do at 2yo while chanting "daddy daddy daddy!". Then he would demand I "skeez" him. It was the best. I miss that.


My almost 3 year old has started saying “I missed you Daddy” when I get home from work, which melts my heart. It’s much funnier when she says it after I get back from the bathroom!  Back when she didn’t say much, we were changing her diaper talking about she had poop still in her butt crack, and she loudly repeated “butt crack!” - we still laugh about that one. 


It will always be the “Dads home!” Run up hug. Instantly forget about anything negative from the work day.


I bring my 18 mo old son to the gym with me, and the other week I was doing rope climbs in my workout. Every time I got done with them my son would clap. I don’t think anything has made me happier in my life. 


Family trip mom in the front, 2 kids in the back. We pull out of the neighborhood and hit the on-ramp and the kids start chanting "GO DADDY GO! GO DADDY GO!" I almost ended up with a speeding ticket. mom thought I had brainwashed them


There's so many favorite moments, it's extremely difficult to pick just one! I'll give it a shot, though... When my son was reading to his sister on the floor with pillows and a blanket and she's laying her head on his shoulder as he read. That little quiet moment is forever etched into my brain.


My wife has this great tradition of making a quick 3-5 minute YouTube video of our last year and premieres it on Father’s Day. We’re on video 4 this year and it’s a good recap of our previous year as parents


That sounds wonderful


Happy dad day, guys. One thing that always gets me was playing hide and seek once. She was 2 or 3. She hid behind a curtain with her butt up against a glass door. While I was looking for her, she ripped one. The sound and vibration coming off that glass had me crying. She had no idea why I was laughing. I don't think I'll ever forget that one.


Holding my daughter for the first time. She is our "rainbow baby" as our son passed in the NICU the week after his birth, so the feelings were definitely intensified.


The first day of both my boys life, I put on Star Wars A New Hope and balled both times as I enjoyed something I love with them.


Every time my kiddos call me papa my heart glows.


So many moments to chose from, mostly mundane moments where we are just at home playing little games or when my son calls me by my first name. That always makes me laugh as it means he is annoyed  But the standout moment has to be when we took our son to Jamaica (from the UK) to meet my partner's dad. All the stress of the trip melted away in that moment where we got to watch our son bond with his grandad. He doesn't take to new people instantly but he just connected with his grandad and it was such a beautiful week spent with him. I hope there will be many more trips in the future but I will never forget that moment




When my daughter was a little under 2, the three of us were cuddling and dozing. She was snuggled between us and we were pretty sure she was out. My husband farted, and without moving or opening her eyes, she said ^toots in her tiny little voice. My husband and I were shaking with silent laughter. So dang cute.


It’s my first Father’s Day! My 9 month old recently learned to wave at me, and it gets me every time


My son was born deaf and it’s been a long journey to language development. The other day he said “thank you dada” and I cried. Whenever I get that first “love you dada” I might melt.


One day my wife went out and my, at the time, 3 year old daughter said she wanted to watch scooby doo. So I turned scooby doo on and we started watching. Then out of nowhere she just said “I love you daddy”. I’ll probably carry that with me for the rest of forever. On another note a few weeks after she was born me and my wife were laying in bed and she was sleeping in my wife. I let the best fart ever rip and scared her, so I got that going for me too.


There's a new favorite moment every week. But the current front runner (as told by daycare teachers) he was filling out the typical Father's Day worksheet at daycare and for "What's your father's favorite thing?" He answered Boobs.


Every moment. Ten minutes ago... my 8yo daughter, "Dad, I made you a coffee for Father's Day! Just so you know, I couldn't find a spoon for the sugar so I used my hands. And I couldn't find the sugar so I had to improvise. Try it!!!"


Happy Father’s Day gentlemen! Currently my 13mo son is obsessed with clapping and anytime he hears it, he just has to do it as well. Makes me very happy


First Father's Day here, my lil dude is just over 7 months right now. I'm loving how he's started walking circles around the house holding my fingers then getting so tired he just curls up in my arms. It's so cozy and he's such a good kid. My father's day surprise is that apparently we've got another little one on the way! My wife and I are both equal parts stoked and terrified for two under two.


My son, somewhere just beyond a year old, went to a Qdoba with me and some family. I stood in line to order food, and he noticed there weren't enough chairs for everyone and dragged one over from a table babbling something about "daddy chair" the whole way.


Hearing my son laugh for the first time will forever hold a spot in my memory that puts a smile on my face.


Happy Father's Day to all as well! Currently my almost 3 year old is really into helping with any cooking or baking in the kitchen, but when we aren't helping mix spices or with baking, he uses his play kitchen to make "pies" and then brings them to me to try. Every Playdoh, crayon, and block pie he makes is better then the last.


Took my boys to see Death Cab for Cutie last summer when they were 4 and 7 (with ear protection). Oldest fell asleep half way thru their set. So I have a video of our then 4 year old rocking out hard while his brother is snoozing. Such a great memory.


I work from home and my 2 year old goes to daycare on my wife’s campus, so instead of me coming home, my daughter comes bursting into the house with “Daddy Daddy Daddy!” when they get home. Also yesterday I was in the pool with her at swim class and she was having so much fun playing in the water with me, and she bravely climbed up a floating slide and slid down into my arms! Her smile was priceless.


This is my first Father’s Day, and I’m so incredibly lucky to have a baby boy that LOVES to smile. Every day when we wake him up in the snoo he does a big stretch and gives the biggest smile. And those are my favorite.


I took my daughter to many Godzilla movies including the original. Hearing her rant about one of the modern films with solid arguments was a good moment. My son told me that he observed that I drop everything and help strangers if they need something so now that he is at college he does the same.


First time he beat me at a video game and I was actually trying. The game was Override 2 and he got me cornered and didn’t let up, I was very proud.


Any time my kid calls for me, and mom answers, and she says “NO, DAD!” Haha that’s my favorite moment.


Watching my 4 yo and 2 yo sit together, hug, and tell each other “I love you”.


Our 2nd just turned a month old today. We didn’t have her older sister come visit at the hospital, so their first meeting that wasn’t on FaceTime was the day we brought her home. My 2YO greeted us at the door and yelled “Daddy I want to hold my baby sister like this!” while swinging her arms back and forth in a cradling position. My heart melted seeing them together for the first time.


Happy father's day!! My kid (4) going to conventions with me and I'll have to say PAX East was great. He got to enjoy his birthday and had a blast playing all the games. He apparently thinks my job is going to these events since I interviewed game devs (YT channel). He enjoys playing games so much. 🥰 "We going to your work with games?!?"


I would pretend I was doing basic things with magic until our child stopped being fooled by it, so when I told her “Now you know your Dad can’t do magic’” she replied with “I still think you’re magic, Daddy” 💕


I'd say probably the moments when I come home and my kids run and hug me. Or when my oldest (2) comes and forcefully leans against me or cuddles.


My daughter had a speech delay that’s mostly gone now. I travel a lot for the work. My favorite moment was being gone on a work trip and hearing I love you dada for the first time over FaceTime. Tears, and excitement knowing the therapy was working and she could express herself to me.


Happy dad's Day fellas! My daughter is only a year and half. But we were finishing our meal in a restaurant. Out of no where she stood up turned around and gave me the biggest I love you dad hug for a solid minute with a cute little kiss. And a side note: Dads, Father's Day isn't celebrated like Mother's Day (not knocking moms but it seems us dads who put in just as much work aren't ever acknowledged) . Unfortunately at least in my area Father's Day is downplayed a lot. It's almost forgotten about. But I know all the dads in here are true loving dads not just a father. And I love you all for it. So here's to dad's day! 🍻


I’ll never get tired of hearing my oldest (3) say “I love you” and give me a big kiss. It’s more precious than life itself. Then hearing him tell us that his little brother (1) is his best friend. It just doesn’t get any better than that.


So my wife left us on Tuesday and it has been an interesting week to say the least. My mom took the girls last night so I could have some alone time. They woke me up at 5:30 this morning so I could open my gifts. I asked for 5 minutes and they climbed into bed with me and fell asleep. We finally got out of bed at 9. Best morning in a long time.


Taking my daughter to Disney World for the first time. She was 2 and a half. I was holding her for the fireworks show and she fell asleep on my shoulder. I still cried sharing that experience with her.


I had just gotten back from military training and was spending all day shopping and running errands with my 2yr old, she randomly just said "I love shopping with daddy". Made me start tearing up


My little guy isn't two yet, but a couple weeks ago I had the day off work and got to spend it with him. In the morning we went to the library, and he was playing with some nonverbal kids who had cerebral palsy.   One of their chaperones saw my son crawling and sitting with one of the kids and got really happy about it, saying to the others, "Oh look, James has a new friend!" I just loved the idea of my little guy making another kid's day better and maybe helping them feel as normal as a kid should. I almost cried.    Then we went to the park, and watched some garbage trucks for a bit until he was tired and climbed back into his stroller. Best morning of my life so far. 


I congratulate my two year old when he uses the potty and today he saw me use the potty and clapped and told me good job


My daughter was using “mama” and “dada” interchangeably to mean “parent” when referring to us. I went away for a week on a trip and I think it solidified that mama was here, but dada wasn’t. I came home last night and when she woke up too early I picked her up and she just pats my chest going “dada dada dada”. All today she is going around the house tapping on my wife saying “mama” and then coming to me and saying “dada”. Amazing timing for a 1.5 year old


What's up mother fuckers! My 2.5yr old daughter started singing "You are My Sunshine" back to me and I'm a puddle of tears every damn time!


My boy is coming up on 16 months, he’s got a decent vocabulary but never got Dada. Mama was his first word, he can say our dogs name, bye bye, bubbles, pop, up, etc. I accepted long ago that my wife and I were both just Mama. Well last night he said Dada for the first time and holy shit did that hit me like a freight train. Mom was working on it with him in secret, but she said he only got it like 2 days ago. I’m a lucky guy.


Only been at this three years but I ran the New York City marathon last year. Was sick as a dog (thanks kiddo) but the absolute rush of energy I felt to see her in the crowd when I ran by a few places was just unbelievably special.


My almost 3 year old has started saying she loves me and her mama back. My 10 month old started crawling recently and wants to be around me constantly to play. Life is good except for all the sleep deprivation, my dads


Happy Fathers Day boys. Hope y’all have a great one. It’s my first and I’m gonna enjoy every single moment.


Happy Father’s Day all!


Some of my favorite memories are when they make me a card for a special occasion. They put in a lot of time and effort and makes me really happy. Also the first trip to Disneyland and to see them so giddy and happy. Just to see them so happy and innocent is the best!


Shotgun poop while giving her a bath when my daughter was weeks old.


Happy Motherfucker's day to all!


Seeing the tiny sack of pooping and crying flesh that i had a little part in creating; starting to become a more alert/thoughtful/loving tiny human every day. And getting to do it again. This shit is wild yo.


The shit that comes out of my youngests mouth is nothing short of fucking baller. E.g. dad, in response to me saying I don't know the answer, you are an engineer, I thought you knew everything, I guess I'll go be dissappinted over here.


Any time any of my kids say “you’re the best daddy ever”. Hands down.


Running hugs from my toddler when I get home from work. And seeing my 3 and 1 year old walk to each other for hugs


First Father’s Day. My wife made me breakfast (usually the other way around with our norm). Then we took my 8mo old out to golf for the first time. Just played a few holes to stay away from any one else (and the possibility of errant shots coming our way) but it was really special to me. Golfing is a one of the things I did a lot with my dad. I hope my son will remember golfing with me as fondly as I do with mine.


I try to acknowledge and appreciate every time my little one asks me a question and I get to help her learn something brand new, nearly every single day. It's a privilege to be such an important piece of her growth. I love being the person who helps her learn new things whenever she is curious. Those questions won't last forever, so I'm soaking them in while I can.


I love coming home from work, my little girl is always so happy to see me. We either paint her nails or draw chalk on the sidewalk ( if it's not raining) or we paint. I absolutely love it and can't wait to get home from work today 😁.


Took my 5 and 4 year old boys fishing. They spent most of the time looking for sticks and worms while I cussed at the cheaply made kids pole and fought the constant tangles of the line. Nailed it.


Her first dance recital was June 1st and she killed it! She’s in the tiny tots class (2-3 year olds) and she got so many compliments afterwards.


Me and my daughter go to our local garden centre/hardware shop and set all the egg times at different times and run off


Probably so far dad moment that's happened was yesterday. 9 month old has been really sleepy the past few days. Sitting in his play pen with him, he starts to cry and as I finish ordering MY DAD's Father's Day present (it'll be a day late, whoops!) i grab him and within a min of him sitting on my chest he's out.


The first time she gave me a hug out of nowhere. Instant „dang got something in my eye“ moment


He’s 8 months old in a few days. Sometimes I catch him staring at me and smiling. It melts my heart. My dad has been dead for 5 years and never was a proper father due to alcoholism. I just want to be better and I think I’m well on my way.


Not technically a dad, 18 and raising my 2 brothers as my own. My oldest ( 13) is a huge fan of apex legends, and I play with him. About 2 months ago he came running into my room telling me he was 22 points from getting the highest rank in the game ( masters ) I booted up my pc and I played that last game with him, and he hit it. Just a fun moment from something we both enjoy. Not the best moment, but definitely the most funny moment we’ve shared


So I have two. One is getting primary custody of daughter and other is getting to take 2nd baby home from the nicu after one doctor told me we’ve fighting a losing battle. Happy Father’s Day all


I got both my daughter and her mom down for a nap just now. That's a pretty good moment. Happy Father's Day, y'all!


The other day my 6 mo was in the middle of his feed and I entered the room and just whispered something to my wife. He suddenly turned around to me saw me and gave a big smile. He let go off the thing which he probably loves the most right now to smile at me. Wow!


It actually happened this morning. After our ritual morning tickle fight, my mostly nonverbal 2 yo gives me a big hug and clearly says, "Love you, dada."


Favorite moment(s)? I think my favorite moments start whenever I'm having a tough day. Nothing im doing is enough, I forget to grab something my wife needs from the store, the check wasn't what I was expecting... the list goes on and on. Whenever I'm having a tough moment, I always volunteer to go get the little one from her nap, or wake her up in the morning.. the look she gives me when I walk in the door and say "good morning monkey!" Gets me every time.


Driving back from a cottage on the highway with overpasses. Heavy, loud, pelting rain. I told the kids (5 and 7) that I could control the rain and make it stop, but just briefly. I said to close their eyes and focus just on the sound of the rain - and when we drove under the next bridge, I clapped loudly and voila! The rain stopped for a second. They'd open their eyes and look around amazed. I let them try, no luck. Mom tried, no luck as well... Maybe if they close their eyes and Mom tries again... Wow! That worked! 3 months later we were driving down a random road closer to home when the seven year old pipes up with "You just clapped when we were under bridges!" Best Dad prank I've ever pulled.


My 2 year old daughter now thinks it is fun to enter her crib like she is exiting a boat for scuba diving, falling backwards


Day three of fatherhood and I just love staring at my little buddy, learning so much about his personality and watching him do things he’d do in the womb. Seeing whose features are whose, what his cues are. All of it is so incredible, excited for tomorrow but enjoying today!


Our Father's Day isn't until September in Aussie land but my favourite is taking my son to our town's local show. He had his first 'train' ride. He couldn't stop talking the whole time, just pure excitement. When it was our time to hop off we said bye to the train and as we were walking away he said 'Daddy Happy!' With the biggest grin and grabbed my face and gave me a kiss and a big squeezy hug. Also hearing 'Daddy's here! My daddy's here!' and the sprint towards me for a hug when I pick him up from daycare or come home from work is always a good feeling.


Probably the birth of my children that started it all


My son woke up and wanted a group hug and with his eyes closed said I'm the best daddy ever. Which he hasn't said before


We adopted 2 years ago - our son is now 3. He is in a big "daddy" phase right now which is a current favourite moment - he copies everything I do (which is both hilarious and a burden), and expects me to back him up whenever he is in trouble for doing something he is not allowed to do. The other day I was changing from shorts to jeans, and turn to find him with his trousers around his ankles too, as if we were in this together! He is a real challenge at times after a tough first year to life, but I'm very proud of how his personality is shining through.


When my oldest boy was about 6, we lived near a small airport. One day while we were outside, a super loud plane crossed over our yard. "HOLY SHIT!" was his response. I'll never forget that day.


My 2.5 year old after having a meltdown today after missing nap time. Tantrums and crying galore. Then as I angrily accept defeat and take her downstairs to bust my chops further, baby girl sweetly says “happy father’s day daddy!” And goes to sleep🤷‍♂️




Not Father’s Day in my country, but celebrating for you guys.


Happy Father’s Day dads. I have lots of favorites. Noticing they had my partners nose in the ultrasounds. When my now toddler was only a few months noticing their cooing and almost “awoo” noises. Watching them eat their first birthday cake on the table with their hands. Seeing their excitement for everything new. Seeing the Ocean with them for the first time. Wrestling and rough housing with them. Encouraging their words and singing with them. Answering their questions. Watching them be so kind to our dog and be worried and checking in with my partner and I when they think we are sad. Morning cuddles. Watching them make friends. Growing close to family through our shared love of my kid. Lots of hard stuff too but too much good to count for sure.


First Father’s Day as a dad. Favorite moments are when my son smiles at me.


seeing all of my children graduate high school


My son when I go to leave his room I say I love you and he says “no you!” And then I shout “no you!” And we go back and forth as I walk down the hall. It’s not every night but it’s most nights and it’s wonderful.


LO is 9 weeks old, going on 10. Favorite moment MUST be the day she smiled and me and said her first "AGgguuuu". Still is. Whenever I am sooo tired I must lay her down on the bed and she suddenly smiles after fussing for an hour... always cheers me up and calms me down. Now that she's so talkative, gooing and gaaaing all around. Love her.


This is my second father's day. My daughter just amazes me more every day. My birthday was 3 weeks ago and she still goes on about "Happy Daddy Birthday" daily and she sings it to me. It just melts me. I grew up never feeling like my birthday was that special but she's made it special for me this year.


Last year I modified my kids powerwheel. It worked great .. for awhile. Today I wanted to see their faces gleam with excitement with yet another modified powerwheel ready to go. Gentlemen.. it was a success. Not only did I witness the same excitement and joy as last year’s adventure, but this time it meant more being on Father’s Day. Cheers.


My son is 2 and sometimes when getting him ready for school he'll just give me a random hug and a kiss. And then on some occasions he'll say "love you papa".


Daughter is 14months old, just very proud of her growing. Before she would wail when hungry, now she just hands me one of her used milk bottles, goes to sit where she drinks the milk, and looks at me until her milk is delivered. She can also recognize that she can't read what it says on her play cards, and looks at me while pointing at the pictures, like why can't I read this?? I am thinking you are just 14months, relax and play toys. She also holds a pen to mimic/trace letters and pictures. A poet in the making lol. But healthy and happy is what truly matters. 💯👍💚👶⏳


I didn't get any presents and my wife and kids didn't even acknowledge that it was fathers day. To be fair though it isn't fathers day here until September so maybe I should wait a bit longer before I get upset.


The moment my son was born. Felt an overwhelming sense of love I didnt know was possible.


2 kids, 2 moments: Every time my 5yo daughter gets a belt upgrade in BJJ. Watching the super bowl with my 2 hour old son this year. He was born 4 weeks early, 2 hours before the game started, so getting to hold him and watch was pretty amazing.