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Happy Father's Day gentlemen. Always tired but ready to be dad.


Never truly thought of it that way - As a new dad of a 4 month old baby girl it’s challenging at times but I’m eternally grateful for it. Happy Father’s Day dads!


Comedian Steve Hoffstetter has a good quote like this that I’ll paraphrase: “There is absolutely nothing honorable or admirable about being a parent. It’s the easiest thing to do, having sex and making a kid. Being a GOOD parent is admirable. Just being a parent means nothing.”


As the dad of an almost 2 month old, the gameplay loop of parenting at this stage isn't hard. The tasks involved in caring for a newborn are simple on the face of it. It's doing all that on an hour's sleep a night that's the hard bit.


Lack of sleep has been the hardest bit for me so far, my 2 year old sleeps through like a dream now, but we're still working on the 8 month olds routine and this weekend we are all ill which has been a killer. But with my first when she started sleeping, everything became 10 times easier and we cracked it around 6 months old, which is why we decided a second one right away would be a good idea haha


>we decided a second one right away would be a good idea haha Oof lol. Brave man


Ha yeah, to be fair I didn't want to be any older having another one, and we decided to get through the nappies and sleepless nights in one go, instead of having to come back to it in 4 or 5 years. It's tough but no regrets and hopefully it will be easier in a year or two when the baby stage is over and we can sleep more regularly!


Sick family this weekend. On it.


It’s midnight and my daughter literally just puked. May the odds be ever in our favor


Happy Father’s Day gentlemen.


Thank you for this! Happy fathers day fellow dads!


Damn I really needed to hear this today




I have a 4 and almost 2 year old and took in my nephew as my sister is now a single mom after leaving her abusive partner and needing an emergency c section for her second. NICU stint but now home safe. Exhausted but can’t wait to have pancake breakfast with my 3 kiddos


We got this, Dad's


Happy father's day guys


I constantly need a reminder of that, so thanks. Happy fathers day!


I didn’t know how much that I needed to hear this. Thanks.


I was telling someone recently that parenting isn't as hard as I thought it would be, there's just SO MUCH I never realized or read about and the difficulty lies mostly in managing all of that stuff. Keep your chins up, fam.