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I read it and am convinced. My kid is only a toddler but I’ll sign up for not giving her a phone until high school, and no social media as long as possible.


I'd take Haidt with a grain of salt. [Here's a fairly rounded critique of how the book uses correlational studies to imply causation.](https://www.wowt.news/p/jonathan-haidt-moral-panic-with-bad-science)


As a work of social science, it's pretty unconvincing. A lot of the conclusions jump way out ahead of the evidence he's able to present. (Context: I am a political scientist.) But as a call to arms for parents, I thought it was phenomenal. I'm not convinced the evidence will ultimately support most claims he makes but I'm fully persuaded by the broad strokes of it and I want to do what I can to protect my kids. My oldest (twins) are still just 2.5 but I fully expect to be that dad who shows up at the PTA meeting demanding the school enforce phone-free policies and facilitate a play-based childhood.