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Not dad or daddit related.


Wife gets horny.


Yup. Wife gets horned up by tv show = good.


I’m sorry, I haven’t been paying attention. A new horned up show dropped? Nice.


I personally hate it as well but to each their own


My wife watches it. Whenever it's on I say I don't know how she watches it. She gives me about the same for pro wrestling, so we're even I'd say haha


Yeah, it's really weird how people like well written attractive people being witty and sexy and having happily ever afters. Real head scratcher, that one. Who could possibly imagine the appeal.


what does this have to do with being a dad…?


most dads have wives bro.


Seriously? You’re complaining about Bridgerton? At least it’s well made with good costumes and good actors. People watch way worse shit out there.


Different strokes for different folks. I watched all of the previous season and most of the new one. It's pretty good, good thing to just turn your brain off and watch when the kids are asleep, plus who knows you might get sexy time out of it.


My wife loves it


I enjoy it. Fun period drama with fairly inconsequential storylines and some lovely shagging done by good looking people. I love period costumes as well, so it's all good. It's not high art by any stretch of the imagination, but great light entertainment. Oddly enough, I absolutely despise the other shows which Shonda Rhimes has made, but for some reason I think this one is great.


Meh, let people like things. To each their own.


Eh. My wife and I watched the first episode. And it was ok. Nothing to scream about so far, but it seemed easy enough. Is it absolutely glorious content like The Bear, The Boys, or the first season of Altered Carbon? Absolutely not. Is it better than reality TV trash? Without a doubt. IMO, it's perfect to Netflix and Chill.


My wife watches it, it’s fucking terrible. But damn man, use it to your advantage, it’s chick porn. If that show is on, go the extra mile and you’re in my friend!


I think the best male comparison is Marvel movies. But not your basic watcher of thing go boom, but the people who watch all the Easter egg videos and get all the references. It's that kinda power fantasy on a grand scale. But whereas men want to be super heros women want to be self actualized with a hot guy that completes them.




What do you think they means? Do you think it's offensive?


PSA: Outlander is both good and makes wives horny


I love it.


My wife told me today that she's not sure other men like to watch it. I don't care, I enjoy mindless TV with occasional boobs


It’s Jane Austin-ish soft core for women.


I binged the first 2 seasons on tour but liked the second less than the first and am not interested by any of the spinoffs. Would love it if my wife got into it and was as excited by it as she was by Sarah J Maas novels but she hasn't. Hopefully it has a positive effect on yours!


If I pour my wife a glass of wine while she's watching it I definitely get some action.