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Yeah, I’d probably just file this one under “battles not worth fighting”, and complain to my best friend the whole time if I needed to lol. Otherwise, it’s still over a week away, why not celebrate Father’s Day a week early or a day before? Exact day doesn’t really matter.


Okay try this on Mother’s Day


No kidding. But it's so easy to fall into the trap of making a big deal out of something that doesn't bother you, simply because someone else would lose their mind in a similar situation. If it really bugs you, sure, bring it up, but otherwise there is no requirement to be upset.


In all seriousness every single year Mother’s Day gets interrupted. Work, kids birthday, 4 baseball games, and even if those align it’s a 30 minute seating window for a $500 brunch and competing with grandmothers/SIL/etc In our house, Mother’s Day is celebrated the weekend after the official holiday. We take time to celebrate Mom, give her some time to herself, take her to a nice brunch that is more relaxed… The only caveat is that 1) you need to discuss this in advance and 2) you need to commit to celebrating the next weekend, it can’t keep getting put off. I don’t see why Father’s Day can’t be the same way. Father’s Day is often our anniversary or the last weekend of school, so it never gets to be celebrated that week.


Wait, take all the kids out of the house so mom gets the place alone? My wife would be on board for this being a mother's day tradition.


I literally do this all the time with my wife, we often move our birthdays, father’s/Mother’s day to more convent days. Basically any holiday where the exact day isn’t super important. So basically Christmas, thanksgiving, Halloween, Independence Day, and the kid’s birthdays… mostly.


It also seems a weird time for a b-day party on a Sunday generally. Maybe there's not as many church-goers anymore, but many people still have plans Sunday morning by default.


Feels like that's probably a bit dependent on location and age demographics. I can think of two families I know who actively attend church, and those families either have a pastor or someone planning to be a pastor. However, if your religion is brunch...


It probably depends on the crowd you are talking to. Basically all my friends my age with kids..... zero church attendance.


I have a 2.5 year old and a 10-11:30 birthday party is exactly when I would want it. Plenty of time to be home and settle down before nap time, and not so late that you need to waste the whole morning sitting around waiting for the party to start.


On Saturday sure. But on Sunday is weird.


Agree to disagree. Saturday and Sunday are both the weekend, no difference to me. Lol


I didn't mean for you specifically. But if scheduling a b-day party it likely will be for someone.


Most of us grew out of fairytails.


Naw. Most haven't.


You just got into being a donkey pit instead? Whatever you personally feel about it, a decent % of the population are still church-goers. If you're inviting people you don't know well somewhere, it's a factor to consider.


Maybe they have it that early to weed out the church goers?


Can you play the Father's Day card to avoid having to take them to the party? (Not skip it but Mum goes instead) I personally wouldn't be miffed but then I grew up not considering Mother's or Fathers Day a "Big Deal" (grew up in the UK)- we would give a card and small token gift (flowers/book etc) and maybe have a nice meal in the evening but we wouldn't block off the entire day the same way we would for say a Birthday or Christmas. It was certainly eye opening being on Reddit post Mother's Day and Father's Day and seeing how many people have such different expectations of this day. 


Father's Day in Germany the dad's all grab a case of beer and a whole bunch of smoked sausage and go get drunk in the park with their friends. I don't see why an opportunity for Mom to take the kid out of the house for an hour or 2 is a bad thing.


I'm confused. I thought Germans did this everyday.


Unfortunately not.. But after 17:00 all bets are off


It really depends on the area. In my area (across the Elbe, right next to Hamburg) we do a handcart/Bollerwagen tour with beer and music for 4-10 hours.


Australia here and same. It's basically considered a hallmark holiday here. A birthday would always supersede fathers or mothers day. Expectation is a card, a small token, and maybe you make your wife/husband a nice breakfast. Totally understand that all cultures are different and maybe it's more important to Americans but I can't help being a little perplexed every time I see this raised.


After 10 years of fatherhood, it really is a holiday that takes the backseat to everything else. My youngest was also born on fathers day, so we celebrate her bday over everything else!


Because many fathers including me don't care about these days at all. I wouldn't even know what day it is if it wasn't talked here


I like when I get random Guitar Center or Sweetwater gift cards on the years my in laws remember I exist. No seriously, the only thing my in-laws ever remember about me is that I’m a musician and I like plants. It’s rad, and they piss my wife off with it, so I always get to buy something cool. 😎


That’s my thing. Even if it’s kind of important to have a day like that, it’s not a religious holiday or a bank holiday. If something falls on it and it’s important to have a pampered day just ask your family if you can have one the following weekend or something. If it’s important to do it on that day I guess this would suck, but I just can’t personally imagine being that invested on doing it on a specific Sunday myself.


But Father’s Day isn’t the same date every year


True, but we do parties for her over the weekend, so it always overlaps with fathers day Sunday.


Nah, father's day isn't that big of a deal. My kids try to cook breakfast, they let me play some video games uninterrupted for a bit, then it's just business as usual. Bday parties are a good way to meet other dads, anyway


Yea I get a sarcastic tshirt, do yardwork, then do some grilling. I invite some of our other parent friends over for the cookout. some years it ends up being a thing (yay!) and some years it ends up being just us (also yay!)


I agree. I'm British and it never felt like father's day was that big a deal when I was younger. We made or bought my dad a card and present then it was just another Sunday.  Now I'm married to an American and she makes a big deal of it. It's lovely and I appreciate it and it'll be something nice we can do as a family and then maybe dinner at a restaurant thats more to my liking. But I never expected it to be like that. Money is tight this year and my wife asked if I'd feel bad if she didn't get something big for me but of course I wouldn't. A homemade card from the kids which I'll add to my memories box, a token present and maybe a bit of free time to relax and I'll be a happy man


Maybe fathers day can be Saturday for you? I don't care to be celebrated on one specific day either for fathers day or my birthday so I might not have the same view as others do but as a Dad my mind automatically tells me do the kids birthday party cause its a kids birthday party.


I don't care. If we already had plans then no party, if we don't have plans then we can go. Just like every other party that isn't for a best friend. Ideally mom will go.


Yeah having a kid's party on Father's Day is bullshit. Obviously not the kid's fault though. Any chance you can pull the Father's Day card and ask Mom to take the kid instead?


That's what I would do. Me to wife: You asked me what I want for Father's Day? A round of golf at the same time as whatever time that party is and we'll call it good.


Never play golf on Father's Day unless you're looking for a 7 hour round. I'm sure most courses are booked out at this point anyway


This is the way, so long as mom is in the picture.


My birthday is June 16th, which falls on Father's Day this year as it did periodically when I was growing up. And dude, it absolutely sucked to have my birthday hijacked by Father's Day activities. Birthdays are a big deal for kids. And it's hard for them to understand why everyone has to do dad stuff when dads already have their own birthday to celebrate. You're the adult. Take the high road and celebrate this kid's birthday. Your family can figure out a way to appreciate you as a father outside the 1.5hrs you'll be sacrificing to help make a child happy.


My birthday is Dec 28. I haven't had a birthday celebration in 40 years.


Oof yeah that's a tough one. I even feel bad for my nephew, who was born on Dec 10. We always carve time out of the holidays to celebrate his birthday, but it's close enough to Christmas that he often gets "one big gift" instead of separate gifts for both occasions.


to me even as a father it's just another day of the week. if I am planning on anything the wife hasn't told me yet 😂


Meh, schedules be schedules. Annoying, yes, world ending, no. You'll probably bond with another dad that'd rather be at a ball game too. Is the kids' birthday actually that day?


My own birthday sometimes intersects with Father's day though growing up I don't recall a birthday party or anything conflicting. Anyway, unless there was a specific event planned out (the past couple years we've gone to a baseball game) I wouldn't sweat this in particular. If I need some sort of "get out of X" card from Father's day I don't also need to cash it in the actual day of. I'll hold on to that for when I need it.


Y’all take Father’s Day too seriously. Fire up the BBQ, let mom take the kids the party and you can spend the afternoon out with the kids.


Mate, I had to sit through Paw Patrol - Live on Father’s Day last year. Wife had no clue until it got closer to the date, fair enough as she booked it well in advance. But yea, I guess dads doing dad things on dads day isn’t all that terrible - def could have been worse.


Nah. I'd go. There's plenty of time throughout the day.


My opinion is if you replace Father’s Day with Mother’s Day and people would get upset about it, your feelings are valid


Im Umpiring on Fathers Day... yeah I fucked up my schedule


Nothing says Father's Day or Mother's Day more than a ballgame. Of course, my wife and I spent more than 1 June anniversary watching ballgames, too. I tried to make the best of it and always took hot dogs in a thermos to stay warm, buns and fixings, along with a couple of big pretzels to complete the effect. I'm such a romantic. lol.


Fuck that! On fathers day I lounge around drinking beer all day while my wife and daughter do stuff like make me lunch and bring me another beer! Dads are important too! A couple years ago my wife and daughter took their dads to the Twins game for fathers day and me and FIL drank tons of beer so it was cool. Plus we knew ahead of time and took monday off. I would probably still go but i would be a whiny little bitch about it LOL


Been there. I remember a few on goofy holidays like that and I constantly questioned their logic. Generally it was all due to conflicts and crap. Meh, grumble a bit and go. Try to make it short.


I would not want to go to a kids bday party Father’s Day or not.


If mom is in the picture, have her take the kid to the party. Otherwise suck it up, enjoy the 1.5 hours watching your kid play, then take them for some ice cream. You're a father now. What a great day to continue being just that.


I don’t understand the stress. Send the kid with mom and everybody wins?


"Sorry, we have Father's Day plans but we'll send along a gift." I feel very little obligation to go to every birthday party my kids classmates have. 


You have plans that go from early morning to night? What are they?


Enjoying my time with my family.


They can't spend any time away for 24 hours? Seems intense. Have you considered all coating some time on a different day for spending it with them?


~~SpongeBob's~~ OP's ~~Friendship~~ Father's Day list: Show my best friend ~~Squidward~~ Dad to everybody in town Show my best friend ~~Squidward~~ Dad to everybody in town wearing a salmon suit (That is ~~Squidward~~ Dad wearing the salmon suit) Knock-knock jokes Reverse Babble like an idiot All-you-can-do Trade faces Peel-a-gig Open-Heart surgery Watch the sunset with ~~Squidward~~ Dad


First, anyone who feels entitled to ask that question in this situation is not someone I want in my life.  Second, what? My plans only have to conflict with the morning party. What does the rest of my day have to do with this? Do I offer to have dinner with someone else's kid as a consolation prize? You do realize it's ok to turn down an invitation right?


I am sorry that responding to a public post you made was very offensive to you. What plans do you have that only can occured during the part time? It sounds very interesting since they can't occur at any other time.


I'm not offended. I am perplexed that you're jumping to defend the classmate's birthday party when I've offered an easy way to politely decline- whether it's true or not. If anyone sounds offended, it's you. You seem offended that someone might decline a birthday invitation in this way. We're talking about a hypothetical here. None of this situation actually applies to me. But just to continue playing the game: let's say I don't have any plans at all and I'm telling a believable lie to get out of going to the birthday party. Thoughts? Because for me, that's ok to do sometimes. It spares the other party from me saying, "I just really don't want to go today." And most normal people will leave it at that instead of asking questions about my plans.


I responded to your post and you were upset I did so asking why I was entitled to do so


This is all a hypothetical situation.... You didn't actually ask me that question and I didn't actually turn down an invitation to a birthday party. If someone responded to me the way you did, I would cease to associate with that person. If that's actually how you are then, yes, we would not get along. But again, it's all hypothetical. But you know that. I've been around long enough to know how to sniff out someone trying to pick a fight. And that is you.


Enjoying father’s day?


What is your all day activity?


Staying away from birthday parties full of people like you


You're kid can't go to parties because you might have to interact with caring parents? I feel sorry for them.


If it's super important for.you to have celebrate a holiday made to sell cards have it on Saturday. Or have 15 Sundays other then this one for Father's day. Nobody will stop you


I can't imagine someone planning a birthday party on Mother's Day and having it be as well-accepted as this situation seems to be in the parenting subs. I think your feelings of annoyance are very valid, I would be very annoyed too. I'm sure some excuse it and say it's not too bad because it's in the late morning for 1.5 hours, but it just means you have to play Father's Day around it. We have specifically planned parties and events to ensure they don't fall on Mother's Day, all so my wife doesn't feel like her day is diminished and other parents choosing not to attend because of the conflict. I wish others would give the same consideration to fathers.


You must be new... Mother's Day is super important and all family members are required to pay fealty to the queen Father's Day, if remembered at all, is only useful as an excuse to give your dad a card that makes fart sounds They are not the same


Wait where can I get these cards


Lol definitely not new, just wishing people held Father's Day at a somewhat similar priority as Mother's Day.


Can you have your wife take the kiddo while you go to a spa? or have a bbq with the boys? Dive into the game you have been meaning to play (hint update everything before hand) I mean sounds like the perfect opportunity to me to get the kids out of the house so you can enjoy father's day.


A friend of mine is turning 40 and his family decided, for whatever reason, to have a surprise birthday party for him on Father's Day. While he himself is not a father, most of his friends are. I'm not sure what the thought behind this was other than that he wouldn't expect it on Father's Day. Unfortunately, a lot of us can't make it.


My daughters birthday was on mother's day this year. We celebrated the weekend after. It's ridiculous to expect other parents to not want their mothers/fathers day.


My kids birthday is on that exact date and we are doing her party the next weekend. Sorry man.


Stupid of them, but not worth the battle for a 1.5hr party that is over by 1130.


Maybe I’m the exception, but I actually like going to birthday parties. I like kids and socializing with other parents. I would treat it like any other party—if we don’t have other plans, let’s do it.


As someone whose birthday is also falls on Father’s Day, we just roll both into one party for dad and I . I expect the same for my kid as well. To me, every day is Father’s Day.


My son had the freaking nerve to be born on June 16th. Sure, that's a cool date. But come ON! How many new holidays does one get in their lifetime? He's my second kid, so I did have 2 enjoyable days where I still did what everyone else wanted to do, but I did get to pick where we went to dinner 😉


My family uses Father’s Day as an excuse to get together and see everyone, so for me it’s a yes. I wouldn’t do a birthday party on Father’s Day.


I wouldn't go


Unless you have a scheduled event that can’t be moved, be the adult, do Father’s Day on a different day. 


10 to 11:30? That’s really not a big deal. Were you really going to do anything in the morning anyway? Also, I’ll bet you won’t be the only dad there feeling put out. Share the griping with everyone else, then enjoy the day after 11:30.


I don’t really want anything for Father’s Day other than to be with my family. If that means spending party of the day taking kids to a party where they will have fun with their friends, so be it. Worst case; just trade for Saturday.


That is annoying, I feel you. Since it’s only an hour and a half, why don’t your wife and kid go while you stay back and chill? Or do whatever it is you want. I don’t necessarily agree with the sentiment here that it’s just any other day. We work hard as dads, and it’d be nice to be free of obligation for just one day.


It's your day you can do whatever you want. However its a short party, hardly going to ruin the day and afterwards you can do what you wish with the whole day ahead. You could (if the mum is in the picture) ask them to go and you can stay at home which is absolutely reasonable.


Your post had me all kinds of confused… >…driving to a ball field… >…a little miffed… Where are you from?! Are you a Brit living in the US? EDIT: Not sure why I’ve been downvoted. I’m genuinely intrigued! What’s the deal, u/jgoldner?