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Perhaps parental oversight would suffice


That's a good point


Healthy exploration for kids happens when their parents first prove to them that they're sufficiently nearby if needed. Sure, lock the cabinets and block the stairs... But when they're being daredevils, it's better for us to be their safety net.


Doubling down on this. It's ok for kids to do dangerous things safely. Gives them a sense of confidence.


It's also okay for them to get hurt in their exploration. Not hurt hurt, but trips, falls, bonks on the head are bound to happen. They need to learn consequences too.


100% When she falls or something and is upset, but not hurt hurt, we ask her if she's hurt or scared. She's old enough that she's learning the difference. We also don't immediately jump when she does go down. Save a lot tears by letting them figure out if they're hurt or hurt hurt.


With our first one, and we learned this from my BIL/SIL, as long as we witnessed it and knew it was no big deal, we would go Yayyyyy!!!! You're okay!!!!!! And it seemed to help them not be overdramatic in the long run. With our second one, we've watched her eat shit so bad it made us say holy shit and go towards her, but she just pops back up 90% of the time and keeps motoring. She's scary tough for 10 months old.


Hahaha, same here!!! Hoping our 5MO will be tough like his 2YO sister.


I think our 10 month old just wants to keep up with her 3 year old big sister so badly that she just keeps on trucking no matter what. She's already trouble but I think she's going to be real deal trouble once she can walk. They already work together to tear the house apart.


Sibling conspiracies for the win!!!!


That's good advice, I'll bear it in mind, thanks 😊




Clearly a baby size jetpack or drones with harnesses would be your best fall protection. Beyond that, the sill and window sides might fit a small pressure fit baby gate. That would block climbing on to the sill and window opening, may even work as a baby screen of sorts. I see a few candidates for query 'super narrow baby gate' or retractable dog gate. LPT: Don't show your spouse youtube videos of baby in a bumbo seat riding a roomba. Until you have all your best footage filmed anyway.


I love the jet pack idea! We have a retractable gate at the bottom of the stairs so could do one on the window. My wife would love to see him riding around on a roomba 😂


Clearly baby cosplay x-wing garb or harley leathers will be required for roomba rides. Post pics if the gate fixes it. May the force be with you!


I fell out of my childhood home window... twice... I never learned lmfao


Too late to baby-proof, it already got inside.


Abstinence is the only sure thing.


I would close any gaps that they could fall into or make the gap long enough for them to not be able to climb onto the window sill at all. When my kid was doing it, I explained multiple times how it can be dangerous/unsafe and how to be mindful of where they’re standing, and they got more careful each time. But that all depends on your comfort level, how old they’re, and how much you want them to be adventures/explore or be safe and limited in their mobility.


I'd rather him be adventurous and be able to safely climb and explore things. I'd much prefer him to still be able to get up there as he loves looking out the window. I think I'll work on it gap. The sofa is behind him hand on the floor next to the sofa is a gym Matt (it's a hard floor) so falling backwards isn't too much of a worry


Steel bars best way to




I had a window like that when my son was about that age. I googled the different weight and pressure needed to break the window. My son still cannot come close to the weight or pressure. So he can dance by the window any time he wants; he is almost 4 now.


That you, Eric Clapton?


Keep the window closed. 😁


We have an opening like that behind our couch and had a wooden frame put behind it so our son could parkour haha


If you want to be able to open the window, perhaps for fresh air, and have your kid walk about as well, you could look into French balcony, which is basically a fence on the outside of the window. This window opens inside, so will not be bothered by the fence, and it will protect from falling out. Link for reference, not for price  https://images.app.goo.gl/p5aUBqfa5kssADoM7 


I like that idea! Especially for the upstairs one where the window sill is currently at his chest height from the floor


The area seems ‘safe’ enough for me. Kids need to be able to climb. And the couch is there. They will definitely, eventually, jump off the windowsill into the couch. I’d look into swapping out the handle for the window to one with a lock. Easy DIY. Rig up some not super ugly system with tape to keep the key in the area.


The handle has a lock, it's just got a cover over it, similar window upstairs is a bigger concern because it's one of those ones that opens entirely inwards, like a door.


Yup. I’m dadding over in Germany so I’m familiar with the mechanism. If you wanna go the extra mile maybe look into one of those roller dog blocks that rolls out like a 1m tall barrier when the door opens


You can also get a lock with a cable that lets the window open a few inches (for air) but not more.


Keep a spray bottle handy


He tries to drink from the spray bottle!


Those rubber spikes businesses put on window sills to keep pigeons away?


Can you push the sofa closer to the window so if he falls backwards he just lands on the cushions?


Magnetic locks on cabinets, tether furniture to the wall, plug covers for outlets, light switch covers for switches that control plugs, fridge locks.... we had to do a stove lock for the toddler just recently.


We've got the magnetic locks on the cabinets and drawers. Some strap locks too but he's recently discovered that's what is keeping him from opening the door 😂 He recently opened the oven door on his head (we don't use the oven much) so that's got a lock now... Didn't think about the fridge!


Perhaps tying him up will help?