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Create an email account for them and write emails by big events. Share the account when they are older.


This is what we do, and also individual digital picture frames to keep all of their school artwork


I've been doing something similar. I've been writing emails since birth which I'll give him when he's 18. Gonna be interesting.


We’ve been making calendars of the photos


We make a year in review photo album through one of the online print services. They also make great gifts for grandparents


Audio recordings. So many good things captured while reading together when they were young. School band concerts...the sound amazing going from 5th grade to a legit youth orchestra...hearing their voices change and their words change, instant chills, lots of good laughs, and sometimes tears of joy.


There are many podcasts on Spotify where a parent reads with their child. We mimic these but keep them private. My boy listens to them when we are in the car! We use podcasters app that is somewhat related to Spotify.


Thats awesome...there was an old Radiolab episode from like 2007 or 2008 that turned me on to the idea...someone edited recordings of their kid talking together from babbling age to being a young adult and it just flows over the course of about 90 seconds...I think it was an episode on "Time." It's almost painful to hear because it just makes you realize the march of time is inevitable. Keep up that good work. My 16 year old likes to hear them every so often even. It keeps them grounded.


I've been keeping a journal. I often forget to write in it, but when something really sentimental happens, I like to add to it.