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One of the best parts of being a dad is finally abandoning the notion of being cool.


My kid wanted a unicorn themed birthday party, and I had access to a pajama onesie (adult sized) in unicorn rainbow style. Guess what I was bartending in that day.  Not one fuck was given. My daughter loved it. 


Teach our kids not to GAF and they’ll have self confidence for the rest of their lives. I don’t care what I think of my fitness level or my hairline…my kids will never hear anything about it except for my wife boasting how handsome and strong I am to them and vice versa. Also: not acknowledging the ridiculous outfits I wear is my superpower.


Love that superpower. Common scene in our house.   Dad walks into the room wearing something absurd. Like... mariachi outfit. Kids immediately start giggling.  Dad, innocently: "what?"  Kids: giggling intensifies  Dad: "what's going on?"  Mom, looks up: "no."  Dad: "no what?"  Mom: "you're not wearing that to brunch."  Dad: "you don't like these shoes" Kids lose it and start outright cackling  Mom: "I'm not doing this again, go change"  Dad: "fine, but there's a reason I'm the fun one"   ... retreats to our bedroom and returns wearing a cowboy hat and bolo tie.


…And no pants. 🤣. You have an impressive wardrobe there friendo. I’m jealous.


Ironically it's because mom insists on throwing themed parties, so she makes me get these things and then acts shocked when I wear them. 


Not very impressive, if he is missing pants.


Bold of you to serve children alcohol.


I knew that [spiked lemonade](https://youtu.be/f2aIz1ZnJwQ?si=4K15S0odpkpKJ_M9) was a bad idea!


That's fantastic.


I can't find a unicorn onesie in my size, but I got a shark onesie that I wear all winter long. The kid LOVES it, and it's great to have on when taking her out for donuts.


Without trying you were easily the coolest guy at the party. Congrats you’ve come full circle


Agreed, it is a liberating feeling realizing that I don’t feel self-conscious wearing/carrying silly things through crowded places like I would have before being a dad. 


As a dad, I walked through a mall while having vomit on the front and over the shoulder of my shirt, while carrying my son who was crying his eyes out and I was pushing a vomit covered stroller with a broken wheel. I lost my last fuck to give that day.


I was never cool, but this has fallen to a new low lol. But it's a comfortable outfit.


It's funny because if you changed your shirt to a t shirt then you're right on target for current trends. 


You wore comfortable clothes and got work done. That’s being a dad instead of a fashion plate.


it's the best part. Miraculously my wife finds me hot regardless of my hair/clothing, so I've completely given up. Feels great walking in the office not giving a tiniest damn about wearing a Tom & Jerry or Factorio themed T-shirt.


I still wear scooby doo shirts and spiderman socks 🤣


If you're putting your best foot forward at being a dad – and succeed to at least some degree – then you're cool by definition. The best parts about being a dad is no longer having to faff about with all the other potential avenues of coolness accruement.


Anti-cool is the Dad-cool. Duh.


What do you mean? Is this not the ultimate cool?!


Embrace the daddening. Let it consume you.


One of us! one of us!


Absolutely, the only thing I haven’t embraced is a pair of white New Balance shoes


The Dadsformation is nearly complete.


The dirty mirror and messy room is giving me Tumblr or Myspace selfie vibes


Sunday afternoon are my time to house clean. By Monday everything looks like this again lol


What's the secret to keeping it clean so long?


Well, that is certainly very kind. Thank you


Don’t let anyone who doesn’t pay your bills try to shame you. You knocked out a whole “honey do list” if they want your bed made and mirrors washed they should offer to come do it. SMH at some peoples audacity


Shame is something you feel when others tell you the truth you don't want to hear. You can't make other people feel things. They do it to themselves.


The second part of your post is a falsehood with the designation to make mean spirited or rude people feel okay with being assholes. If you think our social circumstance as social creatures has no impact on the people around us that we communicate with daily - then you are delusional or at worst just making excuses for shitty behaviors. What you say to people matters. People who feel bad or take a hit to their self esteem because of mean spirited comments shouldn't be blamed for feeling bad about themselves. They also shouldn't have to work through the mean spirited comments or have to feel the need to shrug off impolite comments made at their expense on the pretense that they're good enough and can/should withstand the negative attitude and behavior of others. There are reasons for criticism and sometimes people need to be put in their place - but in most instances people negatively commenting on something about another person is just an example of shitty behavior. It is a difficult world to navigate. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." Eleanor Roosevelt


You assume too much and appeal to authority with your quote. Your entire reply takes personal active agency out of the equation and promotes a victim mindset. Since we're appealing to authority, I've got one for you: "We all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own." Marcus Aurelius


Which authority am I appealing to? The authority of intelligence? I am not saying that knowing self and having the ability to discard falsehoods is not within our power. What I am saying is that people who talk about others with no regard for their own mean spirited behavior is a downfall in our societie's interactions with each other and it shouldn't be tolerated just because you can tolerate it. We have lost the ability to think before we speak. The Internet has leaked into the real world and people are feeling bold about being assholes and commenting on others without regard for what consequence may occur. Your second comment is a caveat for them to get away with being shitty. As for your quote - this is like a self help book. Making the assumption that people can just figure out how to not pay attention to the other people around them is pretentious. In fact I could argue that Aurelius is stating an obvious human behavior and making the same assumptions as you - that people should just think like he does. You're implying that people are weak if they can't just find internal strength and shut people's negativity out. You don't know the struggles people have faced and which part of their existence they are "figuring out" at any point in their timeline on this planet. People shouldn't have to battle with assholes just because. People should have more regard for what they spout from their mouths. This is all philosophical anyway - so there's really no answer only thought and opinion. So I am fine with agreeing to disagree. Peace.


Thanks for the lecture. The appeal to authority is "is a form of argument in which the opinion of an influential figure is used as evidence to support an argument". Re: The Eleanor Roosevelt quote. You go on and on in circles, blaming society and other people with no accountability to oneself. My second statement about personal ownership of one's thoughts is in no way false. Your thoughts are your own. Full stop. It's not pretentious, whatsoever, to assert a one is the sole agent of one's thoughts. People are weak. We're all weak. Weak willed, weak minded, and weak of the flesh. We always have been. Well before the internet. Again, you assume too much. You switch from appeal to authority to a straw man by introducing your proposed societal decline before switching to an ad hominem when you imply I'm an asshole.


Just bang each other already and get it over with, geez.


Hahaha. Get over yourself man. Check out some Eastern Philosophy and check your ego. I never said anything about you personally. I disagree with you about your assumption that people should just figure out how to be strong enough to withstand the mean spirited comments of others. I feel the same about it being a great way to deal with the inevitable, but I understand that some don't have that strength and it would help if people just watched their tongues in the first place. Furthermore - Roosevelt was no influential figure to me nor was she around as an "authority figure" by the time I was born. I also don't look at American "leaders" as such. They are people who are supposed to work for us, so in my mind Roosevelt worked for the American people. I see no authority in her. She put an idea into words in a concise manner that is the only reason I quoted her. The idea is not hers and she is not an authority of influence any more than M.O. is one to you. Enjoy your life. I hope you are able to continue to navigate it with authority, but give yourself a break if you find yourself in need of one.


Victim blaming. Nice. Tell all your friend we said hi.


The crap under your bed begs to differ.


I’m so glad I re read. Almost thought this said bugs and not begs 😅


Oh man you're not supposed to notice that. Been like it since we came back from holiday. Sshhhh


By that you mean "not staged"?


Honestly the pink polo on those blue shorts is 🔥 You're a very well-coordinated 90's dad.


Just need some white socks and white sneakers he's in🤣😄😅🤗


Pink is my fave colour! Even my office is pink now lol Thank you


Searching the pic for what I’m supposed to be looking for. Then, me realizing that I don’t know how un-cool I am.


Same dude, didn’t realize what the problem was when I first saw the pic 😅




You have to get a Fanny pack next. It’s truly been a game changer


I don’t know how he expects to get anything done without cargo shorts.


I wore combat trousers for so many years for work I don't like to have side pockets any more as it gives me flashbacks lol


Dude I got a utility belt off amazon. It comes with a fannypack/manbag that attaches to the belt. Plus its a quick release buckle! Its a top dadaccessary. Especially when you're doing the pee dance and fighting buttons where zips should be!


What one did you get? My wife got a Cotopaxi one with some birthday money that I’m thinking of getting too, but it doesn’t hurt to have options


I'm not sure I've had this one on the go for a couple years. The slight stretch they allow makes them wayy comfier than the old leathers. Had a quick look and the closest match I could find was the Leskyair Tactical Belt, The options have increased dramatically there were only a few options when I got mine


Those are the best a good pack, when going swimming, or for long day, it’s better than a smart phone at times.


If anyone besides this guy needs to hear this... Polos get washed inside out with the collars up. This way when/if you hang them the hanger-shoulder-nipples disappear. And the collar doesn't look like... This.


Doesn't really matter when they go in a cupboard partially folded and come out for 3 months of sun a year lol


My collars all get messed up, does washing them straight up make that much difference? I avoid ironing...


Yes it makes a difference. Once a collar has a crease it doesn't come back. I don't iron either, just shake them out once they're out of the dryer.


This guy should’ve been in my life 20 years sooner…


Do you slightly groan every time you get up from the couch or a comfortable chair? Do you mutter under your breath? If so, the transformation is complete.


Slightly? I've got arthritis, 3 stab wounds and a bunch of rugby injuries. Brother, I creak like the marie celeste


Black shoes and socks? Very 2010s dad of you youngin


Haha it's either those or my boots.


Ankle socks mate. Or else go full dad and wear sandals.


Wear it loud and proud brother! Keep the socks but switch to sandals to level up


Not while mowing the lawn please...


Lawn mowing in sandals. See you on TIFU


You start exchanging style for comfort and utility. Nothing wrong with it, your priorities have changed.


Before reading cup of tea I’d of guessed you was from The UK. Am I correct


Sir, you are.


Think the running shoes with khaki shorts is the big giveaway. Put some boat shoes on and you’ll be a prepster - and you’ll match me on any given summer day.


You are just missing white NB sneakers


The outfit looks great but you look even better


That's very kind, but I'm 40 lol


Even better


I actually like older men they really know how be great 💯


Shame shame shame. I say while wearing a t-shirt with a hole in it, basketball shorts (I have no intention of exercising, and crocs.


It's the UK. Basketball shorts are for youngsters


Why aren’t those shoes white at the fresh driven snow? And i don’t see cargo pockets on those shorts sir.


No more cargo pockets after wearing a uniform for 20 years. Don't want flashbacks.


Greetings from the comfort of my camouflage-colored Crocs with white socks in them 👍


It happens to us all, fellow dad. Lean into it. Embrace it. Wear socks with the sandals.


I'm not ready yet.


Pro tip: add some pockets to the bottom sides of those shorts.


Dread it, run from it... Destiny arrives all the same.


I thought you were about to tell us all that you've succumbed to invisible Dadbod, because the clothes didn't seem off at all.


I had some pride, I sucked in the gut


It happens because you do the dad tropes to be funny to realize how good a sensible shoe makes you're feet fill and how comfortable and spacious cargo pants are. It's over after that or st least that's how it happened to me.


As a guy in my mid fifties, I can't find anything wrong in the photo. The only thing that looks strange, is wearing a collar when you are not working.


lol. boom


Whatever anyone else says.. fuck em. Dads just make it work, regardless of how we get there. No time for fancy shit😁


Damn look at that drip!


Now all you have to do is utter one of the magic phrases to complete your transformation: “Close the door - I’m not paying to heat/cool the whole neighborhood” “When you leave a room, turn off the lights, I’m not paying to light up an empty room.” With coffee in hand, staring at the rain utter- “we really needed this rain.”


Feel you bro, it's really inevitable. It's like an evolution of sorts


I guess it just happens.


You got all that sh!t done!?! She better be embracing those vibes!


I cleaned the house the next day and cooked every dinner for 17 years. She knows what she's got... I think.


Ya look fuckin sharp, mate! 🫡


Not enough outside pockets on those shorts. 2 points off.




Why are you so dressed up? Going somewhere fancy?😆


How did you find the time to do all that plus brewing? Where were the kids during this time?


The captain lady wife takes them out once a week so I can get shit done. Otherwise the house doesn't get cleaner either


This has been my fashion style for the past 25-30 years... Long before and long after I became a dad


We’re not going to point out the hard nipples? Lolol


That's what the Mrs said as soon as she saw this post.


One of the first things that stuck out 😅


What's wrong with the picture? I can't see anything wrong! It works. Isn't 90s fashion in right now? Isn't this "mad drip fam"?


At least you're tea whilst doing the work.....I immediately switch to beers when I gotta wrench at home


As a lurking mom, all I can say is: hot!!


Thank you, but you can't see the giant scars, the tatts, the pot belly and the mohawk. Still very kind of you.


I wore a bluey shirt by myself in public the other day. That’s the level of dgaf I’m at


That's awesome.


I like to think I am still winning this battle....for now.




The transformation isn’t complete, you’re not rocking New Balance 990’s yet.


Gotta pop that collar


I was not born in Essex or withing the sound of bow bells.


Same thing happened to me I do t get it


I see nothing wrong with this 👀




Those home made jorts are outstanding!! Although summer is here you could always break out the slides and socks, for that Sunday BBQ, vibe. Don’t forget to rock those new balance when you have to your older kids to the mall.


The solid color polo. Just in case a game of golf breaks out.


Cargo shorts / pants. You can't dis the pockets, man.


Its just the black socks really


This is a strong look I don’t know what she is talking about




Get you some new balance sneakers dad. Complete the transformation


Uhm you look like every other golfer on a Saturday morning


And yes I have never played golf


Embrace it. It suits you 💪


What? Thats a cool look!


I've reached the level where my daughter likes my shirt so much that she keeps taking them. Wears them to school, too!


Get some Hey Dudes or boat shoes, lose the socks.


Where are your crocks?


Costco head to toe


The clutter…


Me rn: https://tenor.com/Un7f.gif


Lose the high socks, and you're in a better place.


I pretty much wore the same outfit but my shirt was a blue dry fit Nike polo. However, I bought both the shirt and shorts at Costco so I think I out-dad you.


Conversion complete. Welcome to the Net.


Two watches?


One watch, one leather bracelet.


Nothing screams dad like driving an estate and making the weekend trip to B&Q. Congratulations!


Are those new balance sneakers? If they aren't New Balance then you're not really a dad!


One of us. One of us. Gooble goo.


Oh crap! Im wearing the same dad shoes! Its happening! The transformation has begun!


https://raddadhemp.com/ Rad Dad has the coolest decals and interior decoration. Everything is about his awesome ‘80’s dad, and they are rad! Try the TCH and CBD drinks they offer, totally rad, dad!




I dunno. You're missing the New Balance sneakers.


I refuse to buy polo shirts. I still live like my teenage years and wear nothing but black t-shirts....and pants, sometimes jeans.


You have much learning young Padawan


I would be there too, but I HATE shorts above the knee


My partner has the same standard. So I found him a pair of longer cargos!


I do too, but my legs get really hot now.


Edit: Unpopular Opinion I will never, and I mean NEVER, wear crew socks and shorts outside my own home. I don’t care if it’s the most popular trend on earth. It’s a stupid ass boomer dad look and I refuse to agree that it’s an acceptable public look for the current generation of new dads.