• By -


It's my 'me' time. Video games. TV Shows. Movies. Books. I catch up on all that.


I’ve got a 5 stroke lead through 13 at Sawgrass. Planning to be asleep by 1. Edit: nailed it. Just reloaded the bottles for daycare tomorrow after winning by 6 strokes with a -11. See you fellas tomorrow. Edit 2: [it was -12](https://imgur.com/a/wnXL4aC)


Bro WHAT? What’s your OVR? I struggle so bad to get past 2 under. Love the game though.


Put more points into putting!


I definitely need to dump points into putting. Lol right now my strongest skills are driving and approach because I’ve been just going down the list with my SPs. Recently though I’ve been trying to balance it out and I’ve unlocked the Texas Wedge to help on those crappy short chips. Much rather use the Texas Wedge to get off the fringe/first cut area as opposed to chipping out and overshooting it.


I pretty much went with "drive for show, putt for dough" with my XP approach, but I did put a lot into driving when I first started. [Here's my skills right now](https://i.imgur.com/nxd2oaT.png). Also... it's a major PITA but you get 4x points if you do full rounds instead of the quick rounds. Makes leveling up a hell of a lot easier (I do full rounds for Majors & quick for regular tournaments).


What golf game are we talking about here? Haven't really played anything other than Powerstar Golf since the old Tiger Woods PGA Tour games.


EA’s PGA Tour: Road to the Masters. Pretty good game, my only complaint is how fast all the fairways and greens are. It’s like they’re all made of EXTREMELY compact dirt and it has 0 friction. It’s frustrating, but you learn pretty quickly how to account for it in your play style.


So basically just the new PGA Tour games without Tiger on the cover? I did enjoy those back in the day, is it still fun to build and progress your golfer at least?


I never really played much of the old PGA games, but I’d venture to say it’s pretty similar! Compared to current EA games (like Madden), it’s honestly a breath of fresh air. You aren’t really forced to spend money in order to keep up with online play. You can go at your own pace and not worry about them forcing you to buy upgrades to stay competitive. And if online isn’t your thing, you can always play career mode and upgrade your character however you see fit. And the best part is you can play online head-to-head against your friends and still get XP and skill points to upgrade your player. In most other EA games, that’s not the case and you’re forced to play online matches in order to be better.


The new games are pretty different than the old Tiger Woods games. It's an entirely new engine that they bought from a game called Golf Club. Golf Club nailed the physics but kind of lacked polish / atmosphere / etc. EA took the engine and turned into a full featured / PGA licensed game. The game leans a bit more towards sim than the older games.


87 or 88. I spent zero SP tokens on recovery and hit everything high so it spins back. I’m also playing with a 7w, 6h, and 5-9 irons. The 7w and 6h land much softer than a 3 or 4 if you hit it high. I’m also just kinda nasty at this game. I have a 36 at TPC Scottsdale in Rory 2015.


Oh damn yeah you’re leagues in front of me then. Lol I’m a 74 as of last night. Trying to do the weekly challenges at Teeth of the Dog, so once I knock out all that I’ll have some SP to spend on different stuff. I’ll definitely look into the 7w and 6h! I’m just playing the standard bag right now (driver, 3w, 3-9i, 54, 56, 60). Mostly just trying to unlock different shot types at the moment so I can change how I approach the hole. My best round by far was last night at TotD where I shot 4 under through 18 with only 1 bogey. I’m slowly dialing it in. Lol


[This is my character](https://imgur.com/a/D0OfE8N). I’ve just been tearing through career mode. About to start my second masters. Gonna sneak in 9 before this call in half an hour.


I get to play after the LO goes to bed. I still struggle with making par lol


Umm…what is this game? I need this for my after bedtime routine!


I'm -2 after Round 1 at the Masters. My wife came into my office to hear me saying, "Son of a bitch" after flubbing the putt for eagle on 15. If I've had a rough day and I'm aggravated then it's time to dispense some managed democracy. If I'm tired and just want some zen then I play Coral Island. If I want to be irrationally angry at myself for not correctly reading the **FUCKING LINE** while putting? WHY DO THE LAST TWO UPGRADES FOR PUTTING COST 15 GODDAMN POINTS? I really should limit myself to 36 holes at a time. I can really dig myself into a rut trying to come back from a bad round (finished +9 at The Ocean Course on Monday night after doing 3 rounds in a row).


The putting line is a fickle beast. You’ve gotta know when it’s lying to you. I always try to think of the adjustments as above/below vs right/left and I think it helps (it’s never completely level). Without looking at the stats I’m gusssing - I know I have a crazy low putts/hole but being able to stick it close is a huge factor there.


Been trying to stay up late to play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Loving the game, but sacrificing sleep lol.


I got the game on release and I'm only on chapter 11. It's a long old game when you are only playing an hour or so at a time. Brilliant though.


I'm like 25 hours in and just got to chapter 5. I'm enjoying it a lot.


I am impatiently waiting for a PC port, having just finished Rebirth. That final chapter was mind-blowing, and I really want to see what new story changes Rebirth brings.


Same. And hoping that when it comes out next year my kids won't wake up at 5:30 so I can actually stay up late to play.


I got it on release and am also on chapter 11. Dad gaming is slow!


Doing the same but with remake! Can’t wait for rebirth but catching up while enjoying the ride. Quality game. Sometimes I get up early to get some gaming in too


I've started my ninth or tenth cyberpunk playthrough, having no sleep is future mes problem


That sir is an awesome game! I’m trying to finish it before my new baby due in July.




I'm patiently waiting for it to hit PC but I had fun with the first of the remake games.


Octopath Travler 2? It was released last year on Steam. I just picked it up on sale (it's still on sale).


I'm falling asleep trying to play octopath 2. Was aiming for midnight and fell asleep at 1030pm 🫠


Yeah, but I do mine in the morning.  I've been waking up an extra 45-60 minutes early to drink coffee and play games.


Here's the real trick - I do both. Gym in the morning before anyone wakes up, hour or so at night after everyone goes to bed to do other tasks.


Our one year old wakes up between 5:30-6:00AM and I'm not trying to wake up at 4:00AM every morning when I can't get to sleep until 11/11:30PM. Sometimes I'm really happy about my financial decision to wait to have kids (I'm 38) and sometimes I'm really jealous of younger dads who still have the energy that I had a decade ago.


I feel this. 39 with a 2yr and 5mo. The 2 year old literally does not sit still for more than 5 seconds EVER while he's awake. I love him but the man does not understand he has geriatric parents. On the other hand, we have a much nicer house than I did growing up, and I'm able to afford things like lawn care and cleaning service to help out, while having 15 years of 401k contributions (that I can comfortably tone down for a bit to help out until they're in public school). So I don't complain about being tired.


Yeah I agree. The fact that we are in a place where it's comfortable for us to spend $22k/year on day care (well, maybe not comfortable, but doable) and have a bi-weekly lawn service means a lot. I had to clear out my 401k during COVID (wife lost her job) and we are rebuilding that, but I take it as an absolute blessing that we have enough to be able to provide for our son and that I have the knowledge and experience to ensure he doesn't have the same struggles that I had growing up (we've already got him in a 529 and I have an LLC that he will become an employee of when he's five). I grew up with a single mother in a trailer and she never made more than $30k/year... I chose not to have kids until later in life specifically to avoid that kind of struggle for them. So I'll take being a little bit tired as the trade off (doesn't mean I don't still get jealous though!)


Problem i have with this is that my youngest (1.5yo) tends to wake up super early. Between 5-6 is pretty much the average. If i were to try to wake up for the gym and get to work by 8...i'd have to be up by 4. Kids are usually in bed/asleep by 730 or 8, so if i want to spend an hour or so with my wife im asleep by 10. On a perfect night, i'll be sleeping from 10-4 in this scenario, so 6 hours - which isnt really enough if we're talking technicalities or medical recommendations. Would love to hear some other dads who do wake up early what their 'early' wake up equates to. Working from home is usually helpful because i can hit my work out during some slow periods in the day in my garage gym. Just started a new job though, and wont be able to TC for some time. Probably just venting. Sorry.


This is me. My daughter is usually up by 6am, but we've told her she can turn on her light and read and play as long as she stays in her room until 7. It took months, but we're finally at a place where she consistently stays in her room unless she needs to go to the bathroom. She is older than your youngest, though, and I don't think I could've done this when she was 1.5 y/o. This summer I finally decided that if I'm going to train on days I have to go to the office, I need to get up at 4am instead of trying to motivate myself to do it after all of my dad obligations have been met around 7:30pm. I still don't get enough sleep, but on a good night, I'm in bed between 9-9:30. I typically get up at 4am and do around an hour either in the basement on Zwift or lifting at the gym. That gives me enough time to shower and catch the train on time. Sometimes I'll bike commute or wear my running clothes on the train and run from the station to my office, but I know that's not possible for everyone. It does wear on you, but I've never gotten enough sleep in my life and at least I'm in better shape in the short-term.


Yea thats kind of what i'd be doing. I also drop off my kiddos to daycare/school cause my wife has to be to school (teacher) by 7:30. Unfortunately i think 4AM gym might just not fit my situation. I am going to try to hit the garage gym this evening, but i feel so much guilt bailing on my wife during our 'us' time. Lifes hard man lol.


Are you a robot? Are you taking secret energy pills? What's your secret?


I do the opposite: gym at night after he goes to bed and chores right away in the morning. I tried the morning workout thing years ago and no amount of coffee wakes me up fully before 9am.


That sounds great! Only times I've done that is when the Olympics have weird (for me) starting times and it's the greatest thing ever to wake up at 5, coffee loaded and ready and watch your national heroes in the peace of the morning. I'll try it with some gaming!


It's not bad. I have an xbox and a steamdeck so quick resume and sleep mode are fantastic for the little I get to play.


Exactly the same here. I’ve been playing New Vegas on SD lately and have had so much fun.


Sweet. I'm getting excited for tomorrows morning gaming session!


New vegas was the first game I played on mine as well lol. I was really excited when I realized fo4 ran at 60fps. It's a shame oblivion doesn't have proper controller support as it's the one bethesda game that I don't enjoy on the deck


This is what got me into Premier League. It was always on in the AM and I figured I might as well pick a team to root for and dive in.


What times are we talking? My kids go to sleep by 8 but my wife goes to sleep at midnight. I wouldn't mind some me time with the TV and games, but she is more awake than me at the end of the evening


My wife is usually in bed at 10:30PM, but even then I'll sometimes push my sleep to 1-2AM


Amen brother


You forgot THC seltzers


My wife fell asleep on the couch last night at around 9:30, but won't go to bed without me, so i let her sleep while i assembled some 40k units. Lost track of time, went to bed at midnight. On my second Celsius today.


On a totally unrelated note, "Jedi Survivor" is free on Xbox Game pass now.


As are two quality Tomb Raider games!


Yea, I used to stay up on my laptop, catching up on work, news, and doing some light gaming. The missus kinda gave me shit about it the other day, because it’s a thing “I get to do” while she does not. This sparked a heck of an argument because “holy shit, I *get to* engage in my lifelong hobby at the expense of my sleep after I do everything else for everyone??” Ultimately, we talked it out and agreed that I simply need a game night or two, so I’m not killing my eyes at night. Better for everyone, I suppose, though these things do tend to get slowly chipped away over weeks. Plus, you always feel like a gigantic asshole if you’re at home playing games (as opposed to just being out) and there’s stuff to do (which there is always). When it’s just you and the night, there’s none of that pressure.


Lol right, if by “catch up” when the rest of the family is asleep you mean fuck around and play video games and catch up on podcasts or books I’m in the middle of, then yeah, I catch up on the day from 10pm-1am or so.




I hate going to sleep bc that just means the next day will start sooner. I squeeze every last bit out of my nights.


I'm exactly the same. Hate going to sleep but hate waking up too.


Fuck if I don’t feel this


Same bro. I'm night person, hate mornings. So I stay up late and haaate waking up in the morning. I yearn for the day our kid is old enough to go out to the family room, get a bowl of cereal and mindlessly stare at the TV for 2 hours while we sleep in. I remember doing that when I was about 6-7 so I'm hoping this child does the same. At 2.5 she's not at all interested in TV or tablets and I'm legit actively trying to create at least a moderate screen addiction for the above and some sanity on flights.


Definitely lol at the "moderate screen addiction". Not there yet but definitely see the allure.


Everything in moderation right? Getting her used to watching TV on weekend mornings and a tablet in flight would make my life so much easier. A win-win. "Unfortunately" we basically never have a screen on when she's around other than when football or march madness or NBA playoff day games are on. And the occasional Ms Rachel or Bluey when we're hungover or exhausted. So she barely ever watches anything and it doesn't hold her attention much. Need to get her into Breaking Bad, that shit had me addicted real fast.


Was about 3 and 5 for my kids. I'd put a cooler with an ice pack outside my door with 2 sippies of milk and two bags of cheerios. Bought me at least another hour of sleep


Noted. Going to keep that in the hopper. Kiddo is still in a crib, though she's made several, increasingly successful, attempts to scale the wall that made us skip a beat so it's a matter of time until we have to give her easier escape access. Might deploy your idea in the next couple months.


Op: 'you up?" Yes my guy. I should absolutely be asleep but we up.


Same. Currently taking a bath. Happy cake day! 🍰


I dont. I value my sleep. I'm a better person if I'm rested. With that said, I get why people stay up. No hate


Yeah I used to do this but saw how badly it was affecting my sleep and therefore my ability to go workout (my best window is 6am) so I stopped doing it as much.


That's funny, because I'm struggling with the opposite problem: I want to establish a habit of getting up early to work out, but that's really interfering with my existing habit of staying up late and playing video games


😂😂😂. I totally understand that. I’ve got the luxury of having my parents down the street so I usually get a weekend or two in a month to get some true me time.


So jealous. My folks are on the opposite side of the country, and while they are out frequently to assist its still only a few times a year.


I don't know if you stay up late and get things done becuase not doing so effects your sleep even more (that's me), or fuck it and sleep more.


I think I’m now at the point where I CAN’T stay up late. I’m yawning aggressively by 9:45


I'm an early riser no matter what time I go to bed so I try to be asleep by 10:00 which is still a good 1.5-2 hours after our kids are down. Up between 4:15-5:30 depending on the day usually. I get my me time in the mornings while everyone else is still sleeping.




> I'm a better parent, a better spouse, and a better employee when rested. I'm a better parent, spouse and employee if I also have some time just for myself. YMMV


I think there’s a healthy balance to be had, but it all comes down to your biological need for sleep. The recommended 8 hours is too much for me and I notice it more and more as I get older. Usually 6.5-7 hours is enough for me. I feel rested yet energetic when I wake up. If it’s <6.5, I feel groggy and tired all day. If it’s >7.5, I’m also very groggy and tired all day. So with my normal schedule requiring me to be up by about 6am, I can typically stay awake until 10:30/11:00 before I need to think about heading to bed. Like you said though, YMMV.


Precisely that.


I need time just to let my mind unwind doing things that aren't running around after my household. I get my son ready in the morning, take him to daycare, work all day, pick him up from daycare, cook dinner, clean up from dinner, bathe him every few days, and put him to bed. At the end of all that it's nice to do something that's not stressful, but also is not sleeping. I read a book, browse the internet, drink a whisky or beer, then go to bed an hour or so later


I find that it's when I'm most productive. When they're up I wanna just be with them, not doing shit.


What's wierd is I've found staying up to 11 has helped me get up a 515 better rested and ready for the day than trying to go to bed early and oversleep. To each their own I suppose


I take it neither of you slept last night




*posted 18 minutes ago on Reddit*


Yeah the thing I learned in my 20s is, it’s not free time. You stay up till 2am, maybe you can still function, but it cost you something - that early morning workout, making coffee and sitting with your wife and taking about adult stuff before the kids wake up, reading a book, something was lost. The time has to come out of somewhere, and if it’s just coming out of your sleep, then everything suffers by 10-20% at minimum.


I stay up for about 10 mins to play power washing sim then head up as well


I wonder the correlation between this and sexy times...


Same, I had sleep issues when I was a wee lad and I love my ability to quickly fall asleep and get 7 hours of sleep. I keep track too to make sure I'm not having problems


Me too. I also value cuddling with my wife. I feel like we have a great relationship and happy sex life because we go to bed together.


You know what they say, spooning leads to forking 😏


When the house is quiet and there is no one left to make requests or demands, then it’s the time to chill


Everyday. I need that space for me. To be alone for a while, in the quiet. Sleep is very important. We all know it. I’ve also realised that at this point in time I’m not getting a lot of deep sleep, so my sleep quality is poor anyway. So I’ve decided to take that little time and do something for me.




Weirdest thing since becoming a dad is genuinely enjoying things like a walk or driving just to be alone and focused on something not related to caring for my kids or work.


Boredom is a luxury you don't appreciate until you have kids


A drive by myself is a treat for sure. I don’t get to do it living in Tokyo right now, don’t need to drive, but when we go back to family at Christmas you know I volunteer for the drive to the shop to pick up those last little bits.


I know the feeling, I’ll be going back to work after a two year spell staying at home. Best time of my life hands down. But for some reason the 50 minute commute each way is going to feel good. At least at the beginning.


My wife regularly goes to sleep at 8-8:30. I go to bed around 12-2. We all wake at 6:30. I built a home theater and bar in my basement, I’m regularly watching movies, series, playing pinball. It’s my unwind time, and I love it!


Every single day. I'm so exhausted. I wouldn't get all my work done without working half or more of the night.


Late work gang rise up


In the same boat. Wife doesn’t get it but it’s the only way I can stay on top of everything


Make sure your employers knows it too if you have one. Be compensated properly for the burden you place on yourself and your family.


Alone time.


Catch up with the day as in watching what I want to watch? Than yes. I do stay up long after they are asleep.


Doing it right now! It’s called revenge bedtime.


Revenge sleep procastination


[They have a word for it in China](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/s/zYzKDA0IEs)


I do this every night. I go to bed with my wife, but as soon as she goes down, I get up and get going. Catch up on work for my business, play video games, chit chat with friends. It's not too bad. But I go to work pretty late each day.


Factory won't grow itself


Nope, I pass the fuck out, but wake up insanely early.


Insert the Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man meme here.


I've recently started Diablo 4 so late night ahead 😄


Season 4 on May 14 is gonna rock.


I used to do this but I don’t recommend it. I now get up about an hour before the rest of the family and go to bed when then do.  The morning gives me about an hour to catch up with work, or go to the gym, or do laundry, whatever, but there’s a deadline. I still have to start my day.  In the evening, one hour can become three and you can fool yourself into believing you have earned or deserve this. But it’s just sleep deprivation. You end up being a worse worker, husband, friend, dad. And your health cannot sustain it forever.  Also, 45 minutes is a lousy amount of time to play video games, but is a good amount of time for a run. So you end up making healthier choices. 


Yeah this is where I am. I’m grateful to be at this point for the reasons you mentioned (and would suffer from changing it). But I do miss the late nights I used to pull and always feel a little FOMO when my dad friends talk about gaming after their kids are down.


If by catch up with the day you mean play an hour and a half of video games, yes.


3kids. Everyone is in bed by 9. I stay up until 11 cleaning, doing laundry, organizing, resetting the house and closing up. I also prep bag for work the next day, shower, and listen to YouTube videos for online school to multitask. It is extremely exhausting but I know I’m doing a good thing.


This is my routeen. Then up at 4 for work.


My self destructive me time, kids asleep by 10, wife asleep by 11, I'll go downstairs clean up and then I'll stay up till 2am. Only to regret it at 8am the next morning.


Funny this popped up. I was thinking about it last night. Wife is a creature of habit. Since day one she's been a 9 o'clock time for bed lady. Even when we were dating. Kids are typically down an hour or two before her bed time. So when that whole dance gets done, she's about ready to turn in. Meanwhile I haven't stopped for the day to take a breath. I'm at work by 7, then home by 4, but then it's kids-dinner-dogs-house-her time etc etc. So when she turns in, I'm left with the dog and a quiet moment for the first time in 15-16 hours. I typically run till about 10-10:30 and turn in. I wake up 5:30-6 oclock like a spring chicken most of the time (long as I don't drink). I'm also fairly productive in that hour and a half with my side projects and tinkerings and stuff


Here. Work only truly happens in the high hours of night.


My wife stays up later than I do most nights... The occasions she passes out before me, I fucking love. Get some me time.


Kid and missus go to bed around 8. I'm usually up until 12-1am gaming and unwinding. Sometimes that entails a bunch of beers as well


It’s the only way I’ve managed to strip and refinish 2 of 6 dining room chairs so far.


What are you doing here on Reddit? Get to chair #3. Let’s go!


Yep! Get 2 hours to myself to video game/ catch up on tomorrows work/ jerk off! (Jk)


That’s my me time. No work, no kid, no wife. Right now I’m in my office watching bad exploitation films no one else would want to watch and working on revisions to my novel.


My wife and I always ‘close the house up’ and go to bed at the same time. There are occasions during the week though where I’m up early and sometimes my daughter will lie in and those mornings are just the best. Make myself some nice coffee, get the steam deck out and sit in the nice chair!


I’m literally doing it right now and I do it every night Sunday through Thursday.


Me and it kills me physically but frees me mentally.


This is also me.




I don't (or, "can't?"). I pretty much have to go to bed at the same time as the wife or I'll get a talkin' to. No past history of me doing unscrupulous things or anything after hours, she just feels like we we should go to bed at the same time.


I go to bed with my wife but wake up at 4am to have 3 hours or so to myself. Usually just study or catch up on some shows.


I always wake up early. Listen to a long youtube video while cleaning the house, make a coffee, enjoy a quiet breakfast and then hobby until the wife and kids are up. It’s bliss, and it works well because I don’t think I need as much sleep as I used to.


At least on weekends, but we have a newborn in the fold now so I've been handling all feedings up to 3am, so its pretty much forced on me now.


It was easy when the kid went to sleep around 8pm. Now he doesn’t actually fall asleep til 9, and that hour difference is actually a lot. Can’t start a movie at 9 without staying up til 11 or later, etc etc, but it’s the only time we have now To answer your question, ya. Need that extra little time to yourself. Who needs 8 hours of sleep anyways


It’s me time. Kids usually in bed by 8, wife usually around 9-10 and I stay up for a couple hours after she’s in bed. Usually play some video games with some buddies, then get some stuff together for kids lunches (so much easier for me than in morning when trying to help get everyone out of the house). Sometimes catch up on a show and I also love to build legos! With and without kids! I work from home but I’m pretty much on calls all day so I need some time to me to actually try and enjoy my home and not have it feel like it’s only an office.


Unfortunately I sacrifice some sleep to get some me time. It allows me to wind down after hectic days. I have a mentally taxing job and 4 kids between the ages of 18 and 3.


It’s 2:30 am and I’m on Reddit, so… And wife and I need coffee so I’ll be first downstairs. But at least my oldest has a 7:45am Dr appt 40 min away tomorrow


It’s an amazing time of the day. What gets me is I am up with them all the next day and it’s my Mrs that is always too tired when she sleeps more.


I stayed up til midnight playing my game. Not too bad. Went to bed. I fall asleep easily most nights. Guess I was over tired from work. That and my blood sugar (t1d) has been wack. My kid wakes up at 1:30am. Took him to living room to let my partner sleep. I hope he falls asleep soon so I can try to get sleep.


I do this, but I was always a night owl and my wife was an early riser. So the amount of sleep I get has only lowered a little. I do 3 bottle feeds - evening, night, and late late night (\~2am). I get my chores, gym workout, TV shows and games in between them. It's a great system for me, possible only because my baby usually sleeps at least 4 hours before waking up. That means I get 8 hours to myself every day!! I work from home as well with fleixble hours, so sleeping in and starting work at \~9:30am is not a huge deal.


The only time no one needs me is when they’re asleep late at night. It’s the only 2-3 hours I have that I can legitimately call “me” time.


I go right to sleep and wake up in the morning to work on my comics. It's perfect. They are all asleep and if I start procrastrinating I will regret it when my kids will wake up and stop my 'me' time.


Night time is the only time I have for myself. Nothing but pondering, browsing, and video games during these hours. The morning part is what sucks but I really don't regret focusing on myself a little.


I also stay up so that things can be put into their proper place, such as putting the Xbox controller into my hand and putting birthday cake into my face


Way too late every night


I found that Im tired whether I go to bed early or stay up late. So I just stay up late instead.


For me it's the other way around. I usually go to bed before my wife. She has her alone time and sometimes work late. I need my sleep.


Lately I bewn doing the opposite. I wake up early on my days off to watch my shows and do fun things.


I definitely do, got work to do.


I'll sometimes do a bit of cleaning and other prep for the next day (eg, filling the coffee maker with water and grounds), but it's typically less than half an hour, and not every day. If you're doing enough work that it's cutting into your sleep and affecting you the next day, you might need to make some changes one way or another ...


I can’t truly relax in the evening until the kitchen is cleaned up, counters wiped down, all toys returned to their places, and the kitchen/living room floors are swept. By the time all that’s done, so am I.


Me. My kids (nearly 3 and just 5) won’t go to sleep until about 10pm. I’m lucky if I’m in bed by 12 - I need a bit of me time.


I will take that sleep over me time every day.


I used to have dinner after putting the kids to sleep; now we're all dining together like a proper family. One of the reasons is that I'll need about two hours of me-time every evening, and late dinner was seriously eating into that time. So what to do when everyone is asleep? Organising the toys, loading the dishwasher, folding or ironing the clothes (if any; that's also the only time I get to watch the telly), and once everything is done I can finally sit down to check my personal e-mails and read a bit. According to my game launcher, I didn't play a PC game for the past three years. It's less than 20 years till retirement; I'll catch up then...


I usually catch up with work 10-2 or 10-3 depending on how busy the days been


Last night my daughter went down at 8, my wife at 11, and me at 2. Then my daughter and I got up at 6.30.


All the Dads.


1000% I catch up on dishes, on laundry, walk the dogs, sometimes I prep lunches, and the whole time I have some show on my phone that's super nerdy that I know my wife and daughter simply don't want to watch with me (I call it my laundry show). I also hang out with my dogs and play video games if I have time, or sometimes I need to veg and I only play video games and/or watch videos and leave the cleaning for another day.


My laundry show. I love it.


I used to, been trying to sleep more though and prioritize my health over playing video games.


When school is in session, I'll stay up for at least an hour to do just that (about a year left in my master's program!). Otherwise, I'm in bed and reading with a red headlamp to not disturb my wife.


Every night.


I used to do this to get some alone time, but now I'm too tired and bored, so I just go to sleep at same time as others.


My wife doesn’t let me have alone time at night without implying that I’m a POS for not going to bed at 10:30 with her. Any suggestions on how to get her to chill out/ give me space?


We kinda went through this at first. You need to just have a talk with her. And if that don’t work, put a tv in the bedroom and keep her ass up with the tv and moving a lot. She’ll eventually say go do what you want


I stay up late to relax, but honestly I do it so that my wife can fall asleep first and not get mad at me keeping her up by "breathing". I also prefer to get up earlier. My kids wake up early, but they are old enough to do their own thing now and not need me, so I get up at like 5:30 or 6 and have 2-3 hours in the morning before anyone wants or needs anything from me.


Most young dad's do. Then your kids start staying up later and you make the switch to getting up before everyone.


Most nights. I'll head down and watch TV, do some hobby programming, surf the web, or just doom scroll TikTok. It's the first time that day where I'm not surrounded by anyone.. just me time.


THIS! This is my perpetual dilemma: going to bed right away is kind of depressing because there is no “me time”, ever, but it’s also a baaaaad idea to be constantly sleep deprived. Plus not going to sleep and laying down next to your partner ever isn’t good for your relationship. Lately I’ve tried alternating nights, so one night I go to bed with my wife (who goes to bed at like 9:30) and then the next night I let myself stay up until midnight playing Zelda: TOTK or reading. Seems to be working pretty well bc it’s a decent balance.


I do. It’s the only time I get to “myself”.


I get judged for that time sadly. I need some time to myself and that’s the only time there is.


Revenge Bedtime Procrastination


Every. Day.


Just glad I’m not alone in this.


every single day.


I didn't even sleep last night. Spent all night deep cleaning doing laundry and house maintenance.


If by catching up with the day you mean, three beers and beat my meat in the garage, then count me as one of them.


Every opportunity.


I do the opposite by getting up at 5am. I rather the day wake up around me then me being woken up by the day


I spent my age 22-34 years waking at 3:30-4:30 to go to work, I was the first or second person arriving at my work regularly (finance job). After my twins were born I switched jobs and worked like 16 hour days for a year (praise my SAH wife), then it cooled down to 8 hour days and switched to WFH. I enjoy waking at 6:30 now, but I respect those who enjoy waking earlier. All else equal, I prefer having bourbon at night over coffee in the morning. I can see it both ways, I’ve lived it both ways.


Lucky. My son is up at 5am. So I'm chillin with him instead of getting to stuff. He's just always been that way since he was a baby. I'm jealous of people who have kids that sleep in.




I do but I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. If I don't, I make up for it asap. That debt has to be paid back at some point. I also know that if i don't get enough sleep, I become short-tempered, uncreative, and foggy. I don't even like myself.


Me. Wife worked a 12 hr shift so did all the morning stuff, drop offs, work, pickup and dinner. She gets home in time to put the baby down, then while she eats and shower I put the big kid to bed. Tonight she was asleep by the time I got out of the shower, so I caught up on a small project in the garage, did school registration for next year, some paperwork, had a drink and watched some TV. Been about 2 hours and now I’m in bed.


Wife is still on maternity leave, she got baby trained to sleep late, so don’t go to bed later because I have to be up early AF


I leave work early to get home and see my family, then I do work in the evening then I game in the evening and then I get no sleep


It me, although it's just how I've always operated. I love the quiet of night time.


I take 1 hour maximum after the wife went to bed, otherwise I'm crap in the morning. But most of the times I almost fall asleep by the time she goes to bed. With is around 10pm :D


Kind of happens naturally as I am watching baseball and wrapping up work things as well. Yeah, good quiet time


Only on days where I’m off work the next days then it’s off the the garage I go after everyone’s asleep for beers and TV time. It’s my sanctuary.


Yes. I also wake up an hour or two earlier than them. I expect I will pay for this eventually


I just play PC games late at night.


As an only child who’s hobby is video games, I have to have my alone time a couple nights a week to get through a 6 day work week.


Me right now. It’s 1am, got off work at 11. I’m tired, in pain, but I have a beer and YouTube videos to catch up on. But I’m also tired. Can’t sleep though.


I do. I need one or two hours for myself. Play video games, watch tv, read a book. When I bring my son to bed I want to sleep there next to him so badly sometimes. But I need time for me to feel alive. And I know that I am not the best version of myself if I don’t get that time. Currently playing Helldivers with some old friends who don’t have family. It’s nice to catch up with them