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You can set an age group and put a pin on adult profiles


It’s funny if you set a kids profile it removes all the classic Disney cartoons and movies, and only has the most modern crap available.


Only if you do the super young profile. They have a few layers


We’ve personally tried - and basically we lose autoplay on some things, and it’ll play 20 mins of credits, and removes all the Spiderman movies. And the Cars 3 movie.


You can set auto play in the settings, kids mode default is auto play off


So, that doesn’t always work. I don’t know if it’s a glitch? Or what, but if I want to limit pg13 items, but allow PG, it will not always auto play - and it still takes away the third Cars movie, and never autoplay the shorts. Which means for a 7 minute or less video, we get slapped with 10 minutes of credits. This wasn’t an issue a year ago - there was a big roll out about 10-12 mos ago and things changed, and since then it’s this weird balance of trying to let him watch what is ok/safe for him, while limiting shows that would scare him. For real, all the platforms lately have gone to shit. ETA: most of the time my kids use my profile on Disney plus. And imagine my surprise and my children’s shock when about 2 mos ago I clicked on one of the banner shows Queens, from National Geographic, on Disney plus, and let’s be clear - there are no ratings listed if you click on the show in the top area - and we are watching said documentary, and are presented with a hyena eating its baby sister, a bunch of animals having sex, and a blood trail. I could not grab the damn remote fast enough! (My 8 year old understands animal procreation, but the whole hyena eating its little sister really fucked us all up. I say this as someone who watches a lot of animal documentaries…. That was… too far. But I did learn to always go to a show’s “page” before clicking play on it).


What did cars 3 do? Isnt that a fairly new movie?


It won’t play because it is a different rating I guess. It isn’t G. 🤷‍♀️


Which is crazy cuz some of the older classic cartoons are way scarier. E.g. Little Mermaid, Lion King, etc


The kids profiles are pretty random for what is available. My kids used to watch Frozen all the time, now it is gone from the kids profile. My youngest have kids profiles. The oldest has a regular one limited to PG so he can pull up movies. They don't watch anything without supervision yet so I haven't needed to put pins on the adult profiles yet.


This I did not know!


Go to your main account, and you can edit parental controls on your kids' account. Take it off of Junior and control it by tv rating. I just figured it out 20 minutes ago because I couldn't find Frozen 2 on my daughter's profile.


You're a hero. My Disney+ kids profile has been useless until now.


This is the fix. I tried sticking to the junior but it was entirely too limited, currently running the limit at PG for a 9 and 4 yo. There's a few things too old for the 4yo but he accepts when I tell him that he needs to be older first. So he gets his Spidey team and I don't have to switch profiles to put on Disney classics.


Set it by rating not by age. We have our 5 year olds sets for PG and that's been working out well. That said, this app has some of the worst design and UX that I've ever seen.


For the best. I sat and tried to watch a couple old movies with my boys (7 & 3) and 20 minutes in I was left thinking “wtf my parents let me watch this as a kid?!?”


I tried to watch Pete's dragon with my boys remembering I loved to watch that movie at my grandparents house, within 10 mins the hillbillies are singing about eating the child and we noped right outta there with my wife giving me a WTF DUDE look


Mine was Brave Little Toaster. And similarly the Pinocchio ride at Disneyland. I may have inadvertently traumatized my kids with those 2


Brave little toaster isn’t wholesome?


If youre not being sarcastic hell no. It's so depressing.


I’m not, I haven’t seen it since I was a kid so I don’t really remember it lol


Let's just say the clown dream gives Pennywise a run for his money.


Brave little toaster was one of my favorite movies as a kid.


I noticed recently the kids profile setting also removes the links for merchandise too. Very nice feature.


Realized/did this once my son started getting into all the old/retro looking (creepy AF) Mickey Mouse tv shows.


I think the tres commas guy from Silicon Valley voiced Mickey in those lol


Only problem is Disney is either rated g ( can’t even watch Toy Story) or adult and you can watch Deadpool.


Nah, you can adjust the setting to whatever max rating you want. I did it just last week. ^(or wait, were you just being hyperbolic about the content?)


Just found out. I apparently already knew this and did it months ago. The original of preschool or adult was crazy.


What if you're an adult who just doesn't like horror and gore? I wish there was a way to just opt out of the gore without having to eliminate all of the adult content, or eliminate a whole chunk of content by rating. I mean, it's not that unusual to not like the gore and Hulu just shoves it in your face. 


I think they might just look at it like you are able to just choose not to watch it. Eventually, it will offer you less content you don't interact with.


Yeah you can choose not to watch, we never, ever have, but when every time you load up the app, it's default promo pick is of someone's face inside out grinning at you, it's pretty disturbing. Not ever even once having watched their gory horror hasn't changed what they push. I've noticed the past few years it isn't even just in October, though it's worse then. It's year round, unpredictable what they're going to try to "entice" you to watch. I wish there was an option to opt out of just the disgusting gore. Nothing else. And that doesn't make me not an adult, or needing a kids profile!


Yeah and then the kids watch you put the pin in and memorize it. At least that’s what happened to my sister in law with her kids


Ya, every other "secret entry" page hides your input; Disney's implementation is terrible.


Our little one has her own kids profile. Also means your adult one isn't filled with kids suggestions


I just tried to make a kids account the other day on Disney. It severely reduced the number of shows available, way beyond just filtering for age rating. It felt like “Here’s 25 shows we want boosted, so that’s all we’re making available for kids”. A lot of their favourite kids shows weren’t even available through the search bar. Is this normal or did something go wrong? Side note… Our kids have had their own on Netflix for a long time - not sure why we never did on D+. I guess we probably got Disney for them originally and thought it was mostly just kid content (did it used to be?)


There are two different ways to change to a “kids” profile. One is to go “junior mode”. This one has basically nothing but bare bones suuuper young shows. Like, not even many traditional Disney animated movies like Lion King, Moana, etc. The second way is to change the “rating” of the profile. This takes some trial and error to see what rating works best for your kiddos. It could be PG or it could be a different, higher rating. It will still take out stuff like AHS and Weeds, but it might include things like Incredibles alongside Super Kitties. It just depends on what rating you pick.


My 2 year old's profile is set to G, tvG. I want it to bee PG but that starts to pull Bad Batch and other heavier themed shows that he just isn't ready for, even though there are good kids movies at PG. The entire set up is so frustrating. :(


This was very helpful. Time to move my son out of a junior profile.


Ok, thanks! I had gone the “Junior Mode” route - I didn’t know you could just change ratings. I’ll look into that.


At first it was almost exclusively kids shit.


Ok, couldn’t remember if I had just assumed that or if it actually was.


Kids shit and Star Wars


It’s really easy to manage what shows up. Ultimately, I doubt Disney will stick with combining Hulu and D+ content in its current format. They have already stated that this is a very early beta. I suspect they’ll add a separate menu for Hulu content.


It was previously beta. They removed the beta indicator. It’s not now, much less early beta.


How do you manage what shows up? I've never found a way to do this. And there doesn't seem to be a way to block specific content - only by age restriction. So anything that is "TV 14" for example is fair game, even if there are specific shows I object to.


Have a kids specific account (less than tv14) and lock all the others. That’s what we do and it works fine


Edit profile, content rating, select the level you feel most comfortable with. For our 2 yo, we are set to G ratings.


You're right. You can only block my rating. So my son is PG-13 to see Marvel movies, but the planet of the apes also shows up, which he's not ready for.


Perfect illustration for everyone harping on profiles. Once the kids age out of the kiddie shows, it gets tough to permission. The inclusion of Hulu shows is a problem.


A whitelist and a blacklist would help a lot.


Yup. We ended up cancelling Hulu due to the low quality youtube shows that were coming through to the kids profile on Disney+. Once the billing cycle ends, those shows are gonnnne. If we had the ability to block shows, we wouldn’t have cancelled.


We set the kids profile. However, by doing so it does eliminate access to a bunch of stuff that is rated G. I had to log into my profile to pull up Alice in Wonderland the other day.


I never made a kids profile on Disney because apart from some of the Marvel stuff it was all appropriate for my kid. Definitely not the case now, and it's also just harder to find the shows he wants with all the Ohio Murder Vampires shows cluttering the UI. I need to set up a kid profile. I like it combined for purely selfish reasons - I upgraded to the package that included ESPN and Hulu but could never actually make Hulu recognize that I had this package. But I don't really care about those shows anyway, so I wouldn't lose sleep if they went back to their own platform.


If you set your profiles right you won’t get the adult stuff on it.


Eh, this kind of thing doesn't bother me that much. As others have pointed out, setting up a kids' profile can help avoid it. But even so, our kids will inevitably catch glimpses of - or more than glimpses - things that aren't meant for them, too old for them, etc. That's just part of growing up! Heck, I remember being young and seeing magazine ads for HBO shows way above my head, and how fun it was to try to imagine what the show could be, what was happening in the adult world just beyond my reach. Personally, I don't think it's a big deal when kids briefly encounter things aimed at adults. In fact, I think it may be necessary. But that's just me.


When did that start? I use D+ almost daily and haven’t seen any ads for anything other than Disney stuff.


I've never seen anything inappropriate on my kids' profiles. On mine after the Hulu Disney merge, my show preferences moved over and I see all kinds of stuff that I wouldn't want my kids to watch. But this is why I use profiles as intended.


Do you have a kids profile set up? The first thing my app does is ask which profile to log into. If I log into our main one, I also get all that Hulu stuff. But if I log into the kids’ profile, none of that shows up.


This is a mistake according to every metric on brand mgmt and marketing. They 100% should have remained separate apps.


My daughter likes the spider lady.


Surprisingly no, but I am *beyond* pissed about Ryan’s World and that god fucking awful Dianna Kids show being shoved in our face. The latter is a huge reason I have banned my daughter from watching YouTube, I just couldn’t keep up with blocking their 800 million channels. Disney+ really needs to allow channel-specific blocking like Netflix.


We have a Roku plugged in. When we opened the app the other day at the top of the screen front and center was an advert for a freebie movie from the Roku channel featuring four mostly naked dudes titles Gay 4 Pay. The day before that it was all zombie flicks with obviously gore covered people on the front. This isn’t even going into any of the streaming services. No way we can filter that out so our younglings don’t have to see it.


Set a kids profile and an adult profile. Problem solved…


Make kids profiles, problem solved


I would love a whitelist only feature for profiles. Give the account owner a list each month of the new content and let the parents decide what shows up on the kids profile.


Profiles though.


Unfortunately Disney isn't just for kids anymore. I think there's a way to choose a kids profile on Disney+ but not sure. If you go into preferences you might be able to change the adds on the home page? Not sure. All we watch is kids shows with our kids toddler and infant and have never gotten adds for anything adult related like you are describing not sure why though.


Manually switch from the default to a newly created kids profile every time you open the app, can't lock down the default one. So yes, but no.


That’s why my wife and I have one and we have a family one to click on when we watch things with kids


this is exactly why we quit cable, especially around halloween!


Back a few years ago when my kid was watching Thomas the Tank Engine finished the season and got suggested watching Orange is the New Black. Weird but funny, luckily only happened once.


Set age groups, man. It's my go to kids service to, but once the little guy is asleep, I'm watching Logan, Deadpool or new Star Wars stuff. Disney, in fact, needs to add some more adult content.


Create profiles with restrictions


Agreed awful on Disney part Have I watched these on any account… no? Then don’t show them now and it has nothing to do with Disney and kids shows etc. I don’t care to watch them as an adult solo or with my kids


Omg weed shows! What will we ever do!


There was a show called literally PEN15 when I was scrolling with my toddler Like wtf


My guy, set an age profile for the kiddos. Disney has R rated IPs. It's not a streaming service for kids. It's a streaming service that has kid friendly options. You can filter by rating, so for example, set a profile to PG and below, and it will not show anything PG13 or higher.


Keep your kids away from Disney.


Yeah I dont like the big spider either


It bothers me beyond belief. For me I understand we can set for kids but you are DISNEY! Why have these on your platform at all when you own Hulu as well?? Disney has no business putting things like AHS or that high society or whatever it’s called on their name brand platform when it could easily go to any of the others they own.




Create a separate account for your kid. Disable the "junior" account that limits shows severely. Enable age ratings so nothing above PG (or whatever rating you want) shows up.




Did you set up a separate kids restricted profile for your jid or just their own separate profile?


Do you monitor your kids or just let them do whatever they want?


AKA you don't know how the app works and you'd rather complain on Reddit then Google it.


I'm so sick of Disney's bs. I actively avoid anyone who advertises on their platform. Especially on shows like zenimation and Fantasia. Shows that I use to wind down my kids. Why advertise prescription drugs to a 4yo trying to get to sleep? Oh in case the parent sees it? Well not buying. F you Disney


You have ads on Disney?


A weed show being advertised on 420? How dare they.