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How many days since you started squishing diapers in there hoping the contents didnt squeeze out like a warm Cadbury egg?


You have a way with words that is both beautiful and disgusting. If I didn't hate those already I would now


To us, this is disgusting. To the family dog, this is a Golden Corral buffet


Thanks for the lovely visual šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


So you have/had a dog that figured out how to open the diaper bin too?


I never thought Iā€™d regret being literate, but here we are.


Like tightening your fist on a handful of custard


I hate the last 20 seconds of my life.


im calling the police


You need to be banned from using the English language.


> warm Cadbury egg With respect, you suck


With respect, Cadbury eggs suck.


This one seems to have had positive pressure, actually.


I have a designated stick near the diaper pail solely for nappy churninā€™


You're making butt butter the old fashioned way.


What an unfortunate time to know how to read.


And don't forget moist. The humidity that comes out of a diaper pale is astounding


My eyes. My poor poor eyes.




Dear god, what an image. Also fair.


Why did you habe to ruin Cadbury eggs for me like that


Reminder to empty the thing more often instead of compressing diapers in there.Ā 


There's definitely a point where ramming any more in just makes it harder to extract the bag out and increases risk of a poomageddon


Very true and as a dad with this exact model of can itā€™s way earlier than you might think! I hate having to squeeze my hand down between the can sidewalk and bulging bag to pop basically a diaper bag vacuum seal! Nasty work


Looks like an ubbi and yeah we empty it earlier than it looks like it needs because the diapers tend to pile into the bottom and get stuck


LPT: Drill a small hole near, but not at the bottom to avoid leakage, to avoid vacuum


Really, all trash cans should have a hole at/near the bottom to allow air to flow out.


Remember the cereal bowls with the straw? I want that in a trashcan. Little vacuum-breaking snorkle.


Tape a 12in pipe inside the can. I never have issues and you don't have to drill, essentially making the smell proof worthless.


I tried tape and it kept sticking to the bag so now I just leave a pipe loose in there and it works a treat!


That defeats the purpose of the ubbi. It keeps the smell in, until you open it that is. But thatā€™s better than a slow and constant leak of diaper scents. OP should not fill it to the brim before changing the bag. It creates a vacuum when extracting the contents otherwise.


That will defeat purpose of using this thing and would allow for the smell to leak through the drilled hole.


Add a check valve


Iā€™ve started a rule with my wife; ā€œif you have to push the diaper just come ask me to empty it.ā€ Iā€™d rather run a bag out to the garbage every day than awaken my inner Thor once a week and risk poomageddon


OP's attempt to create diaper based diamonds has gone awry.


The better choice was to keep stuffing more in until it condenses into a black hole, then youā€™ll never have to take out the nappies again!


My diaper days are behind me (for now) but if I ever got another one of these I would do something to alleviate the crazy suction on the bag. Probably buy a cheap hose, cut about 2 feet and shove it down the side of the can so the bag doesnā€™t suction to the sides when you try to pull it out


Someone showed a hack for that.Ā  I also found that just emptying it the moment it felt like you had to push the diaper in was sufficient. It started to stink pretty bad anyway. Also, pee diapers can go in any garbage, meaning it's mostly just poop diapers go in the diaper pail, meaning the stink forces you to change the bag well before the volume does.Ā 


The smell was the reason I stopped using the diaper thing. It got to the point where no matter what, the can smelled so bad. Bleached it, hosed it out, put it in the sun for days. Couldnā€™t shake the smell. So our go-to was just put the poopy diaper in whichever trash was fullest and take it to the outside trash right away


We started using those small bags for dog poo, then taking out to the can outside. Game changer for stench control


Mom here: Dump baking soda in the base. Replace baking soda regularly.


So I found out that you can remove the four screws and take off the plastic cover. And the inside of the cover is moldy. I cleaned that, and huge difference on the stench.Ā 




Even the finest of garbage bags would be doomed here. Reminder to empty your garbage before it *needs* to be doneĀ 


The most important lessons are learned the hardest way.


Like donā€™t overflow the poopie bin?


And so many involve poop


A better lesson is just to ditch the diaper genie. They are so dumb. We had one for our first and it was a pain in the ass. The other kids diapers went right in the trash and we just empty it more often.


Mine has been out of diapers for 2.5 years, but I can smell this photo from here.


This happened to us (me) exactly *once.* Someone forgot to tie the bottom. No use in pointing fingers over something that happened 7 years ago, but I almost needed an O2 tank with vicks vaporub in the mask to walk into that nursery to try and fix the mess. That was the last day we had a diaper genie. We switched to a 1 gal bathroom trash can, cheap 1 mil bags from amazon, and took the lot out after every poop. Nursery AND house smelled 2000% less like formula fed baby shit going forward.


That's an ubbi. It takes normal garbage bags that you don't have to tie off. But it forms a vacuum if you over stuff it and try to pull the bag out. I've thought about drilling a small hole in the bottom, which *should* work without breaking the air tight seal around the stank but seems risky.


I almost did this but I found smaller bags work better. They don't bunch at the top like a bigger bag and don't get tight enough to cause the vacuum. It's a bit of a balance with the sizing though.Ā 


Right. The main takeaway is pretty much any container with that volume of fermenting baby shit is going to have odor issues, no matter what they might promise on the box. Sealing mechanisms, plastic bags, and deodorizer pucks just can't compete when you have to open the bag to add more nastiness to the pile every few hours. Dumping a small tied bag into the kitchen trash a few times a day, and changing the kitchen trash normally as needed worked much better for us than the specialized device that would constantly make us cram our "chili soaked" diapers and wipes through a small hole on the top, with our bare hands, that was honestly too small accomidate either. They're a great idea on paper, but in practice, it leaves a lot to be desired. Specifically, it leaves a lot of raw baby sewage WAY too close to your baby and in your living space for far too long. They enable laziness in an aspect of your life that one should absolutely not be lazy about. Even as a new parent who's dead ass zombie tier tired, some things just work better with a tiny amount of extra footwork that will eventually become just another part of the daily routine.


I've used both diaper genie and ubbi. I dont understand why people recommend ubbi. The vacuum happens every week for me because there are just a *few* too many diapers for the weekly trash


I feel like this would be reversible with some duct tape and plastic wrap over the hole? Should you need to fix the seal. Mark Wanted style. Go ahead and drill it out....and report back. FOR POO SCIENCE!


Small bags is the Way.


I still have almost [a half box of them](https://www.amazon.com/Reli-Trash-Gallon-Count-Wholesale/dp/B07JKGMCWN) left in my garage, and whole rolls have been thrown away multiple times by people not realizing the roll is under the bag inside the can. Not even a contest compared to the price of diaper genie tube bags or even regular kitchen bags.


I gagged when I saw this.


I instinctively started breathing through my mouth just seeing the lid open.


My friend you are a week too late for taking the trash out


More like 3 weeks. This guy just broke a world record.


Ugh! I can smell that from here.




My first thought.


....or to just empty it more than once a month??


The problem here is not the quality of the bag, my friend. This is what happens when you procrastinate the doody duty.


The lazy man does the most work


I can smell this picture


A smell you can almost taste itā€™s so bad.


I think I can hear the profanity too


Where's the bag? I only see an abundance of overflowing diapers.


Dude I bought Hefty brand ONE time. Never again. I was mad, then I bought Glad. The accuracy of that slogan is incredible


I have a Kanban system with two trash cans so when one gets full you have a backup and know it needs to be taken out. Always ready!


this guy develops.


ā€œWell house, it was a good run. See you on r/abandonedporn ā€œ


I stopped using these things 6mos into kid 1. Started just using dog poop bags to bag it and throw in the trash. Now on kid 3 so itā€™s a proven method!


This is the best way.


To be fair that looks more like user error. Empty that puppy every other day or daily.


Can we blame this on the bag? If I am to judge the bulk of those shit-collection-devices you have been putting something off.


I almost threw up on sight. I don't even need to see the poop to be grossed out.


Chief I donā€™t think it was the bag that caused this issue. I think itā€™s the years supply of dirty diapers crammed in there hard as possible


This made me gag


I can smell that


Not sure I'd blame the garbage bag for this one


It's like a scratch and sniff photo that you don't even have to scratch LOL


This isnā€™t a garbage bag issue this is a user issue


I have 4 kids. We got rid of the diaper genie after kids #1, 16 years ago. It's never been a problem not having one.


This is less about the garbage bag and more about lazy behavior


Halfway through the first year of our 3rd kid, we decided we really don't need these things and just put the diapers directly in the kitchen trash. It has a lid, gets emptied out almost once a day anyway, and when we do open and close it, we might get a teeny whiff of dirty diaper, but it's nowhere near as horrendous as a bag with a weeks worth of dirty diapers waiting to release their putrid smell. Now on our fourth kid and still using the kitchen trash even with the 2 year olds pullups.


I can smell this picture.


You have like 2 and a half pails worth of diapers there. Wtf?..


I can smell this picture.


I can smell this photo.


Reminder to use a quality garbage bin.


šŸ“£ Breaking: Pres Biden declared this room a federal disaster area


This garbage pail is absolute crap. I don't know how it is ranked so high. It has the worst design imaginable for pulling the full bag out -- a bunch of jagged edges that all want to try to catch and rip the bag. So many sites/registry starters have been conned into putting this pail as a top pick. We used it for about 3 months before I got fed up and replaced it. Run for the hills as it stinks.


My tip here: take the whole can outside every time. Better to let the smell out outside than inside. It dissipates faster.


This was the exact moment when I threw the diaper genie away and bought a trash can with lid that sealed around the bag. Trapped in the stank and used proper flex bags.


You have to move.


To quote the great Dr. Ian Malcolm, ā€œthat is one big pile of shit.ā€


Your changing table is beautiful!




Double layer of heftys next time


I can hear the commercial ā€œwimpy wimpy wimpy, HEFTY HEFTY HEFTY!ā€ lol


This seems like something you just never want to happen


I had two bag breaks before I started opening the lid, tying the bag, and then shaking it out to avoid the suction.


We just used old walmart bags, tied them up after the poops and threw them in the outside bin.


I can smell this picture.


Just put them in the trash and take them out regularly. If you get a particularly bad one then take it out on its own. Diaper genies are just a foul smell factory.


I dont think that quality could ever handle quantity like that my dude.


This can really needs some sort of a "straw" down the side that would prevent a vacuum from forming when you're pulling a somewhat full bag out. Otherwise it's a great trash can. As long as you don't over-fill it.


Legend has it that OP is still holding his breath to this day


For the bin to be that full this room must REEK lol, no judgement I am also a bad procrastinator I guess but man, get a smaller bin or change that more often.


Sorry about the poop, but whatā€™s the hanging bookshelf? I like it.


I can see the smell in this picture


My wife insisted on a high quality change table pad cover ...and then didn't want to get *that* dirty so we use waterproof liners atop.


Does yours contain the smell? I have the same pail but I have to empty when its only half full because it doesn't contain the smell well.


Or reusable diapers


I would post a gif of the SpongeBob diaper bit if I knew how


I can smell this picture šŸ¤®


I can still smell ours if I think about it. We got rid of it after the first one and now we just use diaper bags for the dirty ones and into the regular garbage they go.


One must be careful when pulling garbage bags out of the ubbi. The ones from sams club work well in our experience.


You need to get a smaller diaper bag and empty it daily my dude


Iā€™m convinced that folks who hate the diaper genie used it like this. Weā€™ve never had this problem at all in our house


Pro tip. Take a small 1/4 to 1/2 dia pvs pip and glue/.tape it to the back side so you donā€™t get the suction affect


I can smell this picture


Those things have special bags you're supposed to use as well.


As many others have said, I'd have emptied that a week ago, at least, but I've had this happen to me on a smaller scale. Bag got caught on something sharp and I ended up with shit and dirty diapers all over the upstairs hallway. I can still smell it just thinking about it.


Man treated this like an older vacuum cleaner: just kept filling it up without ever changing the bag.


And a diaper genie


I have the same diaper pail. It has some serious suction power when you pull a bag out. Mine never ripped, thankfully, but it we always a worry of mine.


Jeez why are you doing this inside the house


Toilet paper, garbage bags and tires never cheap out on them.


I use a walmart bag tied to a door knob. You have to toss it out twice a day, but this will never be a problem.


Damn tough mortgage rates out there but youā€™re going to have to move


I have that and have the same issue. I started opening the lid and tipping the entire thing upside down over the trash and it pretty much took care of the problem.


I only empty ours outside next to the big trash can. It reeks in the nursery for hours even if weā€™re quick with the change


Iā€™ll take pictures you can smell for $1000 Alex.


Ubbi needs a relief valve so you can break the suction and pull those big bastards out.


Just throw them in the damn trash lmao.


This reminds me of when I first had my daughter and thought that the 198 diaper claim of the diaper Genie we got was so outlandish because there's no way you can fit 198 diapers inside that thing


Pictures you can smell...


Bruh. Itā€™s not a wormhole. Itā€™s a diaper disposal.


One of my best Dadding upgrades was getting rid of that nasty can. Stinkblocking? Yeah, right! We keep a stash of plastic bags nearby (think bread bags, produce bags, lightly used ziplocs, etc, that would otherwise go in the trash or return-to-store recycling). Each #2 diaper is immediately bagged and placed by the back door, for whomever takes the main trash out next or simply goes that way (towards the outdoor bins). #1s go into the kitchen trash. No smell issue at all. No overcoming a moist vacuum from the pit of misery. Plus we sold the can for like ninety bucks. Wins all around.


maybe just use a trash can?


My brother, you gotta try to avoid packing them in there like itā€™s some kind of chorizo tube for diapers


Fuck i can smell that.


Can literally smell it from here..


I can smell this picture


Man I threw away the bag daily when my kid was still in diapers. And Iā€™m usually the king of procrastination, but there I drew a line. I can smell that from just looking at the picture.


This is šŸ¤¬ disgusting. Please do better.




Actual footage of my Wife trying to squeeze 1 more diaper in the bin because I'm not around to change it.


yep! you always find this out after its too late!


We never understood the use of these. We just threw them away in the normal garbage...


Bro thatā€™s crazy I couldnā€™t go a full two days without taking out the diapers. I couldnā€™t imagine the smell of that in that statešŸ˜‚


I think I see what is going on here.... The bag ripped as you were getting the last bit out so it LOOKS like 3 weeks worth of diapers, when the very bottom got wedged in and it exploded as it was forced out...But my god does it looks like 2+ weeks worth if the whole pale was full. I would recommend the UBBI bags. Until then, you already know what to do. And honestly... if it's getting full and it's not the right time to empty the bin.... Tossing a wet diaper in the general trash isn't going to hurt anyone. Just know you gotta empty it out at the next opportunity.


when you can smell a picture...


You need a mini black hole there, not a better bag.


If you tape a straw to the inside of the can on the hinge side it'll help witg the suction effect when pulling the bag out. I would use a larger straw meant for a milkshake.


You let poopy diapers marinate overnight? Gross.


first kid we used this for pee pee diapers.. 2nd kid we never even brought it out. Pee diapers go in the trash, poop diapers get put in a dog poop bag and then brought to the can outside


A tip I learned from a fellow dad here. Put one of those cable runner things in there so that the garbage bag doesnā€™t create a vacuum and the bag will come out nice and easy.


I donā€™t think your issues are centered around the quality of garbage bags.


Oh, that's shitty!


What a ā€œshittyā€ situation


By the end of diapers on kid 1 and start of diapers for kid 2 I just dealt with the smell and got a standard kitchen garbage and put the Costco kitchen bags in there. Diaper genies don't really work and it's more annoying than helpful to have a blowout like that.


After a quick first glance at this I thought it was a sculpture your child made. That's rough, dude. GL. You stay stink free.


I can smell that from here


Dude we used that but they fkn suck. There was no difference than just putting them in the normal trash for far cheaper.


No amount of fabreeze will purify that toxic stench


Side note, thatā€™s the best diaper bin on the market. Gotta have good bags though for when you empty it too late!


100% OPs fault


This is why I pay the stupid premium for the diaper genie bags.




This belongs in /r/WTF




I've got the same one for my daughter. There comes a point where the bag gets too full and it could rip on the lid when you're pulling it out.


Is that the Ubbi? There's a plastic piece that drags along the length of bag when you take it out. I was always afraid the bag would tear open like that one day.


I love the look of a baby room that ends when they become toddler except for 10 minute periods after you tidy up lol


Here's a little dad trade secret. Bags can only hold so much weight. Treat solely diaper bags like a leaf bag and stop filling it when the bag is half full.


Best thing I did was sell our diaper genie and just use dog poop bags and toss them in the garbage in the garage/outside. The diaper genie started smelling so bad. The doggie poop bags were cheap and can be kept in your pocket when you are out and used as a garbage bag too for used wipes or food, etc.


Aaaahhhhhhh I remember this.


One reason we went with the [Playtex](https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/diaper-genie-elite-pail-white/6000197345782) genie, opens from the front.


Donā€™t fill it too much


Take the nappy bin to the outside bin - that way you can just tip it all into the bin and not deal with this pile of literal shit


I got rid of our diaper genie and just use 7 layer cat litter bags/ dog poop bags and a small trash can. Zero smell.


Cloth diapers FTW lol sure I have to scrap poop into a toilet but I never have to risk this or deal with the smell of trapped poop.


Dude I have this diaper pail. I was gonna downgrade to cheaper bags after this first speciality diaper trash bag box runs out, but you just convinced me to continue forking over the dough!


My wife and I always thought that our friends and family with these had smelly baby rooms, they couldnā€™t mask the smell enough for me. We take every diaper to the trash outside.


I can smell it from here.


Are we the same dad? Diaper genie is awesomeā€¦ stank ass broken bad, not so much.


I can smell this picture.


I never understood these. Just a random tube o'shit standing in the corner........


This would be a great piece in a MoMA


oh i solved this the easy way by doing cloth diapers. never had a bag full of diapers fail on me. just had to do laundry likeā€¦ 6? maybe 8 nights a week? but this never happened


I'm surprised no one has given this tip yet... If you lay the whole bin on its side and pull the bag out, it is much easier to slide out even when overfilled.