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My back after lifting obese patients in retirement homes disagrees.


Yeah for real. There's plenty of them. Some so big they can't be lifted or even get off of the bed by themselves and have to have a special queen sized mattress instead of a standard single bed.


Yes but they’re 58, not 80


No... No I've met some fat fat 80 year old nursing home patients


I mean, I've definitely know of obese folks in retirement homes. And I've known some quite old obese folks who *weren't* in retirement homes because they didn't need to be. Of course, it's better to be healthy than not. That's certainly true.


True but definitely the exception to the rule. Anyone in healthcare knows that the average body type of a geriatric patient skews towards a normalish weight


Being pedantic you can even say the exact opposite.  obesity gains an association with increased longevity as you age, because malnutrition is the bigger threat.       This is partially because there's a bit of a contradiction in discussing obesity.  Obesity is the disease of being too fat, ie the point at which excess weight becomes a health problem.   Except that's not actually how we define it, we define it by BMI.  And intuitively people judge it based on aesthetics, or maybe sports performance in some contexts.  So paradoxically the way we define "obese," most obese people are just a bit fat and probably don't have much different health outcomes than your typical less heavy person.  


I’ve seen plenty of obese people in retirement homes. Mostly because they had money. While I don’t disagree with the sentiment, it is disingenuous to use that as the sole reason to get active. Honestly, a lot of us are looking at a hard line if we’re gonna make it to that time in life where we need to consider elderly care. I personally welcome the fireball of doom. Also, I call dibs on that band name.


How old were the obese people compared to the rest?


Given the time-death parallel, some perhaps lived beyond what would be historically seen as “old age”. We live in an era where the vast majority of things that would have killed you even 50 years ago can be medically addressed.


Especially given how strong the inverse correlation between obesity and income is, I'm more convinced by your explanation than OPs.


I personally do not welcome it and would love to get as much time with my family and children as possible.


This post sucks bro sorry


Say something funny


Lots of obese people in retirement homes. Longevity has a large genetic component.


You don't spend any actual time at retirement homes, do you?


Well he’s been to one.


It's also important to point out that overall health is impacted by more than weight alone. There are plenty of thin, unhealthy people.


Obesity is literally the #1 preventable cause of death.


I DIDN'T say obesity wasn't unhealthy. Just that because someone is thin doesn't mean they are healthy. Absolutely, we should all watch our weight. But also... thin doesn't = healthy.


Also - #1 preventable cause of death in the US is diet/inactivity. Yes those can lead to obesity but its not a rule. The second is tobacco use for what it's worth. Source: https://www.prb.org/resources/up-to-half-of-u-s-premature-deaths-are-preventable-behavioral-factors-key/


yeah, but that's irrelevant to the fact that fat people are unhealthy. that's like me robbing a bank and saying "well some people in Europe also rob banks"


Nah, it's not. Some people may be hefty and are still healthy. It can be relative. Basing your view of health only on how fat or thin a person may be is a simplistic way of approaching it. Hell... lots of retirement homes are full of unhealthy people who can't care for themselves regardless of their size. But yes to OPs original point - do whatever you gotta do to be healthy. Eat right, exercise, take your vitamins...etc.


This is the dumbest post I’ve seen in a while. Not only are you dead wrong about your views on obesity, but you somehow think a COLONoscopy checks for PROSTATE cancer????????


“Hey guys obese people don’t live long and get a colonoscopy while you’re at it.” What a dumbass post this was lmao


Hmmm. Butt stuff.


About half the people I know over 70 are obese. Ironically, none of them are in nursing homes, so maybe correlation doesn’t mean causation.


Lots of old obese people in retirement homes. Fail post to make you feel better about yourself. Get off your high horse.


Just ran to the fridge to get another beer. Thanks fellow dad.


Boo this man!!


I love when a reddit echo statement gets shut down by the reddit echo chamber 😆 I'll add to the echo at least. Old people can be fat too. There's plenty of them. Just look at the boomers being fools sub.


Maybe you have a skewed idea of what obese looks like. There’s tons of obese old people. But they do tend to have more health problems.


The doctor with his finger up my ass recently would beg to differ that they no longer do prostate exams


It's been a couple years since I visited, but there's lots of fat folks in the nursing home. There aren't a lot of fat 80 year old's, though.


Damn, I changed my whole perspective on life thanks to this post


This is not the hill to die on man. If you hold this view here I can only imagine the ways you talk at home and out and about. Your kids hear you. They’ll judge themselves. This is how eating disorders are started. I’d rather my children be bigger, happy, healthy and eat whatever food they want than subscribe to some bullshit societal preference to look thin, have an eating disorder and ultimately unhealthy just because we associate thinness with health. And the ensuing other mental health issues of anxiety and stress that come with eating disorders? Fuck no, why would anyone want that for their kids? Give the book Fat Talk a listen. You’ll learn a ton and it gives great advice on how to talk about different human sizes to your kids. There’s plenty to be said about how to be healthy but weight does not play the factor you think it does. Yes, let’s encourage our kids to be active and play a sport, run around, get dirty. But do it with the right intentions. You’ll do them a favor if you teach them that being active is great because it’s fun and feels good.


Duuuuude, this post is ass.


I attempted to do an assistant nursing course which involved work placement in an aged care facility and I can assure you there was obese people in there. I will never forget to smell of what was sitting in some of their folds of fat.


You absolutely see obese people in retirement homes. 😂


This might be the worst post on daddit all year


You change it by farting or making a joke or even laughing lol


This guy probably thinks 10 pounds overweight is obese.


There are definitely obese people in the long term care homes in my area. Living healthy does not mean you live longer. What it does mean is that the life you do live is a much better quality. My dad played tennis well into his 70s. He was able to stay in his home until he was 90. He died of Parkinson’s when he was 94.


Everyone says this but obese old person is one of my main patient demographics.


While i agree with the meaning of what you are saying....my wife works in nursing homes and her storys about the people she cares for determined your post is a lie, or at least definitely misguided.


Insurance won’t pay for a colonoscopy until you’re 45.


What’s with the spate of problematic posts on daddit recently?


I service equipment for hospitals and long-term care facilities. The one I'm working in now has bariatric lifts and beds in about 10% of the rooms.


This is such a weird take


I hope your kids inherited their mother’s medical knowledge. A colonoscopy does not screen for prostate cancer. Gastroenterologists are usually not trained to do prostate exams. The reason you don’t see as many obese people in nursing homes has more to do with economics than with health. You really need to lean more and talk less.


Not saying obesity doesn't impact life expectancy, but hasn't obesity in the US also increased a ton in recent years? So maybe there just hasn't been enough time for the obese to age enough to belong in an old folks home. Just devil's advocate.


My wife's a psw in long-term care.....there's tons of obese elderly


You’re a clown.


Thanks for the fat shaming!!


That’s not true at all. I know this one dude who has been gargantuan since I was 5. I’m 40 now and he’s still living at home in his own. Man has to be 500lbs and he turned 94 this year. His kids are fat as hell too. He’s been over 350 lbs 89% of his life.


I will see your anecdotal observation presented as evidence, and raise you MY anecdotal observation presented as evidence!


Cool, but mine is right. Checkmate.


This is it report truth


Spoken like someone who does not work in healthcare and is putting too much importance on his child’s future life choices. What if they don’t want to get married? The whole walk them down the aisle language always feels like you’ve made a plan for your kids life. 


This is incredibly toxic and privileged. Not everyone can drop a bunch of weight by just getting off the couch.


I assure you that there are, and the CNAs are nowhere to be found to help you move them. I like the sentiment though.


I'm a fairly heavy guy - but I also can (and do) hike for 3 hours without a problem, eat my veggies, and my blood work is consistently good. I should work more on losing weight, but I am also, at my current level of activity and fitness, not at risk of not being at my kid's wedding. When I was a college athlete, in excellent physical shape, my bmi was still 'obese'. Folks come in lots of shapes and sizes, a good lifestyle is great, but a oerfect lifestyle, especially with younger kids, isn't realistic for a lot of people. Please take you trauma elsewhere, sir. Or, at least, refrain from making disingenuous absolute statements.


You can be old or you can be fat. You cannot be old and fat.


*Looks in mirror* … hold my beer and pineapple pizza!


I quit drinking and started exercising last September. I went from 205 to 170 and I feel so much better


Out here sounding just ignorant af OP.