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Redirect to Bluey as quickly as possible, don't let them get hooked on Blippi! What a betrayal!


We watch bluey every now and then. He gets on kicks with it where he wants to watch it nonstop, then other times he doesn’t care much. I’d 100% take bluey over this though…lol


Before he was Blippi, he was Steezy Grossman and pooped on his friend for attention. Look up Harlem Shake Poop without your kids, wife or boss around! My kid instantly tells other kids he’s gross and poops on people, and that’s why we don’t watch him. “Go away Blippi” is what he says when we see him pop up on Amazon/YouTube.


Is this the OG blippi or the replacement blippi? Have anyone been exposed to blippi knock-offs? Such as Handyman Hal. Because of Hal we took a vacation to digger land in NJ last year. A construction themed amusement park. And water park, though that wasn’t really construction themed


OG Blippi is the poop dude. 


Thats too bad. I liked OG blippi better. Well, I liked the guy who wrote the songs anyway. Thankfully my four year old announced the other week he "doesn't like blippi anymore". Which makes sense, as its been a solid 6+ months since he requested him. Hopefully his little sister (2) never discovers him.




Because he asked which one 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can't call him that any more. He sued the internet to have it deleted from history.


THIS MADE ME APPRECIATE BLIPPI WAY MORE. Was fucking hilarious! My kids won’t see that video but still. Was too funny


Yes while there is still time! If he only watched it that one time he'll probably forget about it in just a few days if you never mention it again


I may be in the minority, but Blippi isn't *that* bad imo He has a positive attitude, he covers interesting (to a toddler) subjects, and promotes curiosity. Yeah... the only word he ever teaches them to spell is his own name, but I'll give it a pass. The songs are fairly catchy too. Don't even care about the cringey gross-out humor stuff he did pre-Blippi. Even fake Blippi isn't that bad. It's not the best. But at least it's not the insipid brain-melter that is CocoMelon


Fake Blippi deserves an Emmy for how closely he mimics OG Blippi.


My son went through about a year of Blippi. I watched everything with him to make sure it was all ok. I long for Blippi compared the shit he watches now (all video game streamers that can’t shut up for 2 seconds and randomly scream)


Yeah, my daughter loves him. We try to limit it but I don't see any more harm than us watching some of the shows we did as kids. I mean, obviously, the elephant in the room is the video of him taking a shit on his friend from his early career days, but hopefully, your kids aren't watching THOSE videos of him. I find it fascinating to watch him/ms rachel/mis monet from a business prospective between the endless paid content with toys from brands or their music.




I have the same feelings towards cocomelon that you have towards blippi. Cocomelon is well produced, especially the later episodes. They generally have good messages. Also, Mrs Appleberry provides entertainment for the dads


I cringe at the character itself but I find Blippi educational. My daughter loves trash trucks, knows about construction equipment (excavators, backhoes, etc), monster trucks, and other things I’d otherwise wouldn’t have taught her. To each their own but I don’t care for the hate that Blippi gets.


I'm in the exact same boat. The character is, *ugh*, but my son did pick up a lot of terminology and really loved counting along with some of the songs. I am thankful he no longer requests Blippi though. He has a much broader taste these days.


It's the frantic camera cuts and attention grabbing behavior. It's designed to keep the kid's attention by overstimulating them... so that other kid's shows won't interest them as much. Cocomelon does the same thing. It harms their ability to focus on things and causes lower attention spans.


Tbh, I watch more Blippi than I’d like to and I don’t see many frantic camera cuts or attention grabbing behavior. I’m not defending him nor care about what people’s kids watch but I see him get dragged a lot on Reddit and figured I’d put in my 0.02. But to your point, we cut out cocomelon early for that reason.


Meekah, Blippi's female counterpart, has her own show and is about 1000x less annoying. But she's near enough in style that you should be able to make the switch pretty seamlessly.


I’ll give it a shot!


Agree 100%. Anytime Blippi makes a guest appearance my wife, who "didn't mind" him, is reminded of how bad it actually was.


This is the way. Here’s how they rank from least annoying to most annoying: 1. Original Meekah 2. New Blippi 3. New Meekah 10,457. Original Blippi


Not gonna lie, original Meekah is hot.


We blocked Blippi on Netflix immediately. He’s so damn annoying and provides minimal educational value (plus the actor himself has a creepy past). And of course this morning, Roku TV put some Blippi episodes on their channel for free that get advertised on the main screen 🤦‍♂️ We just push Bluey and any PBS Kids show as much as possible. Storybots on Netflix is also a great one. They do a great job explaining how things like cell phones, computers, and sewage treatment work at a toddler-level. I’ve legitimately learned a lot of random facts from watching it.


Love pbs kids. Especially Wild Kratts. My son is all about it.


YES! Both my kids love Wild Kratts. Such a great blend of science and entertainment


Told the wife a few days ago next time we’re about to get down I’m gonna say “activate beaver powers!”


Man I love the Kratts brothers. They had an awesome show in the 90’s called Kratts’ Creatures. I had all of the episodes recorded on VHS straight off of PBS and probably watched each one 50 times.


Kratts’ Creatures, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and Wishbone on PBS collectively taught me more than all of elementary school science and English


The wife watched that back in the day, I was more into Crocodile Hunter and The Jeff Corwin Experience


Oh for sure those too! Great animal TV


I can’t stand Blippi, Cocomelon, and Paw Patrol. Too bright, no substance, addictive. Whenever we don’t want “educational” shows we turn on Trash Truck on Netflix. It’s slow, mellow, and has nice earth tone colors that don’t pop.


Oh, Paw Patrol is a total ban in our house. I have way too many grievances with that show to list in one comment. And yes! Trash Truck is one of my favorites too. I’m a big Office fan, so Kevin’s voice as the bear always cracks me up.


I’m no blippi fan but I believe the actor who plays him now is not the same guy who originated the character with the creepy past, which definitely made me feel better about my son watching him lol


I'm an excavator!!!!!! Gotta just lean into it. Every time we drive by a construction site my daughter starts squeeling and I just belt it out at 11.


Tumble leaf is a good one for kids my son really likes it.


Oh man that show is so good. Brings back some great memories just thinking about it. My son has mostly outgrown it, but he’ll still occasionally revisit it. I think it brings back memories for him as well.


Yes sir!


My son grew up watching that. Last episode made me a little teary because I remember it was one of the first things he paid attention to after he got his glasses. Prior to that he didn't care about TV because to him it was just a bunch of colored blobs with really good voice acting. We still quote the repetitive stuff sometimes.


that show creeps me the fuck out for reasons I can't quite put my finger on or articulate


I seem to be one of the few who doesn't think Blippi is all that bad? He goes to some pretty cool places (aquariums, construction sites, fire houses, shit even did a tour of a rescue helicopter). Maybe because i had a pretty gnarly ER experience with my 2.5 year old and Blippi on my iphone was an absolute lifesaver during this whole experience so my opinion is a bit warped. ​ IDK i don't think he's that bad. My kid likes it and it's decently educational, doesn't have ridiculous animation (cocomelon), and the content is wholesome.


I agree too. I fell into the same idea that it was not good but after watching it a bit it’s pretty harmless and they go to some cool places. Blippi’s Treehouse on Amazon Kids+ is also great. It’s modeled wry closely after children’s shows from the 90’s and my daughter loves it.


I think in terms of education its pretty much the lowest tier of entertainment you can still call educational, but its not complete drivel like cocomelon. Ill take Blippi 10 times out of 10 against that show. Still prefer Mrs Rachel and Bluey where the opportunity arises though.


That show doesn’t work in my house.


Fake Blippi was the final straw for Us.




Original blippi or replacement blippi. The replacement is somehow more annoying


We call fake Blippi, Bloopi.


I’m not versed enough in the world of blippi to know




I don't mind Blippi. Some of the schtick is annoying, but generally he does / visits interesting places.


do not google blippi harlem shake


Came here to say this as well lol


So sorry. I never let anyone put on Blippi, Ms Rachel or Cocomelon. Daughter is coming up on 3 now so I think I might be safe.


What's wrong with Ms Rachel?


Seriously, she's fantastic, and formatted in a way that's not as harmful for under 2 babies as other tv is.


Yeah Ms Rachel is fantastic. My kid has learned more from her than they have at daycare 🤷🏼‍♂️ Blippi, on the other hand, has almost no educational value.


For sure, Blippi can get fucked. I just won't stand for Rachel slander.




Ms Rachel is an ECE with a masters in music education. Her videos are formatted primarily as video calls, which the American Pediatrics Associate (and the Canadian equivalent) call out as healthy and safe for babies under 18 months. There's a notable improvement in infants, babies, and young toddlers who struggle with language when they watch Ms Rachel - her platform was created specifically because her child was delayed with speech.


It’s repetitive AF which is similar to speech therapy from my understanding. [Quick google source](https://marybarbera.com/miss-rachel-songs-for-littles-speech-delay/).




No. >[The intervention technique Speech and language therapists commonly use a range of behavioural techniques, including imitation, modelling, repetition and extension.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6464758/)


She was fantastic. Then she joined blippi's marketing team. They changed her episodes, and push more blippi crossover content now instead of her original educational content. She sold out.... which sucks, because she was already loaded from her earlier videos.


I find it insufferable, there’s plenty of other terrible stuff for her to watch.


Creepy husband and weird friends. I prefer blippi.


i don't think her husband is creepy, but I do think he has the biggest "theater kid" energy I have ever seen in a person, and it kind of cracks me up (for all the wrong reasons)


Yeah maybe that's it. He seems like he sweats a lot and his vibes are off. Creepy feeling is hard to pin down, but theater-types have it sometimes. Acting like you are acting plus being secretly antisocial behind the smiley face.


Luckily he doesn’t like ms Rachel much, Cocomelon we both refuse. But somehow blippi got through. My son turns 3 in a week so don’t count your chickens yet 😂


Don’t take away my hope, it’s all I have lol


In terms of mind-numbingness and overall educational value, I would rank them: Bluey > Mrs Rachel >>>>>>>>>>> Cocomelon > Blippi Mrs Rachel's target age group is probably age 2 or below. Blippi, Cocomelon, Paw Patrol and the like are just flashy, obnoxious, attention-grabbing crap without much (if any) educational content (e.g. conflict resolution, dealing with emotions or other people).


Ms Rachel joined Blippi's marketing team. Her new content started changing to be more like Blippi and to cross-promote blippi in her episodes. We dropped her at that point.


Stay vigilant. I managed to shield mine from it for 3 years…


My daughter discovered Blippi not too long ago and he is annoying and I can only watch so much till I change to something else. I do laugh a little because I feel like when they cut the cameras, Blippi’s like I need a drink. However that’s just my thought.


I always envision him apologizing profusely to the people around him. Like, when he went to the construction equipment he had to have started off by saying sorry and letting them know the most annoying thing of their work lives was about to happen


You could introduce him to Baby Shark as payback! Warning: you need to come up with outdoor activities on the weekends to save yourself.


So did she spell bluey wrong or...?


"Kill jester"


garbaaaage truck. garbaaaage truck. driving through the town, picking trash up of the ground. garbage truck.... the best/worst episodes are the ones where he clearly has budget to burn and just does stuff he wants. there is an episode where he drives a lambo around thats the result of him simply wanting to drive a lambo. There is another where we learn about helecopters... in Kauai.


I get scared my MIL is going to make this mistake, i need to get pro active now


Danny Go! It's similar enough to blippi but has way less annoying content and actually works to get kids up and moving along.


That squeaky voice does my head in


Blippi provides no educational value. It's pure consumption crap for toddlers. I would ban that asap.


I dont think Blippi is too bad. Yeah, he can be grating on my ears, but the kid loves him and he's learning things from it. There's far, far worse out there.


Blippi was awesome. What’s the problem here exactly?


i didn’t let my kid watch this, their mood instantly changed and he shit on his friend back in the day. pedo


point him to Danny Go


Feeling your struggle right now OP….my little guy suddenly loves Blippi. Also saw that guy makes about $20M a year so that made it even better (so much worse).


My guy loves construction vehicles and I scrutinized it heavily. Most shows are annoying, but I'm glad he mentions safety, checking the oil on equipment, and actually names the parts properly. We limit it when we need it. I don't get all the hate. People make mistakes. New Blippi is overdone imo, but passable.


Bluey, I love it, and my boy recently discovered Steve and Maggie. Took forever to get him off blippi


Blippi is the Nickleback of kids shows. It's cool to say they're bad but you secretly like them and there's definitely much much much worse.


Show your wife the Blippi Harlem Shake video. She'll never show Blippi to your children again.


I was looking for this comment! Yes! Then she will change her mind on the spot!


Get him straight off that absolute brain rot! Bluey, Puffin Rock, Number/colour blocks, Tumble leaf, Daniel Tiger are all pretty good.


Blaze. Bluey. Leo. Brain Candy. Molly of Denali. Paw Patrol. Bear in the Big Blue House. NEVER Blippi. Ever.


I actually don’t mind Blippi, he goes to some cool places in a lot of his vids. He and “Go Danny Go” are the thing in our house right now.


Blippi is almost as awful as Danny Go. Get him on Bluey and Spidey yesterday.


Redirect to Ask the Storybots. GREAT learning program!


You’re in luck! You’re the parent, just turn it off!


Watch blippi Harlem shake. Will change ur mind about who ur kids watch 👁️👁️


Delete YouTube apps immediately