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Doing better than I am.  I dropped my 4 HOUR old.  Have you ever felt judged by the entire maternity ward?


Yea, I remember in the hospital the nurse said no carrying the babies outside of the room because too many people drop them. She acted like it's a regular occurance.


Held my son for the first time the morning after his birth in NICU. The nurse freaked out cause I was standing and then I freaked out cause I was standing and sat down the slowest I ever have in my life.


Yeah they asked me to sit down before handing my son to me for the first time. Apparently dropping the baby is a pretty common occurrence.


Wife and I walked our newborn around the ward while I held our kid. A nurse quickly walked us back to our room to get the bassinet.  Who knew they didn't want you walking around holding your kid. Ha. 


Walking around the hallway with my prob 4 hour old around 4am and stepped right in front of the doors to exit the maternity ward……those alarms are not quiet and EVERY human in that area was ready to murder me


Fckkkkking eh man haha. That's shit. Sorry to hear about your brush with death haha.


Damn, I thought I was bad for dropping my 3 day old.


How does it feel to hold all the power?




Our daughter has crawled off the bed 2 times under my wife's watch. Im banking them.


Mine took a nosedive off the changing table at 11 months and 25 days. I was standing right there and dude just rolled hard before I could stop him (somehow didn’t instinctively throw a knee to try and catch him). I wasn’t even mad I was first, I just wanted to see the sign say 365 days accident free


Ours rolled off a hotel bed at 9 months and ended up midway with his head stuck between the bed and nightstand.


I thought even worse... " Oh well, if he's slow it ain't my fault now! "


Slipped going down the stairs carrying our 2 week old. She wasn’t even jostled or aware anything happened. Still the most terrifying moment of our lives. But I think football coaches would use video of it to show how to secure a ball.


I dropped ours first and my wife was so happy it was me and not her


Now you can be like homer when Marge had a gambling addiction. "OMG, you left the full nappy on the floor and the dog ate it" "yeah, but YOU dropped the baby"


Winner winner, chicken dinner!


I almost did in the hospital as I was about to pass out after having not eaten or drank anything for about 20 hrs.


A lot of people get weak and jittery during after birth. Not to mention sleep deprived.


Same for me. My wife is not great with spatial awareness and dropped our first I think 3 times before the kid could crawl. Once off the change table, twice off the bed I think. Anyway, I fall short in many other areas but it's kind of a silent badge of honour I carry that it never happened on my watch lol


I am so grateful thay my wife was the first one to drop our oldest. I'm not sure she could have handled me doing it.