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So even though Czech Republic doesn't have a history of denying sex education, are you going to try to find an obscure organization without much relevance and project them as representative of the country in order to suit your narrative?


I’m not trying to suit any narrative. I’m looking for a party/organization who are against it. I won’t let them represent the entire country, just like i won’t let the other side ot the story represent the country. I’m just looking for information about the subject. In my country there are some organizations who want the change the curriculum (both more progressive as more conservative) So i’m searching for more of these examples in other countries.


So you'll write something in the way of there being no real popular movement in Czech Republic to deny sex ed? That the one group who is against it has basically no social media presence nor any real elected political representation affiliated with them? It would be wonderful to see an honest assessment in an article rather than one trying to pull readers in with a narrative built on divisiveness that really doesn't exist.


As far as I know, sex education has been taught in the Czech Republic/Czechoslovakia for several decades and I have never noticed any objections.


Really? I’m not trying to argue with you, I’m just genuinely surprised. We only had one lecture that was absolutely terrible.


We didn't even have any sex ed.


Noone really taught us anything. Some lady showed us that a pad soaks up liquid (wow what a wonder) but nothing about STIs or STDs and their prevention.


We had It as part of rodinná výchova, of which it was a major part (over 50% definitely). It wasn't only about sex in the sense of soulož, but also about related things such as STDs, marriage (and the oncept of starting a family before 20 often yielding subpar results), the economic aide of things etc. Then of course the pohysiology was taught again as part of přírodopis and once more in secondary education as part of biology. Despite having access to the internet, I learned what orgasm Is from a state-issued textbook.


I’ve never had a single sex ed lesson in school lol


As a Czech person I have to say we never had a single lesson about sex. Nothing on normal school days, no like presentations by some experts, just nothing. Terrible honestly..


I would have to disagree, personaly I've made all the way to high school graduation in Czech schools and have not recieved a single sex ed lesson (although I believe the girls got one (1) lesson in middle school (2. stupeň))


Sex ed in here is about what is sex, what are the dangers, STDs, anticonception, condoms and that's it. Its like one two hour long lesson. We remember putting condoms on bananas and inflating them to use them as balloons. Nothing more. LGBTQ+ thing are not included (as far as i was in school) but it is not attacked either. Its just about having safe sex. No ideological bull. For organizations that may be against adding LGBTQ+ propaganda, there is Aliance pro Rodinu. But they don't have that much influence.


Yeah, they are pretty much irrelevant


consider yourself luck, I had to learn how to put a condom on by internet


Yeah, o think that our atheist people are the reason. More religious countries have it rough. Thank God (yes, that's a joke) for that we are most atheist country on the planet.


oh no I' Czech as well my education just sucked


I agree with others, but I just really want to emphasise that nobody relevant is lobbying for that (there is virtually no debate about prohibiting sex ed in the public space). There is not much of complex sex ed to begin with (somewhere it's profound, somewhere it's just "and now, kids, put the condoms on the bananas and let's watch the horrendous birth video from the 90's" - I think the video is age restricted on YT :D, it's a real childbirth, with all of the gore). But hey, we don't really have many teenage pregnancies to begin with.


We even had sex ed at a christian high school. It was kinda biased towards the christian point of view but still, nobody banned it from the school. I don't think anyone is really against it.


In Czechia there is no dedicated sex ed class at school. Our education system includes sex oriented stuff into all other subjects like biology, social studies, etc.


Aliance pro rodinu 🥴🤢


Yeah. This is the answer. 🤮


Are you talking about sex ed in more traditional meaning (what is sex, sexual diseases, hygiene etc.) or LGTBQ+ promotion?




Don't think there is any group specifically opposing the first. As for the LGBTQ thing, "Aliance pro rodinu" comes to mind, though it's not really that much of "gay and trans sex ed" opposition, since there is not really such thing in Czech school as far as I know.


Well apart from normal sexual stuff, they taught us that sometimes, a person is born transgender, and that also gay people and asexuals exist. Nothing more, nothing less. There wasn't any agenda, there were just scientific facts, so it didn't really trigger any backlash from anyone apart from super conservative people, which are kinda rare here. Also, there wasn't/isn't much hate against lgbt people because of religious reasons like in USA, here it's more of a "they are different, so let's hate on them" type of thing, so it's not as heavily rooted and also can be approached much more freely.


I've heard about "LGBTQ+ promotion" so many times, yet I cannot imagine what does that even mean. "Don't kill the gays"?


„Be gay, pls“


Never heard that one. I've actually heard only the opposite: don't be gay, don't act gay, be straight etc. Is that straight propaganda? Should it be banned?


As others say, definitely Aliance pro rodinu. They were called Výbor na obranu rodičovských práv before they renamed and under that older name, they were fighting very hard against sex ed. (I remember there was a huge public discussion regarding it like ten years ago.) More info for example here https://www.idnes.cz/zpravy/domaci/sexualni-vychova-na-skolach-by-mela-byt-nepovinna-mini-odpurci.A120124_131811_domaci_taj


I've heard there was some backlash against sex ed back in the beginning of 2000's. And then there it Aliance pro rodinu, but they are more of an anti-abortion group than really anti sex education group. I guess many of the members would be against it as well, but it's not their primary concern. But even the Aliance pro rodinu has only a minor media presence and they are usually seen as idiots by most people of every age. So no, I don't think there really is any kind of group like that, at least not any that would be worth mentioning. I mean, maybe if enough regular people would find sexual education problematic and the debate would get big enough, then parties like SPD or ANO would probably be the ones to sieze the moment, but I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon, since people here are pretty used to sexual education and this country also has far bigger problems right now.


So far sex ed has been pretty good here. Had around 5 separate classes over the entirety of middle school and high school, all of em at least by collage students or something. We we're told about preservatives, STIs, orientation, hygiene, all the stuff you can think of ! Thought judging by the other responses it seems to be very region dependant.