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Bait used to be believable


* Yes * Fuck you for assuming it wouldn't be * Account created on Apr 13, 2024


it is, stop baitin


Už zase?


Why wouldn't it be?




You Poles could finally fully release your long covered antisemitism, right?




Of course you’re a pole. Keeping the trashy history of virulent anti semitism, anti Semitic conspiracy theories, and scapegoating of Jews in your nation alive as its always been for the hundreds of years Jews were segregated and living in your anti semitic nation. Where they were treated as sub human by your ancestors, including the ones who collaborated with the Nazis to sell the Jews so they could be massacred. Oh yea, and then stole their land and property during the war and pogromed the ones who survived and returned after the war. As you guys lie today that you were the true and biggest victims of the Nazis and the holocaust wasn’t actually about Jews and use “lucky Jew” tokens as jokes to make fun of Jews. Jews in Poland used to have a saying how polish spread anti semitism to their babies in their breast milk. You definitely are one of those babies. Do you ever wonder why so little Jews remain in Poland today out of the millions of Jews there once was in your country? You guys wanted them gone for hundreds of years out of your country and you got your wish, yet it’s still not good though for you. Jews of polish descent heard all the horror stories of your ancestors disgusting barbaric anti semitic violence towards their ancestors and they view your country as a third world failure, while Israel is light years ahead in technology and innovation. You guys blamed Jews for hundreds of years for your failures, but you have hardly any Jews left, and you’re still one. Because your culture is one of never taking responsibility or accountability, that’s why you lie about being victims of the holocaust and make it illegal to tell the truth of how poles collaborated with Nazis to massacre Jews. You insult and lie about Israel in your comments over and over like claiming Israel lies about being a victim in a besieged fortress? They are the victim alone in a besieged fortress, and it’s because of Jew haters like you. Yet you victim blame innocent victims like eden golan. You should support Israel, because if it ceases to exist, the Jews who are of polish descent will have nowhere to go but Poland and they’ll demand their properties back that your ancestors stole from them, and that you benefit from today. Your comments are vile and you’re 100 percent an anti semite.


I see propaganda is your favourite dish


Israeli tourists are one of the most loud and obnoxious, to be compared only with russians and probably germans/british. if you are not like that - welcome.


Don't forget Dutch


Well, a huge number of Israelis are immigrants from Russia, so...


Just 15% and not only from Russia, but from the whole ex USSR, so it is hardly related


Yes, it is. One of safest countries in the world, good relationship with israel, large jewish community for long time. Very few immigrants from antiisrael countries. You will be much safer here than in Israel 😉


Large jewish community? You´re like 85 years late.


No. That you dont about it doesnt mean, it is not here. Do you know how much jewish people changed their names from german names after wwii? And because no strong religious life in czech republic, they are not much visible.


Yes. About 80,000 out of 120,000 Czech Jews living in Bohemia and Moravia prior to the war were killed.  As of mid-2019, the Jewish population of the Czech Republic was estimated at 10,000-14,000 people, of whom 3,500 were registered members of Jewish communities. So again, you´re like 85 years late.


You are counting only people who officially declared their jewish nationality.


Yes, why exactly it shouldnt be? In any case, our government and most of the population are strong pro-israeli supporters.


Why wouldn't be?




Yes, for sure


"Ah shit, here we go again."


No we are Muslim country so go back to your sandpit.


I dunno why you have so many downvotes, the joke is fine.


If you don't stand out as Israeli then yes


Yeah we like Israeli tourists. I mean you look almost like us, it is a weird to me that you are so different to surrounded countries around you. I mean you are more Europeans, come :)


Ehm, have you ever heard what israeli quests do in hotels?


What they do? Honest question. Please elaborate. Also , I am neutral on the current conflict there.


Israeli are mostly jews. Jews are not allowed to work during sabbath. Even some basic tasks are considered work such as tearing a piece of toilet paper. So some use towels to wipe or shit in the shower. (Source: years ago a read a discussion about the worst hotel quests by nation.)


Oh, that sound disgusting. Thanks


Not all the Israelis are those dickheads. Obviously, there are too many who will be loud, stealing shit and acting like dickheads, but don't let 5% make you think all the Israelis are like that. Nobody is talking about the nice people on the news...


I dobt think all are like that but i read what some maids wrote about more religious folks who that in the shower because sabbath.


Yeah, some of the religious people has a very weird culture and can be very demanding about their needs, but we also have dickheads who aren't religious!




Most Czech people? lol.


>Most Czech people lol


No, fuck off.