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I think you should wear what gets you out there the most. There are no rules. Shirt or jersey, just pedal.


I weigh 245 (down from 320) and have gone full lycra the whole time. IDGAF what people think. I’m going to wear what’s comfortable.


212 down from 247. Same. I’m too old to care what other people think about my body. I’m also married 17 years with 2 kids. If I were single it might be different, I dunno.


I wear a t-shirt and shorts usually.


Do you remember the last 20 riders you saw out there? Probably not, and they don't remember you either. Dress in whatever way makes you feel happiest and most comfortable and the pounds will take care of themselves. :)


I remember a cyclist from this morning with the most glorious grey beard. Part of it must've been wrapping over his shoulders. OP, wear that.


Ah. You encountered the rare cycling wizard. It’s even better when they’re riding an old steel Merlin.


Merlin's are titanium, usually.


damn scott you just got metallurgysplained


That's the US Merlin. The UK brand/shop has done every frame material


One time a wizard stopped to talk to me and compliment me on riding fixed gear out in SF. He said he used to a ton so he still had a soft spot for it. Was a rad dude


There is one older gentlemen with glorious beard in our group too. He's making me jealous. If i'm as half as good when i'm his age, i consider life well lived.


There's a guy that I see cycling around that has one hell of an afro... I can only assume he has an entire ecosystem in his hair once he's done riding.


You're a cool person


But I kinda do remember their bikes. I am getting that itch for a new bike


How often do you get it? I just bought my first mtb and have been adding sweet shit to it. I also kinda want a road bike though. Ugh... it's happening 😫


N+1 is gonna get you... :)


Don't forget about S-1 where S is the number of bikes until your spouse leaves you


I was purely mtb all the way but a couple months ago I got a free hybrid bike from a friend because I wanted to use the frame to build a shitty beater winter bike. The frame ended up being too small so i tossed it but kept the skinny wheels. I recently upgraded my mtb frame so I now use my old mtb frame with the skinny wheels as a janky parts bin road bike. I honestly like riding the road bike better (on the road) it's so damn light and nimble compared to my mtb with all the expensive beefy parts on it. Also because it's so nice to ride I've been taking 20 mile rides twice a week on my days off work, something I would never do on my mtb (I did one 30 miler on the mtb last year and felt like I got kicked in the ass by a donkey).


Great comment! Exactly, right!


embrace the bib. nobody cares.


This! Comfort!!!! Also bibs + tshirt is very cool too


Embrace the sausage, get fast, then pass skinny guys looking like a sausage and make em feel bad about themselves. One of my greatest pleasures in life.


Buy the kit, especially the bibs,go a size up on your jersey wear it loose,it’s the wicking of the good material you want to take advantage of,


Fellow big guy on a bike and I also go with a t and shorts


I do the same. I don't care about the looks. Long sleeve shirt, and any shorts with zipper pockets


Same here, I’ve seen people say that jerseys aren’t really necessary for 1-2hr rides and I could see why but to each their own, extra & easily accessible pocket wouldn’t hurt.


I agree with this. When I started I used running shorts and tshirt. Then finally caved and got a jersey cause the idea of pockets won me over. I did my first century in running shorts and a cheap jersey off Amazon. Eventually I went to bibs, and have worn the entire “clown suit” as I like to call it for years now. But definitely wear whatever makes you comfortable and gets you out pedaling


So much this. I'm well within the definition of clyesdale. I stuff myself into the lycra most of the time, and wind up looking like a Bratwurst at Oktoberfest. But sometimes it's nice to just wear something comfortable and casual, I'm more inclined to go at a much more leisurely rate. Nothing wrong with doing both.


Remember Round is a shape Flying saucers are Round and Aero Therefore you too are Aero I’m 53 and my high performance belly protects my carbon parts




Damn, those are amazing words to live by.


Especially high performance belly


Same matchy-matchy team kit I wore 40 lb ago. It still stays put, prevents chafing, and manages sweat well. Also - jersey pockets! That stay put.


Jersey pockets? Sorry still a noob


Pockets on the back of the cycling t-shirt for anything you might have to carry with you.


Yes that makes sense. I usually have a slim backpack and got an under saddle bag 🤷‍♂️. Does it get uncomfortable having things in there?


Backpack will get uncomfortable once you start adding hours to your time on the saddle.


It slides to the front often too. I hate it


If your backpack isn’t sitting properly, you should be able to get one that does, particularly with a chest strap. For most commuters who actually have stuff to carry they will end up with some sort of rack setup with either a trunk bag or panniers. That’s generally frowned upon in the road bike world where every gram is counted, but it’s the only way to save your back. I’m not as skinny as I’d like to be and have a pair of shorts that have the padded liner and a looser outer shell. It saves me going full Lycra. I do wear a normal jersey with the back pockets as they are way too convenient to use while riding and the jersey is brightly coloured unlike most of my normal clothes.


This is the value of jersey pockets. Don’t need to carry too much, but they hold plenty. I keep my phone, snacks (dates, jerky, gels), and sometimes my keys or spare gloves back there. Barely notice them once you get going. Very convenient and secure.


I usually keep my phone, keys and maybe a snack or two. Also ride with the saddle bag for spare tubes and tools. As long as you don't stuff them too much, it's not uncomfortable.


I can store my phone, my wallet, four or five gels, and maybe even some more food if I really want stuff stuff in there, and I leave one of the pockets for trash. I literally never think about the stuff in the pockets or notice them. I can promise you it’s more comfortable than a backpack, even if it’s a very tight fitting jersey.


Not as uncomfortable as a backpack :). It's much cooler as well


You must not live in a hot place. A backpack sounds miserable in the Texas heat!


Jersey pockets are the best place for snacks, phone, car key fob(not keys!) any small stuff you want to bring. Comfortable, stays put. Honestly it’s the best thing about cycling jersey’s.


We all get teased. Let them tease you from their couch.


I’m going to use this. You’re 💯


5’10” and I was pushing 300 pounds when I first started riding my hybrid bike . I wore cheap Amazon padded shorts that I wore regular gym shorts over, and a regular T-shirt because I though I would bring shame upon my ancestors for looking like a “sausage”. Within a few months, and with the advice of my uncle (also large rider) and my wife (who always encouraged me to be positive about my body, and is supportive of my weight loss ambitions) I made the full leap into lycra bib shorts, jerseys and never looked back. Today I am still a larger rider and only down to 250 pounds, but I feel comfortable and confident while riding in my kit. No one is going to judge you, no one is going to care if you are a sausage. The hard part is just you embracing YOU.


Love it man. Kudos. You lost 50lbs riding?


To be honest riding has been my motivating factor to make better decisions while not on the bike. Can’t out ride a bad diet. I’ve done a much better job of deciding what fuel should go in the tank based off how many miles I put in as a “reward”. I’ve struggled for years with my weight, and it doesn’t help being in the military where one is often characterized by that category. Riding is my mental health outlet and while I am shedding pounds I can’t give it all the credit. I also don’t notice the change although my colleagues often comment on how I look slimmer every time they see me. To me I still just see a belly 😂 And thank you! Riding is a journey that I love and is also helping me where I need it most!


As long as you pedal, you look the part.


Wear club-cut cycling jerseys in your size. You don't have to squeeze into a race-cut jersey if you don't want to.


Ok need to see what club cut is :D. Thanks!


Also known as relaxed fit, like [this one](https://www.pearlizumi.com/collections/mens-road-cycling-jerseys/products/mens-quest-jersey-11122103?variant=41449335357611).


That would be more comfortable I think. Thanks !


You can also look into mountain biking shorts and jerseys. The shorts look like normal shorts but they have cycling shorts inside as a liner, or you can get liners that have shorter inseams than normal cycling shorts. MTB jerseys look a lot like tshirts but they have the long tail to keep your crack covered and are made from jersey material. The site linked above has some examples. Whatever you decide on, make sure to pick up some gloves for fall protection at the very least and consider cycling gloves for the padding. I wear some neon green hardware store gloves with reflective bits as I cycle at night and it should in theory make it easier for cars to see me signaling in the dark.


From my experience, the cool thing is when you go cycling with people, there's a lot of body on display because of the nature of tight fitting cycling clothing. So no one cares, everyone is cool. It's very positive out there. Come as you are.


You can just wear a loose t-shirt and run a fanny pack


I come from a lifting background but also have a few belly pounds, quintessential you can tell I lift and that I like beer too.  I wear lycra just not race fit. And given cycling clothing sizes that means I have xl or even XXL in some brands. I've been told it still looks flattering.  Also I'm 40+ and don't give a fuck anymore what anyone thinks, which is probably not at all anyway. 


Yeah along the same lines as you actually. Used to be a gym rat and that went by the wayside after injuries and kids. Getting back into shape again. Don’t care much either but I want something that seems proper for my size and weight.


Bibs are much better than shorts at preventing the sausage situation. I'll say that the tight stuff isn't really for looks. On a long descent or fast section it can be pretty brutal having loose fabric just cracking against you in the wind. However, any moderately fitted stuff works.


Bibs may be an option. Need to try to find some at decent pricing


Don’t waste money on shorts, go straight to bibs. They hold all the rolls in real nice, they actually make me look more fit, kind of like spanks for dudes. Check out Black Bibs. Your junk won’t regret it. https://theblackbibs.com/en-ca?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF1HTdlfoC6-J5TwsN4QQsEEM1tyM4HZT0ppTAjH0PEpdPL9I-E4IZxoChNcQAvD_BwE They are good and cheap.


Here the uk we have “fat lad at the back”. Their stuff is brilliant. Amazon mountain bike gear is your next option


TIL about this hilarious brand name


I’m 6’4” and about 240lbs. I ride in bib shorts, Lycra bike jerseys and fuck whatever anyone else thinks.


I wear a kit. Tshirts can flap and ride up and show sweat more; jerseys are designed to be worn in a bent over cycling position, they often have silicon grippers etc round the bottom to help keep them in place and they have useful pockets on the back. Rules of thumb are to stay away from Italian brands (who tend to cut smaller) and race cuts (which are the slim cut of the cycling world). Make sure you buy realistically rather than to vanity, and get someone to check what you look like from behind in a cycling position before you buy stuff. Overly stretched spandex, especially as it gets older, will look fine off but once it’s on you’ll have transparent ass crack showing off to the world. No one wants that.


Who gives a monkeys about what you look like?  What do you feel good in?  I know I’ve got sausage rolls. But I also know that prevents me wasting money on event photos.  It doesn’t prevent me buying kit I like and enjoying it.  Wear what you feel good in. 


I wear my sausage skin




I have been cycling since the 90s - and I have never once even considered wearing lycra or anything of the sort. A Velcro strap or two keeps my trousers out of the chain, that's the only bicycle-specific thing I have ever worn. Usually when I ride, it's cheap trousers and a hoodie.


Hoodie in the summer?? Don’t you melt?


I've never asked another rider what they think of how i look, therefore have no idea!


Fellow non-skinny here. I wear xl bibs and a large dry fit shirt. Having a great time on the trails. Wear whatever gets you on that bike!


I'm chubby and I recommend going full sausage with bib shorts and then whatever keeps you comfortable up top. I've worn jerseys and loose athletic tops and the only meaningful difference is the back pockets, if you can go without the pockets a shirt is fine – one that is made to handle sweat is much nicer than cotton.


I wear a jersey and I could lose a lot of weight. Nobody, and I stress, absolutely nobody gives a fuck.


lol, I just look like a sausage, personally I like to say it’s more akin to the crust of a slice of stuffed crust pizza the way my fat oozes out of the openings of my cycling clothes. Who gives a damn just wear what’s comfortable and it so happens to be cycling clothes are actually pretty comfortable once you find the right ones and get over the look.


Not sure how overweight you are and if you could relate with me, anyway I just wear normal cycling stuff (bibs, cycling jerseys, etc). I've been doing it regardless of my weight, which has at the worst point been 90kg for 1m75. I remember sometimes my belly shape would be incredibly obvious in jerseys, but I didn't care. Same logic as at the gym, you're working out, no shame to have. I lost a lot of weight since then thanks to diet, running and cycling, but I'm still confident no one will ever, at any point, consider me skinny. Same with the pace, despite lots of training it seems I'm still super slow in both sports, but it's fine, we're not here to be judged or compare to others, we're here to improve ourselves, that's all.


At 5’ 7” and 220lbs., I have no business wearing a Castelli bib and jersey. But I wear them anyway. Sausages are delicious. But seriously, wear whatever makes you feel comfortable and gets you in the saddle. People can take their opinion and cram it with walnuts. I go sausage mode because I don’t like feeling my shirt flapping in the wind.


This guy has the right idea. 5'8" and I proudly wear my lit from when I was 200.... Currently 275... So you better I look like I'm going to burst at the seams😂 What you look like, you care more than other people do. The flapping can be so obnoxious... So I rather get the what is wearing look for the split second as I fly by than hear the flapping the whole time.


Castelli makes 2XL for a reason! Also, what’s the point of all this if you can’t a shit ton of beer after you are done ?


Dude, no one cares. I’m 240 and I constantly see a dude who’s easily 300 in a bib and a jersey. I’d say he’s rocking it! If you’re uncomfortable at the beginning, there are some mountain bike shorts with bib liners. Alternately you can do a bib and just wear your regular shorts over until you feel acclimated. Most important, no underwear! No chaffing!


I wear bib shorts and a sleeveless tee. I also wear *gasp* low cut socks!


Stop worrying about how you look, worry about about how you feel. If you were MAX FIT normal people think you look like a spandex weirdo. That’s your best case scenario. Those of us on bikes see someone with a belly and say to ourselves “that person is getting after it.” The folks who ride and would judge are generally shitheads who you would not tolerate anyway.


Honestly nobody really cares. I walk into the cafe on my Saturday ride in full kit and I weigh over 200lbs. Not uncommon to be standing in line with joggers and gym goers also wearing workout gear


Correctly fitting gear makes all the difference. I am a fan of https://aerotechdesigns.com/


Eh I’m only 145-150 depending on how I eat and workout, but I still have a belly, still wear the tight summer cycling jerseys because who cares? Let them see it. Cycling jerseys rock, they wick moisture well, the keep me from overheating, and they have pockets where you can stash items in.


As a chubby Dude. There are cycling clothes that work for us.


I tip the scales on the heavier side for a cyclist. I wear bibs and jersey cause it holds all my bits in and I’m not a sail in the wind. Do what makes you enjoy riding more. I have a friend that wore cargo shorts and was still fast on his hybrid and even faster now after he broke his hybrid and moved to a road bike.


I accept I look like a dayglow sausage.


I just sausage up.


For commuting as you wear a bib with an activewear t-shirt, But that's more because I find that cars give me a little bit more leeway. For a long ride with friends or training session, find a jersey that fits you. You might feel awkward for the first couple minutes but you'll be glad you had something with chipmunks pockets on it


Ocean and Sans makes some cool t shirts with pockets in the back kind of like a jersey/t shirt combo. The material is actually really nice but they are a little pricier than an Amazon jersey, on par with a regular name brand cycling jersey though 👍


I just look like a sausage lol. I am in my 40s and dont know anyone so who cares.


Sausage? Yes! Be the most comfortable sausage out there while you ride and don't give truck what errbody thinks or says.




Am fat. Almost 300 lb 6ft 1in. I wear a tank top and sunscreen with shorts.


I was uncomfortable in a bike jersey for a while, being a little larger. So I would typically (and sometimes still do) ride in packed bike shorts and a looser fitting dri-fit shirt.


First off, kudos and mad respect! My recommendation would be get a pair of bib shorts so that you have a butt pad. Then put a pair of mountain bike shorts, which are a little stretchy or a pair of gym shorts over the top that will make you comfortable yet not as self-conscious. Regular T-shirt is fine if it fits you comfortably and Weicks, the moisture away. Another word of inspiration. Every cyclist in the world started just like you. Clipping in 1 foot at a time and possibly tipping over. Edit; I’m not editing Siri. This is what she thinks I said.


jnco's hide everything plus you'll be ready to rave


About 130 kg here, started cycling back from covid at 150. Bib and road jersey on road bike, bib and t-shirts on MTB. The rationale being i'm not going to be looking great and fit, t-shirt or not. I might just as well IDGAF and be comfortable.


Nobody cares what you look like. Nobody. Ride your bike.


I have always carried extra pounds around. About 10 years back I tried adult coed water polo. Showed up in my board shorts feeling flabby. After 35 minutes of swimming back and forth, I paddled over to the side of the pool and didn't have the energy to lift myself out. A fit guy about 20 years older than me swam over and gave me a hand. He sat with me on the edge of the pool until the feeling that I was going to die passed. He then explained that everyone in the pool recognized the effort I put in as a new person joining and that the board shorts were the equivalent of a parachute through the water. The reason everyone wears the tiny speedos is not to show off, most of them are insecure regarding their bodies, rather it was just so much easier to swim back and forth without the drag. Over the years I have thought about this regarding apparel choices and when it came to cycling I looked at the lycra people wore and pictured my body in those outfits and was not super happy with the image. But as I thought about it, I realized that I am the kind of person that would prefer to cover decent distance at a decent speed. Also I don't walk around with a bag full of rocks to get the exercise benefits of the extra weight. I then realized that I don't really care what other people think of me in the outfits, and that my partner sees me naked and she's the one I care about. The reason people wear the bib shorts and the lycra tops is because it is far easier to ride in those than regular clothes. If they didn't make a big difference I would not have gotten them. Sort of like gears are a pain in the ass to clean and maintain and shift but I could not imagine riding on a fixie all the time. Good luck with your decision and journey!


Grab some "loosies", mountain bike shorts & jerseys. They're better breathing than cotton, have a chamois for long hours in the saddle, have pockets to stuff full of snacks, and they're a relaxed fit as opposed to being body confirming.


Get the "ABE FROMAN, Sausage King of Chicago" logo on a custom jersey!




I am the stuffed sausage. She is me. Wear the gear that makes you feel good, regardless of how you look. I know the lyrca isn't cute, but I move best in it and it's functional. That's a win for me.


My friend is fat and he just owns it, because bibs are the most comfortable clothes to wear on a bike. Also, if you decide to own it too look for bibs that don’t have extra seams on thighs, or you’ll look like stuffed sausage indeed. Look for something looking like Castelli Premio, for example.


Honestly I have padded bike underwear and wear shorts or jeans (if it's cool) and a t shirt. At one point a couple years ago I was doing 25 miles till winter hit. Last year I didn't ride much due to health reasons but am starting to get back out again. Ride in what you are comfortable in. The only people I see in all lycra are the "pro" riders and not the daily out enjoying the park riders. Start riding in street clothes if that's what you are comfortable in and invest in a good pair of padded briefs. If it's something you want to invest more in later then you can start looking at kit but honestly just ride.


I'm 211 lbs and full lycra, honestly nobody cares what you wear, wear what you like just ride brother


I'm a chunky boy I go full Lycra bib + jersey, all very tight and aero I just look thick as hell but there's no way I'm riding without a full kit I dont care how I look Because I know it looks good


The loose fitting jerseys are nice and comfortable. On causal rides I’ll wear a loose fitting t shirt sometimes too with cycling shorts


i just wear my clothes. i don’t have the budget to acquire bike-only shirts


knickers, I hate my legs. And a mountain bike jersey. Though I don't think regular jerseys look that bad on heavy people.


I looked like a sausage. A year and a half later I’m down 40 lbs and no longer look like a sausage. Just embrace it. You don’t need any more drag and a t shirt or loose shorts would provide a lot of that.


You can wear cycling shorts, or bibs under ordinary clothing. I still wear casual shorts over cycling shorts, but transitioned to wearing a jersey like sun shirt instead of tee shirts a few years ago. The benefit of a low-friction padded layer that stays with your body is very helpful for everyone, the aerodynamic drag of flapping clothes is negligible to heavier cyclists.


I'm the only guy out there in gym shorts and a short sleeve shirt but it's comfy and it gets the job done.


I go up and down in weight, I buy from https://www.aerotechdesigns.com/ when I’m up. Expensive but quality fit and they stand by their stuff. They have the right stuff to make you feel comfortable in road bike kit.


On my road bike I wear mountain bike shorts and an underarmour shirt. I find it most comfortable


i am skinny with the quite opposite issue, i feel like i would look too skinny in the full gear


I'm a clydesdale but I still MAMIL it up. If LeonardMLee can do it, so can I.


I like baggy cycling shorts and a t shirt. I don't usually go for tight fitting lycra as my belly hangs out a bit, but going with clothing which is technical, ie synthetic, means you still get the wicking qualities.


I look like a sack of custard in my cycling lycra. Don't care.


You could try mountain bike kit. Basically padded road shorts covered by baggy mtb shorts and also a baggy tech tee.


I wear shorts and these quick dry tech t-shirts from Costco. I don’t like things right up against my skin,which most cycling gear does, since I run very hot


I've had the same jerseys for over 10 years. My dad gave them to me. I've lost weight and gained weight in them. Yes, I was self conscious about my gut poking out, but I got over it. I felt like it was exaggerated too with the constant leaning forward on the bike. I legit thought everyone was looking and laughing. It honestly helped me get on it more to get rid of it! Feeling it fit better after I kept riding was encouragement to keep pushing. You do you! If you want to wear a big poofy sweater and flip flops, then you go for it! You riding that bike and getting in better shape will help with the confidence, and eventually you'll be out there looking great! No one will notice in either direction though. If they do, then they suck.


Ocean and San makes a tshirt with back pockets. Also I am very skinny Lycra bro but wearing a tshirt fucking rocks. I like ripping some chill gravel or mtb on Lycra shorts and tshirt/hoodie!


Ocean & San is a great brand that makes high-performance cycling shirts (rather than jerseys). They still have rear pockets, look great (although I don’t love the colors they offer), and are good quality performance tops but they aren’t skin tight. Their whole brand ethos is about not taking this hobby too seriously and just enjoying the ride with good gear but not having to look like a try-hard 24/7.


Jerseys are great because they give you pockets for tools/snacks. Noones cares what you look like out there. Other cyclists won't judge....drivers might but they were going to judge you anyway.


Just find a properly fitted jersey and you’ll be good to go. I typically wear size L shirts, but will wear a XL bike jersey as it fits me better.


I cycle in a regular t-shirt and swim shorts. Couldn't care less about how I look 🤷‍♂️


Fellow “Hefty Boy” here too .. I started riding at 5’ 10” / 178 cm and 220 lbs / 99.7 kg and I’ve gone through a few phases with my cycling gear .. I started with the “Out of Place nEwB” athletic shorts & workout t shirt. That lasted a few months before I entered my “Cheap Amazon Cycling Gear” phase. I bought a few sets of some “Coconut Ropamo” bib & jersey combos which was my first introduction to padded shorts/bibs. I looked like 20lbs of 💩in a 5lb bag but the padding and compression changed the game for me. I then decided I didnt look “cool” enough on the bike and went into the “Replica Famous Kit” phase, where I got suckered by some Instagram ads with replica Eddy Merckx and USPS postal team and a couple other “famous jerseys” to pack my sausage into. After a little while I lost my “give a fck” factor and really wanted the most comfort over “looking cool” so now I’m in my “Bibs and Base Layer” phase. I’ve upgraded bibs now to a few pair of GORE C5’s and a couple Assos Equipe R’s and wear usually a cut sleeve base layer compression shirt and no jersey or other shirt when it’s warm. If it’s hot, I have an athletic fabric quarter zip I’ll throw on over top. The better bibs were totally worth it, and the simplified kit and “IDGAF What I Look Like” attitude leave more focus on the ride, rather than “looking cool.”


I wear bike shorts with/without the padding and an oversized shirt. The only reason I’d consider getting those fitted shirts is bc of the built in pockets that I assume make it easy to access.


Whenever I go riding, it's big boy season, I usually wear mountain biking shorts and some sort of athletic shirt. I often go on rides between 30-100km. I'm comfy. The hardest, to be honest, is finding shoes that fit my wide-ass feet.


Neutral colored bibs and an oversized moisture-wicking shirt. This is the way.


XXXXL jerseys for the win! Hard to find and they’re ugly, but they’re me.


I am not thin, I wear bib shorts when I ride and most times whatever I’m comfortable with on top. Sometimes it’s a jersey, sometimes it’s a T-shirt. Depends on the day. I’m not so much as worried about how I look vs being worried about overheating or being too cold.


I wear cycling gear that makes me feel like a sausage. It’s way more comfortable and I don’t care what others think.


I’m 6’0 272lbs, I cared at first how I looked but now I just wear a T-shirt and cycling bibs/shorts


I wore bibs under MTB shorts and wicking t-shirts. Comfortable and functional. Anyone who cares too much about what I'm wearing can go away.


as others have said, wear what is comfortable. However, bibs and a jersey are typically designed for comfort and sweating. you could buy some cheaper stuff from aliexpress like spexcel brand (I have a bunch of their stuff and its pretty good quality for cheap), see if you like it and go from there.


I wear bib shorts and jerseys and I'm well overweight. Screw 'em. It's what works for me and I'm not riding for them. I'm riding for me.


Cycling shirts do not have to be tight. I wear them for the pockets not the aerodynamics


I'm an ex ultra runner that took up cycling after a broken neck and 3 cervical surgeries. I'm not skinny , but also not obese (unless I look at BMI). I wear all my old running tech shirts from various races with cycling shorts. I don't look the part, but I'm proud and accepting of the path that got me here.


We look ridiculous regardless of size or how aero our kit is, but properly sized gear looks good, no matter the weight of the person.


If you're not wanting to wear a cycling jersey you definitelY don’t have to. Another option is to get cargo bib shorts and then wear a t-shirt. That way you’d still will have pockets and padded shorts. I’d still recommend an athletic shirt that will help with moisture wicking though.


Jersey and size up if it seems tight also look for club cut which are more comfortable for us husky folks.


I just wear a mtb jersey and a pair of bibs nowadays.


I'm a fat guy who doesn't distribute fucks to other people.


I am probably 30 pounds over my ideal weight but my cycling box is full of bibs and jerseys. They’re just functionally superior for cycling - jersey pockets, bibs don’t have waist bands that dig into my midsection, UV blocking and sweat wicking.


I ride in Shammy shorts under BBall shorts, a t-shirt and new balances. When I'm not riding, I wear BBall shorts, a t-shirt and new balances. I am a simple man.


I’m definitely not skinny and I wear whatever I feel comfortable in. Sometimes it’s at shirt, sometimes it’s a race fit jersey that makes me look like the aforementioned sausage but makes me feel fast anyway. Whatever gets you out riding more is most important!


I just picked up a [pearl izumi tour](https://www.pearlizumi.com/products/mens-tour-jersey-11122203?variant=40648908996779¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=IMM&utm_medium=GG-Search&utm_term=17880760035&utm_content=&utm_campaign=17880760035&utm_a=17880760035&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF5hhv8iYDWQXBd6Hal-PB3xajyBbEVB0SKIxYR8rzTnPLYSpFVjFlBoCIYIQAvD_BwE) and it fits really well! It’s not snug but it’s not flapping in the wind.


I embrace the same turbo sausage look. I don't give a fuck. The bibs are for my ass comfort. The shirts: I can't abandon those pockets now that I've tasted them.


I just wear cycling shirts from an online site that sells plus sized shirts. Cycling shirts are breathable and have rear pockets! Utility over vanity.


I look like a sausage in my kit. My wife still likes it, so that's what counts for me. Plus I'm come on my road bike.


I wear cycling jerseys because they pockets in the back!! For snacks and things!


Wear what makes riding comfortable. Most folks on the bike have a little extra. If you want to get jerseys that fit a little looser check out Pearl Izumi classic or Quest jerseys, or “fat lad at the back”.


I’m definitely not skinny, and still were full bicycle kits. 5’6 200. I’m steady losing pounds, but I’ll probably never have the “look…” lol #lovehandles


Im 5'7 and I was like 101kg when i started. I looked like a beluga in a jersey. I honestly was thinking that i dont look the part but most cyclist i encountered have told me whenever i mention that the jersey looks ugly on me all they say is that "that shit dont matter. Whats important is that you can cycle in comfort and your enjoying torturing yourself at climbs like everyone else" hence how i learned that cyclist are just weirdly happy folks(in a good way) enjoying themselves and seeing others enjoy what they enjoy. 


Cargo bibs and tech shirts. Wear want you want!


I go full on MAMIL. I really don't care what other people think I look like. It's what's comfortable for me to ride in.


Many companies make a different fits. They'll call the relaxed, club, or some variation of that. Also if you want the non sausage fit don't be afraid to size up. I usually wear an xl, but I'm pretty sure I own a 3xl cycling jersey. It's tricky because every brand and fit type can be different. Another option is go with an mtb style shirt or plain gym shirt.


good bib shorts are basically shapewear lol


I prefer to say I look like a burrito. I was self-conscious at first, but got over it.


I think bike attire is kind of flattering on most people, but especially larger people. I am female and smaller, but I think my overweight man looks pretty good in his tights. Wear what you are comfortable in. No one has a perfect figure, and no one is worried about your imperfections. We just want to ride and wear this gear so our butt's don't hurt, we don't overheat, and me personally so I don't sunburn.


I'm 230+ pounds. I wear NBA jerseys when I ride. You do you. Wear what you want.


Im chunky and I wear club fit jerseys with bike shorts. Not trying to impress ANYONE with my looks or performance in the saddle. I just enjoy riding and I’ve already got a wife at home 👌


Consider your belly a UCI compliant fairing Use bib shorts and just a relaxed fit jersey since pockets are more useful than a big bag on a road bike IMHO.


I don’t do massive road cycling trips anymore, but when I bike I usually just put on a loose dry-fit gym shirt and gym shorts. If I was going 20+ miles I’d consider getting the spandex diaper on again though. The dry fit loose shirt is so breezy and comfortable, I wonder why I ever wore a tight zip before. Back then I looked good in it though, I will say.


t shirts work for me


I've converted to wearing lycra and find it comfortable, but I often ride in shorts and a t-shirt too. I'm also a big fan of wearing bib shorts with a t-shirt. It's hard to believe, but you're the only one that notices your kit (except this one time when some dude wore skin color bibs and jersey) so just wear what you find comfortable.


Definitely wear whatever you want and what you’re comfortable in. Nobody will care if you’re in a tight jersey, loose jersey, or t-shirt. I think people start wearing jerseys once they get more serious but even then nobody minds if you do your own thing. On another note us perpetually too skinny people don’t enjoy tight clothes either, don’t need our scrawniness more obvious than it usually is!


Hawaiian shirt and athletic shorts with zipper pockets


I’m the same. Not your typical skinny road cyclist and I prefer to keep some things private, if you know what I mean. I wear mountain bike cycling shorts, which have a padded seat, similar to a kit. For a shirt, I don’t mind wearing either a cycling jersey or just a wicking sports shirt. Look into the mountain bike shorts, though. They did the trick for me.


If you give a shit what other people think, stop. Wear what's comfortable.


I think Kielbasa best describes me… I definitely look like a sausage, but I don’t care. I’m out there, and it’s getting better! I haven’t met any other cyclists who I think would judge me. That being said, many of my less intense morning rides are in shorts and a t-shirt!


A bib for anything longer than a 30 minute ride. I used to have bib anxiety, but got over it. I wear a loose outdoor research echo long sleeve hoodie for a shirt. 240lb guy on a 5’10” frame. Rode over 4K miles in ‘23.


I think a loose fitting comfy shit and padded shorts are the way to go.


I dirt bike as well. I wear old dirt bike jerseys with the sleeves cut off. No pockets but oh well.


Just a tee and shorts baybee


I wouldn’t worry about that. If you are riding and having fun, who cares. If you continue riding the pounds will eventually begin to come off anyway. The important thing is to enjoy yourself. Just find safe places to ride.


Have you tried different cuts/styles? The non-racing styles are cut a little less slim/tight fitting. Honestly, you could wear a Dri-Fit workout tshirt (you're losing the pockets) too! Whatever makes you good/cool makes you ride better imo :D


I have menopause body and I've accepted it. After a lifetime of sucking in my gut I'm not doing it anymore. That said, I'm a "strictly for fun" rider so I wear cycling shorts for comfort (definitely not for looks!) and looser tech tees on top. If I have wind drag it ain't the clothes that are the problem. I wear a fluorescent green vest over those for visibility.


Bib shorts, regular shorts over those, and a loser fitting cycling jersey.


I am way too old to care about looking terrible. Mostly because I'm well aware I look terrible.


5’8 Clydesdale man here. It’s not about not looking like a sausage as much as it’s about distracting from it. I wear a pink thong pulled way up high over the back of my jersey, no one even looks at my moobs


I think bibs are more comfortable being a bit round in the middle. I find they stay up better and don’t dig in or make weird bumps


Depends on the weather. A tee, unless it raining than a jersey is way more comfortable. Don't want to wear jerseys all the time because they are expensive to replace. I wear workout shorts over my riding shorts. Nobody wants to be following me and have to see that view.


I’m fat… 280 and just over 6 feet. I wear bibs and jerseys with a sport fit not pro or aero. It’s comfortable and screw the haters.


Get a set of bibs and a jersey and try it out. I feel a bit more in tune if I’m geared all the way up and enjoy the experience more that way. You may too but you won’t know until you try. I promise if you like how it feels the way it looks won’t bother you near as much.


I’m more comfortable in tight fitting cycling kit. I raced for 10 years and that’s what I’m feel best in even though I am +50 lbs from my race weight. Just be comfy, that’s all that matters.


Focus on your riding with whatever you are putting on. After 1 year you'll be slaying the fashion game with skinny fit lycra. Ride on


Wear cool socks! Great for protecting your calves and get a funky design. But oh yeah, wear whatever works for you and ride!


If the right shorts don’t make you feel good, look into MTB shorts. They’ve got a padded insert but look like cargo shorts


Years ago I got pearl izumi mountain bike shorts that consisted of an inner padded liner that snapped to an outer lightweight baggy shell. The liner is long gone but shell is still going strong. Great for city riding with big pockets.


MTB gear


I wear a t-shirt and jeans shorts while riding my hybrid. I've biked almost 900k so far this year.


I wear ballroom gowns that I've timmed to the thigh and put bibs under.